2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module2unit3教学案 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module2unit3教学案 新人教版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module2unit3教学案 新人教版【基础过关】被动语态的基本构成是”be + 过去分词”,各种时态通过be表现出来。一般将来时态的被动语态有下列几种形式:1. shall/will be doneWill those old schools be pulled down next week?那些老校是在下周拆除吗?2. be going to be doneThe letter is going to be typed and sent off immediately.这封信将立即打好并发出。3. be to be doneThe question is to be discussed at the next meeting.定于在下次会议上讨论这个问题is/are to do是将来时态的一种形式,表达的是按计划或根据原先的安排即将发生的事The pany is to give us a pay rise. 公司将给我们加薪4. be about to be doneThese difficulties are about to be overe.这些困难即将被克服 【拓展延伸】不使用被动语态的情况:1. 谓语动词表示情况或状态,但不表示动作,不用被动。常见动词有:contain, equal, fit, hold, join, lack, mean, suit;与此类似的look like, consist of, belong of,等动词短语也不用被动语态。What does the book belong to? 这本书是谁的?2. 有些动词用主动形式表示被动意思常见的有:open, shut, wear, sell, tear, wash, write, read等The door opened and the teacher walked in. 门开了,老师走进了教室【典型例题】1.Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.A. lose B. will be lost C. are lost D. will lose【答案】B 考查将来时的被动语态【点拨】按照句意突破。工作将被失去,要用将来时态的被动语态,因此排除答案A、C和D,答案选B2.The mayor of Nanjing says that all construction work for the school _ by xx.A. has been pleted B. has pleted C. will have been pleted D. will have pleted【答案】 C【点拨】宾语从句中主语和谓语动词plete之间有被动关系,所以谓语要用被动语态,因此排除选项B和D;by xx暗示谓语要用将来完成时态3. The Olympic Games _ every four years.A. is going to hold B. will hold C. is going to be held D. are to be held4.One _ if he or she breaks the law. A. will be punished B. is punishing C. is punished D. has been punished【答案】A【点拨】由句意可知,one 为punish动作的承受者【实战演练】1. puter_ in everyday life in this country before long.A. are used B. will used C. will be used D. was used2. We are glad that Guangzhou underground _very soon. A. will plete B. will be pleted C. has pleted D. has been pleted3. The grapes_nice and _well. Many customers have e for them again. A. are tasted ;are sold B. taste; sell C. are tasted; sell D. taste; are sold4. -Are you going to plant a great many trees in this area? -Yes. The soil_away in this way. A. doesnt wash B. wont wash C. isnt washed D. wont be washed 5. The xx World Cup_ in South Africa. A. holds B. is to hold C. is to be hold D. is held6. -Is the meeting held in Room302 or 303? -It should be 302. But I hear that it_till tomorrow. A. was put off B. will put off C. has been put off D is put off7. Theyll _good care of when the mother leaves. A. are taken B. be taken C. being taken D. take8. The students classroom_during the summer holiday. A. will build B. build C. will be painted D. will paint9. Now the waste water from the factory will be_before running into the river. A. clear B. cleared C. clean D. cleaned参考答案 1-9 CBBDC CBCD

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