2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit11—Unit12知识要点聚焦.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit11Unit12知识要点聚焦1重点词汇 单词:solar,mankind,constitution;support,daily,achieve,likely,private,institute,grasp,master,perfect,arrange,rely,failure,valley, base,agency,forward,breakthrough,march,aim, announce, battle,fiction,belief,apply,servant,panion permanent,guest, aboard,dislike, prisoner,gentle,shore,brilliant, phenomenon,labour, hesitate 短语:set foot (in),have an effect on,rely on,e to life,put forward,aim(sth) at,make a living, set out,in public,throw light upon,cut up、2重点句型 Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China,it is likely that many of them will be born in northwest Beijing. Zhongguancun made it possible for him to follow his dreams and help the country he loves. By taking the scientific development of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. Dressed in dividing suits,they walk around in this magic world,lighted by the lamps of the ship 3交际用语 Id like to. Im thinking of. The breakthrough gives hope to. I cant believe my eyes It could be. but. Its likely. 重点考点精释1achieve vt取得;达到;实现achievement n成就;成绩(常用作复数形式) Achieve ones purpose/desired goal A lazy man will achieve nothing. Einstein was a simple man of great achievements2.插入语We guess 我们猜想You know 你知道Dont you think 你说是吧I wonder 我不知道Mind you 注意You see 你瞧,你明白What is still worse 更为糟糕的是What is more remarkable 较为出色的是What is more important 更为重要的是What worries me 使我担心的是If I may say so 如果我可以这样说If you dont mind 如果你不介意 插人语位于句中,并用逗号隔开,但有时可位于句首或句末, 有时也可不用逗号隔开: You have failed again in the driving test,we guess What is still more remarkable,they pleted the high building in two weekstime. Your idea doesnt fit in with: mine,if you dont mind.3不定式作定语,如果这个不定式是不及物动词,它后面就应加上必要的介词: Please give me some paper to write on She has nothing to worry about She is a nice person to work with He is not a person to get along well with. Id like to buy some toys to amuse myself with. Lets find a room to put these things in.4.辨析economic/economical economic经济的;economical省钱的;economically adv经济地;省钱地: Tell me something about your economic systerm. We have a very economical heating system,so the bills arent too high. In economically advanced countries,women tend to marry later We produce food as economically as possible 5辨析institute/college/university/school/academy school指小学和中学: a primary school小学,初等学校, a junior middle school初中,a senior middle school高中,an elementary school(美)小学,初等学校,a secondary school中等学校 school也可指“专科学校”,大学里的“系”“学院”: an art school艺术学校,a dancing school舞蹈学校,the School of Medicine/Law医学院法学院 institute主要指“工科类学院”或“研究性学院”, 也指易大专学校”: Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院,an institute for nuclear study原子能研究所 college可以泛指“大学”,文科类独立的“学院”: a college student大学生,college education大学教育,a teachers college 师范学院 university主要指规模较大、学科较全的“综合性大学”.uni versify里一般还包括多个colleges 或schools如: Beijing University北京大学 Academy 通常指专门的“研究性学院”。如:Chinese Academy of Science 中国科学院6. arrange vt. 安排;整理Arrange n.Arrange that.(should )do He spent time arranging the books on the shelves. Mother arranged that a servant should e in to help us clean the house twice a week. 7. aim at以为目的;瞄准 aim at sth. /doing sth be aimed at What are you aiming at? Are you just joking? Im aiming at earing 1,000 pounds before July.This product is aimed,at the female market. The criticism wasnt aimed at youTheyve taken a series of steps aimed at reducing road accidents8.announce vt:宣布;预告 Announce n.Announce that 从句Announce wh 从句Announce sb. as It is announced that. They announced the birth of their baby in the paper The airport announced that all flights were cancelled because of bad weather. Has it been announced when the planes are to take off? The book was announced as in preparation announce/declare 辨析announce表示第一次宣布大家可能感兴趣的或能满足好奇心的事情;declare表示正式地,明确地“宣布”: He bounded into the room and announced that he was getting married. The chairman declared the result of the election 9. march vi.进行,行军n.行军,行程 They were marching on with all speed.The soldiers marched forward The troops marched past. It was a long arid difficult march march短语 March on 继续前进March on science 向科学进军March against the enemy 向敌人进军March from victory to victory 从胜利走向胜利The Long March (红军)长征On the march 行军中A rapid march 急行军A forced march 强行军10. grasps v. 抓住;领会 n. 紧握;(能力所及的)范围,限度;控制;了解;明白;掌握 I grasped the cat by the back of its neck Have you grasped her meaning? He grasped at anything that might help him. I kept her hand in my grasp. Success is within his grasp. The district was in the grasp of the enemy Lin Tao has a thorough grasp of the maths problem Grasp 短语Beyond ones grasp 力所不及Within ones grasp 在某人的能力范围内Have a good grasp of 深刻了解In the grasp of 在掌握中Keep a firm grasp on 抓紧 11.rely on/upon依赖,依靠;信赖,信任 We should rely on our own efforts. You may rely upon it that she wont be late. He can be relied on to keep secret12Put forward提出 (意见、建议);推荐,提名 He put forward a better plan Shall we put her forward as the candidate for chairman of the mittee? 13. foot短语 Stand on ones feet 站着;独立On foot 步行Get on ones feet 站着;恢复健康;经济上自立Ste toot in 进入Set foot on 踏上Find ones feet 适应;熟悉Get a foot in 得到机会加入Have cold feet 胆怯;畏缩不前Keep ones feet(on) 站稳;不跌倒Put a foot wrong 做错;说错Dont stand on your feet, be seated, please.He has grown up, he can stand on his feet.He often goes to school on foot.She said she wouldnt set foot in the room until it had been properly cleaned.No man has set foot on that rocky island; its impossible to land there.Hes only been at the school for 3 weeks, and he hasnt really found his feet yet. He joined the sports club in the hope of getting a foot in one of the teams. They had cold feet at the last minute and refused to self their house. He found it difficult to keep his feet on the slippery surface. Hes good at dealing with all kinds of people,and he never puts a foot wrong. l4. distance n.距离;远处 At/from a distance of 在或从远的地方In the distance 在远处Keep ones distance(from) 保持一定距离;(对某人或某物)冷淡,疏远Keep a distance away 保持距离Keep sb. at a distance 对某人保持疏远Know ones distance 知道自己的地位,身份;避免不适当的亲近Out of distance(from) 离太远,达不到 When they finish their talk, the two may be quite a distance from the place where they were standing. The waterfall can be heard at a distance of two miles. Hills are blue in the,distance. The lion looks dangerous, so I decide to keep a distance away from it. Whats the distance between Beijing and Shanghai?15. light短语 Bring.to light 将暴光,揭露e to light 显露,暴露Light up 照亮,点燃;容光焕发In(the)light of 鉴于,由于Throw/cast light on/upon 使人了解;阐明See the light 领悟Stand in ones own light 背光;损害自己的利益 The new facts throw some light on the matter. Much more new evidence has e to light,so the judges have to sentence the man to death. They had to bring the deal to light at last.16hesitate vi犹豫,迟疑;不愿,不欲hesitation n. 踌躇, 迟疑Hesitate over/at /inHesitate to doWithout hesitation He who hesitates is lost(loses his chance and will never succeed). She hesitated over the choice between the two dresses. I hesitate to ask you, but will you lend me some money? She accepted the invitation without hesitation 17matter短语 As a matter of fact事实上;实际上 for that matter就此而言;至于此no matter 不要紧;没关系look into a matter 调查一件事take matters easy 办事从容不迫make matters worse 使情况更糟no matter howwhat, when, where, who不管怎样什么,何时,哪里,谁it does not matter(if.)(即使也) As a matter of fact, you were quite mistaken. He is a person who always takes matters easy. It doesnt matter if I miss this bus. I can walk. It doesnt matter about the price, buy it, whatever it costs.高考样题例释1.(xx年江苏)He got to the station early, missing his train Ain case of Binstead ofC. for fear of Din search of 【解析】答案为C。害怕误了火车,他早早地到了车站,in case of 一旦,in search of寻找,for fear of担心某种情况发生。2.(xx年北京)Now that she is out of a job, Lucy going back to school,but she hasnt decided yet Ahad considered Bhas been considering Cconsidered Dis going to consider 【解析】答案为 B。Lucy还没有决定是否回学校,因此前半句应为她一直考虑着回学校,符合现在完成进行时的含义。3(xx年江苏)The man insisted a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding 【解析】答案为C。 insist on doing sth.坚持要做某事。单选高考模拟1After moving into the town,my wife did some washing for the rich so that we had just enough to our expenses.A. serve Bsupport C. satisfy D. cover2It is necessary that everyone here for his own experiment Amust get ready Bget ready C. gets ready Dmust get prepared 3Help will e from the UN,but the aid will be near whats needed A. nowhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. anywhere 4You look pale; what troubled you? I my missing friend. Aam thinking about Bwas thinking about C. had thought about Dwill think about 5. Do you expect to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need? A. it B. there C. that D. one6Youd better change another copy of the magazine, because page of the copy is missing,and cover looks very old. Aa;the B. a; a C. the;a D. the; the7. Has Tom finished his position yet? I have no idea;he it this morning. A. wrote Bhad written C. has written D. was writing8. There are three cars in the yard. One is red, is black and is blue. A. another; another B. the other; the other C. the other; another D. another; the others9Why is Sam unhappy?They gave a toy to everyone him.A against Bfor Cwithout Dbut10. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, was very reasonable.A. which price B. the price of whichC. its price D. the price of whose全真模拟训练一、单项填空 1Rain is but not before evening. A. possible;probable B. probable; possible C. possible; probably D. possible; probably2. His plans ended . A. with a failure B. in a failure C. in failure D. on failure3Footsteps his return. A. announced B. declared C. noticed D. made known4Decisions should be made on the of correct inf6rmation. Abasis BbaseC. basic D. bases5. I think John will a good monitor, so Id like to vote for him. A. make Bturn C. elect Dchange6Its very kind of youI11 never forget the you have done me. A. favors Bhonor C. benefit D. kindness 7I went to bed very late that night, ,early the next morning. Aat least Bin a word Cor rather Dat most8My maths is very poor. Dont worry Ill help you I can A. as far as Bas soon as C. as quickly as Das possible as9Short sight can be by the use of suitable glasses A. fixed B. improved C. reduced D. corrected 10. What he had said light upon this matter. A. got B. gave C. put D. threw.11The roots of the plant are for water A. greedy Bgreed C. absorbing D. needed12. The cat was playing with mouse.A. a lively B. a love C. a living D. an alive13In the city where I live,the tourist industry has a variety of jobs. A. invented B. developed C. discovered D. created14. The chairman will make a speech more easily if you dont so often. A. break in B. drop in C. turn in D. go in15According to the recent research,heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily and effect. A. reason B. root C. fact D. cause二、完形填空 Kites have flown in Japan for more than a thousand years. The 1 of Japan love to make and fly their own kites The kites are 2 many shapes and sues. 3 look like hats. Others are of circle 4 square shapes. Pictures are painted on most of them. There are many 5 tales about kites in Japan. One story 6 of a thief who used a kiteHe planned to steal some gold from the top of a 7 tower. The thief and his friends 8 it into the air. Then they 9 the kite near the top of the towerThe thief was 10 to steal the gold Another tale tells of a father and his sonThey were stranded(困在)on an island near 11 The father made a large kite. His son 12 it back to Japan. 13 the boys fly kites. For the new Year and on 14 Day the men fly kites. They 15 their sons will grow up to be strong and brave,like a kite flying into the sky. The young men of Japan have kites 16 The men form groups and each group makes a big kite. Some of the kites are thirty feet long 17 is needed to raise the kites into the air. Sometimes cars are used 18 them along When the kites are 19 ,the battle starts. The young men try to 20 one anothers kite strings. The last kite left in the sky is the winner.1. A. people B. men C. women Dchildren 2. A. having B. of C. in D. about 3. A. Some B. Few C. Many D. Most4. A. and B. or C. but D. with 5A. good Bfunny C. old Dtrue6. A. says B. speaks C. talks D. tells 7A. high B. nice C. falling D. leaning 8. A. got B. raised C. made Dlift 9. A. put B. asked C. moved D. found 10. A. able B. anxious C. easy Dglad 11A. Canada B. China C. Mexico D. Japan 12. A. flew B. brought C. took D. carried 13. A. Besides B. Including C. Not only D. Sometimes 14. A. Fathers B. Mothers C. Boy D. Girls15. A. hope B. believe C. think D. wish 16A. jokes B. battles C. sports D. games,17A. Courage B. Strength C. Speed D. Wisdom 18A. pull B. push C. get D. blow 19. A. producing B. beginning C. floating D. flying 20. A. tie B. break C. burn D. cut 三、阅读理解 A For centuries,social barriers and religious laws have separated the Hindus of India into class groups called castes. Each caste did on1y certain work,and lived in a certain way. Each caste avoided contact with a lower caste. The highest castes were the Brahmins,who were priests and scholars forbidden to work with their handsBelow them,like rungs in a ladder,were soldiers,merchants,farmers,and laborers. So low as to be almost pletely outside the caste system were the untouchables. These people could not live inside the villages,drink water from public wells,or walk on public roads In 1947, when India became an independent democracy,a law was passed abolishing untouchability. Today,other laws are being more effective in breaking down the caste barriers. Land reform is one such law. Today in India, a man may own only a certain amount of land,and he must use the land he ownsAs a result,Brahmins are no longer idle landlord collecting rents from large estates. They manage their own small farms; some even plant and harvest crops with their own hands. In 1950,every adult in India was given the right to voteSince then, very few Brahmins have been elected to high office because the Brahmins make up such small caste. The middle castes and untouchables hold more voting power than the Brahmins In India,as in most parts of the world,people are flocking to cities to liveLiving in crowded apartments,sharing public transportation,and working side by side in factories, different castes cannot avoid contact with each otherIn India s crowded cities,some caste distinctions are being forgotten Slowly but surely,new forces at work in India are unexpectedly doing more to break down the caste system than the 1947 law which abolished untouchability. 1. It can be implied that . Apriests and scholars were untouchable Bthe untouchables led miserable lives C. all untouchables were rich people Dthe untouchables used to own much of the land 2Which word means “difference” in paragraph 6? Acontact Btransportation Ccaste D. distinction 3. On the whole;the article tells about A. the caste system in India B. sharing transportation C. drinking from public wells Dthe land reform in India 4Why have very few Brahmins been elected to high office since 1950? AThe middle castes and untouchables hold more voting power BThey do. nor want to serve in high office in a democracy CThey prefer to spend their time walking on public roads. DThey have to spend their time working on the farm 5Which statement does this article lead you to believe? ABrahmins are leaving India to start a caste system here BBrahmins and untouchables have always been close friends CThe caste system has lost its importance in India. DEvery country should have a caste system like Indias B You can live longer and feel wonderful-by following the top eight secrets to longevity(长寿)provided by Americas leading experts,Franklin Williams 1 EXERCISE:Studies show that 30 minutes of mild(not hard) exercise a day will increase your life spanThis doesnt mean you have to run three miles or start high-jumpingSimple activities such as walking,gardening or taking exercise will work. 2 ENJOY PEOPLE:Contacts with family and friends help fight depression and stressStudies show that people who socialize regularly live longer than lonersSo join social clubs or church groups so you can laugh and share lifes joys. 3 STAY MENTALLY ACTIVE:People who are not mentally active run the risk of shortening their lives through falls and, other injuries and not being able to take care of themselvesRead the newspaper,visit the public library,balance your checkbook without a calculator,exercise your brain by doing crossword puzzles 4 DIET:The key word are “high fiber-low fat”Cut back on red meat,salt,white flour, white sugar, alcohol and coffee. Start eating a balanced diet including lots of fruit, grains,raw(not ripe)vegetables and nuts5 MEDICATION MIX:As we age,we are more likely to take medications. Sometimes this leads to over-medication,which can be doctor if the drugs you take are disabling and even deadly. Ask your really necessaryMake sure there is no danger of a bad drug interaction from your medications. 6 VOLUNTEER:Helping others increases your self-esteem and make you feel like a valuable contributor. Join a house of worship,visit an old folks home ask your Chamber of merce for information on agencies that need volunteer help 7 PRACTICE SAFELY: Always wear your car seat belt. And remember,falls ki11-and are especially dangerous for the elderly,( Do a safety inspection, of your home and put away anything you could trip over. 8 REGULAR CHECKUPS:Make CHECKUP for cancer,high blood pressure and other illnesses that threaten your longevity,BY taking care of your health,you are taking the-most important step in living a longer life. 6Which of the following cannot help keep your mind working? AUsing a calculator. B. Reading the newspapers. C. Doing crossword puzzles. DCounting from 1 t

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