2019-2020年八上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARS Section C教学设计.doc

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2019-2020年八上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARS Section C教学设计.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARS Section C教学设计The main activities are 1a, 2a and 2c. 本课重点活动是1a、2a和2c。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:helpful, brave, a kind of, wife, care for, answer, duty, save, hate, herself, themselves2. Learn reflexive pronouns:(1) I taught myself on the Internet.(2) Did you enjoy yourself, Li Ming?(3) We can do exercise to build ourselves up.(4) Dongdong is washing himself.(5) Mother is sweeping the floor by herself. Teaching aids 教具录音机/图片/小黑板或幻灯片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案1. (教师出示小黑板或幻灯片上的电话内容,让学生编电话留言。)T: Please read this dialog and practice in pairs. Then write a telephone message according to this dialog.Dialog:A: Could I speak to Maria, please?B: Im sorry, but she isnt in. Do you want me to take a message?A: Yes. This is Tong. Our class will have a party at 7:00 p.m. on Friday. Please tell her to bring her camera.B: OK, Ill give her the message.2. (教师出示小黑板或幻灯片上的电话留言,让学生编电话对话。)T:There is a telephone message. Read it and then make a dialog according to the telephone message.Message:Jane,Maria called.Are you going to see a film this evening?If yes, can she go with you?Call her back.(同学两人一组合作练习,然后请几组表演对话。)T: Pair work. Please practice the dialog and then act it out.3. (讨论关于SARS问题,复习重要的语言知识点。为此课作铺垫。)T: Please answer these questions. (1) What do you know about SARS? (2) What should we do to keep SARS away from us?4. (谈论已掌握的关于Kangkang父亲的情况,激发学生进一步了解的兴趣,导入新课。)T:What do you know about Kangkangs father?S1:He is a doctor.S2:He works in the hospital.S3:He examines the patients every day.T:Is Kangkangs father very busy?S4:Yes, he is.T:What does he think of his work? Do you want to know?Ss:Yes. (导入1a。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)1. (让学生带着问题听1a录音,标出生词和重点词,并回答问题:康康的父亲对自己工作的看法。)T: Listen to 1a. Find out the key words and the new words, and then answer the question: What does Kangkangs father think of his work?(板书,画线部分是要掌握的生词。)doctor, helpful, brave, a kind of , disease, spread, took an active part in, leave his wife, care for, talk with, miss, answer, duty, save2. (让学生阅读1a,回答1b中的相关问题,并核对答案。)T:Read the passage again by yourself. Then answer the questions in 1b.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)1. (让学生根据关键词,尝试复述课文。)T: Close your books, and look at the key words on the blackboard and try to retell the passage.S1:Kangkangs father is a doctor, 2. (指导学生根据1a内容,讨论1c中的拓展问题,选两名同学汇报给大家。)T: Discuss the questions in 1c in groups.(请1-2名学生谈谈讨论结果。)3. (由医生的职业能为病人解除痛苦、带来欢乐,联想到医生能为我们医治身体上的痛苦,那么精神上的不快呢?通过问答引入本课目标语言中的内容反身代词。)T: When we are ill, doctors can help us and make us healthy and happy again. When something troubles us, what should I do? How can we make ourselves happy?S1: Sometimes I talk with my good friends.S2: I usually do sports.S3: I often listen to the music.S4: I like singing songs when I am unhappy.T:Who taught you?S4:I taught myself.(板书)ImymyselfT:Who taught her, do you know?S5:She taught herself.(老师可帮助学生回答。)(板书)sheherherselfT: S6 and S7, could you swim when you were ten years old?S6&S7:Yes, we could.T: Who taught you?S6&S7:We taught ourselves.(教师指点回答ourselves。)(板书)weourourselvesT: Look at the cat.(老师出示一只猫玩耍的图片。) It is having a good time now. We can also say, it is enjoying itself.(板书)ititsitself(用have a good time解释enjoy oneself。)T: S8, do you enjoy yourself at school?S8:Yes, I do.(板书)youyouryourself(教师出示一张两个学生从桌子上跌落下来的图片。)T: They fell and hit legs off a table. They hurt themselves.(板书)theythemthemselves(教师出示小黑板,用表格形式归纳总结反身代词。)Reflexive pronouns PersonNumberFirst PersonSecond PersonThird PersonSingularmyselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfPluralourselvesyourselvesthemselvesStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (让学生听2a录音,完成教师用小黑板或幻灯片出示的表格。教师板书并解释hate的意义及用法。)T: Listen to the tape and plete the table.NameHow did they spend their time at home?KangkangZhou WeilunYu TingLi Ming2. (让学生读对话2a,完成教师用小黑板或幻灯片出示的表格。) T: Please read the dialog by yourselves, then fill in the table.NameHow did they feel at home?KangkangZhou WeilunYu TingLi Ming3. (指导学生根据2a对话,完成2b。核对答案。)T:Match the names with the activities according to 2a. Then we will check the answers.4. (指导学生完成2c。核对答案。) T:plete the passage with the proper words in the box.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. (让学生四人一组完成小黑板上的调查表格。)NameHow did you spend your time last Sunday?How did you think about it?1234T: Make the survey in groups of four, then plete the table.2. (给学生两分钟时间进行准备,然后让他们描述他们的父母或老师的工作情况,并谈一谈对他们的工作的认识,使学生更加尊敬、热爱自己的父母和老师。)T: Tell what you think of your parents or teachers jobs.3. Homework:(1)把上面的汇报写成一篇短文。(2)把你所写短文中的相关内容讲给你的父母或老师听,让他们感受到你对他们的热爱和尊敬。板书设计:What should we do to fight SARS?Section Ctake an active part inIts my duty to save the patients.care for=take care ofLong time no see!talk withI taught myself on the Internet.think ofI had a good time. = I enjoyed myself.after classititsitselfteach oneself=learn by oneselfyouyouryourselfImymyselftheythemthemselvessheherherselfweourourselves


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