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2019-2020年高中英语必修3Unit8ProtectingtheEnvironment(词汇)一 Key words1. lose.丢失;失败; 没赶上; 走的慢Lose ones balance失去平衡 ; lose his patient没治愈病人; lose patience 失去耐心; lose two sons失去两个儿子; lose heart失去信心; lose ones life 丧命; lose reason失去理智; lose ones way 迷路; lose a game/ battle输掉比赛; lose ones train/ bus错过车. Lose an opportunity失去机会; lose 10 seconds慢10秒2. bet.v.打赌。bet on sth.对-打赌Bet against sth打赌某事不可能发生I bet that he wont e我敢说他回来3. cattle /n.牛five head of cattle.五头牛4. reserve.v.保留;保存copyright reserves.保留版权They reserved themselves for the next battle.他们为了下一场战斗养精蓄锐5 .stillness.n.寂静;still.adj. still lake寂静的夜晚 / still night寂静的夜晚 / keep still一动不动/ stand still站着别动6.reduce.v减少reduce+by 表示减少了若干时用BYreduce to 表示减少到什么程度用TOthey reduced the price by 10 percent.They reduced the amount to 40 percent.7.destroy,表示破坏,往往是毁灭性的 damage是部分破坏,可以恢复the earthquake destroyed the ancient tower.They are repairing the damaged car.8.variety , plexityvariety.n.表示变化性,着重多样性 I want more variety in my food.plexity.意思是复杂性,着重某事物的组成部分相互关系,错综复杂。9.due to; owing to ; because of; thanks to这几个都表示,由于,用时要区分好.due to一般用做ADJ短语使用,而owing to一般为副词短语使用。如the population in this area is chiefly due to the development of some plastic industry.I am late owing to an accident.Thanks to由于,Thanks for为-而感谢Thanks to your help,we finished the task on time.Thanks for your kindness,and I will never forget you.because of比owing to更常用10.responsibility, duty.Responsibility.表示责任心,强调意义上应该尽的责任。He is not a man lacking in responsibility.他不是一个没有责任心的人。Duty.表示职责,责任,义务,表示依据法律,道德要求必须达到的义务,职责等。Every person has a duty to his country .we should put duty before pleasure.On duty值班Off duty 下班Do ones duty尽责

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