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2019-2020年高中英语必修5Module2Period3:FunctionMakingdeductionaboutthepastPart One: Teaching DesignPeriod 3: FUNCTIONMaking deduction about the pastGoals To learn to making deduction about the pastProcedures Warming up by learning to “deduce” Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve? We can deduce a lot from what people choose to buy. The answer is deducible from the evidence available. He arrived at the solution by a simple process of deduction. If my deductions are correct, I can tell you who the killer was. We can examine the bones of dinosaurs and make deductions about how they lived.Making deduction about the past with modal verbs (degrees of certainty)As Swan (Practical English Usage (Oxford University Press, 1997), explains:One (of the meanings of modal verbs) is to do with degrees of certainty: modal verbs can be used to say for instance that a situation is certain, probable, possible or impossible. Modal verbs can be used to express these ideas about the past, present and future. The most definite degree of certainty can be expressed with will and wont, followed by must and cant/couldnt, should and shouldnt, may and may not, and might/could and mightnt, which express the least definite degree of certainty. All of these modal verbs can be used to talk about degrees of certainty in the past. Once more, will or wont expresses the most certainty, and might/could or mightnt the least certainty. Examples: That will have been Ted you saw - hes seven feet tall. It wont have been Sue you saw - shes blonde and is five feet tall. Notice that would and wouldnt can be used in the same way as will and would here: That would have been Ted you saw - hes seven feet tall. It wouldnt have been Sue you saw - shes blonde and is five feet tall. That must have been fun - you love dancing, dont you? It cant/couldnt have been much fun out on the boat - there were gale-force wind, I hear. (See grammar definitions). Where can they be? They should have been here a long time ago. Where can they be? They shouldnt have taken this long. She may have dropped by - we were out all morning. She may not have been able to see properly in the heavy rain. He might have had an accident! She mightnt have even known we were going to be here. Im absolutely sure!. They must have arrived yesterday, I saw their ticket. Are you joking! David cant have gone to Paris last week. He doesnt have enough money. The concert must have been wonderful last night. Fiore is a great conductor. John isnt here. Hes on assignment in Bali. So the person you spoke to this morning cant have been John. She might have taken the bus. Im not sure how she got to work. She might not have taken the bus. She might have walked home. Closing down by do a quiz1. Mr. Black didnt e to the office yesterday. He_ ill. a. can be b. must be c. must have been d. would be 2. Mr. Smith _ be in the office now. I saw him take a taxi just a moment ago. a. cant b. doesnt c. mustnt d. neednt3. Where_ in the past three years? a. had you gone b. have you gone c. did you go d. have you been4. Let us wait a little longer, _ ? a. shall we b. will you c. could we d. can you 5. Linda has lived here for a long time, so she_ the weather. a. used to b. get used to c. became used to d. is used to 6. She _ at home now, but Im not sure. a. maybe b. might be c. may have been d. might have been7. No one_ that to his face. a. dare to say b. dares say c. dares saying d. dare say8. Im sorry I _ to tell you I was ing. a. ought to phone b. should phone c. need to phone d. ought to have phoned9.Did you blame him for his mistake? Yes, but_ it. a. Id rather not have done b. Id rather not do c. Id better not do d. Id rather not doing10. At that moment she _ with her little sister at home. a. may play b. can play c. might be playing d. might be played11. You _ read that article if you dont want to. a. havent to b. cant c. mustnt d. neednt 12. Smith has not been to Beijing._. a. Neither is Mary b. Neither has Mary c. Neither does Mary d. Neither did Mary 13. A puter_ think for itself, it must be told what to do. a. cant b. couldnt c. may not d. might not 14. He left yesterday, so he _ in Beijing. a. may arrive b. may have arrived c. must arrive d. arrives15. It was so dark outside that he _. a. didnt dare to go out to fetch water b. dare not to go out to fetch water c. doesnt dare to go out to fetch water d. not dare to go out to fetch water16. You _ return the book now . You can keep it till next week if you like. a. mustnt b. do not have to c. havent d. cant17.The children asked whether they_ go for a swim. a. were able to b. can c. could d. may18.May I hand in my exercise book tomorrow? -No, you _. Today is the deadline. a. cant b. mustnt c. wont d. had better dont19. Post the letter for me, _ you ? a. dont b. will c. do d. shall20._ repeat the story? a. Shall I b. Will I c. Would you like me d. Do you allow me21.I think you had better _ to bed too late. a. dont go b. did not go c. not go d. are not22.This_ be a womans handkerchief. It_ be a mans. a. cannot; must b. cannot; may c. must not; can d. cant ; can23. The boss could hardly believe I could do as a man, _he? a. can b. cant c. could d. couldnt24. Now that you are suffering from toothache, youll _ go to see your dentist. a. must b. need c. have to d. should25. What has happened to Alice? Where is she?-I dont know. She _ lost.a. can have got b. must have got c. might be get d. can get26. There _ no hurry, need there? a. need be b. need to be c. doesnt need d. needs27. It_ rain soon, I think, for the sky is clouding over. a. must be b. should c. might d. can28. The news is so strange that you _ not believe it. a. have to b. will c. cant d. ought to29. He _ cook the meal yesterday, so he could not go to the cinema. a. must b. must have to c. has to d. cant be 30. I dont think Jim can speak Japanese, _? a. does he b. doesnt he c. can he d. cant he31. It is necessary that the results of the experiment_. a. should be checked b. must be checked c. can be checked d. will be checked32. The boys dont go but the girls_. a. dont b. do c. do too d. go 33. He said he didnt steal the money, but Im sure he_.a. had b. does c. did d. is34. You _ your lessons yesterday, but you didnt. a. had gone over b. should have gone over c. did go over d. would go over35. She used to get up at six, _ she? a. did b. does c. didnt d. had (Keys:1-5cadad;6-10bddac;11-15ababa;16-20bcaba;21-25cacab;26-30acbbc;31-35abcbc)


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