2019-2020年高一英语Unit15-Unit16 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit15-Unit16 人教版重点词语:1. solve the mystery 揭开迷团 2. would rather do 宁愿做 3. accept the invitation 接受邀请 4. after all 毕竟5. call on 拜访(某人) 6. try on 试穿 7. day and night 日日夜夜 8. pay off 还清 9. at most 最多, 至多 10. be worth 值 11. earn a lot of money 赚很多钱 12. act out 表演出来 13. e up with 想出, 找到 14. advantages and disadvantages 利弊 15. conduct a number of experiment 做了很多实验16. get charged 充电 17. a great deal of 大量, 很多 18. fixto 把固定在 19. conduct the electricity 导电 20. sense of smell 嗅觉 21. end in a tie 以平手结束, 打平 22. in tears 泪流满面 23. test on 在身上做试验 24. at least 至少 25. work with 起作用 26. there is no doubt 毫无疑问难点讲解:1. before 【用法一】prep.(时间)以前例1:He arrived there before me.他比我先到那里。例2:A few minutes before the accident he called on me.事故发生几分钟以前他访问过我。例3:Please e before 10 oclock.请十点以前来。【用法二】prep. (位置)在的前面例1:He sat just before me.他就坐在我的前面。例2:The prisoner was taken before the court.犯人被带到法庭上。【用法三】prep.(位次)先于,高于例1:The English verb es before the object.英语动词放在宾语前面。例2:We should put the collective interests before our own personal interests.我们应该把集体利益放在个人利益的前面。例3:Those with babies get on the bus before the oth-ers.带孩子的人先上车。【用法四】conj. 在以前例1:I must finish my work before I go home.我必须在回家这前做完工作。例2:Before I came I to Shanghai, I had worked in Bei-jing for many years.我来上海之前在北京工作过很多年。【用法五】conj. 就例1:I had not waited long before he came.我没等多久他就来了。例2:I ll do it now before I forget it.我趁着没忘记的时候就做吧。例3:It wasnt long before she came back.没过多久她就回来了。【用法六】conj.才例1:It will be long before we meet again.我们要过很久才能见面。例2:One must sow before one can reap.先有播种然后才有收获。【用法七】adv. (常与完成时或never连用)以前,从前例1:Have you ever heard of that before?你以前听说过那事吗?例2:I have never met him before.我以前从未见过他。【相关链接】1) before long(与将来式、过去式连用)不久以后例1:Before long they didnt have to worry about their chickens.不久,他们就不必担心他们的欢迎鸡了。例2:The work will be finished before long.该项工作不久即将完成。2) long before(与一般过去时连用)很久以前例1:We heard of it long before.我们很久以前就听说过那事了。例2:I had heard of him long before I came here.我来这里很久以前就听说过他。3) ago adv. (用于过去式)以前例1:I met him three days ago.我三天以前见过他。例2:He started two weeks ago.他在两星期前动身了。2. scary【用法】adj.可怕的,吓人的例1:I was frightened when I was walking in a scary dark street.当我走在一条可怕的黑暗街道上时,我胆战心惊。例2:The old man told us a scary story yesterday eve-ning.那位老人昨晚给我们讲了一个吓人的故事。3. mysterious【用法一】adj.神秘的,不可思议的例1:Scientists are working hard to probe into the mys-terious universe.科学家们正努力地探索着神秘的宇宙。例2:They are being very mysterious about their holiday plan.关于他们的度假计划,他们故作神秘。【用法二】adj. 故弄玄虚的例1:Dont be mysterious! 不要故弄玄虚。例2:I think he is mysterious.我认为他是在故弄玄虚的。4. recognize 【用法一】vt. 认出,辨认例1:Yesterday he recognized his long lost brother.他昨天认出了失散已久的兄弟。例2:I could hardly recognize him I met him at the airport.在机场接他时,我几乎认不出他来了。例3:No one can recognize you in that disguise.你那么一化装,谁也不认不出你来了。【用法二】vt.承认例1:We recognize your government as the sole legal government of your country.我们承认你们的政府是你们国家唯一的合法政府。例2:Our claim was recognized by the leadership as jus-tified.我们的要求已被领导承认是正确的。例3:They refused to recognize our new government.他们拒绝承认我们的新政府。【用法三】vt. 清楚地认识到;自认例1:He recognized that the was not qualified他认识到他不能胜任这项工作。例2:I recognize that he is the best worker we have.我认识到他是我们最好的工人。例3:I hope that you can recognize your duty to your country.我希望你能够认识到自己对祖国的责任。【用法四】vt.公认,欣赏例1:He was recognized as an authority in international law.他被公认为国际法权威。例2:The school recognized his studies by making him a best student in the school.学校为表彰他的学习而封他为学校的最佳学生。例3:His merits have been recognized.他的功绩已被公认了。【相关链接】be recognized as 被承认是,被认出是例1:Tom is recognized as the best football player in the school.汤姆被公认为学校最佳足球选手。例2:The man was recognized as the one who stole the money from the store yesterday.那个人被认出是昨天在商店里偷钱的人。【相关链接2】recognition n. 认识;认出;承认;认中1) in recognition of作为对的报酬例如:Please accept this cheque in recognition of all your help.请接受这张支票作为你全部帮助的报酬。2) change beyond/out of all recognition 变得无法认出例如:Illness and age changed her out of all recognition.疾病和衰老使她的模样变得认不出来了。5. accept 【用法一】vt. 接受,领受例1:She accepted our invitation to dinner. 她接受我们邀请来吃晚饭。例2:He gladly accepted the offer to teach at the school.他高兴地接受了那所学校任教的请求。例3:I always accept criticism with an open mind.我总是虚心接受批评。【用法二】vt.承认,认可例1:We accepted his report as true.我们认为他的报告符合事实。例2:Did she accept your reason for being late?她是否相信你迟到的理由?例3:For a long time she could not accept that her hus-band was really dead.有很长一段时间她不相信她丈夫真的死了。【用法三】vi.同意,承认例如:He asked her to marry him and she accepted.他向她求婚,她答应了。6. continue【用法一】vi.继续,连续例1:They continued on for another mile.他们又继续向前行进了一英里。例2:The rain continued for two days.雨连续下了两天。【用法二】vi. 留,依旧例1:The minister continued at his post.那位部长留住任了。例2:The sea had continued calm until a hurricane rose.飓风来临之前,海面一直平静。例3:The weather continued fine.天气仍然很好。【用法三】vt. 使继续,使连续例1:He continued his interrupted higher education af-ter the war.战争以后他继续接受中断的高等教育。例2:The meeting will be continued after a recess.休息后继续开会。例3:He continued the study of Chinese poetry for sve-eral years.他继续研究中国诗词达数年之久。【相关链接】1)continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. 继续做某事例如:The researchers continued testing/to test this hy-pothesis.研究人员继续验证这一假说。2) continue a story 继续讲故事例如:Uncle Wang continued the story until bed time.王叔叔继续讲故事一直到睡觉前。3) To be continued待续7. worth【用法一】adj. (仅做表语,后接控语)值的,相当于的价值的例1:These pieces of furniture are worth a total of one thousand dollars.这几件家具共值一千元。例2:How much is a diamond necklace worth?一条钻石项链值多少钱?例3:None really knows what time is worth.时间的价值有多大,没有人直正知道。【用法二】adj. 值得的;有的价值的例1:Only the first few pages are worth reading.只有头几页值得一读。例2:Is the play worth seeing?这出戏值得一看吗?例3:Is it worth all the trouble?费那么多事值得吗?【用法三】n. U 价值,精神价值例1:The professors discovery was of great worth.这位教授的发现很有价值。例2:Worth makes the man, and want of it, the villain.有德为君子,无德为小人。例3:The worth of this discovery was not realized untila hundred years after his death.直到他死后一百年,人们才认识到这项发现的价值。【相关链接】1) not worth ones while 不值一干例如:Its not worth your while visiting that temple of lit-tle historical value. 那个寺庙不值得你去参观,因为它在历史上没有多大价值。2) worthwhile adj. 无价的,无用的例1: Throw it away. Its quite worthless. 把它扔掉,这东西毫无用处。例2: Its worthless to anybody.这对任何人都毫无价值。3) worthwhile adj. 值得花时间的,值得做的例1:Some worthwhile researches have been made. 做了一些值得进行的研究。例2:Such a result is not quite worthwhile.这样的成果不太合算。8. worthy【用法一】adj. 有价值的,可尊敬的例1:He is a worthy man.他是个高尚的人。例2:Lei Feng was a worthy son of the people.雷峰是人民的好儿子。例3:Our cause is a worthy one.我们的事业是正义的事业。【用法二】adj. (作表语)值得的,配得上的例1:Your achievements are worthy of admiration. 你的成就值得钦佩。例2:Another document worthy to be mentioned is the resolution passed at the summit conference.值得一提的另一个文件就是高级会议上通过的那个决议。9. fall asleepfall asleep 入睡例1:Last night I was trying to fall asleep when sudden-ly the telephone rang.昨天晚上我正要试图入睡,这时突然电话铃响了。例2:He went to bed early but he couldnt fall asleep.他很早就上床了,但无法入睡。例3:He fell asleep while listening to the light music.他在听那首轻音乐时睡着了。【相关链接】1) fall back退却;后退 例如:We must not fall back before the enemy.在敌人面前我们不能退却。2) fall behind 落在的后面,跟不上 例如:I must work hard in order not to fall behind.为了不落后,我必须努力学习。3) fall in with sb. 偶尔遇到某人 例如:On my way to school yesterday morning, I fell in with Xiao Hui.昨天早上在上学的路上,我遇上了小惠。4) fall out with sb. 与某人争吵 例如:I feel very bad because I have just felt out with one of my frieds.我感觉心情很糟,因为刚同我的一位朋友争吵过。5) fall in love (with sb.) 爱上(某人) 例如:They fell in love with each other when they were a-broad in xx.他们于xx年在国外时恋爱了。6) fall (get) into trouble (difficulty) 陷入困境 例如:In those years, they often fell into trouble.那互日子里,他们经常陷入困境。7) fall (e) to pieces 跌碎,摔碎 例如:The old temple fell into pieces last night.那座古庙昨晚坍塌了。8) fall into a dream 进入梦乡 例如:He went bed early and fell into a dream soon.他早就睡了,并且很快就进入了梦乡。9) fall into a habit 染上一种习惯 例如:When he was in the country, he fell into a habit of smoking.他在农村养成了抽烟的习惯。10) fall dead 倒下死去 例如:The man fell on his knees before a rich man and asked for some money. 那个人在一个有钱人的面前跪下乞求些钱。11) fall dead 倒下死去例如:In the battle, the young soldier was shot and fell dead.在战斗中,那个年轻的士兵被击中,倒下死了。12) fall short to 达不到,不符合例如:These goods fall short of quality.这批货物不符合质量。13) fall on落在,落到,袭击,进攻例如:Christmas Day fell on a Monday that year.那年的圣诞节恰好是在星期一。10. after allafter all 须知,毕竟例1:I was right after all. He failed.到底我还是对的,他还是失败了。例2:I know he hasnt finished his work, but, after all, he is a very busy man. 我知道他尚未完成工作,不过,别忘了,他是个大忙人。【相关链接1】1) at all 居然,究竟,到底;(在否定句中)一点也不 例1:I was surprised at his ing at all.他居然来了,我很奇怪。 例2:Do you know him at all?你究竟知道不知道他? 例3:I dont like watching TV at all.我一点也不喜欢看电视。 例4:If you know at all, you will not do so. 要是你知道一些的话,你不会那样做的。2) all in all 一般而言,整体而言例1:All in all we had a good time. 总起来说,我们玩得很愉快。【相关链接2】1) all along 自始至终 例如:I knew that all along.我自始至终都知道那件事。2) all but 几乎 例如:I am all but ready.我几乎准备好了。3) all over 全部;到处;遍及每个角落例1:They painted the door green all over.他们把门全部漆成了绿色。例2:Weve been hunting for him all over.我们一直到处找他。例3:They are traveling all over India.他们在印度各地旅游。11. call oncall on拜访(某人);请求;使出(力量)例1:We can call on Mary tomorrow. 我们明天能拜访玛丽。例2:I will now call on Li Ming for an answer.我现在要向李明请教答案。例3:We have to call on all our strength. 我们得用全力。【相关链接】1) call at 参观(某地方) 例如:We called on our headmaster at his office.我们昨天在校长办公室拜访了校长。2) call for 要求;需要;约请(人) 例1:He called for the waiter for the bill.他呼唤侍者过来要帐单。 例2:Ill call for you at 9 oclock tomorrow morning. 明天早上九点我来叫你。3) call in 邀来,请来;收回 例1:Have you called any doctor in?你们请医生了吗?例2:The makers have called in some cars with dangerous faults.制造商已收回一些危险缺陷的汽车。4) call up征集;唤起;打电话 例1:The villagers called up the soldiers to clear up the road.村民们召集了士兵来清扫道路。 例2:The movie calls up my bitter hatred for the terror-ists.这部电影唤起了我对恐怖分子的深仇大恨。 例3:If you want to place an order, please call me up.如果你要订购的话,就电话给我。12.pay offpay off 偿清(债务等)例如:It took them six years to pay off the debts.他们花了六年时间才还清那件判决所定的债务。【相关链接】1) pay back 偿还;报答,回报 例1:If youll lend me two yuan, Ill pay it back tomor-row.要是你能借给我两元线,我将在明天归还。 例2:How can I pay you back for all your kindness?我将怎样报答你的一切好意呢?2) pay down用现金支付,当场支付 例如:He paid the money down and took the goods.他当场付了钱,并取走了货物。3) pay for为了得到而付钱;因而受罚 例1:Of course we have to pay for all we buy.当然我们不论买什么都得付钱。 例2:He will have to pay for his carelessness.他将得为他的粗心而自食其果。4) pay in存入;捐(钱) 例1:I pay in five yuan each month.我每月把五块钱存入银入。 例2:The contributions actually paid to date amount to more than three thousand yuan.到现在为止,实际收到的捐款共计三千元以上。5) pay out 付出钱;向报复 例1:They have to pay out a lot on repairing that house.为了修理那所房子他们得付很多钱。 例2:The man said that he would pay Bill out for his kill-ing his brother.那个人说他为比尔杀了他的兄弟而要向比尔报仇。6) pay up付清(钱) 例1:You must pay up what you owe me.你必须还清欠我的钱。 例2:He asked me to pay up. 他要求我把钱付清。13.instruction【用法】n.指令;指示;说明例1:Just click the mouse and youll get the instructions you need.点击鼠标,你就会得到你所需要的指令。例2:Give them your instructions and theyll do the experiment well.给他们下达您的指示吧,他们会做好这项试验的。例3:Read the instructions before taking the medicine.在服用此药之前,要看一看说明。【相关链接】1) instruct vt. 教授;指导;通知例1:Professor Brown instructs two classes in physics.布朗教授教两个班的物理。例2:Wholl instruct them to do the experiment ?谁将指导他们做这项试验?例3:Ive been instructed that I have to be present at the meeting.有人通知我,要我出席那个会议。2) instructive adj. 有教育意义的例如:The film is both instructive and interesting 这部电影既有教育意义,又有趣。14. Realize【用法一】vt. 认识;意识例如:After talking with his father, Jack realized that playing too much puter games would do bad to his studies.经过与父亲的谈话后,杰克认识到过量玩电脑游戏会影响他的学习。【用法二】vt. 实现例如:By working hard, he realized his wishes finally.靠努力奋斗,他终于实现了自己的理想。15.attract 【用法一】vt. 吸引例如:A magnet attracts iron.磁石吸引铁。【用法二】vt. 引起注意例如:Her beautiful dress attracted many eyes .她好漂亮的外衣吸引了很多目光。【相关链接】1) attraction n. 吸引力例1:The attraction of the moon for earth causes the tides.月球对地球的吸引力造成了潮汐。例2:puter games have little attractions for my parents .电脑游戏对我父母亲没有什么吸引力。2) attractive adj. 诱人的;有吸引力的例如:What an attractive price for such a nice dress !这么好一件衣服,却标出这样诱人的低价!16.last 【用法一】vi. 持续例1:The meeting lasted two hours.会议开了两个小时。例2:The quarreling between the couple lasted quite some time.这对夫妇吵了好一阵子。【用法二】adj. 上一次的例如:He went there last year 他去年就去了那里。【用法三】 adv. 最后例1:Whoever leaves last should turn off the lights.谁若最后离去,应当关灯。例2:He who laughs , laughs best.谁笑到最后,谁笑的最好。17.enough 【用法一】adj.足够的例1:I have enough money to buy a new bicycle.我有足够的钱买一辆新自行车。例2:He has time enough to write her essay.他有足够的时间去写他的论文。注意:enough 作形容词时可以置于被修饰的名词前面或后面作定语。【用法二】adv. 足够例1:The little boy is not tall enough to reach the pear on the tree.那个小男孩还不够高;他还摘不到树上的那个梨。例2:The temperature is high enough to turn the ice into water.这种温度跑以使冰融化成水。注意:当enough 作副词修饰形容词时,它只能后置。【用法三】n. 充分;足够例1:Enough has been said on this subject .关于这个问题说得已经够多了。例2:They didnt has enough to eat then.那时他们常吃不饱。18.charge【用法一】vt. 充电例如:The battery has to be charged again.这个电瓶又要充电了。【用法二】vt.要求付款(服务费用)例如:The bicycle repairman charged me two yuan那位修自行车的师傅让我付给他两元钱的修理费。【用法三】vt.& vi. 突袭;猛冲例1:Our soldiers charged the enemy at sunset .太阳落山时,我军士兵向敌军发动了袭击。例2:The angry man charged into the office , shouting at his boss.那个愤怒的男子冲进办公室,冲他的老板大声吼骂起来。【用法三】n. 负责。例1:Who is charge of the project?谁负责这个项目。例2:The project is in the charge of Professor Lee.这个项目由李教授负责。19.conduct.【用法一】vt.指导;引导例如:His maid conducted us to the door.她的女仆把我们领到门口。【用法二】vt. (电流)通过;传导例如:Copper conducts electricity better than other materials.铜导电较其他物质佳。【用法三】vt.指挥;管理例如:The orchestra is conducted by her father.这支管乐队由她的父亲指挥。【相关链接】1)conduction n. (热、电、水等的)传导例如:The conduction of the water from the river to the city is excellent.从这条河进入那个城市的输水系统情况非常好。2)conductor n. (火车、汽车上的)收票员例如:“Tickets , please. Tickets,” said the conductor .那位列车验票员说:“请把票拿出来,验票啦。”20.cross【用法一】n. 十字架;(给错误评定符号的)叉例1:The American wear a cross around his neck.那个美国人脖子上系着一个(耶稣受难)十字架。例2:Ive got two crosses in my maths exercise book.我的数学练习有两道题做错了(得了两个叉)。【用法二】n. 杂交品种例如:Her pet cat is a cross between a white cat and a black one.她喂的那只宠物猫是由黑、白两种颜色不同的猫产下的杂交品种。【用法三】vt. 横过;穿越例如:look to either end of the street before you cross it .横过街道前,你要看看街道两端时否有车辆(通过)。21.sharp 【用法一】adj. 敏锐的;聪慧的例如:He had sharp eyes and was able to tell everything in politics.他目光敏锐,政治方面洞察秋毫。【用法二】adj. 尖锐的;锋利的。例如:Take care ! The knife is sharp.当心!这把刀挺锋利的.【用法三】adv. 准点例如:The meeting began at 8:00 sharp.会议在八点整准时开始。【相关链接】 sharpen vt. 使尖锐例如:Hes sharpening his pencil.他在削铅笔。22.Tear 【用法一】 vi. 撕例如:Take care ! The cloth tears easily.当心!这种布料很容易撕破。【用法二】vi. 撕扯;揪(与at连用) 例如:seeing the box ,Mary tore at the paper around it, eager to see the gift in it.一拿到那个盒子,玛丽就撕开外面的那层包装纸,急着看看盒子里装的是什么礼物。【用法三】vt. 拆卸;拆除(与down连用)例如:The workers are tearing down the houses to build a park 工人们正在拆除那些旧房子;建一个公园。【用法四】vt. 撕开;撕裂。例如:After reading the letter ,she tore it into pieces.读完这封信,她就把它撕成了碎片。【相关链接】 tear n. 眼泪例如:When she heard the news, she burst into tears.听到那消息时,她的眼泪夺眶而出。23. in ones opinionin ones opinion 在某人看来例如:In my opinion ,we should let the children learn to operate puters.我认为,我们应当让孩子学会操作电脑。24. make use of make use of 利用例如:We should make full (good) use of our limited time .我们应该充分(很好地)利用我们有限的时间。25.a number of a number of 很多(后接可数名词)例如:A number of students spend too much time on puter games.有很多学生在玩电脑游戏方面花的时间太多了。【相关链接】1) the number of 的数目(谓语用单数)例1:The number of the teachers in my school is 206.我校教师人数是206名。例2:Whats the number of the students in you class?你班学生人数是多少?例3:The number of the workers in the factory is large (small).这家工厂的人数量真多(少)。注意:不用many或few 与the number of 搭配。2) number of 许多例如:Numbers of men in the villages have gone to the front .这些村的许多男子都上前线去了。26.a great deal of a great deal of 许多(后接不可数名词)例如:He found a great deal of water over there.他在那边发现了许多水。【相关链接】1) a good many 许多(后接可数名词复数)例如:There are a good many new houses at the foot of the hill.在那山脚下有许多新房子。2) a lot of 许多(后接可数和不可数名词)例1:There are a lot of mistakes in her homework她的作业有很多错误例2:There is a lot of water in the pail 水桶里面有许多水26.protectfromprotect from 保护免受损害例如:In order to protect the sheep from the snowstorm, he drove them into the cave.为了不使羊群遭到暴风雪的袭击,他把羊群赶进了洞穴。27. go against go against 与相抗衡;抵触例1:We mustnt go against nature , or well be punished by it .我们绝不能违背大自然的规律,否则,我们将为此而遭到大自然的惩罚。例2:In my opinion ,the school rule goes against the law.我认为,条校规违背了法律。28.be made up of be made up of 由组成例如:Our class mittee is made up of seven students.我们的班委会由七位学生组成。【相关链接】1) be made of 由制成例如:The toy car is made of wood.这个玩具汽车是木头做的。2) be made from 由(提炼)制成例如:The famous wine is made from rice and corn.这种名酒是由稻谷和玉米酿制的。3) make into 把制成为例如:The workers are making glass into beautiful vases .工人们把玻璃制成漂亮的花瓶。语法精讲:情态动词()must,cancould,maymight1 must(1)must表示“必须,应当,非不可”.否定式是 must not 或 mustnt,表示强烈的禁止,意思是“不得”,“不准”,“不应该”.egYou must tell your reason你必须说出你的理由.You mustnt speak like that to your mother你不准像那样对你妈妈讲话.(2)must 表示说话人对事物的猜测,意思是“一定”,“准是”,通常只用于肯定句中.egYou mustbe tired after the long walk走了远路,你一定很累了.(3)在回答带有must的问句时,否定式常用 neednt,表示“不必”,语气委婉.egMust I do it?我必须做这事吗?Yes,you must是的,你非做不可.No,you neednt不,你不一定做它.2cancould(1)can 可表示“能力,可能性,许可”,在口语中,can 可以代替 may.egYou can go now你可以去了.(2)could 是 can 的过去式,可用来表示“请求”,或陈述看法.语气比 can委婉,并不表示过去时态.egCould you let me put my head in the tent? Its so cold outside你可以准许我把头放在帐篷里吗?外面是这么冷.3maymight (1) may 表示“允许”或征求对方许可,它的否定形式可用 may not,表示“不可以”,也可用 mustnt 表示“不可以,不准,绝对不行”等意思.egMay I watch TV after supper?我可以在晚饭后看电视吗?(2) might 是 may 的过去式.egHe said that I might go他说我可以去.(3) may 和 might 表示现在或将来的可能性,表示说话人的猜测.egThis may ( 或 might ) be true这事说不定是真的.【重点难点解析】构词法英语主要有三种构词法:转化、派生和合成.1转化:由一个词类转化为另一词类.(1)动词转化为名词egswimto go for a swimlookto have a look atstudyto make a studywalkto take a walkvisitto pay a visit(2)名词转化为动词egwater(水)to water the trees (浇树)plant(植物)to plant the vegetables (种菜)fool(傻瓜)to fool somebody (愚弄某人)hand(手)hand in the homework (交作业)(3)形容词转化为动词slowto slow down (慢下来)emptyto empty the glass (倒空杯子)(4)形容词转化为名词richthe rich (富人)youngthe young (年轻人)2派生:通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词.(1)前缀egun happy(快乐的) unhappy(不快乐的)dis like(喜欢) dislike(不喜欢)im possible(可能的) impossible(不可能的)mis understand(理解) misunderstand(误解)super market(市场) supermarket(超级市场)kilo- metre(米) kilometre(千米)in- visible(看得见的) invisible(看不见的)ir repdsr(规则的) irregular(不规则的)re- write(写) rewrite(重写)(2)后缀eg-er work(工作) worker(工人)or visit(访问) visitor(参观者)ese Japan(日本) Japanese(日本人)ing build(建筑) building(建筑物)ment move(移动) movement(运动)ship friend(朋友) friendship(友谊)ful care(关心) careful(仔细的)ly brave(勇敢的) bravely(勇敢地)ence differ(不同) difference(不同)ance import(重要性) importance(重要)ure fail(失败) failure(失败)th true(真的) truth(真理)ity active(积极的) activity(活动)y difficult(困难的)difficulty(困难)ness ill(有病的) illness(疾病)ism social(社会的) socialism(社会主义)ist social(社会的) socialist(社会主义的)less care(关心) careless(粗心的)


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