2019-2020年高考英语 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication复习学案 外研版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 Body Language and Non-verbal munication复习学案 外研版必修4 Aims:1. To learn another way of munication-body language2. To understand the different gestures in different countriesDifficult and main points The usage of the following phrases: more than on guard involve give awayTeaching StepsStep 1: ListeningT: Open your book and turn to page22. Today we are going to learn the “Reading and vocabulary” Lets see part 1There are four titles, read them and then close books. Listen to the tape carefully to see what the passage is about and choose the correct answer(Play the recorder 3 minutes)When it is over give the students 5 seconds to choose the best title. Then check the answer and ask the Ss to give the reasonT: Can you tell us the reason why you choose the first one/ the second /the third /the last?S: (a. b. c. d)Then give the right answer.-Greeting Around the WorldT: Now lets see Part 2.There are six sentences about the passage, read them quickly and listen to the tape again and decide which ones are true and which are falseListen, you should not only get the answers to the Part 2 , but also check the answer to Part 1(Play the tape again 3 minutes)After it finishes give the students 15 seconds to finish the questionsCheck the answersT: Who can give us the answers?S: (A.B.C.D)I dont tell you whether you are right or wrong lets go to the second step-Reading Step 2. Reading T: You have only 2 minutes to read the passage, while you are reading the passage you have two duties one is to check whether your answers in Part 2 are right and find out the right ones, the other is to find and underline the words in the box in Part 3( 2 minutes later)T: Now lets see Part 2 again. Who can give us the right answers and give the reasons and correct the false ones if necessary.S: (a. b. c. d)T: Please hands up if your answers are all right. (You are very good, the others dont be discourage, you can succeed, too if you keep working hard, listening and reading more) (检查阅读结果,表扬全对的同学,鼓励有错的,提高他们的积极性)T: OK. Now lets see the words in the box in Part 3. First read them after me (twice)T: Who would like to guess the meanings according to the context?(Help them if they cant)T: Now that you have known their meanings, choose them to fill the blanks. Pay attention to their forms ( 3 minutes )T: Now please discuss your answers in pairs and learn the reasons at the same time.Check the answersT: Read the passage carefully again and underline the difficult points you think, after you finish, discuss in pairs or in groups of four to try to solve them. ( 7 minutes )(Write the main points on the blackboard)T: Do you have any questions? If you have, hands up.T: Student1, please tell us your questions. S1: T: Now lets see who can answer his/her questions. ( If it is difficult for students, help them.) T: Look at the blackboard, please, lets see the points1. Although these are very important, we municate with more than just spoken and written wordsMore than: 意思:不仅是,远甚于Hibernation is more than sleep. It is a deep sleep. More than 还有其他用法,1) do more than do sth. = not only do sth. Teachers do more than teach us school lessons. They educate us to be useful persons.2) more than = not only or verya. Hearing the news, he was more than a little angry.b. I am more than satisfied with what you said.c. Dont force me to say more than I want to 2. Like other animals, we are on guard until we know it is safe to relax.On guard : 值班,当班,提防着The solider is on guard.Let us be on our guard against thieves.3. Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person, but theyinvolve the handsInvolve:涉及,包括This project involves a lot of work Dont involve other people in yours trouble.其他用法be involved in 包含在, 与有关, 被卷入All the children were involved in the school playHe was involved in working out a plan. be involved in trouble 4. People give away muchby their words Give away: 散掉, 给掉(钱财等), 泄露, 出卖 He gives away all his pictures. Dont give away the secret. He was given away by one of his panies.Step 3 Speaking ( 5minutes)T: Now we have known that body language can help us municate and there are different gestures in different countries. The same gesture has different meanings in different cultures.What gestures do you know and what are their meanings, would you like to tell us?T: First I give you two examples: Bow: to show respect Waving your hand: say hello to someoneSs: Step 4 MemorizingT: Now memorize the content of the passage. 板书设计1. More than Hibernation is more than sleep. It is a deep sleep.do more than do sth. = not only do sth.more than = not only or very1. On guard2. Involve be involved in 3. Give away课程设计思路:宏观设计:1. 学英语目的是听,说,读,写全面提高,本节课的设计主要围绕这一目的设计的,涉及听,说,读三个方面。2. 课程的改革提出要以学生为主体,进行探究式学习,本节课大部分活动是围绕学生来开展的。学生通过自学,讨论中解决疑问,教师只起一个指导作用。微观设计:Step One :该部分主要训练学生的听力。第一遍让学生带着一个简单的问题听,目的是让学生听出文章的大体意思。第二遍是听细节,针对所给的句子听课文判断对错,同时就所给第一部分的答案仔细听录音。待学生做完题后让学生给出答案,但老师并不纠正,让学生带着问题进入下一步。Step Two:阅读:第一遍略读,学生读的过程中既要找出上一题的正确答案还要划出第三部分方框里的词。读完后核对第二题的答案,对于错误的叙述给予纠正。然后朗读第三部分的单词,并根据上下文猜单词的意思,做该部分的练习题并核对答案。第二遍细读。阅读过程中找出问题,训练学生的自主学习的能力,带着问题学生进行讨论利用探究学习的方式提高学生的分析解决问题的能力。保留自己不懂得问题,然后在班上提出来,让别的小组的同学来回答,老师在其中帮助,起一个启发,引导的作用。老师补充说明几个学生没有涉及的问题和本课的重点。Step Three说:根据课文让学生回忆日常生活中的体态语以及表达的含义,自设情景予以表达Step Four最后用12分钟整理和记忆本课内容加深印象巩固课文。

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