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2019-2020年高中英语Unit14lesson1YourChoice教学指导北师大版必修5Objectives To practise reported requests and orders. To practise using personality vocabulary.Resources usedGrammar Summary 3.Possible problemsThere may be three problems for students when reporting what has been said: they may have problems with the question form, the backshifting of the verbs and the changing of pronouns in some cases.BackgroundThe job questionnaire is based on psychological analysis of different character types:A: People good at dealing with other people (helpful, patient,generous). Ideal jobs are doctor, nurse, teacher, and social worker.B: Practical people (reliable, organised, logical, careful). Ideal jobs are accountancy, puters, machines, working with plants or animals.C: Creative people (emotional, creative, flexible). Ideal jobs are journalist, designer, artist, writer.D: Dynamic people (strong, confident, motivated). Ideal jobs are directors, leaders, managers.Routes through the materialIf you are short of time, set Exercise 7 for homework and omit Exercise 10.If you have time, do the Options activities.If you have two periods for this lesson, a suitable natural break is after Exercise 6.ReadingBefore you startExercise 1careful, creative, reliable, confident, emotional, flexible, generous,helpful, logical, motivated, organised, patient Read the Key Words with the class. Students then choose three adjectives to describe themselves. Students tell their partners their adjectives and see if their partner agrees that these words describe them.Read to learnExercise 2 Working individually, students read the questionnaire and decide what they would do in the situations.Exercise 3 Students read the key to the questionnaire on page 91 and decide if the description fits their personality and if they would like to do the suggested jobs. Students work in pairs paring their results of the test and exchanging ideas about the description of personalities and suggested jobs. Some students then share their ideas with the class.Language Power: the Word Corner on page 67 practisesVocabulary (jobs and qualities)GrammarREPORTED SPEECH (I)Exercise 4 Read the first section of the questionnaire with the class (“A friend is having a problem ”). Draw students attention to the reported request which is the first item in the exercise. Read the example sentences with the class and pare them with the reported speech (verb forms, pronouns). Students then work in pairs, referring back to the questionnaire and doing the exercise. When checking answers, point out that there is not just one correct answer but there may be several ways the person could have said the sentence.Suggested answers2 Dont worry! / Dont worry, please.3 Listen everybody. Dont panic.4 I want you to repair an old bridge.5 Will you perform a short play?Exercise 5 Ask students to read aloud peoples actual words and the corresponding reported requests to see how the pronouns change.Exercise 6 Students work in pairs, referring back to the text and pleting the table.Answersask/tell/order somebody + infinitive (to + verb)ask/tell/order somebody + not + infinitive (to + verb) Refer students to Grammar Summary 3 to study at home.Exercise 7 Do the first item with the class. Then have students work individually pleting the exercise. Students pare their answers in pairs, before checking answers as a class. Draw students attention to the change of pronouns.Answers1 to lend him a pen2 not to park on the pavement (because its forbidden)3 to be quiet4 to give her a lift home/if he could give her a lift home5 not to dye her hair6 to read the text and answer the questionsExercise 8 Read the example item with the class. Students then work in pairs, rewriting the instructions starting with “Tell”. Check answers by having students read out each pair of sentences.Answers2 Tell John to move Peters desk to room 308.3 Tell him not to start redecorating the office before the end of the month.4 Tell him he has to pick up Mr Jensen from the airport on the 24th.5 Tell Mary not to send the contracts off before I e back.6 Tell her to prepare the information I need for my presentation.Exercise 9 Read the example sentence with the class. Draw studentsattention to the use of the pronoun “them” (not “me”/ “him”/“her”) and tell students to use “they”/ “them” in the rest of the exercise. As a whole class, students work through the leaflet, reporting each piece of advice. When checking answers, tell students that different verbs are acceptable as the reporting verb.AnswersThe leaflet tells people to be kind and co-operative/not to share very personal information/not to try and make friends with the boss/to listenrather than speak and learn as much as possible about the job and the pany/to work hard and not spend too much time chatting or resting/to keep their desk tidy at all times/not to argue with anyone.Language in UseExercise 10 Read the example sentence with the class and point out that a reason for the instruction is given. Ask students to follow this pattern in the rest of the exercise, giving an order, then giving a reason for it. Students work in pairs discussing what the senior officer will tell his partner to do in each situation. Check answers as a class. Accept different reasons for the instruction in each situation.Suggested Answers2 Tell the boy not to drink the lake water; its polluted.3 Tell the boys not to leave their empty cans on the grass or throw them in the lake; its dangerous to do that.4 Tell the couple not to put up a tent; its forbidden to camp here.5 Tell the girl not to swim here; its very deep.6 Tell the couple not to light a bonfire; the grass is dry and they couldExtensionStudents form groups of four. Each student thinks of advice or requests that they would like to give to each of the other group members. They then work in groups, taking turns to receive the advice or requests from the others. When they all finish, students work individually, recalling the advice and requests they have received and writing them down in the reported speech, e.g. Li Ling asked me to lend her somemoney. Students then work in groups again, taking turns to read out their sentences.

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