2019-2020年高中英语 第一模块第三单元单词学习导学案 牛津版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 第一模块第三单元单词学习导学案 牛津版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 第一模块第三单元单词学习导学案 牛津版必修1.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 第一模块第三单元单词学习导学案 牛津版必修1Learning aims(学习目标):1.To improve the ability of memorizing the words. 2. To master the usage of important words.Important points(学习重点):To memorize the new words in this unit.Difficult points(学习难点): How to master and use the words.Learning guide(方法导引):Read, copy , memorize and practiceLearning procedures(学习过程):Step1. Try to read and remember the new words and phrases as quickly as possible。 (温馨提示:说一千,道一万,记住单词是关键!)1. Read and recite new words and phrases from act to cash three times.p69 (方法导引:按音标正确的读背单词和短语) (A级)2. copy the new words and phrases from act to cash three times in your exercise books(方法导引:汉语只需抄写一遍;抄写后应会默写这些单词和短语) (A 级)3. 根据要求写出各单词和短语的正确形式(方法导引:要默写单词,然后核对答案,用红色笔写出正确答案并加以巩固)(B级)Please pay attention to these nouns: 1.健身房_ 2. 体重,重量,杠铃片_3. 衰退,衰竭,故障_ 4. 化学物质,化学药品_5. 手术 _ 6. 相配的人或物_7. 建议,忠告_ 8. 陌生人_9. 压力_ 10. 女演员_11,节食,日常饮食_ 12. 效果_13. 运动员_ 14. 成就 _Please pay attention to these verbs:1.保持_ 2.锻炼,运动_ 3.起作用,有效果_ 4. 痊愈;重新获得_ 5.包含,容纳_ 6. 遵循,遵守,_7,举起,_ 8.考虑_9. 影响_ 10 冒险_ 11,辨认出,识别出_ 12. 匹配,相称_Please pay attention to these adjectives:1. 苗条的,纤细的_ 2. 惭愧的,羞愧的_3.减肥的,瘦身的_ 4.无价的,珍贵的_5.有害的_ 6.精确的,准确的_7.有吸引力的,有魅力的_ 8.动人的,感人的_9.肥胖的,超标的_ 10. 极瘦的,皮包骨的_Please pay attention to these phases:1. 锻炼,计算出_ 2. 节食_3.秘密的_ 4. 副作用_5. (头发等)脱落_- 6. 体重增加_-Please pay attention to these word-formation:1. failure_ (v.) 2. operation_ (v.) 3. advice_(v.)4. attractive _(vt.) 5. touching_(v) 6.actress _(opp.)7. properly_(a.) 8. consider_(n.) 9. achievement_(v.)Step2: Consolidation根据首字母补全单词,注意所填单词的词性以及词形变化.1. Fruit and vegetables are sold by w_.2. Im trying to lose weight because Im so a_ of my body.3. The medicine c_ a harmful chemical that causes my liver to fail.4. Now he is c_ taking some pills, which he thinks will make him bee stronger.5. The policeman r_ her as a pickpocket quickly.6. I am sorry, I dont quite f_ you.7. Lets ask for Mr. Yangs a _on this matter.8. We must find carpets that will m_the curtains.9. Every woman wants a slim f_ these days, especially here in Canada.10 She was deeply a_ by the news of her fathers death.Step3. Word usage:1. stay: vi.暂住,留下;n. 停留时间;link-v. 仍然是【感知翻译】1. I am going to stay at a hotel tonight.2. The window stayed open all the night. 【指点迷津】:1. 表示继续呆在某处时,可用不及物动词remain 或者stay. 2. 表示暂住,短期停留时,只能用不及物动词stay. 3. 表示继续保持或处于原来状态时, 可用remain 或者stay. 4.表示残留,剩下时,只能用不及物动词remain.【即景活用】:1.My mother- in law _with us this week when she visited us. 2. Not much of the house _after the fire. 3. _indoors for a few days until you recover from your cold.2. consider: vt. 考虑,认为【感知翻译】:1. I am considering what to do next. 2. He considers me as /to be his best friend.【思维拓展】1.当“考虑”讲时,consider+n/pron 或consider +doing 或consider+wh-+to do, 2.当“认为”讲时,consider+sb/sth+(as)+n 或consider+sb/sth+(to be )+n/adj. 或consider +sb to have done sth 3. 把当做:consideras ; treat as; regard as; think of as ;haveas; 等 4.consideration:n. 考虑take sth into consideration under consideration 【即景活用】:1.Alexander Bell is considered _(invite) the telephone. 2.We all consider Mr. Deng Xiaoping_a great leader of our country in recent ages. Which of the following can NOT be used in the blank? A. as B. to be C. be D./3. advice: n,建议,建议 【感知翻译】:1.If you follow my advice and study hard, you will pass the exam. 2. He gave us good advice on how to learn English. 【思维拓展】:.1. give/offer sb some advice on 就给某人提出建议2.ask sb for advice 征求某人的意见 3. follow/take ones advice 接受某人的建议. advise: vt, 建议: advise sb to do sth; advised sb not to do sth =advise sb against doing sth advise doing sth 建议干某事 advise that 建议 advise sb on 向某人提建议【指点迷津】:1. advice是不可数名词,一条建议:a piece of advice 2. advise 后接that从句时,从句用虚拟语气。3. advise 后接动名词做宾语。【即景活用】:1. Father went to his doctor for_about his heart trouble. A. an advice B. advice C. advices D. the advices 2. We advised that steps _(take ) at once. 4. effect: n. 影响;结果;效力【感知翻译】:1. The medicine has little effect on the old man. 2. This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son.【思维拓展】:have an effect on 对有影响 take effect 生效,起作用e into effect 生效 bring sth into effect 实施 in effect 实际上 be of no effect 无效【指点迷津】:1. effect 为名词,常用于have an effect on 结构,“对有影响” 2. affect 为动词,“影响”通常指对身体,思he 想或情绪带来不良影响。此外,“感动,触动”之意,相当于move.【即景活用】:请用affect/effect 的正确形式填空。1. Punishment almost had no _on the naughty boy.2. The rise in prices will _all classes.3. She was _at seeing such scene.5. care about 关心;在乎;介意【感知翻译】:1. I dont care about money or what people call position. 2. Dont you care about anybody?【思维拓展】:care for喜欢;愿意;照顾 take care of 照顾;保管 with care仔细地;认真地 be careful of 小心;当心be careful in dong sth在做谨慎仔细be careful about 讲究【指点迷津】:care about 多用于否定句和疑问句中。【即景活用】:用适当的介词或副词填空。 1. She thinks only of herself, she doesnt care _other people. 2. I dont care _what you think. 3. Would you care _a cup of coffee?6. along with 连同,随同【感知翻译】:1. I posted the book along with money? 2. The father, along with his son, is travelling in China.【思维拓展】:all long一直,始终 get along (on )with在方面有进展,与某人相处融洽【指点迷津】:在句中,由along with 引出短语时,其谓语动词要跟主语保持一致,类似情况还有:as well as; rather than; together with; including; with; besides; but; like; except 等。【即景活用】:Jane, together with her parents _(go) to the park every Sunday.7. work out 计算出;解除难题等;锻炼;事情等顺利进行;拟定计划,方案等【感知翻译】:1. I work out every morning. 2. W e work out a plan to leave school. 3. The plan didnt work out well.【思维拓展】work at从事于;致力于 work on继续;从事 out of work失业 at work 在工作 turn out结果是,证明是 make out辨认出,理解 pick put挑出,选出 point out指出 break out爆发,发生e out出来,出版 give out 用完耗尽,精疲力竭 【即景活用】:The problem is difficult for a little girl to _.A. solve it B. work out it C. work it out D. work out 学生反思:_.Step4. Practice. Words.1. Professor Smith, along with his assistants _(work) on the project day and night to meet the deadline.2. The emperor cared _nothing than for new clothes.3. Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will _fresh for several days. A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed 4. My parents often tell me that being unable to answer a teachers questions in class is noting to a_ of.5. Doctors warn that smoking is h_to health. However some young people still have developed the habit of smoking.6. It will take two or three weeks before you r_ from illness.7. The sofa is a perfect m _for the grey curtain in our sitting room.8. The young man is suffering from heart disease; he needs an o_.9. He is under great p_ because he has a lot of things to deal with in his business.10. It is not wise even dangerous for young women to take weight-loss pills to keep a slim f_.11. After graduating from Beijing Film Academy, she became an a_ and acted in films.12. It was a (n) _(感人的)scene when the old couple got reunited after separation.13. Dont tell your personal information such as your address and cell phone numbers to _(陌生人) online.14. Dont do anything that will _(损害)the reputation of your family ,school and country.15. Taking weight-loss pills proves to be dangerous, as it _(包含)some chemicals. Phases:1. He has just had an operation and now is in hospital _it.(恢复)2. In my opinion, it is unnecessary for teenagers to _ because they need much more food to study.(节食)3. To _(减肥),many girls take weight-loss pills instead of taking exercise.4. The famous actors keep fit by _(锻炼) in the gym every day.5. _the doctors _(遵循某人的建议)and give up smoking, you will pick up your health shortly.6. The couple who have been married for many years _(渴望) have a baby of their own.7. She said that she was not good at singing._(事实上),she sings very well.8. The girls doesnt eat high calories food because she is afraid of _(体重增加)。9. To his sadness, his bag _(连同)his cell phone was left in the taxi.10.As we all know, healthy diet and regular exercise are good ways to _(保持健康)。. Sentences.1.He is generally _(被认为是发明了) the first puter.2. The boy _(听从父亲的建议) and made up his mind to work hard.3.你应该因为对同学们说了谎而感动惭愧._.教师反思:_.

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