2019-2020年高中英语 复习教案 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 复习教案 新人教版必修4Book 4 Unit 11. (跟着简研究大猩猩的路线follow),our group are going to visit them in the forest.2. She spent years (观察和记录它们的日常活动observe).3. For forty years,she (很坦诚地outspoken)making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.4. When I was doing my maths problem,a good idea (涌上我的脑海crowd).5. She (一直过着忙碌的生活lead),although she retired.6. I looked at the text and realized that it (专门为乡下的妇女准备的intend).7. Every morning milk (被送到门口deliver).8. (当一切考虑进去consideration),he can work out the problem easily.9. Though we spent a lot,we (认为是值得的worthwhile)because we succeeded in the end.10. (直到那是她才意识到until)how much time she wasted.11. (查阅字典refer)if you have some questions.12. He (被看不起look)because of his illness.Unit 21. (出生在1930年bear),Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. 2. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvest (不需要扩大种植区域expand).3. After the new school is set up,each classroom (将配置电脑equip).4. China will take measures to (让人们摆脱贫困rid).5. What the teacher said (对这个学生不起任何作用difference).6. These advanced methods (能使空气、水免受化学物质污染free).7. Many of these chemicals can (导致疾病lead).8. Doing morning exercise can not only (强身健体build)but also develop ones character.9. His braveness led to (凶手被抓catch).10. (妈妈病了ill)made her sad.11. My son spent a lot of time on exercising but I would rather (他集中更多的注意力在学习上focus).Book 4 Unit 31. Up to now,doctors_(束手无策)to treat this deadly disease.(be)2. Charlie_(非常穷困)for a while after his father died(badly)3After the earthquake ,the government provided_ (为无家可归者提供食物和毯子)(homeless)4. Daisy came in shyly_(穿着一件破旧的大 衣)(wear)5. You may_(觉得令人意外)that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon ashe could walk(astonish)6. As_(时光流逝),he began making films(go)7. Charlie Charplin wrote,directed and produced films_ (由他主演)(star)8. He walked around stiffly_(手拿拐杖)(carry)9. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that_ _(这顿饭是他所吃过的最美味的一餐)(taste)10. Freddy bought a new suit_ (专门为这个场合) (occasion) Book 4 Unit 4 1. _(因为没有完成)the programme,they have to Stay there for another two weeks(plete)2. _(从表情上判断),he seems to be verynervous(judge)3. There are many mistakes in his essay,_(导致)his failure(lead)4. The time was approaching,but unluckily,_(通往机 场的路)were blocked(approach)5If you take exercise regularly,_(你不可能)catch a Cold easily(likely)6. While you are listening for detailed facts,you have to prepare the next question_(取决于)what the person says(depend) 7. Its likely that such a question,if it can be called a question,_ (你提出),cant be answered by any human beings(e)8. _(随着时间的推移),I was made smaller(with)9. He has learned_(一样多的英文单词)his brother(as)10. The tsunmi which happened in the Indian Ocean inxx_ _(使数以千计的人无家可归)(leave)Book 4 Unit 51. _(无论你喜欢哪一个,喜欢什么),there is a theme park for you.(whichever)2. The painting_(模仿这位艺术家的风格 来画的)(model)3. Only by protecting nature_(我们才能接近它(close)4. There is no doubt_(中国将提前成为一 个先进的国家)(advance)5. To every one of us,_(被北京大学录取)is a great honour(admission)6. _(有如此多的问题要解决),he is having a hard time(settle)7. Futureroscope has many excellent hotels nearby,_ _(大多数提前到公园的往返汽车服务(shuttle)8. With alltheseattractions,_ (难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,那里的旅游业就会上升)(wonder)9. _(万物复苏)in the spring with warm weather and long days.(life)10. The old man often sits at the door,_(无论什么 季节)(whatever)11. Every child_(有独特的个性)(unique)12. _(最重要的是)in learning English is enough Practice(matter)AnswerUnit 1 5. Following Janes way of studying chimps 6. observing and recording their daily activities7. has been outspoken about 8. crowded in me 9. was leading a busy life10. was intended for women in the countryside11. is delivered to 12. Everything taken into consideration/ When everything is taken into consideration13. think it (is)worthwhile14. Not until then did he realize15. Refer to the dictionary16. was looked down uponUnit 2 11. Born in 193012. without expanding the area of fields13. will be equipped with puters14. to rid people of being poor15. made no difference to the student16. can keep the air and water free of/from chemicals17. lead to illness18. build up ones body19. murders being caught20. Mothers being ill21. he focused more attention on studyUnit 31. have been able to do very little2. was quite badly off3. food and blankets for the homeless4. wearing a worn-out coat5. find it astonishing6. time went by7. he starred in8. carrying a walking stick9. it is one of the best meals( that)he has ever tasted10. just for the occasionUnit 41. Not having pleted2. Judging from/by his appearance3. leading to/which has led to4. the approaches to the airport5. you are not likely to/it is unlikely that you can6. depending on/upon7. as you have e up with8. With time going by/on9. as many English words as10. left thousands of people homeless


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