2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 6 Old and New练习 外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 6 Old and New练习 外研版必修3.语法填空,单句训练1According to _(history) records, this small town used to be a _(history) one in military.答案:historical; historichistorical表示“有关历史的”;historic表示“有历史意义的”。句意:根据历史记载,这座小镇过去在军事上是非常有历史意义的小镇。2(xx湖北黄冈中学5月适应改编)US scientists say they have developed the technology to _ painful memories without hurting a persons brain and hope it can help those sufferers.答案:removeremove 意为“去除;拿掉”。句意:美国科学家们说,他们已经开发了一种可以去除痛苦的记忆而不伤害人的大脑的技术,希望这会对那些患者有所帮助。3(xx山东德州期末改编)_(acmodate) himself to the life abroad, he has to keep his knowledge and skills updated.答案:To acmodateacmodate作及物动词时意为“使适应”,句子主语he与其为主谓关系;根据逻辑关系判断,此处应选不定式形式表示目的。4(xx湖南长沙月考改编)The words, _(include) steal vegetables (偷菜),60th anniversary (60周年), humble abode (蜗居),have been on the list of xxs 10 news keywords made by Xinhua News Agency.答案:includingincluding 意为“包括”,符合句意,表示“包括偷菜60周年蜗居”。5(xx陕西西安临潼华清中学三模改编)You can arrive in Guilin early in the morning for the meeting _(provide) you dont mind taking the night train.答案:providedprovided意为“如果;假如;在条件下”。根据前后句的逻辑关系判断应用provided 项,provided引导条件状语从句。6He told us whether _(have) a picnic was still under discussion.答案:to havehe told us后面为省略了that的宾语从句,在宾语从句中,whether.picnic为主语部分, 应选用to have,由“连词不定式”作主语。7A really powerful speaker can work_ the audience to fever pitch.答案:upwork up意为“激起”,work up sb.s feelings表示“激起某人的情绪”。8Have you found out why she is so upset these days?Not yet. She hold it_ and doesnt want to tell me.答案:backhold back意为“抑制(情感);隐瞒(事实)”,符合语境。9(xx山东省日照一中高三第三次质量检测改编)The old man has a large collection of records _(date) back to the 1950s.答案:dating考查非谓语动词。句意:老人收藏了大量可追溯到1950年代的记录。date back to“追溯到”,现在分词短语作record的定语。10Ive always dreamed _ ing to China, and now the dream has e _.答案:of; truedream of/about doing sth.表示“梦想做某事”;e true表示“实现”。.语法填空,篇章训练阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Amy:You dont look happy this morning.Jim:I had never expected this would have happened to me. We had a power _1_(fail) at home last night.Amy:_2_ e? Did anyone in the family do anything wrong?Jim:You have guessed _3_. It was all my fathers fault.Amy:What did he do?Jim:I was just watching a wonderful football match on TV _4_ the lights suddenly went out.Amy:Why was that?Jim:You see, wed just had our dinner. My mother _5_(wash) my jeans with the washing machine then, and the air conditioners were _6_ in both rooms. I was in my room _7_(watch) TV.Amy:What was your father doing then?Jim:He wanted to warm his tea in the microwave oven. He plugged it and the fuse (保险丝)blew. And everything stopped _8_ of a sudden.Amy:Your next door is an electrician, isnt he?Jim:Yes,_9_(fortune), he happened to be at home. He came and fixed it. But it was half an hour later. I had already missed a lot.Amy:It was an annoying experience for _10_ football fan like you. But dont miss the basketball final this evening. Make sure there is no such accident tonight.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1.failure2.How3.it4.when5.was washing6.on7watching8.all9.fortunately10.a.完形填空(xx福建质检)As the hour hand reaches 10 at night, Paul Lee, a 12th grade student in Beijing, is getting ready to leave school and start his homework. He is not _1_: many high school students throughout the country _2_ exactly the same routine. Most American students are _3_ when they hear about this busy _4_. This is not surprising when you consider the different attitudes towards _5_ in the two countries._6_ Chinese universities accept students _7_ mainly on one examination score, American universities take applicants who are not just academically _8_, but also good at social activities. American students are _9_ to bee allrounders, and it can be stressful, but they dont lose their fun, while some Chinese students have no _10_ in going out and having fun. In fact, the efforts required to improve academic _11_ make some Chinese students very unhappy. _12_petition between students also causes problems. “I feel pressured to do well in exams _13_ the class ranking,” said James Zhang, an 11th grade Chinese student. “It would be embarrassing if I came _14_ of my class.”Some teachers agree that the ranking system can _15_more harm than good. “It means schools put pressure on their students rather than _16_ their skills,” said Chang Xueying, a teacher in Beijing._17_ the pressure, there are ways in which students can _18_ their lives. “I always run when I dont feel like doing homework. It _19_ to reduce the stress,” said Tracy Yuan, a Chinese student. But in America, munity service, art and music are also _20_ among American students besides sports. They think they learn more out of school than they do in school.语篇解读:该文对比了中国和美国的教育。中国大学录取学生依据分数,而美国大学则既看学生的学业成绩又看社会技能;中国学生学习任务繁重,压力过大,且减压方式单一,很难享受到学习的快乐,而美国学生却不然。1A.tired BaloneCawayDlively答案:B根据此空后的many high school students throughout the country _2_ exactly the same routine可知,并不是只有Paul Lee一人这样。故alone“独自的,单独的”正确。2A.break BignoreCobserveDfollow答案:D全国的许多中学生都像Paul Lee一样,晚上十点离校后还要写家庭作业。follow“按方式发展,以方式发生”,符合语境。follow exactly the same routine此处表示“跟李保罗的生活方式完全一样”。3A.shocked BembarrassedCdelightedDworried答案:Ashocked意为“震惊的”;embarrassed意为“尴尬的”;delighted意为“高兴地”;worried意为“担心的”。根据上下文可知,当大部分美国学生听说这么繁忙的日程安排时都感到“吃惊”,故A项正确。4A.hour BlessonCscheduleDproject答案:C根据第一段第一句“As the hour hand reaches 10 at night,Paul Lee,a 12th grade student in Beijing,is getting ready to leave school and start his homework。”可知这是指繁忙的日程安排,故schedule“日程安排”符合语境。5A.education BdevelopmentCsituationDmanagement答案:Aeduction意为“教育”;development意为“发展”;situation意为“情况”;management意为“管理”。根据上下文可知这里谈论的是教育问题,故A项正确。6A.As BIfCSinceDWhile答案:D句意为:中国的大学主要依据考试分数录取学生,而美国的大学接受那些不仅学术成绩突出而且还擅长社交活动的申请人。根据第7空后的“.mainly on one examination score”和下半句中“not just.but also.”可知此处表示中国和美国的大学录取学生标准的对比,故用while引导,意为“而”,表示对比两件事物。7A.fixed BbasedCbroughtDfocused答案:Bfix on意为“选定,确定”;base on意为“以为基础(或根据)”;bring on意为“导致”;focus on意为“集中于”。根据语境中国大学主要依据分数录取学生可知此处B项正确。8A.hard BvaluableCavailableDstrong答案:D根据上下文可知,这里指学术成绩突出,故strong“擅长的,突出的”符合语境。9A.forced BappointedCexpectedDselected答案:Cforce意为“强迫,迫使”;appoint意为“任命,委派”;expect意为“期待,预期”;select意为“选择”。根据语境可知此处表示美国学生被期望成为全才,故C项正确。10A.experience BdifficultyCsenseDpoint答案:Aexperience意为“经历,体验”;difficulty意为“困难”;sense意为“感觉”;point意为“要点”。根据上半句中的“.but they dont lose their fun”,可知此处表示美国学生尽管有压力但没有失去他们的乐趣,而中国的学生则没有出去快乐地玩的体验,故experience“经历,体验”符合语境。11A.action BcampaignCprofessionDperformance答案:Daction意为“行动”;campaign意为“运动,活动”;profession意为“职业,专业”;performance意为“表现,表演”。academic performance意为“学习成绩”,符合语境。12A.Frightening BFairCFierceDReasonable答案:C句意为:学生之间激烈的竞争也引起了问题。frightening意为“令人恐惧的”;fair意为“公平的”;fierce意为“激烈的,凶猛的”;reasonable意为“合理的”。根据语境可知C项正确。13A.instead of Bregardless ofCahead ofDbecause of答案:Dinstead of意为“代替”;regardless of意为“不管,不顾”;ahead of意为“在前面”;because of意为“因为,由于”。根据语境可知此处表示“由于班级排名,为了考出好成绩而感觉有压力”,故D项正确。14A.free BbottomCproudDtop答案:B根据此空前的“embarrassing”可知,这里指排在班里最后的位置会令人感到尴尬,故bottom“(班级、名单等的)最末位置”符合语境。15A.give BmakeCdoDget答案:C一些老师同意排名制度弊大于利(的说法)。do harm意为“损害,对有害”,为固定搭配,符合语境。16A.protecting BstudyingCmasteringDdeveloping答案:Dprotect意为“保护”;study意为“学习”;master意为“控制,精通”;develop意为“发展”。成绩排名制度意味着学校给学生施加了压力而不是发展他们的技能。故D项正确。17A.Despite BThereforeCOtherwiseDInstead答案:Adespite意为“尽管,不管”;therefore意为“因此”;otherwise意为“否则,另外”;instead意为“代替,反而”。尽管有压力,也有方法能使学生平衡他们的生活。根据句意的连贯性可知此处despite正确。18A.devote BbalanceCtakeDsave答案:B根据下文中Tracy Yuan的话可知,她不想写作业时,通常会跑步,这有助于减少压力。故此处应填balance表示“学生用于平衡生活的方法”。19A.fails BneedsCdemandsDhelps答案:D根据上一句“I always run when I dont feel like doing homework.”可知这种方法帮助减少压力,故D项正确。20A.particular BactiveCpopularDrelative答案:Cparticular意为“特别的,详细的”;active意为“积极的”;popular意为“受欢迎的”;relative意为“相对的”。根据此段最后一句“They think they learn more out of school than they do in school.”可知此处表示在美国,除了运动之外,社区服务、艺术和音乐也是受美国学生欢迎的活动,故C项正确。.阅读理解American culture is unique because it is formed and developed under certain conditions. The major factors contributing to the making of this nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity (多民族)and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the world. What is more, these elements are still influencing the American culture.The early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of America.From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west. The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom. Actually they looked for a better life. So individualism (个人主义), selfreliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage (遗产) of America.In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to America three times. They brought their own culture to America and later on, different cultures were mixed together. Thus the unique American culture is formed, a mon cultural life with monly shared values.The fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United States. The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism; almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States.Nowadays, we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American society. American family is typically parents and their unmarried children. Middleaged and elderly people generally do not live with their married children. The people in America have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new place. Quite a number of people change residences every year. The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime.1American culture is unique because of the following factors EXCEPT _.Ahard environmentBethnic diversityCplural religionDadvanced modernization答案:D细节理解题。第一段第二句说明美国独特文化的主要因素是hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族)and plural religion,而没有提到advanced modernization,故选D项。2We can learn from this article that _.Athe frontiersmen left important society values for American cultureBthe early immigrants brought about the unique American cultureCpeople in the world once rushed to America because of its unique cultureDthe American family members dont get along well with each other答案:A细节理解题。根据第二段尤其是最后一句的叙述可知,美国的早期移民为美国文化留下了包括individualism (个人主义),selfreliance,and equality of opportunity在内的社会价值观(society values),故选A项。3Whats the authors attitude toward American culture?AHe is critical of it.BHe admires it very much.CHe just states the facts.DHe looks down upon it.答案:C作者态度推断题。纵观全文可以看出,作者只是客观地叙述了美国独特的文化形成的原因、背景,以及当今影响美国文化的三大因素等,并没有对此作出评论,故选C项。4The last paragraph is about _.Athe family structure in American societyBthe influence of the three elements in the current American societyCthe new lifestyle of American familyDthe reason why American people like to change residences答案:B段意推断题。该段第一句是主题句,全段围绕该句向我们介绍了三大因素对当今美国社会的影响,故选B项。5What might be the most suitable title of this article?AThe immigrants in AmericaBWhy American culture is unique?CThe influence of American cultureDPlural religion and American culture答案:B主旨大意题。纵观全文可以看出文章开篇点题,首句即为文章的主题:American culture is unique because it is formed and developed under certain conditions.然后,全文围绕这一主题展开论述,向我们讲述美国独特文化形成的原因,故选B项。

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