2019-2020年高中英语复习Module 4 Unit2 Working the land 教学设计浙教版.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语复习Module 4 Unit2 Working the land 教学设计浙教版一、教学目的(Teaching aims)英语课程目标教学目标三维目标领域语言知识与技能通过单元复习,让学生获取语言知识和语篇知识;在自编练习中提高语用能力同时夯实基础知识。知识与技能领域学习策略自编练习、总结、归纳、记忆、运用、模仿和演练。过程与方法领域情感态度教学内容渗透伟人的基本品质。情感、态度领域二、教材分析(Text analysis)(一)教学重点(Teaching important points)1、 培养学生自己动手编制练习的能力2、 注重考纲词汇和短语的运用3、 文本好词好句的欣赏以及仿写(二)教学难点(Teaching difficult points)1、对学生自己编制练习的处理2、词汇的拓展运用 3、佳句的仿写Teaching Procedures:Step1 Definition: Ask the students to write down the proper words or phrase for each of these meanings. (设计目的: 检查学生单词词义同时引出本节课重点要处理的单词)_to try extremely hard to achieve something_to bee larger in size, number or amount _to please by giving what one wants or needs_to provide with things necessary for a certain purpose _10 years _ to give opinions on sth or sb_ thus; as a result of sth just mentioned _ would prefer to _to make something or somebody free of _ because ofStep2 Fill the blank with proper words. (设计目的:重点单词在句子中的应用)Step3 Warm up and lead to the important words Are you satisfied with your performance? (设计目的:引出:satisfy)The following phrases may help you:be satisfied with to my satisfaction be far from satisfactory satisfy ones needswith satisfaction 选用上述单词或短语完成下列小片段。(设计目的:难点词组在语篇中运用) In order to _the needs of my family, I worked hard day and night. However, one day, the schoolmaster told me though many students _ my work. As a good teacher, it _.At that time I knew if I wanted _ my headmaster, I must work harder than ever before. I did so. A few months later, I was asked to go to the master,s office. He looked at me _ and_, he told me I was promoted as a middle leader of our school. Make up your story选用下列单词或短语完成 “你的故事”(设计目的:词组的创造性运用)satisfy ones needsbe satisfied with with satisfactionto ones satisfaction be far from satisfactory satisfy vt. Step4 学生自编练习一(设计目的:本单元重点词汇的进一步运用) 根据本单元话题或本单元的两篇阅读文章内容自己编制一篇10个空短文填空题. 编题要求: 一、 没有基本语法错误; 二、 文章结构流畅合理;三、能考查本单元重点词汇;四、 能合理使用一些高级词汇;五.文章句式多样化.Fill in the blanks according to the textConsidering himself a farmer, Yuan Longping works the land to do his research. Indeed, his _ face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has _ for the past five _. To solve the _ problem of hunger, he grows what is called super hybrid rice which finally got _the world of huger. And Dr, Yuan is quite _with his life. However, he doesnt care about being famous, which in his mind gives him less _ doing his research. Moreover, it means little for him to spend money on himself or lead a fortable life. Selflessly, he _ gives millions of yuan to _others for their research in agriculture. Now Dr Yuan wants to achieve his dream that his rice can be _ and grown around the globe.Step 4 Make some ments on the students works and lead to the word ridrid of(设计目的:难点突破)1 You are supposed to _carelessness, for it often lead to serious errors2 I shall have to _(处理掉) this worn out carpet.3 We must _ the house _ the rats.Try to use different sentences to express the same meaning. 要改掉一个人的坏习惯不容易.Its not easy to rid oneself of a bad habit.Its not easy for us get rid of a bad habit.Ridding oneself of a bad habit is not easyGetting rid of ones habit is not easyStep 5 Does it contain the important words weve learnt? (设计目的:让学生真正认识到这些单词的重要性) Step 6 Replace the sentences by using the original ones from the text (设计目的:让学生学会欣赏和模仿好句子)1. Farmers are using his hybrid rice and producing harvests twice as large as before. 2. But just dreaming costs nothing. 3. Dr. Yuan was born in 1930 and graduated from Southeast Agriculture College in 19534. Dr. awoke from his dream and hoped to produce a kind of rice that could feed more people Get the Ss to appreciate the good sentences.Step6 学生作品三 (设计目的:短文改错练习) 根据本单元话题或本单元的两篇阅读文章内容自己编制一篇短文改错题(题型最好能和高考短文改错题型一致). 字数在100字左右。 Yuan Longping is one of Chinas most famous scientist. He developed rice that has a high output. This kind of rice is calling super hybrid rice, that makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. He is now circulating his knowledges in many less developed countries to decrease their harvests. Dr. Yuan is satisfied with his life. He doesnt care about be famous because he worries it may give him less freedom. He would rather to spend time on his hobbies, such as listening music, playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. Dr. Yuan once had a beautiful dream. In his dream, rice plants are as tall as sorghum. Now he has other dream: to export his rice.Step 7 考点再现(设计目的:本节课和本单元的小结)wordsstruggle; expand; therefore; satisfy;ment; export; decade; equip;phrasesthanks to; rid of; be satisfied with; would rathersentences Using his hybrid rice ,farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.Just dreaming , however, costs nothing. Born in 1930, Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture College.Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope Of producing a kind of rice that could feedmore peopleStep 8 口语角: Topic : Farmers in China(设计目的:检查对所学知识输出的质量)过去: 农民生活艰辛, 倍受饥饿之苦, 努力几十年, 生活依然如故现在: 多亏了袁博士的杂交水稻研究,粮食产量翻番, 饥饿问题基本解决, 农民非常满意现在生活。将来: Farmers in China used to live a hard life and were always disturbed by hunger. For decades, they struggled to search for ways to increase rice harvests, but without success. Now, things have changed. Thanks to Dr. Yuans research on the hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before, which means 22% of the worlds people have got rid of hunger. Most of the farmers say they are now quite satisfied with their life and would much rather be a farmer in the countryside.Step9 assignment 作业一、 作文训练:根据上面提示并结合小组讨论情况,写一篇题目为“Farmers in China” 短文。作业一、 同桌交换自编练习并仔细认真地完成同桌的作品.然后由练习的编者批改并写上分数.

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