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2019-2020年高中英语必修1Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighTeaching Aims:1. Knowledge and SkillEnable the Ss to master the important words, understand the passage and learn something about the school.Master some adjectives ending in ing and ed and the differences between these two kinds of adjectives.Improve the Ss ability of reading, listening, speaking and writing.Review the present tense.Help them write a brochure about their new school2.Emotion and ValuesTo arouse the Ss curiosity about their new life in Senior High and make them love their new life as well as their new school and classmates.To help them form the right attitude to language learning.To encourage the Ss to be active and cooperative in the class3. Cross-cultural awareness:To help them learn about different school systems in other countries.4. Character-building:To help them know the new circumstance well and adapt to it quickly.To let them know the importance of cooperating with others in a groupDifficulties and Importance:a. Adjectives with ing or ed endingsb. Fast-reading abilitiesCultural differences between two countries school systemHow to write& answer an e-mail Teaching Method:Task-based methodology pair-work& group-workTeaching Procedures:Period 1Teaching Content: Vocabulary and speakingEveryday English and function (making conversation)Activity1: Lead-in:To show Ss some beautiful pictures of your school to cause their interests and arouse their sympathy.Activity 2: Pair work:First group the subjects and then discuss the following questions.Biology, chemistry, English, Japanese, geography, Russian, history, Chinese, IT(information Technology), mathematics, physics, PE(Physical Education)Science SubjectsLanguagesQuestions:Which of the science subjects do you study at your school?Which languages do you study at your school?Which are your favourite subjects? Why?Activity 3: Everyday English and Function Read this part of conversation between Bob and Diane. Look for the expressions they sue to keep the conversation going and underline them.Suggested answers: Oh, really? Is that right? Thats great. Oh, Im sure things will improve. Oh, thats too bad.Activity 4: Work in pairs. Make up a new dialogue according to the following expressions.How are you doing? Oh, really? So have I. Cool! Thats great! What about? OH, thats too bad.Activity 5: Creative Activity.Make dialogues according to the given situation, and then report it in the class.Situation 1: A and B meet for the first time at the beginning of term, what will they say?Situation 2: Three students are talking about their favorite subjects in the dormitory.Situation 3: Two students are talking about their hobbies.Activity 6: homeworkMemorize the useful expressions we have learned.Preview the reading material “My first day at Senior High”.Period 2Teaching Content: Reading and VocabularyActivity 1: Revision.a. Revise last class by ask them which subject they like best and why.b. Revise everyday English by asking which class do you have before our English class and talk about it with the help of Everyday English and Function on P8.Activity 2: Pre-reading pare and discuss the differences and similarities between Junior High school and Senior High. And then ask them to discuss these two problems:1 Do you think that work at Senior High school is harder than that at Junior High school?2 Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers?Activity 3: While-readingBefore ing to the text, first finish the vocabulary exercise on Page 2.b. Scanning Read the text quickly and try to find the answer to these questions:What are the differences between Likangs Junior High school and Senior High school?What are the two things the English teacher thinks important to do in class?What are the two things that the English teacher wants to improve?Suggested answers:a) The teaching method, classrooms, studentsb) Reading prehension and speakingc) Spelling and handwritingc. Read the passage carefully and try to get the main idea of each Paragraph.Paragraph 1Self-introduction.Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5Paragraph 6Possible Answers: 2. Description of the school. 3. Teaching method. 4. What the students did in the first English lesson.5.Two skills that need improving.6. Description of the class.d. Play the tape for the students and ask them to listen & read following the tape in a low voice. Then finish the forth part in Reading and Vocabulary on P3.Activity 4 Post-readingArrange the following sentences in the right order according to the text.My new school is very good and I can see why.The English class is really interesting.My name is Li Kang.Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting.The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing.There are sixty-five students in my class-more than my previous class in Junior High.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.I like her attitude very much.Suggested answer: 3 1 5 2 7 4 8 6Activity 5 DiscussionWork in groups. Discuss the following questions with other students.Is your English classroom like Li Kangs?Is your class the same size as his? Is the number of boys and girls the same?Are you looking forward to doing your English homework?Activity 6 HomeworkFind the difficult sentences in the text.Preview the content of Grammar 1.Period 3Teaching content: Language points Grammar 1Activity 1 Language points1The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms. Shen. 这个非常热情的女老师是沈老师。called Ms. Shen 是过去分词短语作定语,与所修饰的词之间存在着逻辑上的被动关系,相当于定语从句who/that was called Ms. Shen。 如:We visited the new library built three weeks ago.我们参观了三周前建成的图书馆。The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.最早为外语教学而写的英语课本出现在十八世纪。Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.被邀请来参加聚会的大多是南非艺术家。2And we have fun. I dont think I will be bored in Ms. Shens class!我们上课上得很开心,我认为我不会对沈老师的课厌烦的。(1)have (great) fun 玩得开心=have (a lot of) fun= have a wonderful time=enjoy oneself 如:The children were having a lot of fun with the building blocks.孩子们玩搭积木玩得很开心。Youre sure to have some fun tonight.今晚你一定会玩得很开心。They had a lot of fun chatting on the net.他们在网上聊天聊得很开心。拓展for fun=in fun 开玩笑地make fun of 嘲笑,取笑。如Im not saying such a serious thing for fun.我说如此严肃的事情绝不是开玩笑。Its bad manners to make fun of the blind.取笑盲人是不礼貌的。(2) 我们要注意本句英汉表达的区别。英语中有些动词,如think, believe, expect, suppose, feel, guess, imagine 等,当它们后面接一个具有否定意义的宾语从句时,通常要把主句的动词变为否定式,而宾语从句中的谓语动词用肯定形式。这种现象称为否定的转移。如:We dont think there is anything interesting in your pictures.我们认为你的画并没有什么有趣的地方。I dont believe what he said is true.我认为他说的不是真话。I dont suppose they will object to my suggestion.我想他们不会反对我的建议。He didnt imagine that she would go abroad.他料想她不会出国了。I dont feel the food can last us through the winter.我认为这食物是不够我们过冬的。注:在反意疑问句中,若陈述部分是第一人称,think等词用一般现在进,则疑部部分需与从句中的主语和谓语保持一致,否则要与主句的主语和谓语保持一致。如:I dont think its going to rain tomorrow, is it?我认为明不会下雨,对吗?You dont think I have made mistakes, do you?你并不认为我犯了什么错误,是吗?3 In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.换句话说,女孩是男孩的三倍。(1)in other words 意为“换句话”,在句中用作插入成分。如:In other words, she must give up singing.换言之,她必需放弃唱歌。Im not used to the way you speak to me. In other words, I dont want to continue our conversations.我不习惯于你对我谈话的方式。换句话讲,我不想继续我们的谈话了。Beethoven wrote many world-famous musical positions. In other words, he was a great musician.贝多芬写过许多世界著名乐曲。换句话讲,他是一位伟大的音乐家。A + be+倍数 +as+ adj. +as+BAsia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。A+be+倍数+ 比较级+than+BAsia is three times larger than Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。A+be+倍数+the size/length/height/depth/width+ of+ BAsia is four times the size of Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。注: time 表示倍数,一般只限于表示基数词在内的三倍或三倍以上,若表示两倍可用副词twice 或形容词double。 time 表示的倍数也可以用分数,百分数或某些表程度的副词替换。The street is twice the length of that one.这条街是那条街的两倍长。Ten is double five.十是五的二倍。This pencil is a quarter as long as that one.这枝铅笔是那枝的四分之一长。Our room is 60 the size of theirs. 我们房间的面积是他们房间面积的60%。4 Im looking forward to doing it!我非常渴望去做。look forward to sth./doing sth. 意思是“期待着某事/做某事”,其中“to”是介词。I look forward to hearing from you as early as possible.我期待着早日收到你的来信。Boys and girls are looking forward to Childrens Day.孩子们期盼着儿童节的来临。Im looking forward to his return just as much as he himself seeing me.我期待他的归来同他盼望见到我的心怀一样强烈。链接动词介词to构成的常用短语有:look forward to 盼望turn to 求助于;转向;翻到pay attention to 注意stick to 坚持get down to 开始认真干object to 反对belong to 属于refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅point to 指向see to 处理,料理e to 共计;苏醒reply to 答复agree to 同意add to 增加devoteto 贡献给pareto把比作Activity 2: Revision of the present tensesAsk the students to analyze the following examples and try to find out the principles of the uses of the present simple tense & the present continuous tense. (I) She visits her parents everyday. The moon goes around the earth. The train leaves at seven and arrives at nine. We will go to the park if it doesnt rain tomorrow. (II) All the students are looking at the blackboard carefully. We are learning New Standard English. Now we are leaving the classroom and approaching the playground.b. 一、一般现在时1)一般现在时用来表示习惯性动作或自古已然的事态。Before I go to bed, I drink a glass of milk.The sun rises in the east.2)表示目前存在的状态。He is a handsome young man.She speaks several languages fluently.Mary es from New York.3)当询问或引用书籍、通知或新近收到的信件的内容时,用一般现在时。What does the book say?The proverb says, No pains, no gains. 俗话说:“不劳无获。”What does he say in the latter?4)表示计划中将来的行动或一系列行动,尤指旅途中的行动。We leave Beijing at 10:00 next Tuesday and arrive in Shanghai at 13:00. We spend three hours in Shanghai and leave for New York at 16:00.5)常用的时间状语有 always, often, every day, sometimes, usually, seldom, three times a day 等。现在进行时1)表示动作现在正在进行或发生She is playing the piano.Someone is ringing the door bell, Will you answer it?It is raining again.2)表示现阶段正在进行而此刻不一定正在进行的动作,常常伴有 now, these days 等时间状语。I am thinking a new plan these days.He is working on a new project now.3)与 always, forever 等表示频繁的副词连用,强调动作之经常,往往还表示说话人对此不以为然或厌烦的态度。He is forever asking me stupid questions when I am with him.He is always going out on Sundays.Activity 3 Group work.Read the passage again and choose three sentences in the present simple tense and two in the present continuous tense. Say which uses they show according to Ex. 1 on page4.Period 4Teaching Content: Listening and Vocabulary Grammar 2Activity 1 VocabularyGo through the words on page 5 and then plete the chart with words in the box quickly.Ask the students to read the sentences in activity 2 again and answer the questions in activity 3Activity 2 Listeninga. Play the tape for the students, then ask the students to tell you what they have learned from the conversation.b. Play the tape the second time and ask them to make some notes which will help them to answer the questions by writing down some key words or phrases.c. Play the tape for the third time , stop when and where necessary, repeat the difficult parts.d. Check answers with the students and write down the difficult points.Activity 3 Grammar 2Adjectives ending in ing and edLead in by doing the following exercises.1 I was _ when I saw the _ news. (exciting & excited)2 The dog was _ in playing _ games, such as playing balls, wires and plates. (interesting & interested)Read Li Kangs diary again. While reading, please underline the sentences including adjectives with ing or ed endings.Suggested answers:The classrooms are amazing.The English is really interesting.I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class.Some students were embarrassed at first.everyone is hard-working.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.He didnt feel bored in a boring evening.The students are interested in these experiments.Hearing the encouraging news, they are all encouraged.we are surprised at the surprising news.The girls were embarrassed while talking about these embarrassing topics.He was disappointed because of that disappointing news that Ms Shen wont be the teacher every day.Group work.List as many adjectives with ing or ed endings as you can. Make sentences according to what you have listed and ask another group to translate.Activity 4 homeworkRemember the uses of ing&-ed endings.Do more exercise to consolidate the ing or ed endings.Period 5Teaching Content: Speaking Writing Cultural CornerActivity 1 SpeakingLook at the photos in Speaking part to find out what the US high school students do after class.1 What can you see in the photos and what are they doing ?2 Is the school similar to ours? Explain why it is or isnt.3 Do students at our school do things like this?4.What similarities or differences do you know about American and Chinese school systems?5. How do you think about the after-school activities? Are they good or bad? How can we make best use of after-school activities.Activity 2 Cultural CornerRead the letter on page 9 carefully and then answer the following questions.1. What are the differences between the grades in China and the US?2. How is the school year divided ?3. How long does the Summer Vacation last?4. When do they start and finish school?5. What do they do after school?Read the letter carefully and finish the following form by paring two different school systems. Things to prepareUS school systemChinese school systemYears(before going to college)Different stagesThe first semesterThe second semesterSchool scheduleForeign language to chooseAfter-school activitiesThe chance to go to universitySuggested answers:Things to prepareUS school systemChinese school systemYears(before going to college)12years12 yearsDifferent stagesprimary school(1-5)secondary school(6-8)the high school(9-12)Primary school(1-6)Junior middle school(7-9)Senior high(1-3)The first semesterFrom September to DecemberFrom September to JanuaryThe second semesterFrom January to MayFebruary through JulySchool scheduleFrom 7:50a.m. to 3p.m.From 7:30a.m.to 5.p.m.Foreign language to chooseSpanishEnglishAfter-school activitiesFootball, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, theater clubBasketball, footballThe chance to go to universityHigh school diplomaPass College Entrance ExaminationActivity 3 Guided WritingRead the E-mail on page8 carefully and then answer questions?Who is writing the email?Why is she writing?What does she remember?Answer the questions in the email above orally.Activity 4 HomeworkFrom Marthas email, we know she wants to know something about LI Kangs memories of his first year at school. Suppose you are Li Kang, write a reply answering the questions in the email.Whats your first memory of school?What was your favorite activity when you were in the first grade?What can you remember your first teacher?Who was your best friend? Is he or she still your best friend?

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