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2019-2020年高中英语Unit11TheMediaPeriodOne课堂讲义北师大版必修There are different types of media today.News and entertainment are municated to us in a number of different ways,using different media.It may be print media such as newspapers and magazines,or electronic media such as radio and television.The word “media” is most often used to refer to the munication of news,and in this context it means the same as news media.Programs on the radio and television may be referred to formally as broadcasts or informally as shows,especially in American English.The person who presents a program or a show on the radio or TV is a host or hostess but the one who hosts a popular music program is called a disc jockey or DJ.News programs may be hosted by an anchor,either a man or a woman,who is sometimes more famous than the person in the news.In more traditional news programs,the news is read by a newsreader.There are many broadcasting organizations in a country and petition among them is serious.Most TV and radio networks want to increase the size of their audience,or their ratings.Good ratings are especially important during prime time,the time of a day when most people watch TV.This is not surprising as high audience figures attract more advertising or mercials to be shown in mercial breaks between programs.And the broadcasting organization that can attract most advertising makes most money.Notes1context n环境;背景2anchor n新闻节目主播3rating n收视率TaskAnswer the questions:1What does a host or hostess do?He or she presents a program or a show on the radio or TV.2Whats the meaning of prime time?The time of a day when most people watch TV.3What can attract more advertising or mercials?High audience figures/Good ratings.Period OneWarmup & Lesson 1World News.单词检测1media n大众传播媒介,传媒2chat n闲谈,聊天3quiz n问答比赛(游戏),小测验4affair n事情,事件5nation n国家;民族national adj.国家的;民族的6political adj.政治的politics n政治7widespread adj.广泛的8electricity n电electrical adj.电的9reform n改革,改良10demand vt.要求,请求11debt n债务,欠债12belief n信仰;信心;信任believe vt.相信13painful adj.令人痛苦的,引起疼痛的pain n疼痛,痛苦14host n主办(国/城市/机构);主人;vt.主办15announce vt.宣布,宣告announcement n通知;宣告,通告16application n申请(书);应用apply v申请;请求17delighted adj.高兴的,愉快的18incident n事件,事情19evidence n证明,证据20explanation n解释,说明explain v解释21explode vt.爆炸explosion n爆炸.短语检测1stand for是意思,代表;支持2react to对作出反应3be made up of由组成/构成4in detail详细地5be of great concern极为关注6prevent sb.from doing阻止某人做7look forward to期待8be responsible for对负责1It is going to be remembered as a historical meeting this year,as the topic of Africa will be discussed in detail.今年的会议将会作为一个历史性的会议留在人们的记忆中,因为非洲问题将是本届会议详细讨论的问题。2They want the leaders to cancel the debt of Africas poorest countries so that the problems there can be prevented from getting any worse.他们希望这些国家的领导人取消非洲最贫穷国家的债务,以使那些国家的问题不再恶化。3Their belief is that this is the only way for many of these nations to escape their painful pasts.人们坚信,这是使许多非洲国家摆脱过去痛苦的唯一途径。4Londons name had been announced twice before,in 1908 and 1948,so it now has the distinction of being the first city to host the event three times.伦敦这一名字在1908年和1948年都曾被宣布过,所以它获得了第一个三次主办奥运会的城市的殊荣。.课文阅读理解1Which of the following statements about G8 is NOT true?AG8 stands for the Group of Eight.BIt was formed by eight of the worlds wealthiest nations in xx.CThey meet every summer to discuss world major problems.DChina is a member of G8.答案D2Why is this years meeting of G8 unusual?ABecause the topic of Africa will be discussed in detail.BBecause widespread poverty in Africa will be discussed in detail.CBecause the Group of Eight will be reformed this year.DBecause G8 has decided to cancel the debt of Africa.答案A3Which city is the host city for the xx Olympic Games?ABeijing. BAthens.CLondon. DSydney.答案C4Why was the news historically important to London?ABecause the news is being celebrated by crowds in London streets.BBecause Prince William said he was delighted that the Olympic Games would be held in London.CBecause London will benefit a lot from the Olympic Games.DBecause now London has the distinction of being the first city to host the Olympic Games three times.答案D5Which city is Londons strongest petitor in hosting the xx Olympic Games?AMoscow. BParis.CNew York. DMadrid.答案B.课文语法填空The 1.political(politics) leaders from eight of the worlds 2.wealthiest(wealthy) nations will meet in Scotland this summer.They will discuss the topic of Africa 3.in detail.There are many problems for African people 4.to solve(solve),such as 5.poverty(poor), sex education and health care.People from all over the world have demanded that the leaders should cancel the debt of Africas poorest countries to help them escape the 6.painful (pain) pasts.Today,London was being announced 7.by the IOC in Singapore to be the host city for the xx Olympic Games.London now has the distinction of 8.being(be) the first city to host the event three times.The good news made the people in London so 9.delighted (delight) that they 10.celebrated (celebrate) it everywhere.1demand v要求,请求;n.要求,请求;需要(1)(原句)Reforms have been demanded by people from all over the world. 全世界的人们都要求改革。(2)The government refused to give in to the demands of the terrorists.政府拒绝对恐怖分子提出的要求作出让步。归纳拓展demand sth.of/from sb.向某人要某物demand to do sth.要求做某事demand that.要求(从句中谓语用should do,should可省略)in demand需求大satisfy/meet ones demands满足某人的需求(3)They demanded to be informed of everything.他们要求被告知每一件事。(4)They demanded that the pany (should) give them an explanation.他们要求公司给他们一个解释。(5)In the unusual hot summer,air conditioners were in great demand.在这非同寻常的炎热的夏天,空调的需求量极大。即时跟踪(1)这个季节,软饮料需求量很大。Soft drinks are in great demand in this season.(2)他要求我关上大门。He demanded of me to shut the gate.(3)单句改错I demand that John went there at once.wentgo2debt n债务,欠款(1)(原句)They want the leaders to cancel the debt of Africas poorest countries so that the problems there can be prevented from getting any worse.他们想要领导们取消非洲最穷国家的债务以防事态恶化。归纳拓展in sb.s debt欠某人的人情in debt (to)欠债;欠情;感激out of debt不欠债get/run into debt负债,欠债(动作)pay off ones debts还清债务(2)He is heavily in debt.他负债累累。(3)We must cut down expenses or well be getting into debt.我们必须削减开支,否则将会开始负债的。即时跟踪(1)以前穷的时候她欠了债,可自从富了以后就没欠债了。She was in debt when she was poor,but has been out of debt since she got rich.(2)我们穷是穷,但从不负债。We were poor but we never got into debt.(3)单句改错Smith was in the debt because he was out of job.删除the3announce vt.宣布;宣告(1)(原句)At 12:45 UK time today,the name of the host city for the xx Olympic Games was being announced by the International Olympics mittee(IOC) in Singapore.今天英国时间12:45,国际奥林匹克委员会(奥委会)在新加坡宣布了xx年奥林匹克运动会主办城市的名字。归纳拓展announce that.宣布announce sth.to sb.向某人宣布某事It is announced that.据宣布announcement n.通知make an announcement下一个通知,宣布一件事(2)At the end of the meeting,it was announced that an agreement had been reached.在会议结束的时候,一项协议宣告达成。(3)Id like to make an important announcement.我要发表一项重要声明。易混辨析announce,declare(1)announce指“把人们关心或感兴趣的事正式公布于众”。(2)declare一般指在正式场合宣布官方的立场或态度等,侧重“当众”发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判等。如:declare war on/against向宣战。即时跟踪(1)用announce,declare的正确形式填空They announced that she would give one extra song.The results of the election will be declared soon.The use of certain chemicals has now been declared illegal.(2)他向全国宣布他将娶穿得下这只玻璃舞鞋的女孩。He made an announcement to the entire kingdom that he would marry the girl whose foot fit the glass slipper.4delighted adj.欣喜的,高兴的,快乐的(1)(原句).he was delighted that the xx Olympic Games would be held in London.他很高兴伦敦将举办xx年奥运会归纳拓展be delighted at/by由于而高兴be delighted with.对感到高兴/满意be delighted to do sth.很高兴做某事be delighted that.很高兴delight v.(使)愉快;n.高兴,令人高兴的事to ones delight令某人高兴的是delightful adj.令人快乐的,有趣的(2)He was delighted to accept the invitation.他欣然接受邀请。(3)I am delighted at your success/to hear of your success/that you succeeded.我对你的成功/听到你成功的消息/对你获得成功感到高兴。(4)He often delighted us with his magic.他时常用魔术逗我们高兴。即时跟踪(1)用delight的正确形式填空The delightful holiday delighted all the children and they all felt delighted after spending a week at the seaside.To their delight,they also learned to take care of themselves.(2)他对这个结果感到非常满意。He was very much delighted with the results.(3)单句改错To his delighted,he can go abroad with his parents.delighteddelight1stand for代表;主张;容忍(1)(原句)What does “G8” stand for?“G8” 代表什么?(2)It is known that GNP stands for gross national product.众所周知,GNP代表国民生产总值。归纳拓展stand against抵抗,反抗;靠在上;经受住stand back退后,靠后站stand by袖手旁观,站在一起;帮助,维持stand out突出,出色,显著stand up for sb./sth.支持、维护某人/某物(3)Please remember Ill stand by you whatever happens.请记住,无论发生什么事情,我都会拥护你。(4)You must stand up for your rights.你必须维护自己的权利。即时跟踪(1)用适当的介、副词填空Dont just stand by;e and help to push the car.He is very tall and easily stands out in the crowd.The letters CPC stand for the munist Party of China.(2)在我投她的票之前,我想知道她主张的是什么。I want to know what she stands for before I vote for her.2in detail详细地,详尽地(1)(原句).as the topic of Africa will be discussed in detail.因为非洲主题将(在本届会议上)详细讨论。(2)She began to tell me the plot in great detail.她开始极其详细地告诉我这个密谋。归纳拓展detail n.细节,详情detailed adj.详细的,详尽的go into detail(s)详细叙述for further details为了知道详细情况(3)I cant go into details now;it would take too long.我现在不能细说,太费时间了。即时跟踪(1)For further details(欲知详情),please call our pany.(2)You need to make a detailed plan(拟订一个详细的计划)(3)单句改错Can you describe the earthquake with detail to me?within3prevent sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事(1)(原句)They want the leaders to cancel the debt of Africas poorest countries so that the problems there can be prevented from getting any worse.他们希望这些国家的领导人取消非洲最贫穷国家的债务,以使那些国家的问题不再恶化。(2)Guards stood at the doors to prevent anyone from leaving.守卫站在门边阻止任何人离开。归纳拓展(3)Nothing can prevent/stop/keep him from carrying out his plan.什么也阻止不了他执行计划。注意:在主动结构中keep sb.from doing sth.中from不能省略,其他两个结构中的from可以省略,但是在被动语态中from都不能省略。即时跟踪(1)他的残疾使他不能上大学。His disability prevented him from going to college.(2)单句改错The river should be prevented being polluted.prevented后加from4e down to结果是;可归结为(1)(原句)In the end,it came down to a choice between Paris and London.最后的结果是在巴黎和伦敦之间作出选择。(2)What it es down to is whether we stay here or leave.我们有待决定的问题是留在这儿还是离开。归纳拓展e across偶然发现(某物);偶然遇到(某人);被理解e on(表示催促、鼓励、挑战、恳求等)来吧,快点,开始e out出版,发表;结果是;(品质等)显现,表露e up出现,发生;走近;(话题、议题等)被提出e up with提出;提供(主意、建议、答案等(3)She came across some old photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。即时跟踪(1)归结起来有两条出路:你要么改进工作,要么辞职。It es down to two choices:you either improve your work,or you leave.(2)那本书什么时候出版的?When did that book e out?(3)科学家们必须想出新的办法来增加世界粮食供应。Scientists will have to e up with new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.1so that引导目的状语从句(1)(原句)They want the leaders to cancel the debt of Africas poorest countries so that the problems there can be prevented from getting any worse.他们希望这些国家的领导人取消非洲最贫穷国家的债务,以使那些国家的问题不再恶化。句式分析句中的so that引导目的状语从句,表示“以便于,以至于”。归纳拓展(1)so that“以便于,以至于”,在此处引导目的状语从句,相当于in order that。作此用法时,that从句中常含有may,can,might,could等情态动词。(2)若so that,in order that引导目的状语从句,当从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可用to,so as to和in order to替换。(3)so that也可引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,所以”,从句前可用逗号与主句隔开。(2)She has bought the book so that/in order that she can follow the TV lessons.为了能跟上电视课程她买了课本。(3)He didnt plan his time well,so that he didnt finish the work on time.他没计划好时间,结果没按时完成工作。(4)He decided to work harder so as to/in order to catch up with the others.他决定更加努力学习,以便赶上其他人。注意:in order to可位于句首或句中,so as to不能位于句首。即时跟踪(1)句型转换He raised his voice so that he could make himself heard.He raised his voice to/so as to/in order to make himself heard.(2)他起得早是为了赶上早班车。He got up early so that/in order that he could catch the early bus.2不定式作定语(1)(原句)Londons name had been announced twice before,in 1908 and 1948,so it now has the distinction of being the first city to host the event three times.伦敦这一名字在1908年和1948年都曾被宣布过,所以它获得了第一个三次主办奥运会的城市的殊荣。句式分析to host the event three times是不定式作定语,修饰the first city。归纳拓展(1)当中心词是序数词或被序数词修饰时,多用不定式作定语。(2)不定式与其所修饰的词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,而该不定式为不及物动词时,其后须加上适当的介词,构成及物动词短语。(2)Li Ming is always the first to enter the classroom.李明总是第一个进教室的人。(3)Im the last one to see him in the world.我最不愿意看见他。即时跟踪(1)李雪梅是第一个到达终点的选手。Li Xuemei was the first athlete to get to the finishing line.(2)布朗小姐是下一个站起来发言的人。Miss Brown was the next person to rise to speak.单词拼写1Even scientists cant give us an explanation(解释) for the strange thing.2No evidence(证据) can be found to support the truth of his words.3To avoid falling heavily into debt, he worked his way through college.4Every year he gives away some of his money to people in poverty(贫穷)5We thanked our hosts(主人) for the lovely evening.6They want to find out the cause and effect of the incident(事件).选词填空1The days we had been looking forward to came at last.2My parents asked me to explain the rules to them in detail.3I believe no one can prevent us from carrying out the plan.4He came down to begging in the streets.5As is seen,UN stands for united nations.完成句子1他是第一个到达的客人。He was the first guest to arrive.2我早起为的是能锻炼一下身体。I get up early so that I can do some exercise.3据宣布第二天就不允许在城市里吸烟。It was announced that smoking would not be allowed in the city the next day.4她要求我们立即给她回复。She demanded that we (should) give her an immediate answer.5但遗憾的是,有些未料到的事使他没能来成。But unfortunately something unexpected prevented him from ing.语境填词A)用所提供单词的正确形式填空1It is evident (evidence) that we do not understand each other.2There is a widespread belief (believe) that the pany is in financial trouble.3He was the only one to survive(survive) the accident.4He made the announcement (announce) in a speech on television.5They demanded that they (should) get(get) more money.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)6To my delight,I saw my aunt in good health.7Cold drinks are in demand in the summer.8What it all es down to is mon sense.9We need to decrease expense,otherwise in debt.10His red hair made him stand out in a crowd.阅读理解Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes,fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers.Why read an article in the newspaper,when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures?Why read the life story of a famous man,when a short television program can tell you all that you want to know?Television has not killed reading,however. Today,newspapers sell in very large numbers.And books of every kind are sold more than ever before.Books are still a cheap way to get information and enjoyment.Although some books with hard covers are expensive,many books are printed today as paperbacks(平装本),which are quite cheap.A paperback collection of short stories,for example,is always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or the theater,and you can keep a book for ever and read it many times.Books are a wonderful provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home.Every home should have a good dictionary.A good encyclopedia(百科全书),though expensive,is useful,too,because you can find information on any subject.Besides,you can have such books as history books,science textbooks,cookbooks,and collections of stories and poems.Then from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favorite poets.11It can be inferred from the passage that .ATV programs are a chief provider of knowledgeBcinemas are the best choice in getting informationCreading is a cheap way of learning and having funDnewspapers are an expensive way to enjoy oneself答案C解析推理判断题。根据文章第二段第四句“Books are still a cheap way to get information and enjoyment.”可知,书籍仍然是一个获取信息和娱乐的便宜的方法。故选C。12What does the underlined sentence “Television has not killed reading,however.” in the second paragraph suggest?APeople only need reading,though.BReading is still necessary today.CReading is more fun than television.DWatching television doesnt help reading.答案B解析推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“Today,newspapers sell in very large numbers.And books of every kind are sold more than ever before.”可知,现在大量的报纸被销售,卖的书籍比以前也更多了,由此推断出阅读在今天仍然是有必要的。故选B。13What can we learn from the passage?AFewer and fewer people will buy books.BA good dictionary should be kept in every home.CBooks with hard covers sell better than paperbacks.DMore people like TV programs about famous men.答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句“Every home should have a good dictionary.”可知,每个人的家里应当保存一本好词典。故选B。.完形填空The Internet is an ocean of knowledge.It can be helpful to people all over the world.This is,in fact,why it has been 14 for so long.But there are some parts of the Internet that make it disadvantageous for certain 15 groups.As a huge database (资料库) of 16 ,the Internet can be used to draw facts about anything.And it keeps you uptodate with all the events that are 17 throughout the world in the form of news, 18 and videos.Newspapers are certainly a(n) 19 part of this process,but the Internet gets updated with the 20 news much faster than newspapers get 21 .So the news that you get is much 22 .The Internet is also a great way to 23 with your friends and family members who live far away. 24 family and friends,the Internet also forms a perfect medium (媒介) for business meetings that are held across countries,which has bee very 25 these days.However,there are also a few 26 in using the Internet.The first one is the exposure to some unhealthy contents.This is a major problem that 27 parents of all teenagers.The Internet is also a readily available source of video games, 28 violent games.Children who are at the age of experimenting may 29 getting addicted to some of the games.And the Internet is a source of puter viruses which can be a 30 to your puter,and 31 your system in the end. 32 ,it is important to have an antivirus program on your puter.These are some of the things worrying people about the 33 of the Internet.So you may think twice before making your own choice.14A.amusing BconfusingCpopular Ddifficult答案C解析根据上句“It can be helpful to people all over the world.”可知,网络对全世界的人都是有帮助的,由此推断出网络是很受欢迎的。popular受欢迎的。故选C。15A.age BsexCfamily Dine答案A解析根据下文“teenagers”可知,此处指网络对于一些特定年龄的人群来说是不好的。故选A。16A.opinions BlanguageCinstructions Dinformation答案D解析根据上文“The Internet is an ocean of knowledge.”可知,网络是知识的海洋,因此是一个很大的信息库。information信息。故选D。17A.running out Btaking placeCbreaking out Ding true答案B解析根据句意可知,网络能够以新闻、图片和视频的形式让人们实时了解全世界正在发生的事情。take place发生。故选B。18A.books BlettersCpictures Ddiaries答案C解析根据常识,网络上有很多新闻、图片和视频,故选C。19A.important BdifferentCmissing Dunusual答案A解析根据常识,报纸是人们获得信息的一个很重要的一个方式。important重要的。故选A。20A.local BgreatCbiggest Dlatest答案D解析根据上文“gets updated”可知,此处指最新的消息,latest最新的。故选D。21A.lost BprintedCsigned Dcollected答案B解析根据常识,网络上信息的更新速度比报纸印刷得快。print印刷。故选B。22A.fresher BlongerCfunnier Dbetter答案A解析由于网络信息更新很快,因此人们从网络上获得的信息是新鲜的。fresh新鲜的。故选A。23A.get along well Be upCkeep in touch Dput up答案C解析根据常识,人们可以通过网络和住的远的朋友及家人保持联系。keep in touch with和某人保持联系。故选C。24A.As for BAlong withCApart from DInstead of答案C解析根据常识,除了和朋友及家人之间的联系,网络也是一个跨国商业会议的完美的中介。apart from除了。故选C。25A.puzzling BmonCsimilar Ddisappointing答案B

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