2019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 4th period优秀教案 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 4th period优秀教案 外研版必修1The General Idea of This PeriodIn this period, well review the use of the present tense by practicing. We will learn something about word formation.Teaching Aims1. Review the words and phrases learned in the last three periods.2. Review the present tense.3. Improve the students listening ability.Teaching Important Points1. Finish some exercises to review the present tense.2. Practise listening to improve the students listening ability.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve the students ability.Teaching Aids1. the blackboard2. the multimediaTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Greetings and RevisionT: In the last two periods, we have finished the whole passage and learned some useful words, phrases and sentences. Today we will deal with Grammar 1 and Listening exercises. Before this, we will review something we have learned, translate the following things into English orally. Are you ready?(Teacher gives Chinese meanings of some words, expressions and sentences from the text.)Step 2 Grammar 1 T: Please turn to Page 4.Read the sentences and try to understand them and then answer them. You had better finish them by yourselves.(Give the students some time to prepare.)T: Now lets check the answers. What about the first one?S:I think A is the answer.T: Yes, thats right. Do you have any other opinion?S:I think both A and B are the answers.T: Very good. What about the second one?S:I think “I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far away from Beijing.” indicates a permanent state of affairs, while the sentence “The teachers write on the puter, and their words appear on the screen behind them.” indicates a habit or something you do regularly.T: Well-done!Lets move to the last question.S:D indicates that something is taking place at the moment. B indicates that something is taking place in this period of time.T: Good. I will show you the answers.Answers:1. Sentence A and B2. Sentence A: indicating a permanent state of affairsSentence C: indicating a habit or something you do regularly3. Sentence B: indicating that something is taking place in this period of time.4. Sentence D: indicating that something is taking place at this moment.From these answers, we can know the uses of the present tense and the continuous tense. What are they? You can express them in Chinese.S:一般现在时表示经常发生的动作、存在的状态或现阶段的习惯。现在进行时表示此时此刻或目前这段时间内正在进行的动作。T: Yes, that is it. Now make sentences using the present tense or the present continuous tense.e. g. 1. I am a new high school student.2. He is always ready to help others.3. We have sports at five every afternoon.4. China is in Asia. 5. He is reading a book now.6. They are learning Chinese in Beijing.Step 3 Listening and Vocabulary T: All of you have done a good job. Now lets move to the next part, Listening and Vocabulary. First lets go through the words on Page 5 and then plete the chart with words in the box quickly.correctionencouragementenjoymentexplanation fluencymisunderstandingprogresspronunciation (After three minutes, the teacher asks the students to finish it one by one.)Answers:NounVerb AdjectiveCorrection correct /encouragement encourage /enjoyment enjoy enjoyableexplanation explain /fluency / fluentmisunderstanding misunderstand /pronunciation pronounce / (The teacher notes: there is a verb to progress, but it isnt used very often.)T: Now, lets finish Exercise 2 on Page 5,use a suitable form of each word in the box, then I will ask you to read the whole sentences.(After a few minutes, the students read and translate the sentences.)1. He isnt Chinese, but hes fluent in Chinese.2. The first lesson was very enjoyableI like it a lot!3. Mr Davies gave us a lot of encouragementhe made us feel really good about being there.4. I think we all made a lot of progressin just an hour!5. The most important thing at the beginning is pronunciation, getting the sounds right.6. He had an interesting attitude to correctionHe said it didnt matter if we made mistakes.7. I misunderstood the teacherI thought the class was for people who already speak Spanish.8. I was a bit disappointedshe explained everything in English.T: We have done a good preparation for the listening. Lets listen to it. Dont be nervous. It is easy for you.(The teacher plays the tape and the students listen carefully and try to understand it.)T: Now can you answer the following questions?Answers:1.c2.cT: Listen to the tape again and answer these questions. Add information.Suggested Answers:1. No, she isnt. Shes studying Spanish.2. No, he isnt, but hes fluent in Chinese.3. Yes, she is. Her names Miss Wang 4. Yes, he did. He made them feel really good. 5. No, he didnt. He said pronunciation was the most important thing at the beginning.6. No, she didnt. She thought it was for speakers of Spanish.7. No, he wasnt. He made a lot of progress.8. No, she wasnt. She was disappointed. Step 4 Summary and HomeworkIn this lesson we review the present tense and practice our listening. We know the present tense contains the present simple tense and the present continuous tense. You should know how to use it correctly. Meanwhile listening is a difficult thing for most students. So after class, you should try to listen more to improve your listening ability.Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 1My First Day at Senior HighThe Fourth PeriodRevision of the present tenseThe present simple tense:indicating a permanent state of affairs indicating a habit, or something you do regularlyThe present continuous tense:indicating that something is taking place in this period of timeindicating that something is taking place at this momentStep 6 Activity and InquiryStepsStudents ActingTeachers Organizing1Try to summarize something about the present tenses.Help them to finish it.2Learn something about word formationExplain.3Practise listening.Make listening material easier to understand.


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