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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习语法部分第五讲形容词和副词模拟演练外研版.单句填空1If you want to book tickets for the xx Asian Games, just call 0095 xx.It couldnt be_(simple)【解析】句意:如果你想预订xx年亚运会的票,就拨打电话0095xx。不可能比这更简单了。形容词比较级和否定词连用时,表最高级,即这是最简单的。【答案】simpler2The concept of “Customer First” should be_(firm) rooted in the mind of every shopassistant.【解析】句意:“顾客至上”的概念应该牢固地植根于每个商店售货员的心里。修饰过去分词应用副词。【答案】firmly3He had driven no_(far) than ten miles when his race car broke down and he was soon behind the other petitors.【解析】句意:他刚开了不超过十英里距离时,他的赛车就抛锚了,很快他就落后于其他竞争对手。far表示“具体距离”时的比较级是farther。【答案】farther4Your plan, as well as his, sounds original.But the pany, I think, wont approve either of them, for they are_(real)【解析】句意:你的计划以及他的计划听起来是那么有创意,但我认为公司哪个也不会批准的,因为它们不现实。从句意看应是不切合实际的,因此应是unrealistic。【答案】unrealistic5Do you like this part of the town, the socalled desired area?On the contrary, its the_area that I want to visit in town.【解析】句意:你喜欢这座城市的这一部分吗,所谓的期望区?相反,这是我最不想参观的一个区域。last本意为“最后的”,引申为“the last suitable or likely”(最不可能的)。【答案】last6Retirement is obviously a very plex adjustment period and the_(early) you start planning for it, the better.【解析】句意:退休显然是一个非常复杂的适应期,你越早开始规划越好。“the比较级,the比较级”是一个固定句型,意为“越就越好”。【答案】earlier7If there were no examinations tomorrow, we would have a much_(happy) time tonight.【解析】句意:如果明天没有考试,我们今晚会更快乐。本句是一个虚拟句,是虚拟与真实的对比,是比较关系,因此用比较级。【答案】happier8Its likely that she will be_(absence) from punishment, as our teacher has been convinced by her excuse.【解析】句意:很有可能她不会受到惩罚,因为老师相信了她的借口。absence的形容词形式是absent。【答案】absent9pared with his sister, Jerry is even more _(sense) to, and more easily troubled by,emotional and relationship problems.【解析】句意:跟他的姐姐相比,杰瑞对情感和关系问题更敏感,更容易受其困扰。根据“more easily troubled by”以及介词to,此处应用be sensitive to。【答案】sensitive10My brother is really _(diligence)He often works in his office far into the night.【解析】句意:我的哥哥工作勤奋。他常常在办公室工作到深夜。形容词作表语,故用diligent。【答案】diligent11I can_be a teacher.Im not a very patient person.【解析】句意:我永远不会当老师。我不是一个非常耐心的人。根据句意,应填副词never/not,表否定意义。【答案】never/not12My uncles house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice_expensive.【解析】句意:我叔叔在市中心的房子比我们的小很多,但花费是我们的两倍。考查倍数的表示方法。该题采用了“倍数asadj./adv.as”这一结构。【答案】as13The children loved their day trip, and among all the activities, they enjoyed the horse ride_.【解析】句意:那些孩子们喜欢他们的短途旅行,在所有项目中,他们最喜欢骑马。根据句意,此处应该用most修饰enjoy,表示最喜欢。【答案】most14The weather was_cold that I didnt like to leave my room.【解析】句意:天气太冷了以致于我不愿意离开我的房间。考查soadj.that结构。【答案】so15Tom does very well in puter study and much to my joy, Jane does no_(bad) than Tom.【解析】句意:汤姆在计算机研究方面做得很好,使我高兴的是,简并不比汤姆差。从后文的than可判断应用比较级。【答案】worse.单句改错1The more she learns,the most she wants to learn._【答案】mostmore2She felt frightening because she didnt want to be punished._【答案】frighteningfrightened3It was real dangerous if you didnt stop him from swimming._【答案】realreally4I advise you to eat some fish because it tastes well._【答案】wellgood或nice5The film made by the famous director was high thought of._【答案】highhighly6I learned that Osaka is the second large city in Japan._【答案】largelargest7Im much pleased to learn that you are ing to visit our school._【答案】muchvery8As you are very popularly with us Chinese high school students,wed like to invite you to the exhibition._【答案】popularlypopular9Well,I like much more than one,such as painting and model making,but my favorite is dancing._【答案】去掉much10In some places you may borrow as more books as you need,but in others you are limited to a certain number of books._【答案】moremany.语篇填空(用适当的介词或括号内词的适当形式填空)Some time ago,a friend of mine,who worked in a part of the city I didnt know very _1_ (good),invited me to callon him. It took me hours to get there and I took _2_ (greatly) trouble to find a proper spot to park my car.As I was already threequarters of an hour late,I parked my car _3_ (quick)At noon,just as I was leaving my friends office,it _4_ (sudden) struck me that I had no idea where I had parked my car.I could hardly go up to a policeman and tell him that I had lost a small green car somewhere! Walking down street _5_ street,I examined each car _6_ (close) and was very happy to see a small green car just behind an old car.But how _7_ (disappoint) I was to discover that though the car was _8_ (exact) like my own,it belonged to someone else! Feeling quite _9_ (tire) now,I went off for lunch.Some time _10_ (late),I left the restaurant and walked down the street. Turning the corner,I nearly jumped for joy: my car was right in front of me,and there was no problem this time.【答案】1.well2.great3.quickly4.suddenly5.after6.closely7.disappointed8.exactly9.tired10.later


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