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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1CulturalrelicsSection课时作业新人教版.阅读理解The River Bank Creative Writing GroupWe are based in Brooklyn, New York. We started our munity (社区) organization in the fall of xx. In the years since then, We have brought creative writing into the lives of many local people. We start by teaching the very basics of creative writing. Then we can develop a program that is unique (独特的) to your skills and goals. This can focus on (专注于) writing short stories, poetry, plays, or anything else that interests you.So what exactly do we offer? Well, our creative workshops are known for their quality. Our teachers include writers and editors (编辑) that have experience in writing creatively. We also have guest speakers who e once a week and share their own advice and experience. These are usually published (有作品出版的) authors who have achieved success in the field of creative writing.We have achieved some great results at the River Bank Creative Writing Group, In xx, one of our earliest students had their first novel published. They have since gone on to enjoy two further publications and are known worldwide. In xx, another of our writers had their first poetry collection published. Thousands of our other writers have appeared from our classes as skilled creative writers.Our classes will be helpful to you whether you write as a hobby or you dream of being a published author. It has never been easier to unlock the creativity inside yourself. If you have an interest in creative writing, then call us. If you are among the first ten people who call us today, youll save a lot of money on your courses.【文章大意】本文是应用文。文章是来自一家写作机构的宣传广告。1According to the text, the writing group _.A. was set up five years agoB. is mainly for young writersC. offers many writing coursesD. will soon move to New York解析:C细节理解题。由第一段中的we can develop a program . writing short stories, poetry, plays, or anything else that interests you可知,该机构提供多种写作课程,故选C项。2What is the third paragraph mainly about?A. The art of creative writing.B. The success of the writing group.C. Different types of writing styles.D. The teachers at the writing group.解析:B段落大意题。由该段中的We have achieved some great results at the River Bank Creative Writing Group以及所给的例子可知,本段主要是讲该机构所取得的成就,故选B项。3What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To show the advantages of creative writing.B. To persuade successful writers to be guest speakers.C. To introduce the history of the creative writing group.D. To encourage people to take the writinggroups classes.解析:D写作目的题。由最后一段中的Our classes will be helpful to you和If you have an interest in creative writing, then call us可知,本文旨在鼓励人们报名参加该写作机构的课程,故选D项。BI was nine when I arrived at the Childrens Home in Nashua, New Hampshire, in 1965. I failed third grade that year, just made it through a second time, and had managed to finish fourth grade by the time I reached Pauline Jambards fifthgrade class at Charlotte Avenue Elementary School.I was convinced (使信服) I wasnt “smart” like the other kids, and I hoped I could make it through fifth grade. Ms. Jambard took a great liking to me. Of all the subjects in school, reading was my favorite. She would tell me, “Terry, you keep reading. If you can understand what youre reading, youll be smarter than most kids.” After I read all the books in our program, I started reading the classrooms set of Encyclopaedia Britannica (大英百科全书). I couldnt find enough to read, and I started to really like school.After I graduated from Ms. Jambards class in 1969, my brother and I moved, and I lost all touch with my teacher. In 1983, I was on a business trip and had to drive through Nashua. I took a chance and dropped by Charlotte Avenue Elementary. I was walking toward her classroom when she came out in the hallway and said, “Terry!” It was as if I had never left. I_was_in_seventh_heaven on my way home.We have stayed in touch, and I call Ms. Jambard at least once a year. Because of the confidence she gave me, I went on to have a successful career (事业) in engineering. I dont know if Ms. Jambard realizes how much she helped me, but Ill never forget her kindness and faith in me.【文章大意】本文是记叙文。作者主要讲述了自己在Jambard老师的鼓励下逐渐走向成功的经历。4How did the author probably feel about the subjects in third grade?AThey were very easy.BThey were quite difficult.CThey were very interesting.DThey were pletely useless.解析:B推理判断题。由第一段中的I failed third grade that year, just made it through a second time可知,对于三年级的那些科目,作者应该是感觉很难,故选B项。5When the author was in fifth grade, he _.Abecame the smartest kid in his classBread a lot and wrote his first bookCfollowed Ms. Jambards adviceDdid well in all the subjects解析:C细节理解题。由第二段中的Ms. Jambard对作者所说的Terry, you keep reading和After I read all the books in our program . I couldnt find enough to read可知,作者听从了Jambard老师的建议,故选C项。6By saying “I was in seventh heaven”, the author means that _.Ahe was really worriedBhe was very happyChe had an accidentDhe lost the way解析:B推理判断题。由第三段内容可知,1969年到1983年期间,作者再也没有和Jambard老师联系过,这么多年过去了,当Jambard老师突然看到自己时居然还能叫出名字,这让作者感到非常高兴,故选B项。7What would be the best title for the text?AThe teacher who raised me upBMs. Jambard: a lifelong friendCCharlotte Avenue Elementary SchoolDMy early life in the Childrens Home解析:A标题归纳题。作者通过本文主要讲述了自己在Jambard老师的鼓励下逐渐走向成功的经历,从而表达了对于老师的感激,故用A项作为标题最恰当。CWhat do the following places have in mon: the Serengeti Desert, Edinburghs Old Town and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve?The Serengeti Desert is in Tanzania and Kenya, Africa. It contains (包含) thousands of kilometers of dry grasslands and many rare kinds of animals.Edinburghs Old Town is in the capital city of Scotland. It has many old buildings and streets. There are very few new buildings in Edinburghs Old Town.The Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve is near Mexico City in Mexico. It has beautiful flowers and forests. It is also the home of millions of butterflies in the winter.These three places are very different. But they are all under special protection by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织). They are World Heritage Sites.The story of World Heritage Sites begins more than 3,000 years ago. At that time, the great king of Egypt built many temples. But after thousands of years, sand covered them.Stories tell of a young boy named Abu Simbel who found the temples. One day, Abu Simbel saw something under the sand. Soon, the ancient temples of Ramses were officially rediscovered. But they were not safe. The government of Egypt planned to build a dam on the Nile River. It would create a large lake, which would cover the temples in water.Many people did not want the temples destroyed. UNESCO agreed and raised 40 million dollars from around the world to save the temples. From 1964 to 1968, engineers took the temples apart in many pieces and rebuilt them hundreds of meters back from the Nile River. Today, they are called the Abu Simbel Temples, in memory of the young boy who first found them.The effort to save the Abu Simbel Temples was a success. So in 1972, UNESCO formed the World Heritage mittee, which protects places on the earth that are of great cultural or natural value.Any country in the world can ask for protection from UNESCO. The countries send a list of places to the World Heritage mittee. Once a year, the World Heritage mittee meets and votes on which places to protect. When they choose a place, it officially bees a World Heritage Site.【文章大意】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了世界文化遗产名录的相关背景知识。8Whats special about Edinburghs Old Town?AIt has no new buildings.BIts a World Heritage Site.CIts in the capital city of Scotland.DIt has the oldest streets in the world.解析:B细节理解题。根据第五段中的They are World Heritage Sites可知,Edinburghs Old Town的特别之处在于它被列入了世界文化遗产名录。9The young boy Abu Simbel _.Agrew up to be a great engineerBtook part in building the templesClived in Egypt about 3,000 years agoDwas the first to discover the hidden temples解析:D细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中的Stories tell of a young boy named Abu Simbel who found the temples和倒数第三段中的the Abu Simbel Temples, in memory of the young boy who first found them可知,Abu Simbel是第一个发现那些寺庙的人。10How did people save the temples of Ramses ?ABy storing their pieces away.BBy keeping them under the sand.CBy moving them to a much safer place.DBy preventing the government building the dam.解析:C推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的engineers took the temples apart in many pieces and rebuilt them hundreds of meters back from the Nile River可知,Ramses(拉美西斯二世,古埃及的国王名)寺庙被移到了一个安全的地方。11The last paragraph mainly deals with _.Ahow a World Heritage Site is chosenBwhy the World Heritage mittee was formedChow often the World Heritage mittee worksDwhy countries ask for protection from UNESCO解析:A段落大意题。最后一段中的send a list和meets and votes等信息向我们展示了世界遗产委员会是如何选出可以被列入世界文化遗产名录的遗产的,故A项符合段意。.七选五Culture shock has many stages. Each stage can appear only at certain times. In the first stage, everything is new and exciting. New arrivals may be pleased by all the new things around them. _1_Afterwards, the second stage presents itself. A person may go through some difficult times in daily life. _2_ This happens when a person is trying to fit in with a new culture. It is a difficult process and takes time to plete.The third stage is featured by gaining some understanding of the new culture. _3_ The new arrival may not feel lost any more. The person begins to learn more about the new culture and wants to belong to it.In the fourth stage, the person gradually realizes that the new culture has good and bad things to offer. This process is often acpanied (伴随) by a much stronger feeling of belonging. _4_The fifth stage is the stage that is called the “reentry shock”. _5_ One may find that things are no longer the same. For example, some of the newly acquired customs are not in use in the old culture.These stages are present at different times and each person has his/her own way of reacting in the stages of culture shock. As a result, some stages will be longer and more difficult than others.A. This time is called the “honeymoon” stage.B. The person starts to establish goals for living.C. Luckily, this often es to an end fairly soon.D. A new feeling of pleasure may be experienced.E. municating with others is a good way to start.F. This happens when a return to the homeland is made.G. In this stage, there may be feelings of sadness and helplessness.【文章大意】本文是说明文,话题是社会文化类。文章简要介绍了文化冲击的五个阶段。解析:1A根据前一句可知,新来者对于他们周围的新事物感到很喜欢、很满意,因此人们把这个阶段称为“蜜月期”。2G空格前提到在这个阶段,人们在生活中可能会经历一些困难,由此可以推知,人们可能会有伤心和无助的感觉。3D通读本段可知,本段讲到在这一阶段,人们开始从第二阶段的迷茫和无助中走出来,去适应异国的文化。这时,人们可能会有一种新的愉悦感。4B根据空格前的a much stronger feeling of belonging可知,这里说人们为了追求在异国的归属感而开始建立生活目标,努力奋斗。5F本段主要讲的是回到自己的祖国时受到的文化冲击,故答案选F。

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