2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 25 Going Global新知预习 北师大版选修9.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 25 Going Global新知预习 北师大版选修9词汇扫描根据句意及各题括号中所给的汉语意思, 用方框中单词的适当形式填空。opposeimportout of datecut offsparepare simplehighpermitprohibite trueconsider concentrate.oncountlessscore1. She remained bitterly _(反对) to the idea of moving abroad.2. Visitors are not _(允许) to take photos.3. They were _(禁止) from travelling abroad.4. I hope his dream can _(实现) at last.5. _(考虑到) the weather, the football game is quite good.6. He _(集中) his energies on studying.7. So many arrived at once that I lose _(数目)(of them).8. The final _(分数) was 43.9. If you think _(高度地) of the film, you may encourage other people to go and see it.10. We _(进口) most of our coal from other countries.11. Please _(比较) the one that has been cleaned with the others.12. They killed the men but _(放过) the children.13. The flour sold to refugees was _(过期的).14. They_(切断) the electricity last week.15. The process of making cakes is so plex. Youd better_(简化) it.答案:1. opposed2. permitted3. prohibited4. e true5. Considering6. concentrated7. count8. score 9. highly10. import11. pare12. spared13. out of date14. cut off15. simplify句型聚焦根据课文内容完成下列句子并归纳出句型结构。1. It _(相信) around 80% of the data on the worlds puters is stored in English. (Page 8)归纳:_2. All learners of English should try to pronounce the language_(尽可能相似) to the way native speakers do. (Page 9)归纳:_3. _(你的总分越高), the stronger is your intelligence in that area. (Page 11)归纳:_4. _(没必要) arrange dates now. (Page 22)归纳:_答案:1. is believed that归纳:It is believed/said/reported/known/supposed that.“人们相信/据说/据报道/人们知道/人们假定”, 其中it是形式主语, that从句是真正的主语。2. as closely as possible归纳:as.as possible尽可能3. The higher your total score归纳:the more.the more. 越越4. There is no need to归纳:There is no need to do sth. 没有必要干某事语法平台观察下列句子中的画线部分并归纳其用法:1. The Beijing of today is still changing, so rapidly in fact, that maps of the city go out of date almost as soon as they are published.归纳:_2. “When I was at school, other kids were always saying things like Hows the weather up there?”says Helena.归纳:_3. Ive been trying to phone you.归纳:_4. Wed been downloading some files from the Internet.归纳:_5. Wherever you go nowadays, everyone seems to be speaking English.归纳:_6. The last time I went back to my hometown, a big power station was being built there.归纳:_答案:1. 现在进行时, 其构成形式为be(am, is, are)+doing。2. 过去进行时, 其构成形式为be(was, were)+doing。3. 现在完成进行时, 其构成形式为have/has been doing。4. 过去完成进行时, 其构成形式为had been doing。5. 动词不定式的进行式, 形式为to be doing。6. 过去进行时的被动语态, 其谓语形式为was/were being done。文本感知TEXT A主旨大意1. The article is mainly talking about “_”.A. Beijing is one of Chinas most important citiesB. Beijing is a popular tourist destination in AsiaC. traditional homes have been replaced by modern apartment blocks in BeijingD. Beijing has been changing fast推理判断2. Which of the following is what the author most likely to agree with?A. Luxury products are now available to anyone in Beijing.B. There are many wonderful attractions in Beijing.C. Foreigners enjoy Beijing as a very healthy city.D. You can get any international products in Beijing.细枝末节3. Which of the following is right?A. Beijing is the same as it has been for centuries.B. All the road signs and advertising billboards are now in English in Beijing.C. Beijing is a global city.D. Beijing offers all the most fascinating sights in Beijing.4. From the text we can know _.A. foreigners to Beijing can only visit the Great WallB. visitors have plaints about Beijing because they are not satisfied with the sights.C. construction cranes and 24-hour work crews are seen all over the city.D. highways were the main form of transport in the city a few decades ago.5. People from all over the country are moving to Beijing because _.A. Beijing is the only one of Chinas most important cityB. foreigners enjoy BeijingC. Beijing is wealthyD. Beijing is a city where dreams can be realizedTEXT B主旨大意1. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The mobile phone changes the way people organise their lives.B. Teenagers and text messaging are part of the mobile story.C. Miners tell how their mobiles enable them to stay in touch with their families.D. The mobile phone changes the world greatly.细枝末节2. Which of the following is right according to the text?A. People have grown attached to mobile phones.B. The number of mobile phone users in China was doubling.C. No aspects of life fails to touch.D. Students in Beijing think there is no need to maintain contact with their parents.3. Who saw the potential of text messaging first?A. The students.B. The rich.C. The young.D. The old.4. Why can mobiles change the experience of being alone?A. Because people can send text messages around the world with mobiles.B. Because people can be connected with their relatives with mobiles.C. Because people can find many ways to pass the time with mobiles.D. Because people feel as if something is missing if they ever leave home without mobiles.推理判断5. From the text we can infer that _.A. mobiles has changed peoples life in many waysB. traders in Dubai keep up with the movements of goods around the world with mobilesC. the mobile is a toy for the richD. anyone can now buy a mobile phone off the shelf even in the west答案:TEXT A1. D2. B3. C4. C5. DTEXT B1. D2. A3. C4. C5. A

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