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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2TheOlympicGamesGrammarTheSixthPeriodWriting教学案新人教版必修2Target language Teaching Goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词和词组 disqualify, remove, relax, pete against, e byb. 重点句子 1. Ive already been disqualified by jumping from the wrong place.2. I will be removed form the petition.2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to write a report about the interview for a newspaper. 3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help the Ss to write a report about the interview for a newspaper.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点Enable the Ss to write the report about interview for a newspaper.Teaching methods教学方法Tasked-based teaching methodTeaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision and lead-inCheck the homework.Ask some Ss to show their plan on the projector. The whole class will check it together T: What spirit impresses you most in the sports games?S: The sportsmens determination and perseverance impresses me most in the sports games.T: Yes! Today we will know 3 special sportsmens story which will give us a deep impression.Step II ReadingT: First read the report about interview for a newspaper and pay attention to the organization.After a few minutes,T: Who can the organization of this article?S: First, we should have the heading of newspaper report. Then we will write he situation and the next we will write the first happening and the second happening. Finally, we will write the result.T: Good! This organization can help us to write a good report about interview for a newspaper.Step III Writing T: Suppose you are a coach, and you are coaching a student to prepare for a ing petition. He has practiced for some days. You need to write a report to tell him what he needs to practice to improve further. Now talk about the form and discuss them with your team members.Five minutes later,T: I will give you a sample.Sample formInformationReport on training for the three-event petitionName Zhao LiyuanAge15Sports chosen Running ,long jump ,table tennisFirst sport Good pointsBad pointsrunningThe speed is OK at first.His fast speed cant last long.Second sportGood pointsBad pointslong jumpHe has mastered the basic skills and can jump long.He cant stand steadily.Third sportGood pointsBad pointstable tennisHe is skilled in dealing with unexpected situation.Sometimes he is too nervous.General opinionHe is good at table tennis, but for running and long jump, there is some to be improved.T: Now write a report with suitable expressions according to what you have discussed just now.Ten minutes later.T: Who would like to read the report?S: I want to read my report before class. What does Zhao Liyuan need to practice to improve further?Zhao Liyuan, 15 years old this year, will pete in running, long jump and tabletennis in the ing petition. For each sport, he has both some advantages and disadvantages. In running his speed is OK at first, but his fast speed cant last long. In long jump, he has mastered the basic skills and can jump long, but he cant stand steadily when landing. In table tennis, he is skilled in dealing with unexpected situation, but sometimes he is too nervous. In all, he is good at table tennis, but for running and long jump, there is much to be improved.Step IV Project (This can be as homework)T: You have been given a lot of money to develop a sport of your choice. You have to choose the equipment you will need and design an area where it can be stored and you can play your game. You can refer to the example on Page54.Suggested project

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