2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit16教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit16教学案 人教大纲版理解:要点诠释单词1.addition讲:n.加法;附加物短语:in addition (副词)加之;又;另外in addition to (介词)加之;除之外例:Our boy is still not good at addition.我们的小男孩加法仍然不好。Theyve had an addition to the family.他们家多了一个人。There was an earthquake and,in addition,there were tidal waves.除了地震以外,还有海啸。He speaks French in addition to English.他除了英语以外还会说法语。链接提示 in addition to 相当于besides和as well as,表示“除了以外还有”。练:(xx北京朝阳测试) The classroom was almost empty_ a desk or two.A.besides B.except forC.except D.in addition to提示:相近介词用法辨析。根据句意可知是先肯定整体再排除部分。答案:B2.count讲: v.(按顺序)数数;计算(或清点)总数;把算在内;起作用;有重要性;认为;看作;正式认可短语:count on 依靠,指望count up 算出总数,共计例:The little girl can count up to 10 in English.这个小女孩可以用英语数到10。She began to count up how many guests they had to invite.她开始计算他们得邀请多少客人。We have invited 50 people,not counting the children.不算小孩,我们已邀请了50人。The fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him.她已道歉,但他认为这是没有用的。But it is not just what they do with their feet that counts.但是并不是他们脚的表现在起作用。Its the thought that counts.贵在心意。Dont go over that line or your throw wont count.别越过那条线,否则你的投掷就会被判无效。I count him among my closest friends.我把他看作我一个最亲密的朋友。练:We are a party of eleven, _our teacher.A.counting B.to countC.counted D.having counted提示:根据词语用法,此处的counting相当于including“包括在内;计算在内”的意思。答案:A短语1.hold back讲:拦阻;阻挡;不向(某人)透露情况;隐瞒;抑制;控制(感情);(使)犹豫;踌躇例:She held back,not knowing how to break the terrible news.她踌躇着,不知如何说出这一可怕的消息。I wanted to tell him the truth,but something held me back.我本想告诉他真实的情况,但又开不了口。The police were unable to hold back the crowd.警察阻拦不了人群。She just managed to hold back her anger.她勉强压住了自己的怒火。链接提示 hold 短语还有: hold up举起,阻止,使延误 I held up my hand to show that I had a question. 我举手提问题。 hold on继续;持续;(电话用语)等一等 The storm held on all night. 暴风雨持续了一整夜。 How much longer can we hold on? 我们还能再持续多久? hold out伸出;坚持,维持 Our food supplies wont hold out long. 我们食品的储量维持不了多久了。练:(xx北京朝阳测试) The school bus was_ by a thick fog.A.held up B.broken offC.kept up D.started up提示:本题考查常见动词短语的辨析,hold up 作及物动词短语时意为“阻止;使延误”;符合题意。答案:A2.make a/no/some.difference(to/in sb./sth.)讲:有(或没有、有些等)作用,关系,影响例:The rain didnt make much difference to the game.这场雨对比赛没多大影响。Your age shouldnt make any difference to whether you get the job or not.你能否得到这工作与你的年龄无关。What difference will it make if he knows or not?他知不知道有什么关系吗?Education is essential to poverty relief,so Lin Yings work is making a big difference to the childrens future.教育是脱贫的根本,因此林颖的工作对于孩子的未来有着重大影响。Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?我们星期五走还是星期六走?It makes no difference to me.我无所谓。链接提示 make all the difference (to sb./sth.)关系重大;大不相同;使更好受 A few kind words at the right time make all the difference. 在适当的时候说几句体贴的话效果迥然不同。 with difference(用于名词后)引人注目;与众不同 The traditional backpack with a differenceits waterproof. 这个跟传统背包不同可以防水。练:It is how you react to your failure that makes a_ in future life.A.development B.differenceC.progress D.point提示:本题考查名词辨析。短语make a difference的意思为“产生差别;有影响;起重要作用”。答案:B句型1.every time引导时间状语从句讲:注意观察下面教材原句:Every time he plays football he is watched by thousands of adoring Becks fans all over the world.他每次踢球时,世界各地有成千上万的Becks队的狂热球迷观看他比赛。此处every time用来引导时间状语从句,其作用相当于连词。例:Every time I hear that song I feel happy.我每次听到那首歌都感到愉快。Next time youre here,lets have lunch together.下次你来这里,我们一起吃午饭。We hadnt met for 20 years but I recognized him the moment(that) I saw him.我与他有20年没见面了,可是我一见面就认出了他。I want to see him the minute he arrives.他一到我就要见他。链接提示 能够这样用的名词还有the moment,the minute,the day等。练:(1)Please remember to send me one of your photos next time you_to me.A.will write B.have writtenC.write D.wrote提示:next time在此引导时间状语从句。在含有时间、条件状语从句的复合句中,从句用一般现在时代替将来时态。答案:C(2)(xx福建达标中学质量检查) The head of the pany promised to deal with matters of this sort_ he returned to his office.A.until B.whileC.by the time D.the moment提示:本题考查状语从句引导词的用法。the moment作为连词使用,引导状语从句,相当于as soon as;until表示“直到”,在此不合情理;while作“在时”讲时,后面不跟短暂动词;by the time的主句中常用将来完成时或过去完成时。答案:D2. .immediately when.讲:注意观察下面教材原句:Davids career took off almost immediately when he was part of the Manchester Uniteds Youth Team that won the FA Youth Cup in 1992.(差不多)就在大卫作为曼联青年队的成员于1992年赢得英国足球总会青年杯后,他的事业开始起色。在时间状语从句的引导词前可以加上副词进行修饰,表示更加具体的时间。例如:soon after./shortly after./not long before./long before 等。例:He came home immediately after he finished his work.他做完工作后马上就回家了。She got married soon after she graduated from the college.她大学毕业后不久就结婚了。I had known him long before he came to work in my office.在他来我办公室工作之前很久我就认识他。练:e in _you have taken off your coat,its too cold outside.A.long before B.immediately whenC.soon after D.long after提示:从后半句话所提供的语境分析,此处用immediately when表时间非常短暂,其他项和语境不符。答案:B辨析1.across,throughacross表示“横过、横穿、越过”时,它的含义与on,over有关,侧重于动作在某一物体或某一地方的表面进行。作介词时,across还可表示“在的对过”;作副词时,表示“对过”和“横过”。through表示“通过、穿过”时,它的含义与in有关,侧重动作在某一物体空间里进行,含有“从中间通过”之意。即时练习:(1)Look around when you walk_ the street.(2)We drove straight_ the town.(3)She swam_ the river.(4)Waste water flows _this pipe to a treatment plant.(5)The lake was frozen so we walked_ the ice.答案:(1)across (2)through (3)across (4)through (5)across2.be famous for,be famous asbe famous for后的介词宾语是主语的所述内容;be famous as后的介词宾语与主语是同位成分。人+be famous for表示“因某种知识、技能或特征而出名”。人+be famous as表示“因某种身份而出名”。地名+be famous for表示“以某种特产而出名”。地名+be famous as表示“以什么样的产地或地方而出名”。sth.+be famous for表示“以其内容、特征、价值等被人所知”。sth.+be famous as表示“以某种形式而出名”。即时练习:(1)Einstein was famous_ a great scientist.(2)Einstein was famous_ his Theory of Relativity.(3)The area is famous _its green tea.(4)The area is famous _a green tea producing place.(5)This grammar book is famous_ its practical usage.(6)This book is famous _a reference book.答案:(1)as (2)for (3)for (4)as (5)for (6)as诱思:实例点拨【例1】 (xx辽宁模拟) Do you have any idea_ is actually going on in the classroom?A.that B.what C.as D.which提示:填上what之后,形成一个名词性从句作idea的同位语。答案:B讲评:从句子的意思上来判断用词。【例2】(xx广东模拟) Years ago we didnt know this,but recent science_ that people who dont sleep well soon get ill.A.showed B.will showC.has shown D.is showing提示:由于we didnt know this与“现代科技已经证明睡不好觉的人会生病”相互对比,所以this即指后文的内容,用现在完成时表示对现在的影响。答案:C讲评:注意recent science表示的是最新的研究成果表明的现实问题。【例3】 (xx江苏模拟) Dont you think it necessary that he_ to Miami but to New York?I agree,but the problem is_ he has refused to.A.will not be sent;that B.not be sent;thatC.should not sent;what D.should not send;what提示:在“It is necessary that从句”句型中,从句谓语动词用should do的形式,should可以省略,由此可以排除A项;send与him之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以send应该用被动语态的形式,由此可以排除D项;从句意看,“the problem is_ be refused to”是一个表语从句,意为“问题时他已经拒绝了”,由此可排除C项。答案:B讲评:本题考查点较多,既考查了虚拟语气,又考查了表语从句,可以先从一点入手,逐一解决。

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