2019-2020年高二英语Module6 Unit4 Helping People around the world教案 牛津英语.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Module6 Unit4 Helping People around the world教案 牛津英语Topic:Functions:Vocabulary:Grammar:Skills and strategies:Culture:To help people around the worldDescribe an organizationThe UN is based on a charter that has four main purposes:In addition, the UN helps protect human rights and works to improve international laws, for example, those on child labour.ambassador, operate, honour, charter, purpose, co-operate, touch, operationpeacekeeping, conflict, beret, worthy, labour, voluntary, press, awareness, sum, fund, urgent, lack, earthquake, typhoon, civilian, remote, accessible, draw, frustrated, conscience, reference, funding, aspect, precious, remind,collection, face, mountainous, border, expense, primitive, firewood, source, well, pump, container, fetch, hardship, basic, roof, occupation, force, fuel,farm, malnutrition, means, mitment, chaos, flee, unusable, bullet, staffoutbreak, colleague, vacant, temporary, clinic, medication, minor, cut, heal, shelter, fort, barrier, meanwhileUnreal conditions: Other uses1. If you had listened to the talk about the UN yesterday, you would know the Answer to the question now.2. With (If I had) more money, I could help more people in need.3. But for the (If there was no) help from the UN, those women would not have been able to set up their fund.4. Im too busy now, otherwise / or (if I werent busy), I would help you do the Work.5. I would never go there even if I was given the chance to.6. Nicholas is smiling as if he knew nothing about it.7. If only I were a Goodwill Ambassador!8. I wish there were no wars in the world.By the end of this unit, students will be able to:1. read a speech made by a UN Goodwill Ambassador and the diary entry of a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) nurse.2. listen to a news report about problems in the mountains in northern Thailand3. talk about ways in which students could help children in poor areas4. write a proposal suggesting ways to help poor children5. expand vocabulary related to international organizations1. The roles of the UN and other international organizatio9ns2. Life in the hills in northern ThailandTeaching suggestions:Period 1 Wele to the unitl Teaching Objectives:1. Enable students to think about different hard situations people around the world are facing and the importance of international aid.2. Develop students listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking ability.3. Promote to form correct values.l Teaching Important and Difficult Point:Improve students speaking and thinking ability. l Teaching Approaches:Task-based approachesl Form of Activities:Individual, pair or group work and topic discussions.l Teaching Aids:The multimedia and the blackboardl Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Brainstorming1.Dicussion1) If one of your friends met with difficulty in doing his homework, what would you do? If he was ill? Or unhappy?2) When flood happened in Hubei in xx, what did people of other areas do to help?(Have the students discuss the questions and then express their ideas.)2. Talk about Tsunami in the Indian Ocean 1) Do you know what happened in the Indian Ocean in Dec.xx? 2) Pictures of the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Did you do something to help? What did you do? Why? 3) Pictures of Chinas help: donation, medical teamDo you think it right for China to do so? Why?(When a country meets some difficulties, the other countries should help people there to overe them, so that we can live peacefully together; International aid is very important for countries in need of help.)Step 2. Picture talkingPicture 11. Show pictures of the UN peace-keeping force on the screen.2. Questions:1) Who are they?2) How can they help people across the world?3) Have you dreamed of being a soldier? Why or why not?Picture 21. Show pictures of poor African people on the screen.2. Questions:1) What happened in this picture?(The little boy was too weak to support his head because of hunger, theres a hawk not far away, which seemed to be waiting for its dinner.)2) Are there any poor people like them in China? Where are they? What can we do for them?Picture 31. Show pictures of flood on the screen.2. Questions:1) What are they doing?2) What difficulties will people face if a flood happens?3) How can people solve the problems?Picture 41. Show pictures of agriculture on the screen.2. Questions:1) Is agriculture important? Why?2) What are the important things for agriculture?Picture 51. Show a picture of doctors who are helping people in need in the countryside for free.2. Questions:1) What are the doctors doing? Where are they?2) What do they do to help?Picture 61. Show a picture of a poor family.2. Questions:1) Describe the family in the picture, what are the differences between your life and theirs?2) How can they change their life? Do you have any good ideas?Step 3 Discussion 1.What organizations do you know of that can help with the situations in the pictures?2.Have you ever helped people in need? What did you do to help them?Step 4 Homework 1.Preview “Reading”2.Write a short essay about your feelings of helping others.Period 2-3 Readingl Teaching Objectives:1. Enable students to know about the UN and a Goodwill Ambassador.2. Develop students speaking, reading, writing and thinking ability.3. Promote to form correct values.l Teaching Important and Difficult Point:1. Improve students reading and thinking ability. 2. Master some language points: honour, refer, set out, take on, lack, sum, urgent, apart from, worthy.l Teaching Approaches:Task-based approachesl Form of Activities:Individual, pair or group work and topic discussions.l Teaching Aids:The multimedia and the blackboardl Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Lead-in1. Show a picture of the UN building the emblem of the UN with the question” What do you know about the UN?”2. Show a picture of the Earth Summit with the question “What kind of problems do you think the UN usually discusses?”Step 2. Fast reading1. Who is Tang Ning?Tang Ning is a successful businesswoman and a UN Goodwill Ambassador.2. How many countries belong to the UN? 191 countries3. Which countries has Tang Ning visited?She has visited countries where the UN operates programmes to help people.Step 3. Further reading1. Listening for further information.2. Main idea of each part:Part1 (para1-2) Brief Introduction of the UNPart2 (para3-4) What Tang did as a UN Goodwill AmbassadorPart3 (para5) The problems the UN helps solve3. What? An international group.that want toWhen? In Oct, 1945 by 51 countriesToday? 191 countries all togetherA Goodwill Ambassador? Being ameans that I visitTo keep 1)Part1 To develop Charter To co-operate To be a center Soldiers? From different countries that belong to the UN. The UN assists? With the help of, the UN assists Retell Part1What? To visit countries where How? If I visit, the television and press will,this will increase2)Part2 Who? Some women In South Africa What? one randadd it to-to sell-to buy-to expand Who set up it? The UNIFEMRetell Part 23)Part31) What does the UN help to do?Apart from the urgent problems caused by wars and conflicts, the UN helps countries with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and diseases.2) What did the meeting in xx agree to do? What are the goals?At a UN meeting in xx, all 191 members agree to try and meet eight development goals by the year xx. One of the goals is to ensure that fresh drinking water is available to everyone. Another is to ensure all children plete primary education.4. Fill in the blanks (Ex on P53)Step 4 Discussion 1. Tang Ning is a successful businesswoman. How do you think that would help her in her role as a Goodwill Ambassador?2. Would you like to be a Goodwill Ambassador? Why or why not?Step 5 Language Points 1.refer refered, referring1)认为由于; 归诿,归功;指点某人去Eg. He refers the failure of the match to his own carelessness.他认为比赛失败是由于他自己的粗心。The invention of gunpowder is referred to China.火药的发明归功于中国。I was referred to the manager.人家叫我去找经理。2) vi. 提及,谈到;指;参考Eg. Dont refer to that matter again!别再提那件事了!He told us not to refer to the dictionary often while reading.他叫我们阅读时不要老是查字典。The problem he referred to at the meeting yesterday has not been solved.他昨天会上谈到的那个问题还没解决。3) referee n.鉴定人,审查人;裁判员 reference n.参考,参照 keep it for reference 备作参考 a reference book 参考书2.hono(u)r1) n. 名誉,光荣Eg. give/pay/do/show honor to sb 向某人表示敬意have the honour of doing/to do 有的荣幸do sb the honour of 给某人的荣幸a sense of honour 廉耻心2)vt. 尊敬 (respect)3. take on1)承担,接受Eg. take on heavy responsibility 挑重担Its difficult for him to take on the role of being the host of the party. 对他来说,做晚会主持人有点困难。2) 呈现(面貌),具有(特征)Eg. My hometown has taken on a new look. 我的家乡呈现一片新貌。注: take up 拿起收起 take off 脱掉(外套)(飞机)起飞 take apart 拆开 take sth back 撤销,收回4. in addition 另外,还有 in addition to 除之外还有 Eg. 除了英语之外,他还会说法语。 He speaks French in addition to English.He speaks English, in addition, he also speaks French.5. sum1)n.总数,金额Eg. The sum of two and three is five.二与三之和为五。He paid a big sum for this car.他付了一大笔钱买这辆车。2) v.总计,共达 summed, summingEg. sum up the costs of the production. 计算出生产成本sum up the main point 概括要点He sum up the situation in a minute.他很快看清了当时的情况。6. lack1) n. 缺乏,不足 (of)Eg. A lack of skill/cash 缺乏技能/资金Theres no lack of food here. 这里不缺食物。The plant died for lack of water.这些植物由于缺水而死。2) v. 缺乏,没有Eg. He lacks confidence. 他缺乏自信。It lacks five minutes of nine. 差五分到九点。7. set out 提出,表明; 动身,出发(for);装饰Eg. 他在会上清楚的表明了他的观点。He set out his ideas clearly at the meeting. 他儿子昨天动身去加拿大了。His son set out for Canada yesterday.Finally, he set out to write his new novel with the help of his wife.在妻子的帮助下,他最终开始着手写他的新小说。注:1) set out to do = set about doing 开始着手做某事 2) set aside 留出;不顾 set off 动身,出发 set up 建立,创建Eg. 1) He set aside some money every month to help the poor. 他每月留出一些钱去帮助穷人。 2) They set up a puter pany together after graduation. 毕业之后他们一起开了一家电脑公司。Step 6 Homework1. Review the language points of this part.2. Read the text again and try to retell using your own words.Period 4 Word powerl Teaching Objectives:1. Enable students to know about different organizations of the UN.2. Develop students thinking ability and help them master some knowledge about the UN.3. Promote to form correct values.l Teaching Important and Difficult Point:The names and use of some important international organizations. l Teaching Approaches:Task-based approachesl Form of Activities:Individual, pair or group work and topic discussions.l Teaching Aids:The multimedia and the blackboardl Teaching Procedures:Step 1. International Organizations1. Read the short passage and pay attention to the names of the organizations in blue.2. International organizationsSpecialized agencies:(1) International Labour Organization国际劳工组织(2) Food and Agricultural Organization联合国粮农组织(3) UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织(4) World Health Organization世界卫生组织(5) International Civil Aviation Organization国际民用航空组织(6) The Universal Postal Union万国邮政联盟(7) World Bank Group世界银行组织(8) International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织Programmes and funds: (9) UN Childrens Fund联合国儿童基金会(10) UN Environment Programme联合国环境规划署(11) UN Drugs Control Programme联合国毒品控制署(12) UN Development Programme联合国开发计划署(13) UN Development Fund for Women联合国妇女发展基金会Step 2 Fill in the blanksEX on P55Step 3 AcronymsIMF International Monetary FundFAO Food and Agricultural OrganizationILO International Labour OrganizationUNESCO UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationWHO World Health OrganizationUNEP UN Environment ProgrammeStep 4 Homework1.Try to remember the names of the international organizations.2.Preview “Grammar and usage”Period 5 Grammar and Usagel Teaching Objectives:1. Enable students to know about mixed conditionals.2. Develop students reading, writing and thinking ability and the ability of using unreal conditionalsl Teaching Important and Difficult Point:Improve students ability of using unreal conditionals with “but for, if only, would rather, even if, as if”. l Teaching Approaches:Task-based approachesl Form of Activities:Individual, pair or group work and more exercisesl Teaching Aids:The multimedia and the blackboardl Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Revision1.如果那时我有足够的钱,我就能买下那辆车了。If I had had enough money, I could have bought that car.2.如果今天没下雨,他就能出去跟朋友踢足球了。If it were not raining, he could go out to play football with his friends.3.如果那天他没迟到,就不会被叫到办公室了。If he had not been late that day, he would not have been asked to the office.4.如果父母没有帮我,我不可能成功地开办这个工厂。If my parents hadnt helped me, I couldnt have set up this factory successfully.Step 2 Mixed conditionals1.错综时间条件虚拟语气,主句和从句谓语动词时态由不同假设条件而定1)If you had listened to the talk about the UN, you would know the answer to the question.2)If it had been finer, the crops would be growing better.3)如果我昨天记下了他的电话号码,现在就能联系到他了。If I had taken down his phone number yesterday, I could reach him now.2. Implied conditions ( otherwise, or, with, without, but for )(1) With (If I had) more money, I could help more people in need.(2) But for (If it had not been) me, you would not succeed.(3) I am too busy, otherwise/or (if I werent so busy) I would help you.(4) But for his help, We couldnt have finished the task ahead of time.3. Unreal situations introduced by even if, as if, as though, if only(如果该多好啊).(1) I could not go there even if I were given the chance to.(2) He talks as though he had been to America.(3) If only I were a Goodwill Ambassador!(4) 如果我昨天见到我喜欢的那个歌手了该多好啊!If only I had seen my favorite singer star yesterday! 4. Unreal situations after wish and would rather(1) I wish there were no wars in the world.(2) I would rather you hadnt told me about this.(3) 我真希望我上次考试及格了。I wish I had passed the exam last time. (4) 我情愿今天是工作日而不是周末。I would rather today is a workday but not a weekend.Step 3 Consolidation 1. Ex A and B on P56-572. Ex about “Grammar” on the WBStep 4 Homework 1.Review what you have learnt by doing some exercises.2.Preview “Task”.Period 6-7 Taskl Teaching Objectives:1. Enable students to think about how to help the poor children.2. Develop students listening, reading, writing and thinking ability. l Teaching Approaches:Task-based approachesl Form of Activities:Individual, pair or group work and topic discussions.l Teaching Aids:The multimedia and the blackboardl Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework.2. Do some translation about unreal conditionals.Step 2 Skills building 1: listening for problems and causes1. When you are listening to a news report, you often need to think about the problems being discussed and the causes of the problems. You can pay attention to the phrases below:1)Problems: As you can see, The result is, As a result, As I said earlier, and so, This means, A mon problem is that, Another problem is that2) Causes: This is because, Unfortunately, , because, because of, as 2. Listening practice1) Have the students go through the blanks before listening.2) Have the students listen to Parts A and B, fill in as much of the table as the can. Then check the answers and play some sentences if necessary.3. Read Part C to plete the table in Parts A and B.Step 3 Skills building 2: discussing in groups1. Sentences and sentence structures of different functions1) Making suggestions: I think it would be a good idea to We could help by I would l like to suggest that It would be a good idea if we could2) Asking for opinions What do you think? Does anyone else have any suggestions? Does anyone else have any other ideas? Can you suggest anything else?3) Expressing agreement/disagreement I agree / disagree because Thats a great idea, but Im sorry but I dont think that would work because Ok, that sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately, I dont think that will work.4) Making conclusions So to summarize, our group has decided to In conclusion, we have decided to2. Making suggestions After learning about the problems of the hill tribe children in northern Thailand, have a discussion with your classmates to give suggestions about how to help them.Step 4 Skills building 3: writing a proposal Have the students read about the important factors included in a proposal and make sure they are clear about them.Step 5 posing a proposalHave the students write a proposal to UNICEF based on the information you have gathered about how to help the hill tribe children in northern Thailand. Your proposal should include: Title, Group members, Introduction, Proposal, and Benefits.Step 6 Homework1. Finish your proposal.2. Preview “Project”.Period 8-9 Projectl Teaching Objectives:1. Enable students to understand the passage better.2. Develop students listening, reading, writing and thinking ability. 3. Enable the students to make an action plan.l Teaching Approaches:Task-based approachesl Form of Activities:Individual, pair or group work and topic discussions.l Teaching Aids:The multimedia and the blackboardl Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-in1. Some pictures to show a beautiful Africa.2. Some pictures to show a poor Africa.3. Some pictures to show Chinas help to Africans. Step 2 Fast Reading1. Why did the MFS nurse go to Africa? Because of the flood.2. Where has the MSF nurse been to in Africa?Kenya and Sudan3. Besides speaking English and French, how can Africans be municated with? By body languageStep 3 Further Reading1. Listening for further information2. Questions:Para 11) How did she help?Set up feeding centers to ensure that people got food and we checked the health of babies to make sure they were putting on weight. We had a vaccination campaign to stop children dying from measles.2) What dangers did she face? Fighting in villages far from the city; looking out for bullets and running from one place to another became way of life; water borne diseases such as malaria and typhoid; mud and water everywhere, making it difficult to travel from place to place.Para 2 1) Where was the A temporary clinic?In a vacant health center in the north side of the town.2) What problems can it solve?People who have regular medication cannot get hold of it in a disaster such as this.Minor injuries also need to be taken care of , especially as it is so wet.3) What are other problems they must face?In the rest of the city, shelter and access to food and clean water are big problems. The fields and harvest have been destroyed and so malnutrition will be a problem in the future. People have started to worry about that they will not get enough food.Para 31. How do they municate?By speaking English or French, or using acting skills.2. What are horrible things for her?It is quite horrible to imagine losing everything, including some of your family.That was a really horrible job to bury the dead bodie


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