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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2Workingtheland-TheFirstPeriodReading教案新课标人教版必修4课型设计与课时分配:The first period: ReadingThe second period Words and GrrmmarThe third period Extensive ReadingThe four period ListeningThe five period WritingThe six period SummaryThe First Period ReadingTeaching goals 1.Target Language a. 词汇和短语sunburn, struggle, super, expand, circulate, equip, export, ridof, be satisfied with, lead alife, search for, would rather, thanks to, with the hope of, rather thanb. 重点句子This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. P10He cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a fortable life. P10He also doesnt care about being famous. P10He feels it gives him less freedom to do his research. P10His other hobbies include playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. P10Wishing for things, however, costs nothing. P102. Ability goals Enable students to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming. By talking they can exchange their experience with each other. By reading they will realize the role that agriculture plays in human life. In fact this world faces a serious problem-starvation. So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man. Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble character.3. Learning ability goals Help students learn how to describe Dr Yuan Longping including his personality.A. Teaching important points1. Help to prehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.2.Grasp the usage of some words and expressions.3.How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.B. Teaching difficult points 1.How to help students learn more about agriculture.2.Help students really master the usage of words and expressions.C. Teaching aids A tape recorder, a projector and a puter.D. Teaching procedures & ways Step 1 Greeting and leading inlook at the two pictures on Page 9 and answer the questions:1. What are the people doing?2.Can you tell me something about rice?.Step 2 Warming up1.Discussion: (group work)Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it?Step 3 Pre-readingThe purpose of this step is to let students know the importance of rice. By answering the two questions, students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people, and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.1.What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?2. If you had the chance to do one thing to help end famine in the world, what would you do?Step 4 Fast ReadingThe purpose of fast reading is to let students find some useful information, and get familiar with the text. So in this step, teacher designs some questions for students, so that they can easily find the answers and finish the reading task.1. What does Dr Yuan look like?2. Whats his achievement?3. What do you think of him?Step 5 Careful Reading and Explanation1.Give students 3 minutes to read and find the main idea of the text. While students are doing this, teacher show the chart on the screen. After they have finished their task, ask them to look at the screen and fill in it.Show the chart on the screen. A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE1. He wants everyone to call him a farmer.2. His biography.3. His personality.4. His dreams.Five minutes later, teachers can ask some of them to fulfil the chart. They can use words, phrases, or sentences to do this. Here is a sample for teacher to refer to. A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE1. He wants everyone to call him a farmer.(1) A scientist works the land.(2) Sunburnt face and arms, slim, strong body.(3) Grow hybrid rice.(4) The first agricultural pioneer.2. His biography.(1) In 1931, born.(2) In 1953, graduated and devoted his life to finding ways to grow rice.(3) Last year, twenty billion tons of rice was produced. Now, Dr Yuan is circulating his knowledge.3. His personality.He is satisfied with his life. Because he doesnt like money and fame.4. His dreams.(1) The first dream.(2) The second dream.2.language points: 1)“for thats how he regards himself”.“how he regards himself”, means how he thinks of himself. It refers to a persons self-image .2) “has more, rather than fewer troubles.”?while “ has more, rather than fewer troubles” means that you expect fewer troubles but in face you get more than you thought you would.3) struggle v to make great effortse.g. They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy.Im struggling to finish the huge helping you gave me.4)sunburnt adj sun-tannede.g. His sunburnt skin looks healthy.5)super adj (infml) excellent; splendide.g. Youll like her, shes super.You look super in your new clothes.It was super of you to help.6) expand v(cause sth to) bee greater in size, number or importancee.g. Metals expand when they are heated. Why not try to expand your story into a novel?7)circulate v(cause sth to) pass from one person, place, etc to anothere.g. People who circulate false news are to be blamed. Yet reports of this kind have been circulated by our newspapers. The news of the enemys defeat quickly circulated round the town.7) equip vsupply sb/sth (with what is needed, for a particular purpose)e.g. Now all fishing boats are radio-equipped. They cant afford to equip their army properly. Please equip yourself with sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.9)export vsend(goods) to another country for salee.g. India exports tea and cotton to many different countries. This pany has a large home market but doesnt export.10) ridof make sb/sth free from(sb/sth unpleasant)e.g. We all wish that we would rid the world of famine.The farmer recently tried to rid the house of rats.11) lead a life, live a lifee.g. Now we are leading a happy life.In the old days farmers led a terrible life in the country.12) be satisfied with, be content withe.g. The young lady isnt satisfied with the peaceful life.Are you satisfied with his answers?13) would rather, prefer toe.g. Id rather walk than take a bus.Id rather you knew that now, than afterwards.Step 5 Listening and Post-readingAt first, let students listen to the tape, and then finish the exercise in prehending. In Step IV and V, we have involved some questions in Exercise 3, so teachers can choose some questions to do. For Exx 1 and 2, teachers can leave some time for students to finish and then check the answers with the whole class. Step 6 Summary and Homework Today we talked about agriculture. And we also read about Dr Yuan Longping. We have known much about the great scientist. OF course we have learned some words and expressions about farming. Please try to grasp these words and expressions after class. Now please look at the poem on the screen: Farmers weeding at noon, Sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray, Due to their toiling day. Do you know it? Read it and say whot does it mean? (Its 悯农 written by Li Shen.) The title is A HARD-WORKING FARMER. This is my gift to you. Please read it together. OK, hope you can remember it when you are having your dinners. Besides, Id like you to think: even if Dr Yuans dreams e true, can this really solve the starvation? Why? This is the homework. Think it over. Next time Ill ask some of you to give your opinion in the class. Another one is to finish the exercises in learning about Language. Exercise 1,2 and 3 are about useful words and expressions. Finish them.

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