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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3AmazingpeopleThecurseofthemummyAims and requirements Read an article about a famous explorer and an article about a Chinese astronaut Listen to a list of requirements Talk about famous people and unknown places, and introduce a person Write a biographical article Interview a professionalProcedures Reading The curse of the mummyThe passage is about a famous explorer who, with the assistance of Lord Carnarvon, led a team to Egypt and made some unexpected discoveries in tombs. It still remains a mystery how one of his discoveries led to illness and death for many of his team members. Step 1: Leading-in1) Do you still remember something from our discussion on Egypt in Unit 1 and Unit 2? We talked about Toby traveling in Egypt and peoples curiosity about how the pyramids were built. Though we dont know exactly how people at that time built them, we are quite sure of one thing, that is, all the pyramids were built for kings and queens. They expected to be buried there after their death. In spite of the harsh conditions, the Egyptians created this wonder of the world with their hands. Its said the pyramids are as magnificent as a palace inside. 2) Have you ever read or thought about what is inside the pyramids? 3) Are there any people buried in them? 4) What do people nowadays call those buried in tombs?5) What are mummies and how are they made? 6) Apart from mummies, are there any treasures inside the tombs of the pyramids? 7) Have the tombs ever been robbed of treasures by people? 8) What happened to these people after they entered the tombs? 9) Were they rich overnight? 10)What may explain the disasters that happened to those people?Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas1. Pay attention to the Reading strategy first before skimming the passage. 1) The article you are going to read is about a famous explorer who worked in Egypt. Read the article and make connections between the title and the explorer. Use your imagination and express your opinions freely with each other.What might be the connections between The curse of the mummy and the famous explorer?Why does the writer choose The curse of the mummy as its title here? Do you think the title can grab your attention and arouse your interest?From your point of view, what might be dealt with in the following article? Can something like the explorers hobbies, his experiences of adventures, his achievements be covered in the article?2) Youve done a good job, expressing your opinions about the relationship between the title and the explorer and predicting the main contents of the article. Thats great. But to be more specific, can you anticipate what might be covered in the first paragraph of the article?3)Please read the first paragraph and discuss how the first paragraph agrees or disagrees with your predictions. Whats the first paragraph about? Is it the beginning of a story?What does the writer tell us about the explorer in the first paragraph?What words do you think are useful for you to predict the ideas included in the passage?Now you may find the first paragraph serves as a general introduction of Howard Carter, and please pay attention to the key words in the first paragraph on the blackboard: famous, brave, adventurous, amazing4) With the help of the key words, you may predict the content of the paragraphs that follow.What are the following paragraphs likely to do?Will they give specific examples to support the general description of Howard Carter?Exchange your ideas with your partners and then check your prediction by reading the following paragraph.5) Now lets focus on Reading strategy to review the skills of how to predict information in an article.2. Skim the passage and plete the three questions in Part A.AnswersA 1. The article is about a mummys curse. 2. The name of the Egyptian King was Tutankhamun. 3. They fell ill and died.Step 3: Detailed reading for important information1. Now please reread the passage and identify which statements are true and which are false. Then plete Part C1 on P44 individually.AnswersC1 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 F2. While reading please identify the relationships between these characters and try to retell the passage according to the following diagram.CharactersWho was he?What did he do?How did he die?George Goulda friend of Carnarvonvisited the tomba high feverLord Carnarvona British man interested in Egyptoffered Carter money to explore the mysterious;be present at the opened tomba feverHoward Cartera famous explorer especially for the discovery of King Tutankhamuns tombin 1891 set sail for Alexandria, Egyptby the 1920s searched for the tombs of the Egyptian kingsin 1922 found the tomb of King Tutankhamunseemed nothing to do with the tombRichard BethellCarters secretaryentered the tombheart trouble3. Words processing.Step 4: Post-reading activities1. interviewA-the spokesman of Howard CarterB-a journalistB will ask A the following questions:1) What kind of person do you think Howard Carter is? Why?2) To be a qualified explorer, what kind of personality do you think he/she should have?3) Do you think the personality of Howard Carter has had a positive effect on his discoveries?4) As for students, what sorts of personalities does a student have to possess?5) pared with the amazing persons such as Mother Teresa, Bill Gates, Beethoven, Zhang Heng, do you think Howard Carter is as great as them?6) Do you think the mummys curse really exists? Why?2. Write a summary about Howard Carter in a few sentences.3. Focus on Part F and make up a dialogue as the example shows. 4. Do with Parts A1 and A2 on page 96 in Workbook to get more familiar with the text and the words in it.AnswersA1 1. curious 2. emptying 3. examined 4. fresh 5. present 6. preserved 7. adventurous 8. resultedA2 1. died, death 2. discovered, discovery 3. breathing, breath 4. believe, belief 5. short, shortly 6. strangely, strange 7. explorers, exploring 8. full, fully5. Read Part A in Reading on page 100 in Workbook and answer the questions. Answers1. They cared about the stomach, lungs and liver because they put them in special bottles. They didnt care about the brain because they just threw it away.2. First, they removed the liver, stomach and lungs. Then they wrapped the body carefully and placed caps on the fingers and toes. They decorated the body before placing it in the tomb.3. Many mummies were taken by foreign explorers and people used them to make medicine.4. The Egyptians thought they would be questioned by their gods. If the gods were happy with a man, then he could begin his second life. Each hour of this second life was as long as the mans whole life on earth.5. He doesnt know if he could get a second life after being questioned by the gods.

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