2019-2020年高考英语书面表达讲义及训练(28)参考范文 英语写作引导句型(3).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语书面表达讲义及训练(28)参考范文 英语写作引导句型(3) 5 To the general publicTo most peopleIn the popular mindIn most peoples opinion . But despitein spite offor all . I believe.one should .5.1 In the popular mind, it is immediately assumed that when morals are discussed, it is sexual morals that are meant. The morals of salesmen, doctors, and taxi drivers are only moderately interesting to the general public, while the relations between men and women are frequent themes in novels and movies, themes which no amount of repetition makes stale. Yet in spite of this immense preoccupation with sex, much attention should be drawn to the general moral standards.当讨论起道德问题时,大多数人会立即认为是指性道德。一方面售货员、医生和出租车司机的职业道德不大为公众所关心,而另一方面男女间的关系却是小说和电影中经常出现的主题,再怎么不断重复也不会失去其新鲜感。因此尽管人们对性的题目津津乐道,我认为应注意整个道德水平。5.2 To most Chinese parents, college is a place their children should go. And their children, for the most part, are also anxious to go. It is in Chinese tradition that there is something about a college that transfers an ordinary child into a superior adult. But in spite of this belief, men and women who have been to college suspect that this is not the case.大多数中国父母看来,大学是他们的子女应该去的地方。而他们的孩子在大多数情况下也渴望上大学。中国的传统观点是大学能把一个普普通通的孩子培养成一个超人一等的人。但是尽管人们有这个观点,凡是读过大学的人却认为情况并非如此。9假如你是王林,李明是你的好友,他对布朗先生的公司感兴趣,打算到该公司谋职(apply for a position。请根据下面李明的简历表,用英语为他写一封推荐信。词数110左右。姓名李明性别男国籍中国出生地江苏,启东婚否已婚出生日期1980.8.21通讯地址启东市人民路148号电话0513-83335550职业律师学历大学毕业外语水平擅长英语,懂一些日语、德语其他有三年工作经历,办事认真,待人诚恳,与人和睦相处Dear Mr. Brown,Id like to introduce my friend to you, Mr. Li Ming, who is going to apply for a position with your firm. He graduated from college three years ago and since then he has worked as a lawyer. He is good at English and knows some Japanese and German. He works hard and is careful in everything he does. He is honest, kind and easy to get on with. He was born on August 21st, 1980 in Qidong, Jiangsu Province, China. He is married and lives at No 148 Renmin Road, Qidong city. His telephone number is 0513-83335550. He shows great interest in your firm. If he is accepted, he will do his best. Im sure he will be fit for the position. Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Wang Lin*结束6 Now a lot ofthe majority ofmany / most people believethinkfeel that.6 But althoughAdmittedly, . there is no / little evidence thatit is questioned /doubted .6.1 A lot of people believe that television has a harmful effect on children. A few years ago, the same criticisms were made of the cinema. But although child psychologists have spent a great deal of time studying this problem, there is not much evidence that television brings about juvenile delinquency.许多人都认为电视会给孩子带来危害。前几年,对电影也有类似的指责。然而尽管青少年心理学者花了许多时间来研究这个问题,却很少有证据表明电视造成了青少年犯罪。6.2 Most people believe that our society of consumption creates the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Although this view is widely held, there is little evidence that Money brings about happiness. Instead, we find our present way of life leads to increasing anxiety, helplessness, and, eventually, to the disintegration of our culture. I refuse to identify consumption with joy and fun with happiness.许多人认为,我们这个消费社会给绝大多数人带来了最大的幸福。尽管人们普遍这样认为,却很少有证据表明钱能给人带来幸福。相反,我们发现,现在的全活方式使人越来越感到焦虑不安,孤立无援,最终导致我们文化的崩溃。我不认为消费就是快乐,玩乐就是幸福。6.3 There is some feeling nowadays that reading is not as necessary as it once was. Radio and especially television have taken over many of the functions once served by print. Admittedly, television serves some of these functions extremely well; the visual munication of news events, for example, has enormous impact. The ability of radio to give us information while we are engaged in doing other things - for instance, driving a car - is remarkable, and a great saving of time. But it may be seriously questioned whether the advent of modern munications media has much enhanced our intellectual skills.现在有些人觉得,阅读没有像过去那样有必要了。无线电广播,尤其电视已代替了曾经由印刷所起的许多作用。确实,电视极好地发挥了其中的一些功能,如新闻通过图像来传送有很大的影响。无线电广播能使我们边干事,如开车,边收听消息,真是了不起,且可节约许多时间。但是人们或许会认真发问,这些现代传播媒体的出现是否已提高了我们的知识技能。7 . In reactionresponseanswer to the eventphenomenonideaquestion , some people saythink . But do they realize.?7.1 Now most people get their news and information about the things that are happening at home and abroad from television. They believe the things they hear and see on television. Probably most of the information is true, and we can believe it. But shall we always believe the information which television gives us? Do we never suspect that the given information might be slanted, distorted or the truth totally denied?现在大多数人都是从电视上知道国内外发生的事和新闻的。他们都相信在电视上看到和听到的事。大多数消息可能是真的,我们能相信。但是我们是否总是要相信电视给我们的消息呢?难道我们从不怀疑所给的消息可能有偏见,或已歪曲了,或真相已被彻底隐瞒了?7.2 In the past few years big business has fallen to a low level in public esteem. A recent Gallup poll shows that big business came in last, in terms of the quality of the products, among all the enterprises which sell household appliances in Shanghai; at the top of the list were small business or business from small towns. in response to the poll, many businessmen argue that this public attitude is due to the inadequacy of their advertising and can be cured by stepping up their advertising campaigns. They are only fooling themselves. Do they realize that the real problem for their loss of public respect is what they have been doing, not what they have been saying about themselves?在过去几年里,大企业在公众中的信誉已下降到一个低水平。最近的盖洛普民意测验表明,就产品质量来说在上海出售家用电器的所有企业中,大企业位居榜末,而小企业或乡镇企业名列前茅。对此许多大企业人士认为公众的这种态度是由于广告宣传不够造成的,只要加大广告宣传声势,就会扭转局面。这是在自欺欺人。难道他们没有认识到失去公众信誉的真正问题在于他们所做的,而不是所说的?

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