2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Reading同步练习 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Reading同步练习 新人教版必修4.单词拼写读下面的句子,根据所给的首字母或汉语提示写出一个完整、准确的英语单词,使句子顺畅。1He failed again, so he looked rather d_.2Are you c_with your life?3We were all a_to hear that an old man over 80 took the university entrance exam.4I was late but f_the meeting hadnt started.5The area is covered with snow t_the year.6Can I sit down? Im_(疲惫不堪)7We should try our best to_(克服)all difficulties.8With a_(满口)of rice, he could hardly say anything.9Im _(相信)that he is telling the truth.10Can the_(杰出的)scientist win the national prize for science?答案:1.depressed2.content3.astonished4.fortunately5throughout6.wornout7.overe8.mouthful9.convinced10.outstanding.用本课所学知识翻译下列短语。1直到现在_2使英美两国人民的生活更快乐_3对他们的生活感到满意_4贫穷的,境况不好的_5普通的日常工作_6在全世界出名_7克服所有困难的决心_8对某人不友好_9为了寻找_10挑出,选出_11每一口都吃地津津有味_12担任主角,主演_13作为一个伟大的演员被人们喜爱和怀念_14使用手势_答案:1.up to now2brighten the lives of Americans and British3feel content with their lives4badly off5ordinary everyday tasks6bee known throughout the world7the determination to overe all difficulties8be unkind to sb.9in search of10pick out11eat each moutful with great enjoyment12star in13be loved and remembered as a great actor14make use of gestures.短文填空根据课文内容进行填空,每空限填一词。 Up to now nobody has been able to do better than Charlie Chaplin in_1_. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more_2_with their lives.Chaplins parents were poor music hall_3_. It was_4_that Chaplin was brought up very successfully when he was very young. Unfortunately, his father died, leaving the family_5_off. Chaplin could act the fool doing_6_everyday tasks. Nobody was ever_7_watching him for he made everything entertaining.He became known_8_the world. The tramp, a poor,_9_man with a moustache, wore large trousers, wornout shoes and a small round black hat. Later, Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he_10_in. In 1972, Chaplin was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work in films.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案:1.humour2.content3.performers4.astonishing5.worse6.ordinary7.bored8.throughout9.homeless10starred.单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1My friend knows where he can_a good used car at a reasonable price.Aput up Bget upCset up Dpick up答案:D考查动词词组辨析。句意:我的朋友知道在哪里买到价格公道而质量尚好的旧车。put up“举起,抬起,建造”;get up“起床”;set up“设立,竖立,创(纪录)”;pick up“(便宜地)买到”。2There was a_carpet on the floor of his living room.AChinese beautiful greenBgreen beautiful ChineseCChinese green beautifulDbeautiful green Chinese答案:Dbeautiful属于表示观点的描绘性形容词,green表示颜色,Chinese表示国籍。根据多个形容词修饰名词的顺序可知本题答案为D。3(xx山东30)Up to now, the program_thousands of children who would otherwise have died.Awould save BsavesChad saved Dhas saved答案:D考查时态。up to now表示“直到现在”,句中谓语动词往往用现在完成时态。4_was expected, only five people turned up at the party,_disappointed the hostess very much.AAs; which BAs; thatCIt; that DIt; which答案:Aas引导非限制性定语从句,位置比较灵活,表示在意料之中;which引导非限制性定语从句,表示在意料之外。本句话意思是“正如所预料的,只有5个人参加了那次聚会,这使女主人非常失望。”5Two middleaged passengers fell into the sea._,neither of them could swim.AIn fact BLuckilyCUnfortunately DNaturally答案:C从neither of them could swim判断,可知应该是“不幸的是”,选C。句意:两个中年乘客掉入海中,不幸的是,他们两个都不会游泳。6_house prices up all the time, the plains can be heard everywhere.AAs BForCThrough DWith答案:D考查 with短语的复合结构。as(随着)后接从句,for(因为)后接从句,with宾语宾语补足语是一个非常有用的状语结构,考生应熟记。7So amused_that I couldnt help laughing when I saw the children dressed up as santa clauses on Christmas Day.Adid I feel Bhad I feltCI felt DI had felt答案:A考查倒装句。题意:当我看到孩子们在圣诞节装扮成圣诞老人时,感觉如此有趣,以至于忍不住大笑起来。so.that.表示“如此以至于”,so形容词/副词放在句首,用部分倒装。本题要考虑时态问题。根据句意,应用一般过去时来表示。8We cant go abroad this year, so well have to_ourselves with a holiday in Shanghai.Acontent BsatisfyCmeet Dadjust答案:A题意:今年我们不能出国,所以只能去上海度假了。content oneself with sth.表示“满足;满意;知足”。9After shed_her initial shyness, she became very friendly.Aovere BdefeatCbeat Dstruggled答案:A题意:她克服了开始时的羞涩之后,就变得非常友善。overe表示“克服;解决;战胜”;例如:Can you overe your shortings?你可以克服你的缺点吗? 10The chairman thought _necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.AthatBitCthisDhim答案:B题意:大会主席认为有必要邀请史密斯教授作大会发言。形式宾语it代替了后面的不定式短语to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.11The stranger stared at me as if he_me.Aknows BknewCknowing Dhad known答案:D他认识我与过去事实不符,所以as if从句中用过去完成时。12The mountain village was_by the snow for more than a month.Acut down Bcut inCcut off Dcut up答案:Ccut off意为“切断联系,隔绝”。13Up to now, he_quiet.Ais Bhas beenCwas Dhad been答案:Bup to now作时间状语常与现在完成时连用。14He walked around stiffly_a walking stick.Acarried BcarryCand carrying Dand carried答案:Dand连接两个并列谓语动词,C项中去掉and正确。15The book is anything but_; it is, in fact, rather exciting and fascinating.Aboring BboredCinteresting Dinterested答案:Aanything but意为“一点也不”,所以填入的成分应该与exciting and fascinating意义相反,因此,可以排除C、D。boring通常表示某物所具有的特点或某物或某事给人的感觉;bored意为“厌烦的;不感兴趣的”,通常是指某人对某事感到厌烦。句意为“这本书一点也不枯燥;事实上,还非常令人振奋且吸引人”。因此,A为正确答案。.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Humor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying“no”, criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. For some jobs, its the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitively that a serious dialogue may start a quarrel. For example, many believe that edians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people in any other forum.Humor is often the best way to keep a small misunderstanding from escalating into a big deal. Recently a neighbor of mine had a quarrel with his wife as she drove him to the airport. Airborne, he felt miserable, and he knew she did, too. Two hours after she returned home, she received a long distance phone call. “Person to person for Mrs. IA. Pologize,”intoned the operator.“Thats spelled Pas in.”. In a twinkling, the whole day changed from grim to lovely at both ends of the wire.An English hostess with a quick wit was giving a formal dinner for eight distinguished guests whom she hoped to enlist in a major charity drive. Austerity(节俭)was a fashion in England at the time, and she had asked her children to serve the meal. She knew that anything could happen and it did, just as her son, with the studied concentration of a tightrope walker, brought in a large roast turkey. He successfully elbowed the swinging dining room door, but the backswing threw the bird onto the dining room floor.The boy stood rooted; guests stared at their plates. Moving only her head the hostess smiled at her son,“No harm, Daniel,” she daid.“Just pick him up and take him back to the kitchen”,she enunciated clearly so he would think about what she was saying, “and bring in the other one.”A wink and a one liner instantly changed the dinner from a red faced embarrassment to a conspiracy of fun.1What is the main idea of the passage?AHumor is the key to success in our work and our lives.BHumor enables us to cope with difficult situations effectively.CHumor is the only best way to criticize someone without losing his face.DHumor makes fun of difficult situations.答案:B主旨大意题。从文章结构看,作者在首段中就提出了本文的中心论点,而其后的段落都是围绕中心论点加以说明。2Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?Aedians on TV are believed to have done a lot in making people more tolerant of racial and religious differences.BTo make up differences, humor is a most acceptable as well as a most effective means.CPeople often turn to humorous ways when meeting with difficult situations because of its effectiveness.DOnly by adopting the means of humor can one succeed in some jobs.答案:C推理判断题。选项A、D内容分别在第一段的第5句和第3句中,B项意思和第一段所讲的意思相同。3What caused the roast turkey to drop onto the floor?AThe backward movement of the door.BThe sons hasty behavior.CSomeone happened to be at the door.DThe bird raised by the family.答案:A细节理解题。由第三段的最后1句可知“他成功地用肘部推开了门,但是复位的门却将火鸡打到了地上”。故选A。4By saying“.and bring in the other one.”, the hostess meant that_.Athe son had to cook another turkey for the guestsBshe already had made more than one turkey ready for the dinnerCsome other dish would be served instead of a turkeyDthe son could serve the same turkey after it was cleaned答案:C推理判断题。文中并未提及是否有第二只火鸡,但是这里含有幽默的意思,同时联系文章最后一段的叙述,可推知女主人的意思是让她的孩子把火鸡拿到厨房,用其他饭菜招待客人。5What do you think would probably be the result if the hostess got angry and scolded the son?AIt would make the embarrassing situation worse.BThe son would refuse to serve the guests any more.CThe son would talk back and make the mother more angry.DThe guests would leave before the dinner was over.答案:A推理判断题。由最后一段可推知。BA sense of humour, Gods greatest gift to mankind, is universally considered the most valuable personality. It is born within every persons heart, but has to be cultivated(培养). A person without humour is just like a spring without flowers, or like a dish without seasoning(调味). In a sense, your personality lies in your sense of humour.Humour can improve physical as well as mental wellbeing. It helps us bear our burdens, reduce our tension, overe our frustration(挫折). With a piece of joke, all our worries and sadness disappear like smoke, and we are all full of energy once again.Humour helps us live in harmony(和谐)with others. It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study. But humour can help us solve these problems more quickly than angry words or quarrels. With it you can always keep_on_good_terms_with others.A sense of humour is really one of the keys to happiness. It gives fun and interest to life to make it worth living.Here are five ways to improve your sense of humour.1Begin to cultivate an atmosphere of humour and laughter in your relationships.2Start association with humorous, fun loving people.3Learn to laugh at yourself.4Collect cartoons and jokes and share them with others.5Use humour to deal with conflict in your relationships.Remember that a sense of humour is learned, not inherited(遗传). You can sharpen your sense of humour if you really want to.6What would be the best title for this passage?AA Sense of Humoura Great PersonalityBA Sense of Humourthe Secret to SuccessCHow to Improve Your Sense of HumorDHumor Helps to Improve Our Health答案:A本文的主题是:幽默是一种良好的性格。7This passage doesnt tell us that_.Aa person without humour is dullBhumour can make us happyChumour can help us deal with worriesDhumour can help us solve all the problems答案:D文章中并没有提到幽默能帮我们解决一切问题。8The underlined phrase“keep on good terms with”in the third paragraph can be replaced by“_”Aput up with Bget on well withCbe fed up with Dbe satisfied with答案:B根据上下文可知keep on good terms with意为“与保持友好关系”,与get on well with意义相近。9According to the passage, a sense of humour cannot be_.Alearned BcultivatedCinherited Dimproved答案:C根据文章最后一段第一句可知,幽默感并不是遗传的。

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