2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 高考专项突破 语法1 外研版 .doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 高考专项突破 语法1 外研版 .doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 高考专项突破 语法1 外研版 .doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 高考专项突破 语法1 外研版1.(xx山师大附中月考改编)It is often said that _ teachers have _ very easy life.答案:/; a考查冠词。句意:常听人说,老师们过着非常简单的生活。第一空后teachers是复数,表泛指,不需要加冠词;第二空固定搭配have a. life意为“过着一种的生活”。2(xx浙江省五校联考改编)If you want to buy _good equipment, it will take the school a lot of money.答案:such考查such的用法。such是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,such结构可分为以下三种:(1)sucha(n)adj.单数可数名词;(2)suchadj.复数的可数名词;(3)suchadj.不可数名词。如果such后面的名词前有many,much,few,little等词修饰,则不用such而用so。此题中equipment为不可数名词,故用such。句意:如果你们要买这么好的设备,那要花费学校一大笔钱。3(xx嘉兴市基础测试改编)The actor _(impress) us greatly with his wonderful performance and excellent English.答案:impressedimpress“给人留下印象”符合句意。4(xx西城期末改编)Mr. Smith spoke slowly and clearly to _ all of us students could follow him.答案:make sure句意:史密斯先生讲得慢而清楚是为了确保同学们都能跟上他。make sure (that)“确定,确保”,符合句意。5(xx东北三省第一次大联考改编)Mrs. White prefers _(do) some voluntary work in a local hospital, rather than _(do) nothing at all all day long.答案:to do; do此题考查prefer to do.rather than do.句型,意为“宁愿做而不愿做”。6(xx山西省七校联考改编)Mr. Sandy plans to write a dictionary which will _ the new words that have appeared in the past few years.答案:cover句意:桑迪先生计划写一本包含近几年出现的新词在内的词典。cover“包含”,符合题意。7(xx西安市高中第一次质检改编)Id appreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the puter.答案:itId appreciate it if.是固定句式,it作appreciate的形式宾语,真正的宾语是if从句。8(xx豫南九校联考改编)Little Tom admitted _(cheat) in the examination, _(promise) that he wouldnt do that in future.答案:having cheated; promisingadmit having done sth.“承认做过某事”,promise表示的动作是由主语little Tom主动发出的,故用v.ing形式。若用过去式作谓语则需要加并列连词and。9(xx杭州市一检改编)The naughty boy made up excuses to avoid _(punish) by his teacher.答案:being punishedavoid doing sth.“避免做某事”,此处表示被动,故用punished。10(xx武汉市部分联考改编)My father is considering_(take up) another job.答案:taking upconsider doing“考虑做某事”。11(xx开封市一模改编)The boy _(refer to)look forward to _(buy) a new bike.答案:referred to; buyingreferred to是过去分词短语作后置定语。look forward to doing为固定短语“盼望着做某事”。12(xx唐山市期末改编)How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?Well, I get _ somehow.答案:along句意:“没有助手你如何工作呢?”“唉,凑合对付吧。”get along“进展,应付,对付”,符合句意。13(xx宜春五校联考改编)He is unable to go to work as a result_ the fall from his bike.答案:of句意:由于从自行车上摔了下来,他不能去工作了。as a result of“由于的缘故”,后面接原因,符合句意。14(xx淄博市期末改编)_ you call me to say youre not ing, Ill keep waiting for you at the theatre.答案:Unless句意:除非你打电话说你不来了,否则我就会在剧院一直等你。unless“除非,如果不”,引导条件状语从句,相当于if.not。15(xx山师附中月考改编)Did you enjoy your journey to the town?Not_. We had driven more than 3 hours before we found the right way.答案:at all考查情景交际。句意:“你这次的乡村游玩得开心吗?”“一点也不”。我们开了三个多小时的车才找到正确的路。根据语境可知at all正确。

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