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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4Pygmalion单元加餐练一-二新人教版.完形填空You ask me how my dog led me around the world? OK, let me show you!I was walking my dog in my neighborhood _1_ I do every day. I smiled as I passed my _2_. The neighborhood is a special place where people do _3_ to have a brief chat. You pass the _4_ people often so those brief chats _5_ add up to learning more about each other.One neighbor and I began to ask each other about our _6_. I shared what I did with her. It happened she had a friend who was _7_ a copywriter (文案). She made the _8_ immediately, and soon her friend _9_ me.During the work, I networked with a man, and one conversation _10_ us to a discussion on Italy. This _11_ me because I had been planning a trip to Italy sometime during the year. That new friend told me about his _12_ memory of his trip to Italy. A few days later, I booked my trip and was _13_ to travel to Europe. He also kindly connected me to his aunt who _14_ in Italy. Not only did she help me plan transportation, but she also invited me to _15_ with her family members in her fortable beach house, which _16_ me a lot on hotel expense.And this is the story. Let me _17_ some tips. First, you never know how _18_ the people you meet will be to you. Second, connect with people you meet often. It may not lead anywhere today; _19_, relationships arent meant for just today. Third, always be _20_. People remember you when you take time to get to know them and help them.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。作者每天都会到小区里遛狗。没想到的是,遛狗给她带来了一次快乐的欧洲旅行。1A.thoughBasConce Duntil解析:选B根据后文的“I do every day”可知,作者像往常一样去遛狗。2A.friends BstudentsCrelatives Dneighbors解析:选D作者在遛狗时碰到邻居都会微笑着打招呼。3A.need BseekCstop Dpermit解析:选C小区是一个邻居遇见就会停下来寒暄几句的地方。4A.same BrightCsimilar Dmon解析:选A在小区里经常碰见相同的人,彼此之间简单的寒暄最终会变成长聊。5A.quickly BfinallyCsuddenly Dreally解析:选B参见上题解析。6A.names BgoalsCinterests Djobs解析:选D根据后文所讲的作者在她的邻居的帮助下找到了一份工作可知,作者和邻居熟了以后开始询问对方的工作。7A.looking for Btalking aboutClearning from Dbringing up解析:选A作者的邻居说她的朋友需要一位文案。8A.preparation BexplanationCintroduction Dinterview解析:选C作者的邻居向她的朋友介绍了作者。很快,作者就被雇佣了。9A.met BemployedCserved Dcalled解析:选B参见上题解析。10A.led BfollowedCinvited Dweled解析:选A作者在做文案工作期间要和别人联络。一次,她和一个人的谈话使他们聊到了意大利。11A.surprised BmovedCexcited Ddisappointed解析:选C因为作者打算近期到意大利旅行,因此有关意大利的谈话让作者很兴奋。12A.unbelievable BlimitedCclear Dwonderful解析:选D那位新朋友还告诉作者他到意大利旅行的回忆,之后不久,作者便订了票,准备出发。由此可知,那个朋友的意大利之行是美好的。13A.lucky BreadyCafraid Dproud解析:选B参见上题解析。14A.travelled BstudiedClived Dperformed解析:选C那个朋友还将作者的联系方式告诉了他住在意大利的姑姑。15A.stay BplayCmunicate Deat解析:选A那位姑姑不仅帮作者制订旅行计划,还邀请她和她的家人同住,这让作者省了一大笔住宿费。16A.gave BcostCadvised Dsaved解析:选D参见上题解析。17A.learn BshareCcollect Duse解析:选B作者想要和大家分享她的心得。18A.helpful BimportantCclose Dopen解析:选A作者首先提醒大家:你永远不会知道你所遇见的某个人会对你有多大的帮助。19A.instead BsoChowever Dinstead解析:选C经常和那些你所遇见的人联系,虽然这些人不会马上对你就有所帮助,但是,人与人之间的交情不是为了当天就有帮助才建立的。20A.active BintelligentCstrong Dkind解析:选D根据后文所讲的只要你试着去了解别人并且帮助别人,人们就会记住你可知,作者在这儿强调的是做人要善良。.阅读理解I learnt about the Pygmalion Effect (皮格马利翁效应) when I was 7 years old at Riverdale School in Palmerston North and I copied Melissa Crawfords answers in a spelling test. Before that I was average at school but after that, because Melissa Crawford was smart, and I got all the right answers, I got put in all the smart kids groups. From then I did really well at school because it was believed by the teachers that I would and I also got grouped with the smart kids. This experience that occurred at my primary school shows just how important the Pygmalion Effect is in terms of being around mentors (导师) that expect that youre going to do well and also being around people who are smart.The Pygmalion Effect is one principle you want to use if you want to make money fast. Have mentors that expect you will make money fast and as an extra boost hang around, copy and learn from other people who are also making money fast.Yesterday this site had over 5, 000 unique visitors and the traffic to it is increasing all the time. A year ago I contacted a group of people who got lots of traffic in their sites and I learnt from them. Truthfully, I dont know if they expected me to start getting decent traffic to websites but I imagined they did so they might as well have.So there you have it, the Pygmalion Effect.P. S. My grammar and spelling are not that great nowadays but thats actually pletely irrelevant (不相关的) when it es to getting lots of visitors to your site.1When did the author learn about the Pygmalion Effect?ABefore he took the spelling test.BAfter he cheated in the spelling test.CWhen he did badly in exams.DAfter he finished primary school.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段可知是在他考试作弊以后。2The author got grouped with the smart kids because _.Ahe was an average pupil at schoolBhe did better than expectedCMelissa Crawford was smartDhe did better than all the others at school解析:选B细节理解题。作者以前学习成绩平平,由于考试作弊,成绩出色,所以老师把他列入聪明的学生之中。3What does the underlined word “traffic” mean in the third paragraph?AAmount of vehicles.BAmount of travellers.CAmount of visits. DAmount of goods.解析:选C词义猜测题。根据本句语境判断可知,该词指的是“(网站)访问量”。4From the passage we can infer that _.Athe author was busy meeting visitors every dayBthere was lots of traffic in his cityCthe author opened a website himselfDthe authors grammar was poor at school解析:选C推理判断题。从文章最后一句“when it es to getting lots of visitors to your site”可知,作者有自己的网站。.语法填空Smith:You e to school late as well, Bruce. Yesterday you .Bruce:Im sorry about that, Mr. Smith. You see, since my alarm clock didnt work yesterday morning, I got up half an hour _1_ (late) than usual.Smith:Your alarm clock? But you told me yesterday that the bus _2_ (break) down!Bruce:Oh, did I? I just forgot _3_ (say) that my clock didnt work, either.Smith:Anyway, now tell me again _4_ you want tomorrow off.Bruce:Well . er, my grandmother is in hospital, _5_ (wait) to be operated on. I want to visit _6_.Smith:Oh, I see. So your grandmother is ill again.Bruce:Again? I . I dont understand.Smith:_7_ do I. You said your grandmother was ill just now and you said she had already had _8_ operation. By the way, you also said she was in an old peoples home, _9_ than in a hospital.Bruce:I am sorry, sir, but .Smith:I am tired of your explanation. Next time you are late _10_ want to ask for leave of absence, remember to make up a good excuse.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._语篇解读:这是一位老师和一名喜欢撒谎的学生布鲁斯之间的对话,老师揭穿了布鲁斯请假的假理由并给予严厉的批评。1later根据后面的than可知该空用比较级later。2had broken根据句意,从句的谓语动词break发生在主句的谓语动词told之前,即“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。3to sayforget to do sth.意思是“忘记要做某事”。forget doing sth.意思是“忘记曾做过某事”。4why根据语境可知,史密斯先生问布鲁斯明天为什么要请假。5waiting主语my grandmother和wait之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词waiting。6her根据句意可知,该空指代的是布鲁斯的奶奶,故用her。7Neither/Nor句型“neither/nor助动词/be动词/情态动词主语”表示前者所说的否定情况也适合于后者,常译成“也不”。8an此处an operation泛指“一次手术”。9ratherrather than意思是“而不是”。10or史密斯先生的意思是“下次你迟到或想请假的话,记住编个好理由”。.短文改错Yesterday evening, inviting by some friends, my uncle had dinner with them. He was very glad that he drank a lot of wine. As a result of, he got drunk. Before the meal, it was time to go home. His friend came out to see him off and advised him not to drive home. However, my uncle turned a deaf ear to their advices.On the way home, an accident happened on him and he was serious injured. Two passersby sent him to hospital. The police came to the hospital too, announced that he would be fined and that his driving license would be revoked (吊销)How regretful my uncle was! He said he will never drive after drinking.答案:第一句:invitinginvited第二句:veryso第三句:去掉of第四句:BeforeAfter第五句:friendfriends第六句:advicesadvice第七句:第二个onto; seriousseriously第九句:announcedannouncing或在announced前加and第十一句:willwould.书面表达鲁滨孙漂流记 (Robinson Crusoe) 是英国小说家丹尼尔笛福(Daniel Defoe)写的一部著名小说。请根据下列要点写一篇100词左右的书评。1该书出版于1719年,它是最流行的历险小说之一。2主要情节:它是关于鲁滨孙,一位英国人,在一个荒凉的热带小岛附近船只失事的故事。他自己建造小屋,种植粮食,变得自给自足。二十三年后,他偶遇一伙食肉野人,并从他们手中救出了一位囚犯,给他取名Friday。他们成了密友。四年后他们得到了营救,然后一起回到了英国。参考词汇:1.自给自足的selfsufficient2食人肉的野人cannibal3在一个荒凉的热带小岛附近船只失事shipwreck on a lonely tropical island参考范文:A review of Robinson CrusoeThis is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719, which is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Robinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked on a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and bees selfsufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whom he calls Friday. Crusoe and his “man” Friday bee close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.

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