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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit19Language讲义北师大版选修(I) 一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1candidate n候选人2.liberty n自由3amateur adj.业余的 4.medium n媒介物;渠道5accelerate vi.& vt.加速 6.resemble vt.像;与相似7personnel n全体职员 8.certificate n证书;证明9register vt.登记;注册 10.diploma n毕业证书11regulation n规则 12.decade n十年(二)表达词汇写其形1nationwide adv.全国性地 2.punctual adj.准时的,守时的3global adj.全世界的,全球的 4.trend n趋势,倾向5attain vt.达到;获得 6.ensure vt.确保,保证7purchase vt.购买 8.guarantee vt.保证9enlarge vt.扩大 10.relative n亲戚,亲属11sincerely adv.真诚地 12.thankful adj.感谢的(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.fluency n流利,流畅fluent adj.流利的,流畅的fluently adv.流利地*2.accuracy n精/准确度accurate adj.精确的,准确的accurately adv.精确地3.absence n不在场,缺乏absent adj.缺席的,不在场的4surround vt.环绕,围绕surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n环境5.adjust vt.调节;调整adjustment n调节;调整*6.congratulate vt.祝贺congratulation n祝贺,贺喜7negotiate vt.谈判;协商negotiation n谈判;协商*8.approval n赞成;赞许approve vt.赞成*9.applicant n申请人apply v申请;应用application n申请*10.embarrass vt.使窘迫embarrassing adj.令人难堪的,令人窘迫的embarrassed adj.感到窘迫的embarrassment n窘迫,难堪11inform vt.告知,通知information n信息用上面加*号的单词的适当形式填空1The teacher advised me to improve the fluency of my spoken English, because I couldnt speak English fluently.2Thanks to your approval,_if you didnt approve of my plan, I would be fired by the employer.3The headmaster wrote a letter to congratulate her on her good performance and in turn the exciting congratulations encouraged her greatly.4Bob is always accurate at figures and can accurately describe what he finds, so the accuracy of his report is beyond doubt.5To apply for the good job, the applicant was filling in his application form carefully.6What you did was embarrassing,_making the guest very embarrassed and it also embarrassed me.话题单词积累1alphabet /lfbet/ n字母;字母表2vocabulary /vkbjlr/ n. 词汇3phrase /frez/ n. 短语;词组4expression /kspre()n/ n. 词语,措辞5idiom /dm/ n. 成语,习语6sentence /sentns/ n. 句子7passage /psd/ n. 文章8accent /ksnt/ n. 口音,音调9dialect /dalekt/ n. 方言,土话10dictation /dkte()n/ n. 听写11pronunciation /prnnse()n/ n发音12fluent /flunt/ adj.(外语)流利的,流畅的13stress /stres/ n. 重音14spelling /spel/ n. 拼写;拼法15meaning /min/ n. 意义16term /tm/ n. 术语;条目17grammar /rm(r)/ n. 语法18usage /jusd/ n. 使用,用法19perfect /pfkt/ adj.完美的,极好的20written English 书面英语21pound word 复合词22native (mother) tongue 母语23official language 官方语言24oral (spoken) English 英语口语25pronounce /prnans/ vt. 发音26spell /spel/ vt. 拼写27acplish /kmpl/ vt. 完成28prehension /kmprhen()n/ n. 理解29recite /rsat/ vt. 背诵30retell /ritel/ vt. 复述31preview /privju/ vt. 预习32review /rvju/ vt. 复习33revision /rv()n/ n. 复习34classify /klsfa/ vt. 分类35enlarge /nld/ vt. 扩大36improve /mpruv/ vt.& vi. 改善;提高37practise /prkts/ vt.& vi. 练习38drill /drl/ n& vi. 训练,操练39skim /skm/ vt.& vi. 跳读;略读40translate /trnslet/ vt.& vi. 翻译,二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语*1.keep_in_mind记住 *2.stand_out出色;突出3.get_ahead取得成功;获得进步 *4.rely_on依靠;依赖5take_the_form_of以的形式出现(存在) 6.catch_on学会;受欢迎*7.adjust_.to_.调整以适应 *8.more_than不仅仅;超过9inform_sb._of_sth.通知某人某事 *10.on_purpose故意地11congratulate_sb._on_sth.就某事向某人祝贺 12.regardless_of不管;不顾*13.consist_of由组成/构成 14.on_the_other_hand另一方面(二)用上面加*号的短语完成下列句子1The most important thing to keep_in_mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm.2She will have to adjust herself to new conditions after moving to a new city.3The new council would consist_of about 20 finance ministers.4So how do you stand_out from the petition?5Nowadays parents have done everything for their single children, which makes the children rely_on their parents badly.6The rocks werent slippery at all, but the Donkey fell down on_purpose.7In fact, our pensions are more_than what we spend every month so I feel no burden. 话题短语积累1go over复习2look up 查阅3refer to 查阅,参考4make full use of 充分利用5learn .by heart 背诵,记住6work hard at 努力学习7set/take/write/note down 写下,记下8refer to/consult a dictionary 查字典9develop ones interest培养某人的兴趣10improve ones reading ability提高某人的阅读能力11form the/a habit of 养成习惯12enlarge/expand ones vocabulary扩大某人的词汇量13translate .into 把翻译成14get full marks 得满分15pick up(无意间)学得;拾起,捡起16acquire skills/knowledge 获得技能/知识17have a good mand of 精通18have a good knowledge of 通晓三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1It was predicted that .“据预测”例句It was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades.仿写预计到21世纪末,一半的这些动植物物种将消失。It_is_predicted_that by the end of the 21st century, half of these plant and animal species will be gone.2whether .or .引导让步状语从句例句Quality input ensures quality output, whether it is speaking or writing.仿写不管你忙不忙,都必须要参加这个典礼。Youll have to attend the ceremony whether_youre_free_or_busy.3provided that引导一个条件状语从句,意为“如果,倘若”例句Thirdly, you say that there is a discount provided that I pay in advance.仿写倘若这本书没有其他人想借的话,你可以再续借一个礼拜。You may keep the book a further week provided_that no one else requires it.话题佳句背诵1One can not learn a language well unless he works hard.如果不努力是学不好一门语言的。2Reading aloud is a very effective way of learning English.大声朗读是学习英语非常有效的方法。3The stronger the motivation is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.一个人动机越强,学习外语就越快。4You should spare no effort to read interesting English news, which can help you increase your interest in English.你应当不遗余力地阅读有趣的英语新闻,这有助于提高你对英语的兴趣。5Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability.用英语写日记是提高我们的英语写作能力的有效途径之一。四背语段语感流畅When seeing the advertisement in the local newspaper, Tom immediately showed great interest in it, eagerly hoping to get the position of working as an accountant. The instant he came to the pany, he found lots of applicants waiting for the interview.After two hours sincere negotiation, Tom was approved because of his fluency of English and being punctual. He guaranteed that he would adjust himself quickly to the surroundings. On hearing the good news, his relatives congratulated him on his being employed.看到登在当地报纸上的广告时,Tom立刻对此非常感兴趣,热切地希望能得到会计这个职位。他一到公司,就发现了有许多申请人在等待着面试。经过两个多小时真诚的商谈,Tom由于流利的英语加上他的守时而获得了认可。他保证他会尽快使自己适应这个环境。听到这个好消息,他的亲戚都来祝贺他被录用。 第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1absence n不存在;缺乏;缺席教材原句However, learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the absence of a native language environment.然而,在缺少母语环境的情况下,学习作为外语的英语非常困难。(1)absence from .缺席;离开absence of mind 心不在焉in ones absencein the absence of sb. 在某人不在的时候(2)absent adj. 缺席的;茫然的be absent from 缺席;不存在;缺少The total absence (absent) of mind caused him to fail the exam. 心不在焉致使他考试失败。Because if I am_absent_from more than one third of the classes, I can not get the credits whatever the reason may be.因为如果缺课三分之一以上,不管有什么理由都不能拿到学分。I took pride in what I had done in the absence of my father.I took pride in what I had done in_my_fathers_absence.我为自己在爸爸不在家时的表现感到自豪。2surround vt.环绕,围绕;包围教材原句Some respected theories on language acquisition believe that to attain a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need to be surrounded by it.一些备受尊崇的语言习得理论认为,要想达到高水平的外语流利程度和准确性,你得置身于该语言的环境中。(1)surround sb./sth.with sb./sth. 用某人/某物包围某人/某物be surrounded by/with sb./sth.被某人/某物包围(2)surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的surroundings n. 周围的事物;环境;气氛The village is surrounded by a mixture of farmland and forest.村庄周围环绕着农田和森林。Only if we take good care of the surrounding trees and rivers can we live in more fortable and beautiful surroundings. (surround)只有好好爱护周围的树木和河流,我们才能生活在更加舒适优美的环境中。3guarantee vt.保证;担保 n保证;保证书;抵押品教材原句Knowing the main stories before reading will guarantee greater prehension when reading in English.读前了解主要内容可以保证阅读英文时更透彻的理解。(1)guarantee sb.against/from保证某人免受(损伤或伤害) 保证某人得到某物guarantee to do sth. 保证做某事be guaranteed to do sth. 必定做某事(2)under guarantee 在保修期内give sb.a guarantee (that .)向某人保证()I give you my word, if you meet my need Ill guarantee to_fulfill (fulfill) your dream.我向你保证,如果你满足我的需要我保证实现你的梦想。I appreciate your hard work, but I can not give_you_a_guarantee that you will surely get promoted.我欣赏你努力工作,但是我不能保证你一定能被提升。The car is still under_guarantee,_so you should be able to get it repaired free of charge.汽车还在保修期内,所以你应该可以免费修理。名师点津如果表达“保证某人做某事”,guarantee不能用于guarantee sb. to do .,只能用于guarantee to do .或guarantee that .。4adjust vt.调节;调整;整理 vi.适应教材原句Watching a favourite DVD, but adjusting the language to English in parts you know well.观看你最喜爱的一张光盘,但要把你熟悉部分的语言调换成英语。(1)adjust to 适应于adjust (sth./oneself) to (doing) sth.使(某物/某人自己)适应(做)某事(2)adjustment n. 调整,调节,适应make an adjustment 作出调整However, I think that you will quickly adjust_to them although the weather and the food are different from yours.(xx天津高考书面表达)然而,虽然天气、食物与你以往有所不同,我相信你会很快适应的。We have been preparing our fighters to adjust_themselves_to civil society.我们一直在培训我们的战士,以使他们适应普通的社会生活。The pany will make an adjustment (adjust) in my salary start from this month.从这个月开始公司将对我的薪金作出调整。名师点津在adjust to .中,to为介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词。5inform vt.告知,通知教材原句Inform a friend of your targets so they can help motivate you as well.把你的目标告诉你的一位朋友,这样他们也会帮忙鼓励你。(1)inform sb.of/about sth.通知某人某事inform sb.that . 告知某人(2)informed adj. 了解情况的;消息灵通的keep sb.informed of sth. 使某人知道某事(3)information n. 信息(不可数)The new manager promised to keep me informed (inform) of how our business was going on in time.新经理答应让我及时了解公司的运转情况。They would inform him of/about any progress they had made.他们会把他们取得的任何进展都告诉他。We regret to_inform (inform) you that your application has been rejected.我们很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未被接受。6congratulate vt.祝贺;庆贺;恭喜教材原句You would probably think that the father was congratulating his son on doing something well.你可能认为这位父亲因他儿子做事优秀而在向他表示祝贺。(1)congratulate sb. on 就向某人祝贺congratulate oneself on (doing) sth.感到自豪;暗自庆幸;为自己高兴(2)congratulation n. 祝贺;恭喜offer/send ones congratulations to sb.(on sth.) (为某事)向某人表示祝贺First, Id like to congratulate you on your great success.首先,我想祝贺你的巨大成功。We offer our congratulations (congratulate) to you on your passing the College Entrance Examination.我们祝贺你们通过了高考。7negotiate vi.谈判;协商高考佳句Our English teacher is negotiating with the headmaster for the use of the library.(xx重庆高考满分作文)我们英语老师正在同校长商谈使用图书馆的事。(1)negotiate with sb.about/for sth.与某人商谈某事negotiate a(n) agreement/contract 商定协议/合同(2)negotiation n. 谈判;磋商,洽谈under negotiation 在商谈中They negotiated with the manager for/about an improvement in working conditions.他们与经理交涉,以便改善工作条件。He asked me to tell you the contract is under_negotiation.他要求我告诉你合同正在谈判中。8embarrass vt.使窘迫,使尴尬;使为难经典例句I didnt want to embarrass him by rufuting him in front of his friends.我并没想当着他的朋友反驳他而使他感到难堪。(1)It embarrasses/embarrassed sb.to do sth.做某事使某人窘迫(2)embarrassed adj. 难堪的,尴尬的be embarrassed at/about (对)感到为难/尴尬embarrassing adj. 令人困窘的(3)embarrassment n. 困窘,困惑to ones embarrassment 让某人感到不好意思It embarrassed me to_blame (blame) me in public.在公共场合责备我很让我感到尴尬。Much to her embarrassment (embarrass), I found my pocket empty.令我尴尬的是,我发觉我口袋空空。When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be_seen (see) with my father.在我成长的过程中,我一直羞于让别人看见自己和父亲在一起。自主练通词汇1adequate adj.足够的,充分的;胜任的单句语法填空Im sure her knowledge of English is adequate for the job.The result of the experiment is adequate to_prove (prove) his findings right.2resemble vt.像;与相似单句语法填空/补全句子The boys resemble _in that they both have ginger hair and round faces.Its difficult to tell the plant from others because it resembles grass in appearance (它的外形像草) 点拨resemble 不能用于进行时,也没有被动语态。3purchase vt.购买 n买;购买力补全句子The workers of supermarkets usually purchase_vegetables_directly_from_farmers (从农民那里直接购买蔬菜)We must think twice before we decide to make_a_purchase_on_the_Internet (网上购物)词汇过关练.单句语法填空1He could not account for his absence (absent) from school.2The hotel is surrounded by its own gardens.3Its still under guarantee, so the pany will have it repaired.4It can take several years for parents and teens to make adjustments (adjust) to their new roles, though.5It is necessary that English teachers switch their roles in time and keep informed (inform) of students needs to provide guide and help to them.6The whole family congratulated Jack on ing out first in the maths contest.7He told a rather rude joke, and everyone present looked embarrassed (embarrass)8His parents didnt approve of his marrying the girl.单句改错1The adaptability of youth to new surrounding is one of their good qualities.surroundingsurroundings2Prestige is guarantee for class advisers to do the job of class management.is后加a3The pany should adjust their service to meet the demands of customers.meetmeeting4TV can not only keep us inform of what is happening throughout the world but also bring us various forms of entertainment.informinformed5I want to express my sincere congratulation on your success.congratulationcongratulations6I was totally embarrassing, for I mistook a stranger for my new neighbor.embarrassingembarrassed.单句写作(补全句子/一句多译/句式升级)1It is difficult for the old man to adjust_to_city_life (使自己适应城市生活)2Please keep_us_informed_of_the_latest_developments (让我们随时了解最新的发展动态), and well see what we can do to help you.3Much_to_her_embarrassment (让她感到很尴尬的是), all of her friends refused to go to her birthday party.4The makers guarantee_this_special_glass_against_breakage (保证这种特制玻璃不会打碎)5她缺席会议,这让人产生诸多疑问。Her_absence_from_the_meeting caused lots of doubts.(absence)That_she_was_absent_from_the_meeting caused lots of doubts.(absent)6我们恭喜你竞赛获得成功。We congratulated_you_on your success in the petition.(congratulate)We offered/sent_our_congratulations_to_you_on_your success in the petition.(congratulation)7亚太经合组织成员国之间正在讨论这个商业协定。The trade agreement is still under_negotiation among members of APEC.(negotiation)The trade agreement is still being_negotiated among members of APEC.(negotiate)8The villagers are surrounded by poisonous water. So the villagers are getting from bad to worse.(用过去分词短语作原因状语)Surrounded_by_poisonous_water,_the_villagers_are_getting_from_bad_to_worse.9The police informed the victims family that the victim had survived.(改为简单句)The_police_informed_the_victims_family_of_the_victims_survival._10She felt embarrassed by so much praise and rose from her seat and left quietly.(用过去分词短语作状语)Embarrassed_by_so_much_praise,_she_rose_from_her_seat_and_left_quietly.第二板块短语、句式突破1catch on学会;受欢迎;流行起来;(与to连用)理解;被接受教材原句The more you hear different accents, the easier it is to catch on.你听的不同口音越多,你就越容易理解它(的意思)。一词多义写出句中catch on的含义It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 流行起来The lady repeated her question several times but I still couldnt catch on.理解I think this novel will catch on well after it es out.受欢迎If only this idea could catch on, we should be able to make quite a lot of money out of it.被接受catch hold of抓住catch up with 赶上;缠上catch sight of 看见catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意catch sb.doing sth. 撞见某人做某事Catch_hold_of this rope, and well pull you up.抓住这根绳子,我们就会把你拉上来。Only when you catch_on_to the importance of study will you be likely to work hard and catch_up_with others.只有当你理解了学习的重要性时,你才有可能努力拼搏并赶上其他人。They managed to catch_sight_of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.她们设法看到了野山羊,甚至还看到了一只大灰熊和一只鹰。2on purpose故意地;有意地教材原句People often use body language on purpose.人们经常有意识地使用身体语言。for the purpose of 为了,出于目的with the purpose of 带着的目的We read those books for_the_purpose_of enlarging our vocabulary.我们看这些书为的是扩大我们的词汇量。We wele the world to engage China, with_the_purpose_of sharing resources and jointly creating a better future.我们欢迎世界各国了解中国,共享资源,共创更美好的未来。联想发散(1)表示“故意地”的表达有:by design, deliberately, intentionally。(2)表示“偶然地,意外地”的表达有:by accident, by chance, accidentally。3on the other hand另一方面高考佳句Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence. On the other hand, it could just put you in debt.(xx江西高考单选)创业是获得经济独立的一种方法。另一方面,它也可能使你负债。on the one hand . on the other (hand).(引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等)一方面;另一方面(却)for one thing . for another . 一则;二则 (用于引出并列的理由)first(ly).; second(ly).第一;第二On_the_one_hand,_thats human nature. On_the_other_hand,_it also illustrates that different people view nationality, and money in different ways.一方面这是人性使然,但另一方面也说明不同的人看待国籍和金钱的方式不同。I dont want to go to the supermarket. For_one_thing,_I have no time; for_another,_I have no money.我不想去超市。一则我没时间,二则我没钱。4Quality input ensures quality output, whether it is speaking or writing.不管是说还是写,高质量的输入确保高质量的输出。whether .or 引导让步状语从句,意为“不管是还是,不论还是”。另外,它还可引导名词性从句。We are going to visit the Water Cube together with the foreign guests tomorrow whether it rains or not.无论明天是否下雨,我们都将和外国来宾一起参观水立方。Whether_you_believe_it_or_not,_its true.无论你是否相信,这都是真的。I dont know whether he is satisfied with my work or_not.我不知道他是否对我的工作满意。5Thirdly, you say that there is a discount provided_that I pay in advance.第三,你们说我只要预付就有折扣。(1)句中provided that为连词,表示“如果,只要”, 引导条件状语从句。其中that可以省去,也可用providing替换provided。Provided/Providing (provide) that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to 100 a day.只要账户存款足够,每天可提取不超过100英镑。(2)在英语中,引导条件状语从句的类似连词还有:如果;假如;假设Given (give) that I have a knowledge of puter, I wont trouble you with such small things.假如我懂电脑,我就不用因这些小事情麻烦你了。Assuming_the_house_is_for_sale,_would you buy it?假如那座房子出售,你要买吗?短语、句式过关练.用purpose短语填空(on purpose/with the purpose of/for the purpose of)1Guide dogs are trained for_the_purpose_of guiding a blind person.2He went to town with_the_purpose_of visiting one of his friends.3He hurt the dog on_purpose not by accident.用catch短语完成下面语段(catch on/catch on to/catch up with)她能与时俱进。她对服饰领悟很快,因此她设计的这款新时装很受年轻人的欢迎。She can 1.catch_up_with the new age.She is quickly to 2.catch_on_to clothes, so the new fashion designed by her 3.catches_on among young people.句型转换/补全句子1The suns energy will be inexhaustible, as long as the Earth exists.The suns energy will be inexhaustible, on condition that the Earth exists.The suns energy will be inexhaustible, providing/provided/supposing/suppose/given that the Earth exists.2有时你可能会偶然伤害别人,但我相信你是不会故意伤害他们的。Sometimes you may hurt others by_chance/accident,_but I believe you wont hurt them on_purpose/by_design.3一方面,读书有助于提高我的写作技能,开阔我的视野;另一方面,又能丰富我的人生,为我提供很大的乐趣。For_one_thing,_reading can help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons; for_another,_it can enrich my life and provide me with great fun.4一方面我想要工资高的工作,另一方面我又喜欢现在的工作。On_the_one_hand Id like a job that pays more, but on_the_other_hand I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.5不管你喜欢与否,你必须照顾好这只流浪狗。Whether_you_like_it_or_not,_you have to take good care of the homeless dog.提能一用课文词汇写高分作文1补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)老板不在期间, 李华总是业务缠身。In_the_absence_of_the_boss,_Li_Hua_is_always_surrounded_by_business.今天早上,他接到通知和一家重要公司谈判。他还要去为一家新公司开业贺喜。This morning, he was_informed_that_he_had_to_negotiate_with an important pany. He also was to congratulate_a_new_firm_on_its_opening.不管愿不愿意,他都得


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