2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4学案 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4学案 新人教版选修7课前自主预习I 单词记忆 请根据英语释义写出单词1._: someones idea of how something is, or should be done2. _: directly connected with the subject or problem being discussed or considered3. _: to make small changes to something in order to improve it or make it more effective4. _: to take part in an activity or event5. _: an honor6. _: the things that you must organize so that an event ,meeting, etc can happen 7. _: to buy something8. _: to give something ,especially money to a person or an organization in order to help them9. _: a word means “if not” 答案1.concept 2.relevant 3.adjust 4.participate 5.privilege 6.arrangement 7.purchase 8. donate 9.otherwiseII. 短语背诵1. 收到的信,受到的批评 _ _2. 迫切希望做某事 _ 3. 达到 _ 4. 不久前的某一天 _ 5. 与有关 _ 6. 有影响,很重要 _ _ 7. 伸出,醒目,坚持到底_8. 适应,调整 _ 9. 与某人分享某物 _ 10. 参加_11. 过了一会儿_ 12. 使变干 _ 13.否则,不然 _ 答案:1.hear from 2.be dying to do sth 3.up to 4.the other day 5.be relevant to 6.make a difference7.stick out 8.adjust to 9.share sth with sb 10.participate in 11.otherwise 12.dry out 13.after a short timeIII. 课文理解1.Do you know where PNG is?Independent State of Papua New Guinea2. Match each part with its main ideaPart 1 A visit to a local village(Para 1)Part2 The end of the letter(Para_)Part 3 (Para_) The beginning of the letterPart 4 (Para 9) The introduction of the school and Jos work as a teacher答案略3. Read paragraph 2-3 and finish the following exercises. 1) In the passage which sentence can be replaced by “I am trying to adjust to these conditions but it is certain that I have had more imagination in teaching.”Key: Im still trying to adapt to these conditions. However, one thing is for sure, Ive bee more imaginative in my teaching.2) Describe their school and the difficulties of the school.答案略3) Why did the boys start jumping out of the windows? ( C ) A. Because the boys were naughty. B. Because the boys were not interested in chemistry experiment. C. Because they had never e across anything like bubbling and they were frightened4) Why does Jo wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids? ( B )A. Because the kids there hardly came across anything of chemistry. B. Because she thought chemistry might make little difference to the kids life and most of them would live their lives as farmers.C. Because she thought chemistry useless for them.4.Fill in the blanks1) It was wonderful for _ to hear from Rosemary. 2) _ is dying to hear about Jos life there.3) _ started jumping out of the window because they had never came across anything like it.4 ) _ started crying “ieee ieee” to wele them.5 ) _ led us to his house, a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof.6) Jo felt it a privilege to have spent a day with his student, _s family答案1)Jo 2) Rosemary 3) The boys 4) Kiak 5) Mukap 6) Tombe课堂互动探究Part 1 词汇巧解1. adjust【原句呈现】The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust【词义拓展】(1)to make small changes to something in order to improve it or make it more effective(2)to gradually get used to a new situation by making small changes to the way you do thingsadjustment n 调整;修正adjustable adj 可调节的;可调整的adjust(sthoneself)(to sth)使适应;适应。注意:该词作不及物动词时,其意思是“适应于”,后常跟介词to。【反思归纳】_【经典背诵】1.Check and _ the brakes regularly.2._ to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.【模仿巩固】1. (1)她出门前仔细整了整衣服,头发。_(2)身体很快自行调节以适应气温的变化。_2. You cannot see through a telescope unless it is correctly _ your sight,A .adapted B adjoined C adjusted D adjudged2. adapt【原句呈现】Im still trying to adapt to these conditions.【词义拓展】1) to change something to suit different conditions or uses2) to bee familiar with a new situation3) to change a book or a play so that it can be made into a film ,television program, etc【经典背诵】It took me a while to_ to the new jobMany software panies have_ popular programs to the new operating system. We had to _ our plans to fit Jacks timetable.Davies is busy _ Brink worths latest novel for television【模仿巩固】 (1)英译汉The good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to new environments._(2)汉译英:许多新公司感到很难适应新体制。_(3) The newers found it impossible to _ themselves to the climate.A. suit B. adopt C. adapt D. regular【反思归纳】_3. otherwise【原句呈现】Otherwise they dont waste anything.【词义拓展】adverb(1) differently, or in another way:(2) except for what has just been referred to:conjunctionused after an order or suggestion to show what the result will be if you do not follow that order or suggestion:adjective after verb used to show that something is pletely different from what you think it is or from what was previously stated【经典背诵】(1)The police believe he is the thief, but all the evidence suggests _(= that he is not).(2)The bike needs a new saddle, but_ its in good condition.(3)Phone home, _ your parents will start to worry【模仿巩固】 (1)英译汉Under the Bill of Rights, a person is presumed innocent until proved otherwise _(2)她或许告诉过你她是一名合格的医生,但事实恰恰相反。_(3)We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we _ him .A would have telephoned B had telephoned C telephoned D have telephoned.【反思归纳】otherwise adv.用别的方法;其他方面. adv & conj.否则;不然重点用法 and otherwise等等;其他but otherwise然而在别的方面却 or otherwise或相反_4.picture【原句呈现】I know you are dying to hear all about my life here, so Ive included some photos which will help you to picture the places I talk about.【词义拓展】noun 1 a drawing, painting or photograph, etc:.I hate having my picture taken (= being photographed).2 an image seen on a television or cinema screen:3 something you produce in your mind, by using your imagination or memory:4 an idea of a situation:5 U a situation described in a particular way:verb T (1)to imagine something:(2)to depict sth【经典背诵】We took a _ of (= photographed) the children on their new bicyclesWe cant get a clear _.I have a very vivid _ of the first time I met Erik.After watching the news, I had a clearer_ of what was happening.The experts are painting a gloomy/brighter/rosy_ of the state of the economy._ the scene - the crowds of people and animals, the noise, the dirt.He was _ as a soldier in full uniform.【模仿巩固】1. Try to picture yourself lying on a beach in the hot sun.(英译汉)_2.在这部小说中美国19世纪20年代的情形被非常现实地描绘了出来。_【反思归纳】_Part 2 Phrases1.hear from【原句呈现】It was wonderful to hear from you.【词组拓展】 (1)hear from :If you hear from someone, you get a letter or telephone call from them, or they tell you something:(2)hear of :If you have heard of someone or something, you know that that person or thing exists:(3)hear sb out :to listen to someone until they have said everything they want to say:【经典背诵】We havent_ her for ages.Its a tiny country that most people have never_.At least_me _ before making up your mind.【模仿巩固】1. I havent _ my good friends John for years.A hear of B hear from C heard from D hear2. -Do you know Mr. Brown?-No, but I _ him before.A often heard B have heard from C have heard of D often listened to【反思归纳】_2e across【原句呈现】The boys who had never e across anything like this before started jumping out of the window.【词义拓展】 (1)to find something by chance:(2)to behave in a way which makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic:(3)If an idea or emotion es across in writing, film, music or when someone is speaking, it is expressed clearly and people notice it:【经典背诵】 (1)He _ some of his old love letters in his wifes drawer.(2)He _as a bit of a bore in interview(3)What _ in his later poetry is a great sense of sadness.【模仿巩固】 (1)How did it e _ (aboutoveracrossup) that you both got lost?(2)If you happen to e _ (across toupover) my lost paper while you are looking for your book, please let me know at once by telephone.【反思归纳】_3. dry out【原句呈现】Tombe told me that the can was heated to dry out the the leftover food.【词组拓展】(1)dry (sb/sth) off: to make someone or something dry, or to bee dry, especially on the surface:.(2)dry sth out :to make something dry, or to bee dry(3)Someone who dries out stops being dependent on alcohol(4)dry up: If a river, lake, etc. dries up, the water in it disappears(5)dry up: If a supply of something dries up, it ends【经典背诵】 (1)I _ myself _ and got dressed(2)If you dont keep food covered, it _.(3)He went to a clinic in Arizona to _.(4)This summer is so hot that many rivers in the country _.(5)We must stop wasting water, because it was _.【模仿巩固】选词填空用dry offoutup的正确形式填空We went swimming then lay in the sun to _.Hot sun and cold winds can soon _ your skin.During the drought , the river_, which brought great harm to the harvest.【反思归纳】_4. sticking out【原句呈现】a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof【词义拓展】(1)stick out : to go beyond the surface or edge of something:There was a handkerchief sticking out of his jacket pocket(2)stick (sth) outto e forward from the rest of your body, or to make part of your body do this:(3)to be very easy to notice:(4)stick it out (CONTINUE) phrasal verb INFORMALto continue to the end of a difficult or unpleasant situation:【经典背诵】Pauls ears _ a bit, dont they.He _ his arm _ of the window and waved at usShe certainly _ in a crowd.I know things are difficult at the moment, but if we just _, Im sure everything will be OK in the end. 【模仿巩固】(1) 汉译英: 她大衣口袋里露出一本杂志。_(2)汉译英:他讨厌这份工作,但因为需要钱,他决定撑下去。_(3)Einstein _ his opinion and went on with his research.A stuck to B have stuck to C have stuck out D stuck out【反思归纳】_5. for sure【原句呈现】请填上教材原句_【词义拓展】be sure of/about sb to have confidence in and trust someone:be sure of oneself to be very or too confident:be sure of sth be confident that something is true:be sure to to be certain to:make sure (that) to look or take action to be certain that something happens, is true, etc:for sure certain or certainly:【经典背诵】 (1)I want to go somewhere where were_ to have good weather.(2)Shes bee much more _ of herself since she got a job.(3)Henry has only been working for us for a short while, and were not really _ about him yet.(4)Make _ you lock the door behind you when you go out.(5)He said that he wasnt pletely_of his facts.(6) I know_ that I wont be able to go to the party.(7)One things _ once the babys born, your lives will never be the same again.【模仿巩固】一句多译(写出至少两种表达方法)(1)汤姆一定会在半小时内到达。_ (2) 一定要在一离开之前关掉电视机。_选择He has been so busy recently. It isnt quite _ that he will be present at the meeting tomorrow.(e forum.liuxuehome :g.w A. sure (e forum.liuxuehome :g.wB. right (e forum.liuxuehome :g.wC. certain (e forum.liuxuehome :g.wD. exact 【反思归纳】_Part 3 Patterns1. 【原句呈现】 It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombes family.It 作形式主语,真正主语为后面的不定式短语to have spent a day with Tombes family.【句子仿写】 (at least 10 words)(1) _(2) _【模仿巩固】1)保护环境,节约自然资源人人有责。_2)这样跟你的父母说话是错误的。_3)你问这样一个问题是非常愚蠢的。_【反思归纳】_2.【原句呈现】But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did visit a village that was the home of one of the boys.谓语动词用do 的某种形式来强调【句子仿写】(at least 10 words)1) _2) _【模仿巩固】1)他的确打算来,这让我们非常高兴。_2)我们一直期待的那封信确实没来。_【反思归纳】答案1. 模仿巩固(1) She adjusted her clothes and hair carefully before she went out.(2) The body quickly adjusted itself to the change of temperature. 2. C2. 模仿巩固(1)孩子们的一大优势就是他们能够很快适应新环境。(2)Many new panies found it difficult to adapt to the new system. (3) C3. 模仿巩固(1)依照权利法案,一个人应被认定为无罪除非找到相反证据。(2)She may tell you she is a qualified doctor, but the truth is otherwise. (3)A4. 模仿巩固(1) 试着想象一下自己在温暖的阳光下躺在沙滩上。(2) The situation of the USA in the 1920s is realistically pictured in this novel.Part II Phrases1.经典背诵heard from, heard of, hear out模仿巩固1.B 2.C2.经典背诵(1)came across.(2)came across(3)e across模仿巩固 (1)about(2)over3.经典背诵(1)dried off (2) dries out.(3) dry out(4)dry up.(5) drying up.选词填空 dry off, dry out, dried up4.经典背诵stick out, stuck out, sticks out, stick out模仿巩固(1) A magazine sticks out of her pocket of her coat(2)He hates this job, but for lack of money, he decides to stick it out.(3)A5. 经典背诵(1)sure(2)sure(3)sure(4) sure(5)sure(6) for sure(7) for sure模仿巩固(1)Tom is sure to arrive in half an hour.It is sure that Tom will arrive in half an hour. (2) Be sure to turn off the TV before living. Please make sure to turn off the TV. 选择CPart III 1. 1) It is a duty for everyone to protect the environment and save natural resources. 2)It is mistake for you to speak to your parents in this way. 3) It is stupid of you to ask such a question.2. 1)We are very glad that he did plan to e.2)The letter we are expecting never did arrive. 课后演练反馈I 单词拼写1. It was such a _ to have spent a day with Tombes family.2. You have to go right now, _ you will miss your bus.3. I love listening to the family softly taking to each other in their language, even though I couldnt _ in the conversation.4. Sometimes I wonder how_ chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be going back to their village.5. The local newspaper made _ (s) for an interview with Professor Stein.6. When you _ an item form, we will send you an attractive card for you to send to your special person.7. Science is the most challenging subject as most of my students have no _ of doing experiments.8. Many people_ their money and clothes to the people who were in great need after the earthquake.9. The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to _.答案1. privilege 2.otherwise 3. participate 4.relevant 5.arrangements 6.purchase 7.concept 8.donated 9.adjustII 短语make a difference, be dying to , the other day, stick out, dry outupoff ,in need, be relevant to ,e across, to be honest, for sureUse the words above to plete the following sentences. Pay attention to their forms.1. A friend _ is a friend indeed.2. Your support will certainly _ in our course.3. Be careful-there is a nail _ of that board.4. _, I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling over everything.5. I know you _ to hear all about my life here, so Ive included some photos which will help you to picture the places I talk about.6. These issues are directly _ the needs of slow learners.7._, I doubt whether Im making any difference to the boys lives at all.8. No one knows _ what the puter tomorrow will be like.9. He _one of his old classmates when he was on business in USA.10. I _ myself after bathing and got dressed.答案1. in need, 2.make a difference 3.sticking out 4.The other day 5.are dying to 6.relevant to 7. To be honest 8.for sure 9.came across 10. dried offIII 原文回顾A letter homeJo, a young Australian woman, worked as a _ teacher in Papua New Guinea. Because her friend was _ to hear all about her life, she wrote a letter to her friend. The high school where Jo worked was a bush school, which was poorly equipped. She was trying to _ these conditions, in which she became more _. Last weekend Jo visited Tombes family in a remote village. Tombe and his family lived in huts which were made of _ and was so dark that it took time for her eyes to _.They slept on a newly built _ that night. Although, Jo couldnt _ in their conversation, she still loved listening to them softly talking. People in this village dont waste anything .But they would _ the leftover food for fear of attracting evil spirits. Jo regarded it as a _ to have spent a day with Tombes family.答案volunteer, dying, adapt to, imaginative, bamboo, adjust, platform, participate, dry out, privilegeIV 单项选择1.He decided to _

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