2019-2020年高中英语 指导与分级阅读 Unit4 Global warming练习 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 指导与分级阅读 Unit4 Global warming练习 新人教版选修6话题指南 本话题涉及全球气候的异常变化、引起这些变化的原因、著名科学家对异常气候的分析以及人类在应对全球气候变化中所采取的措施。全球变暖是一个范围很广的话题。这方面我们既会读到一些现在气候的文章,也会读一些过去全球气候正常或者异常的文章,以与现在的气候形成对比。科学家对气候的分析是我们这个话题的常见文章。此类文章一说明文为主,也会有少数的记叙文。说明文多是介绍气候变化的成因已经变化过程,也会出现一些科学性的分析。此类话题文章的难度较大,文章中会出现一些平时我们没有接触过的科技名词或者动词。另外科技发明及其在现实中运用的说明也是我们理解中的难点。话题常见单词、短语和句型1. renewable (能再生的), greenhouse (绿室), phenomenon (现象), fuel (燃料), quantity (数量), data (数据), catastrophe (大灾难), flood (洪水), drought (干旱), famine (饥荒), conseqence (后果), tendency (趋向), average (平均的), pollution (污染), low-carbon (低碳)2. e about (产生), go up (上升), result in (导致), keep on (继续), on the whole (总体上), put up with (忍受), be up against 面临;面对3. The morethe more, It is only 分级阅读Part I 完形填空 (Cloze Test) 1. 模拟样题抢先看 (First analysis of NMET) 主题:全球变暖 (Topic: Global warming) 2. 试题自己测测看 (Test yourself) 主题:拯救地球上的生物(Save the animals and plants in the world)Part II 阅读理解 试题自己测测看 (Test yourself)基础篇(Basic articles) A 全球变暖带来的危害 (Harm brought by global warming) B 人类的活动与全球变暖(Humans activities and global warming) 拔高篇 (Advanced articles) A. 岩土工程(Geoengineering)B. 全球变暖的起因(What causes global warming )C. 垃圾回收(Waste recycling)试题自己测测看开始时间:_timeforkids/TFK/kids/wr/article/0,28391,1956445,00.html A year ago, the word Pangaea meant very little to me. Then my younger brother brought home a TFK magazine 1 an article about a world explorer named Mike Horn. The article explained that kids could 2 to join Horn as he sailed across the world, working to 3 the planet. This past summer, I received the most 4 news of my life: I was 5 to go to Malaysia aboard Horns Pangaea yacht.Pangaeas goal is to cross every ocean and visit every 6 . Pangaea stands for Pan Global Adventure for Environmental Action, and the missions 7 is “Explore, learn, act.” My part of the expedition, with seven other young 8 from around the world, began on October 25, xx.Horn believes that seeing the 9 of our planet makes us want to help 10 it. We explored Malaysias beaches, jungles, caves and underwater 11. We saw a huge 12 of animals, from sharks to orangutans.A scientist onboard helped us with five different 13 . We went for more than 15 14 to collect data about coral reefs. We built 15 will hopefully bee a coral reef, by 16 a structure out of metal rods, fixing it and 17 an electric current to stimulate reef growth. Throughout the journey, we cleaned up 18 .My exciting time 19 Pangaea taught me that I can do anything I set my 20 to, and that together, we can save the world.Tips:yacht n.游艇 mission n. 使命 orangutans n.猩猩 rod n. 棒 stimulate vt. 刺激 The article explained that kids could apply to join Horn as he sailed across the world, working to save the planet.本句中,explained后面跟了宾语从句。在宾语从句中,as引导时间状语从句,working为v-ing短语作伴随状语。句意:文章解释说,在霍恩环球航行,拯救地球的时候,孩子们可以申请加入。We built what will hopefully bee a coral reef, by creating a structure out of metal rods, fixing it and supplying an electric current to stimulate reef growth. 本句中,built后面跟了what引导的宾语从句,by表达方式,后面跟了and连接的三个v-ing作宾语。句意:通过用金属棒制作了一个架子,固定下来,通上电流来刺激珊瑚礁的生长,我们有希望将建立一个珊瑚礁。体裁:记叙文 总词数:247建议用时:15 mins1. A. publishing B. containing C. explaining D. mentioning 2. A. apply B. decide C. plan D. try 3. A. save B. collect C. record D. grow 4. A. important B. necessary C. pleasant D. surprising 5. A. determined B. disappointedC. selected D. forced 6. A. country B. continent C. island D. village 7. A. motto B. sign C. signal D. saying 8. A. scientists B. sailors C. artists D. explorers9. A. growth B. beauty C. damage D. ranges 10. A. preserve B. build C. watch D. photograph 11. A. fishes B. corals C. plants D. wonders12. A. group B. team C. diversity D. herd 13. A. experiments B. projects C. plans D. courses 14. A. dives B. sails C. trips D. swims 15. A. that B. where C. what D. which 16. A. taking B. bring C. pulling D. creating 17. A. supplying B. attracting C. burying D. moving 18. A. bottoms B. corals C. beaches D. reefs 19. A. aboard B. to C. about D. off 20. A. eyes B. mind C. work D. journey 结束时间:_实际用时:_正确率:_难度系数:文章大意:本文是夹叙夹议型的文章。作者首先讲述了为了研究与拯救地球上的生物,自己参加了Pangaea。乘船环游世界的过程中,作者感受到了大自然的魅力,也做了大量的工作来挽救陆地和海洋中的生物。从中作者也认识了许多。8. D 联系空前的seven other young我们知道,这里不是指科学家,因为这个短语表达出了自己在内的其他七个人,所以称探险者更合适。9. B 联系下文的Malaysias beaches, jungles, caves and underwater 11 (wonders)我们知道,是我们的地球的美丽让他们帮助保护地球。C, D有一定干扰性,damage意思是“损害”,从文中我们没有看到作者提到地球的损害;ranges意思是“山脉”,可以排除。10. A 联系前文working to 3 (save)the planet我们可以得此答案。11. D underwater wonders包含了海洋中的动植物。12. C 联系空后的from sharks to orangutans我们知道,这里只动植物的种类。13. B 联系后文我们知道,他们十五次潜入海底,并建了一个发电装置,因此说船上的科学家在工程方面给与他们很大的帮助。14. A 联系空后的to collect data about coral reefs我们知道,他们潜入水中。15. C what引导宾语从句,并在宾语从句中作主语。16. D 联系空后的to collect data about coral reefs我们知道,他们制造了一个装置。17. A 联系空后的to stimulate(刺激) reef growth我们知道这个电装置提供电流,刺激暗礁的生长。18. C 联系空前的cleaned up我们知道,在整个旅途中,他们在清理海滩的垃圾。19. A 因为这是Pangaea组织的一次航海,因此用aboard,意思是“乘船”。20. B 如果专心,我们可以做一切事情。set mind to意思是“专心”。Part 阅读理解基础篇A开始时间:_stopglobalwarming.org/news/global-warming-a-rise-in-river-flows-raises-alarm/ Global warming: a rise in river flows raises alarm The volume of fresh water pouring from the worlds rivers has risen rapidly since 1994, in what researchers say is further evidence of global warming. The study, led by a team at UC Irvine, is the first to estimate global fresh-water flow into the worlds oceans using observations from new satellite technology rather than through puter or hydrological models.The study found that annual fresh-water flow increased 18% from 1994 to xx, suggesting an acceleration in the global water cycle of evaporation and rainfall, which influences the intensity of storms, floods and droughts.UC Irvine Earth System Science professor Jay Famiglietti, the principal investigator, said that the data have major meanings for California, where warmer temperatures are already causing earlier snow melt. Rising sea levels are expected to significantly change the states long coastline.“Until now, we have had no continuous record of global-scale river discharge,” said Famiglietti. He noted that the time period of the study was short, but added, “If these trends persist, they will be a smoking gun that the water cycle intensification, predicted by climate scientists, is already upon us.”Globally, river flows are often a politically-concerning subject. Countries measure the quantity of water locally, and inconsistently, with mechanical or electronic gauges, but they often refuse to share the data, according to hydrologist Peter Gleick, editor of the biannual “Worlds Water” survey and director of the Oakland-based Pacific Institute think tank. Pakistan and India are in conflict over flows from the Indus. Israel, Palestine and Lebanon all depend on the Jordan River. Ten countries are sharing water along the Nile.Tips:hydrological adj. 水文学的 gauge n.计量 biannual adj. 一年两次的 think tank 智囊团The volume of fresh water pouring from the worlds rivers has risen rapidly since 1994, in what researchers say is further evidence of global warming.本句中,in后面跟了what引导的宾语从句。在这个宾语从句中,researchers say为插入语。句意:自从1994年以来,世界上河流流出的水量在迅速上升,研究者称这是全球变暖的进一步证明。体裁:说明文 总词数:269建议用时: 5 mins1. How do the scientists know global warming has caused the rising volume of fresh water in the river? A. By careful observation from rainfall datas. B. Through puter datas. C. through hydrological models D. Through satellite technology2. What does the underlined word “ intensity” in the second paragraph mean? A. Power or force. B. Occasion. C. Size. D. Harm.3. What makes Californias coastline bee longer? A. More water from rivers. B. Heavy rainfalls. C. Melted snow. D. Big storms. 4. In the fourth paragraph Famiglietti referred to “the water cycle intensification” , what does that mean? A. Water shortage B. Water pollution. C. Unbalanced water distribution. D. Storms, floods and droughts. 5. In the last paragraph the writer intends to say _. A. globally, floods are big problems B. the quantity of water in the world still remains a secret. C. Pakistan and India have rich water supplies D. the Nile supplies enough water for ten countries. 结束时间:_实际用时:_正确率:_难度系数:文章大意:本文是说明文。美国科学家通过对卫星数据研究发现,因为全球变暖,全球的降水量大大提高,使得很多河流的水呈警戒状态。同时因为雪的融化,加利福尼亚海水上涨,使得海岸线延长。全球变暖使得全球的风暴、旱涝强度加大。同时因为全球变暖,世界上雨水分布不平衡,使得一些国家出现水荒。答案速查:15 DACDB 思路点拨1. D 细节理解题。从第一段the first to estimate global fresh-water flow into the worlds oceans using observations from new satellite technology我们知道,科学家通过卫星数据分析得出结论。2. A 词义理解题。联系an acceleration in the global water cycle of evaporation and rainfall我们知道,蒸发与降水的全球水循环的加速,增加了风暴与旱涝的强度,因此我们得出答案A。3. C 细节理解题。联系warmer temperatures are already causing earlier snow melt. Rising sea levels are expected to significantly change the states long coastline我们知道,是融化的雪使得海水上涨。4. D 推理判断题。水循环加剧的恶果就会降临到人类的头上。联系前文我们知道,作者在这里用水循环的加剧指风暴、旱涝灾害。5. B 推理判断题。联系最后一段我们知道,各国都有自己的水量数据,但是他们都不互相公开,因此世界水量仍是一个谜。有的地方水过多,有的地方过少。基础篇B开始时间:_aip.org/history/climate/summary.htmIn the early 1970s, the rise of environmentalism raised public doubts about the benefits of human activity for the planet. Curiosity about climate turned into anxious concern. Alongside the greenhouse effect, some scientists pointed out that human activity was putting dust and smog into the atmosphere, where they could block sunlight and cool the world. Moreover, analysis of Northern Hemisphere weather statistics showed that a cooling trend had begun in the 1940s. The mass media were confused, sometimes predicting a warming globe with coastal areas flooded as the ice caps melted, sometimes warning of the prospect of a catastrophic(悲惨的) new ice age. Study groups, first in the U.S. and then elsewhere, began to warn that one or another kind of future climate change might make a severe threat. The only thing most scientists agreed on was that they scarcely understood the climate system, and much more research was needed. Research activity did accelerate(加速;促进), including huge data-gathering plans that mobilized(动员) international groups of oceanographic ships and orbiting satellites. Earlier scientists had sought a single master-key to climate, but now they were ing to understand that climate is an intricate(复杂的) system responding to a great many influences. Volcanic eruptions and solar variations were still causes of change, and some argued these would destroy any effects of human activities. Even small changes in the Earths orbit could make a difference. To the surprise of many, studies of ancient climates showed that astronomical(天文) cycles had partly set the timing of the ice ages. Apparently the climate was so perfectly balanced that almost any small change might set off a great shift. According to the new “chaos” theories, in such a system a shift might even e all by itself and suddenly. Support for the idea came from ice centures drilled from the Greenland ice sheet. They showed large and abrupt temperature jumps in the past. Tips:Alongside the greenhouse effect, some scientists pointed out that human activity was putting dust and smog into the atmosphere, where they could block sunlight and cool the world.本句中,that引导了宾语从句,where引导了定语从句。译文:在提出绿室效应的同时,一些科学家提出人类的活动把灰尘和厌恶投进了大气中,在这里它们可以阻挡阳光,使得这个世界寒冷。体裁:说明文 总词数:315建议用时: 6 mins1. In the early 1970s why did the weather make people worried? A. They thought the weather would change a lot. B. They didnt know what the weather would bee. C. They thought our activities made the weather unsteady. D. They thought our activities made the world more wet. 2. Why was the media confused about the scientists analysis ? A. There are two different conclusions about the weather. B. Because the weather will turn warmer. C. Because we would go into the ice age. D. No one told them how the weather would change. 3. According to the passage, in the 1970s scientists _. A. knew how to deal with the unsteady weather B. wanted to find measurements to deal with the weather change C. found no way to study the weather D. a new ice age would e soon 4. According to the writer, the measurement to deal with the weather change in the 1970s _. A. had some important effect on the weather B. was intricate and could not be carried out C. was taken without the consideration of human activities D. was taken without the consideration of natural disasters 5. What does the underlined word “ abrupt” mean in the last paragraph? A. Wide. B. Early. C. Sudden. D. High. 结束时间:_实际用时:_正确率:_难度系数:文章大意: 20世纪七十年代科学家就提出了气候异常变化的理论,但是当时有的人认为气候会变得越来越冷,有的人提出气候会变得越来越热。科学家也加速了应对气候变化的策略的研究,但是因为当时考虑的不够全面,这些办法没有起到很大的作用。后来的科学家认为,自然的变化是导致气候的变化的主要原因,这些变化可以让人类多年的努力付诸东流。而最近的理论也提出,自然的细微的变化就会导致全球气候变化,而这些变化并不是人类的活动导致的。答案速查:15 BABDC 拔高篇A开始时间:_stopglobalwarming.org/news/threat-of-global-warming-sparks-u-s-interest-in-geoengineering/ Threat of global warming sparks U.S. interest in geoengineering Its e to this: Climate-conscious policymakers are beginning to consider the possibility of playing God with the weather in the hope of slowing global warming.For years it was considered pletely stupid in official Washington to discuss geoengineering: changing the climate by reflecting sunlight back into the sky, sucking carbon dioxide from the air or a number of other surprising plans. But in the past year the thought won in part by the recent collapse of climate legislation as well as by growing interest among private entrepreneurs and foreign officials.House Science and Technology mittee Chairman Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.), whose group will jointly release a report on climate engineering with the British House of mons this month, said the subject is “just now starting to get some attention” even though people recognize the danger in trying to change a plex weather system.“The more you know about it, the more youre concerned about it if we can ever carry it out,” Gordon said in an interview. “However, there may be a point where were up against the tipping point, and the consequences of climate change are even worse.”Over the next few months, whispering about changing the weather will evolve into written remendations. Several key groups including the Government Accountability Office will issue their thoughts on how best to start a modest federal research program on geoengineering.“Were getting a sense that agencies are interested in this topic and would be open, on a certain level, to letting this program go forward,” said Jane Long, who co-chairs the National mission on Energy Policys task force.Tips:geoengineering n. 岩土工程 collapse n.瓦解 legislation n.立法 entrepreneur n.企业家 play God 扮演上帝 be up against 面临;面对The more you know about it, the more youre concerned about it if we can ever carry it out.本句运用了the morethe more的结构,意思是“越越”,本句还包含了if引导的条件状语从句。句意:你知道的越多,在我们实施的过程中,你担心越多。体裁:说明文 总词数:270建议用时: 6 mins1. Why does America want to carry out geoengineering? A. They want to get more energy from the sun. B. They want to slow global warming. C. They want to have a building project. D. They want to get something useful from the air. 2. Geoengineering was thought possible last year as a result of _. A. much discussion among the scientists B. financial help from the government C. failures of many laws about climates and peoples attitude to the plan D. many other countries success in this area3. Though the thought has won in part, _ A. people still worry about its safety B. they are short of money C. no one dares to carry it out D. the possibility is still under discussion 4. Whats the scientists concern about geoengineering? A. This could make the climate even worse. B. They know little about geoengineering. C. They are short of experienced engineers. D. Conditions do not allow them to do so. 5. The purpose of the writer in writing the passage is to tell us _. A. many things impossible in the past are made possible today B. changing the climate is a difficult thing to do C. reflecting the sunlight is a good idea to change the climate D. a project called “geoengineering”结束时间:_实际用时:_正确率:_难度系数:文章大意:全球的变暖已经引起了人们的广泛关注。一群科学家正在实施“岩土工程”,即利用反射太阳光的办法来改变全球的气候。这项计划得到了人们的部分认可,但是科学家也有自己的担心,他们怕这项工程实施后全球的气候更加糟糕。答案速查:15 BCAAD 思路点拨1. B 细节理解题。从第一段in the hope of slowing global warming我们知道,他们实施岩土工程的目的是想减缓全球变暖。2. C 细节理解题。从But in the past year the thought won in part by the recent collapse of climate legislation as well as by growing interest among private entrepreneurs and foreign officials我们知道,这项过去认为是愚蠢的计划现在之所以获得部分胜利,是因为许多的气候立法失败,以及一些企业家对这个工程的兴趣在增加。3. A 细节理解题。从though people recognize the danger in trying to change a plex weather system我们可以得出答案。4. A 细节理解题。从However, there may be a point where were up against the tipping point, and the consequences of climate change are even worse.我们知道,科学家也面临着这样的一个问题:他们把气候变得更加糟糕了。5. D 作者意图推断题。作者写本文的目的是想让我们知道科学家在考虑实施的岩土工程。拔高篇B开始时间:_aip.org/history/climate/summary.htm People have long suspected that human activity could change the local climate. For example, ancient Greeks and 19th-century Americans debated how cutting down forests might bring more rainfall to a region, or perhaps less. But there were larger changes of climate that happened all by themselves. The discovery of ice ages in the distant past proved that climate could change greatly over the entire globe, which seemed vastly beyond anything mere humans could provoke. Then what did cause global climate change was it variations in the heat of the Sun? Volcanoes erupting clouds of smoke? The raising and lowering of mountain ranges, which diverted wind patterns and ocean currents? Or could it be changes in the position of the air itself? Over the next decade a few scientists designed simple mathematical models of the climate, and turned up feedbacks that could make the system surprisingly variable. Others figured out ways to regain past temperatures by studying ancient fossil shells. It appeared that serious climate change could happen, and in the past had happened, within as little as a few centuries. This finding was strengthened by puter models of the general circulation of the atmosphere, the fruit of a long effort to learn how to predict (and perhaps even deliberately change) the weather. Calculations made in the late 1960s suggested that average temperatures would rise a few degrees within the next century. But the next century seemed far off, and the models were preliminary. Groups of scientists that reviewed the calculations found them plausible but saw no need for any policy action, except for putting more effort into research to find out for sure what was happening. Tips: divert vt.转向 feedback n.反馈 preliminary adj.初步的 plausible adj. 似是而非 The discovery of ice ages in the distant past proved that climate could change greatly over the entire globe, which seemed vastly beyond anything mere humans could provoke.本句中,proved后面跟了宾语从句,which引导了定语从句。在定语从句中,mere humans could provoke为定语从句,修饰anything。句意:很久以前冰川时期的发现表明,气候可以在全球范围内极大地变化,这似乎是大大地超出了人们所能摆脱的事情。Ice Ages are intervals(间隔) of time when large areas of the surface of the earth are covered with ice sheets (large continental glaciers).


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