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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习Unit3Inventorsandinventions课时作业新人教版选修(I).阅读理解A few weeks ago when I got closer to the classroom I heard laughter and drummingmy students obviously thought they had a free period! As I entered the classroom,the drumming stopped.“Good morning,Miss,” they tried to sound happy to see me;their faces were delighted but I knew this was not for me.“What are you all doing?” “Nothing,Miss.” Guilty eyes stared back at me.They pulled out books and sat and waited,but that_thing I had seen in their faces,that thing I had so hoped to bring with my teaching,that thing was slipping away now as they got ready for class.“Nothing? You were doing something.What?”There was quiet and I realized they thought I was angry.Eventually one of them said,“Columbus Day,Miss.You know,the day Columbus reached Trinidad with his ships.We are acting the Columbus Day play.”“Wait,you mean the same Columbus in the history? Christopher Columbus?”“Yes,Miss.”“But.well,we did that chapter in the book.You didnt answer my questions.” I felt my heart pounding hard.“Open the book,e,quick,” I was excited now.“Okay,so who is taking part in the play? e to the front.Lets act out this play.”“Miss,you said to open the book.Were not going to read?”“I will read,you will act and you will drum and you will see how the chapter and the play work together.”The students stared at me as if I were crazy.“Miss,for real?”“Yes,for real!”Had I hit upon something here? There was something I hadnt seen beforethese facesexcited,smiling,alive.These faces were what I dreamed of! One week later I gave the students the same questions on Columbus that few had passed the first time and this time more than half the class passed!From this experience,I came to recognize that books are enough for some students,but for others life,as they know,has little to do with whats in the book unless they see a corelation.1What were the students doing when the author got closer to the classroom?AThey were having a break.BThey were acting a play.CThey were throwing a party.DThey were reading history books.2What does “that thing” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AGuilt and regrets.BDisappointment.CInterest and passion.DSatisfaction.3What did the author ask the students to do in the class?APerform a play about Columbus.BRetell the story of Columbus Day.CRead one chapter in the book aloud.DAnswer questions based on the book.4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AThink Outside the BookBAn Unforgettable ExperienceCEducationthe Key to IgnoranceDA Special Celebration of Columbus Day答案:解题导语学生们的学习不仅仅在于课本,通过活动把生活与书本联系起来或许会让孩子们表达出自己的兴趣和热情,展露发自内心的笑容。1B解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句We are acting the Columbus Day play.可知,他们正在表演。故选B项。2C解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段的.but that thing I had seen in their faces, that thing I had so hoped to bring with my teaching, that thing was slipping away now as they got ready for class.和第一段的their faces were delighted but I knew this was not for me.可知,学生们在老师不在的时候会笑得开心,而上课时是没有的;同时文章第九段提到,老师在宣布让大家表演的时候,学生们的脸上又露出了兴奋和充满活力的微笑,由此可推断that thing指的是“由内而发的兴趣和热情”。故选C项。3A解析:细节理解题。根据第六段中的e to the front. Lets act out this play.可知,老师让学生们表演有关哥伦布的戏剧。故选A项。4A解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者在某节课上没有讲书本中的内容,而是让学生们表演,却收到了意想不到的效果;且根据文章最后一句.I came to recognize that books are enough for some students, but for others life, as they know, has little to do with whats in the book unless they see a corelation.可知,本文强调书本之外的生活和思考。故选A项。B项太过宽泛;C、D两项偏离主题。.完形填空xx西北工业大学附中适应性训练It was the first morning of the New Year and the weather was very cold.I have always been an early bird and my morning walks have been the _1_ for the last 7 years,so I put on my shoes to_2_for my first walk of the New Year. There was plete _3_ outside.Litter could be seen everywhere.It seemed that everyone had an allnight _4_.It was too cold to _5_anyone to be awake to clear all the walkways at 5 in the morning.I was _6_ to walk on the dirty walkways and decided to go back home.I was about to leave_7_ I saw Sam cleaning the garden.He is an employee of our society association and is _8_to take care of the walkways and the garden.I walked up to Sam as it was a(an)_9_ to see him there cleaning at this time.He saw me and politely_10_ me,“Happy New Year! ”“How e you are here and doing all this on the very first day of a new year?” I asked.Sam answered_11_,“It is the first day of the year so they should feel good and special.For me,today is like any other _12_day and my job starts with the_13_.” It was good to see someone so_14_at heart.Like other staff members,Sam could have taken a day _15_,but he woke up early and came for all of us.I suddenly realized life does not _16_ when the clock strikes twelve at midnight and a New Year begins.We _17_ all night,the surround is dirty.Life goes on and others need to _18_ up early and clear the garbage.Isnt the very next morning a new day of a New Year for all those who clear our garbage? Why cant we also keep our _19_ clean so that everyone can have a New Year the very next day? It is true that small things can make a big _20_ in our lives.1A.manner BtrendCroutine Dprocedure2A.look BsendClong Dhead3A.waste BfreedomCsilence Dabsence4A.celebration BtraditionCdecoration Dpollution 5A.order BexpectCtrust Dcatch6A.tired BscaredCpuzzled Dannoyed7A.because BthoughCunless Dwhen8A.advised BpromotedCsupposed Ddetermined9A.pleasure BsuccessCsurprise Dhonour10A.suggested BwishedCasked Dcongratulated11A.coldly BhopefullyCcasually Dcalmly12A.dirty BnarrowCbusy Dcold13A.beginning BsameCspecial Dnew14A.devoted BcautiousChonest Dpolite15A.over BoutCup Doff16A.change BimproveCreturn Dhappen17A.sleep BpartyCwork Dclean18A.put BstayCwake Dpick19A.surroundings BconditionsCbackground Dlocation20A.decision BdifferenceCpromise Dsuggestion答案:解题导语作者在新年的早晨出来散步,遇到社区协会的员工萨姆清理街道,让作者心生温暖。1C解析:根据空后的for the last 7 years可知,作者习惯早起已经七年了,所以早晨散步成了惯例。manner意为“方式;态度;举止”;trend意为“趋势;动向”;routine意为“常规;惯例”;procedure意为“程序;步骤”。故选C项。2D解析:早晨散步成了作者的惯例,因此在新年的第一天,作者依然去散步。head for意为“(朝)前进;(向)去”,符合语境。故选D项。look for意为“寻找”;send for意为“派人去请”;long for意为“渴望”。3C解析:根据该段第四句提到的时间at 5 in the morning可知,早晨5点钟外面应该是寂静的。waste意为“浪费”;freedom意为“自由”;silence意为“寂静;沉默”;absence意为“不在;缺席”。故选C项。4A解析:根据前一句Litter could be seen everywhere.“垃圾遍地都是。”及下文的New Year可知,此处指“庆祝”新年。celebration意为“庆祝活动;庆祝会”;tradition意为“传统”;decoration意为“装饰物;装饰”;pollution意为“污染”。故选A项。5B解析:根据下文的at 5 in the morning可知,早晨5点天气太冷了所以不指望会有人来打扫街道。order意为“命令;订购”;expect意为“期望;预料”;trust意为“信任”;catch意为“抓住”。故选B项。6D解析:根据下文的to walk on the dirty walkways and decided to go back home可知,走在脏乱的街道上作者肯定很恼怒(annoyed)。故选D项。tired意为“困倦的;累的”;scared意为“害怕的”;puzzled意为“困惑的”。7D解析:句意:我正要离开时突然看见萨姆在打扫花园。be about to.when.意为“某人正要做某事,突然”,为固定句型,when在此为并列连词。故选D项。8C解析:萨姆是社区协会的一名雇员,而他出现在这条街道上,所以他应是负责打扫这几条人行道和这个花园。be supposed to do sth.意为“应该做某事”,符合语境。故选C项。advise意为“建议”;promote意为“促进;增进”;determine意为“确定;决定”,均不符合语境。9C解析:上文讲到清晨5点大街上没有人,再根据下一段作者的问话How e you are here and doing all this on the very first day of a new year?可知,作者认为这个时间看到萨姆在这里打扫卫生真是一件令人吃惊的事(surprise)。故选C项。pleasure意为“快乐;乐事”;success意为“成功”;honour意为“光荣;荣誉;敬意”。10B解析:根据空后的Happy New Year!可知,此处是萨姆在祝愿(wished)作者新年快乐。故选B项。suggest意为“建议”;ask意为“问;要求”;congratulate意为“祝贺”。11D解析:根据萨姆回答的内容可知,此处指他平静地(calmly)回答。故选D项。coldly意为“冷漠地”;hopefully意为“充满希望地”;casually意为“随便地;漫不经心地”;calmly意为“平静地”。12A解析:虽然是新年的第一天,但萨姆并未觉得不同,还是和任何其他脏乱的一天一样。根据常识也可知,未打扫街道前,街道应该是脏的。dirty意为“脏的”;narrow意为“窄的”;busy意为“忙碌的”;cold意为“冷的”。故选A项。13B解析:此处指萨姆的工作和每天一样从做相同的(same)事开始。故选B项。14A解析:萨姆在新年的第一天就早早来打扫街道,作者认为这是发自内心的奉献精神。devoted意为“投入的;奉献的”;cautious意为“小心的;谨慎的”;honest意为“诚实的”;polite意为“有礼貌的”。故选A项。15D解析:像其他的员工一样,萨姆本来可以休息一天的。take a day off为固定搭配,意为“休假一天”,符合语境。故选D项。16A解析:根据第18空前的Life goes on.“生活还在继续”可知,生活并没有变化(change)。句意:我突然意识到钟声敲响十二下新年到来时,生活并没有改变。improve意为“改进”;return 意为“归还”;happen意为“发生”。故选A项。17B解析:根据第4空的It seemed that everyone had an allnight_4_.可知,此处指人们一夜狂欢,而周围却一片狼藉。party 在此作动词,意为“开派对”。故选B项。18C解析:此处与上文“我们一夜狂欢”形成对比,指其他人却需要早起清理垃圾。put up意为“张贴;举起;建造”;stay up意为“熬夜”;wake up意为“醒来”;pick up意为“捡起;(无意中)学会”。根据语境可知选C项。19A解析:根据第17空后的the surround is dirty可知,此处指保持环境(surroundings)干净。故选A项。condition意为“条件”;background意为“背景”;location意为“位置;场所”。20B解析:细小的事也能对我们的生活产生很大的影响。make a difference意为“有影响;起作用”,符合语境。故选B项。.语法填空xx衡水中学高三调研Switzerland is famous 1._its watches.However,this country didnt invent the watch.It was the British who did it.Here is a story of how the watch 2._ (bring) to Switzerland.Many years ago,3._Englishman traveled to Italy and on his way he stopped in a small town 4._(call)Geneva in Switzerland.This Englishman traveled in a carriage inside which there was a carriage watch.This was the 5._(early) kind of watch.A Blacksmith happened to see the watch.He wondered what it was 6._ asked the Englishman about it.“It is a carriage watch,”answered the man.“This machine can tell the time but now 7._ isnt working.”At once the man offered to try repairing it.So the 8._ (travel) handed him the watch.The man was very clever.It was easy for him 9._ (repair)it.He even remembered how it was made.And he made a watch of 10._(exact) the same type.答案:解题导语瑞士以手表而著名,但是很少人知道,最早发明手表的却是英国人。本文讲述了手表是怎样从英国被带到瑞士的。1for解析:考查介词。句意:瑞士因手表而著名。be famous for.意为“因而著名”,为固定搭配,故填for。2was brought解析:考查动词的时态和语态。句意:这里的故事讲述了手表是如何被带到瑞士的。分析句子结构可知,此处应用谓语动词,这件事发生在过去,所以要用一般过去时;且the watch和bring之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填was brought。3an解析:考查冠词。句意:许多年前,一位英国人到意大利去旅行,中途在瑞士一座名叫日内瓦的小镇停了下来。Englishman是可数名词,此处泛指一个人,所以用不定冠词;Englishman的读音以元音音素开头,故填an。4called解析:考查非谓语动词。句意见上一题解析。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词作定语修饰a small town;a small town和call之间是被动关系,故填过去分词called。5earliest解析:考查比较等级。句意:这是最早类型的表。本文是讲述手表的来历,所以此处应是在说最早的表,结合空前的the可知应用最高级。故填earliest。6and解析:考查连词。句意:他想知道这是什么,所以就问那个英国人。此句中wondered和asked是并列的两个谓语动词,而且是顺承关系,故填并列连词and。 7it解析:考查代词。句意:这个机器可以显示时间,但是它现在坏了。根据句意可知,此空应指代上文提到的this machine,故填it。8travel(l)er解析:考查词性转换。句意:所以这位旅行者把表递给了他。根据上文内容可知,此处应是指那位英国人,第二段第一句话交代他是去意大利旅行,所以也可以称之为旅游者,故填表示人的名词travel(l)er。9to repair解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:修理那块表对他来说很容易。此句中第一个it是形式主语,后常用动词不定式作真正的主语。It is adj.for sb. to do sth.为固定句型,意为“做某事对某人来说是的”。故填to repair。10exactly解析:考查词性转换。句意:他做出了一块类型完全一样的表。exactly the same意为“完全一样”,为固定搭配,故填exactly。.短文改错xx河南郑州一中教育集团一联For students learning instruments,summer is always a “music season”During vacation times,we are always busy attending variously lessons,taking exams and participating in petitions.This summer I joined a music petition but was lucky to get the second place.It was the first time that I had played on the stage in front of such many people.I felt very upset at first,but the encourage from my teacher keeps me going ahead.Surprising,I was given the silver medal,that increased my confidence.If we try our best to get ahead,we will be able to achieve what we desire and deserve it.

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