2019-2020年高一英语 Unit18 Language study lntegrating skills45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Unit18 Language study lntegrating skills45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版基础过关.单词拼写1.It is very dry in the south at this time of year,w_in the north theres much rain.2.The shops are in a c_position in the city.3. As a child, I was s_by love and kindness.4.She s_in Vienna after her fathers death.5.Well need a flat_(表面)to play the game on.6.Because of the _(多山的)nature of the country, the army couldnt advance quickly.7.It is_(令人惊奇的)that they choose this method of passing the evening.答案:1.while2.central3.surrounded4.settled5.surface6.mountainous7.surprising.用下列所给短语的正确形式填空make up for,turn to,take possession of,a variety of,go against,sign an agreement with,make up of,go sailing,in relation to,stand for,make up1.Its not true that China Lucky Film Corp will_Fuji Film to start a joint venture.2. More and more people_out on the sea near Shenzhen, a coastal city neighboring Hong Kong.3. New Zealand seems quite a small country_Australia.4. Her enthusiasm for the job_her lack of experience; thats why we decide to select her.5.After Ann left the university, she became a teacher, but later_journalism.6.I would like to go to bed early to_the sleep I lost last night.7.You can take evening classes in _subjects including photography, Spanish and puting.8. After a fierce twohour fight, the soldiers finally_the enemys fort.答案:1.sign an agreement with2.go sailing3.in relation to4.makes up for5.turned to6.make up7.a variety of8.took possession of巩固提高.单项选择1.Is_necessary to take off our shoes when We enter the lab?A.everyone B.thisC.her D.it答案:D提示:it是形式主语。构成句型it is+adj+(for/of sb.)+to do sth.。2.Was it during the Second World War_he died?A.that B.whileC.in which D.then答案:A提示:本句考查的是强调句型。3.Is_possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?A.now B.thatC.it D.man答案:C提示:it是形式主语。4.I dont think_possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A.thisB.thatC.its D.it答案:D提示:it 充当形式宾语,真正宾语是不定式“to master.work”。5.Does_matter whether he cant finish the job on time?A.thisB.thatC.he D.it答案:D提示:it充当形式主语。6.Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but_didnt help.A.he B.whichC.she D.it答案:D提示:it指代第一个分句所说的内容。7. _is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.A.ThereB.ThisC.That D.It答案:D提示:it是形式主语,真正主语是后面从句,构成结构it is +n.+that clause。8.I hate _when people talk with their mouths full.A.it B.thatC.these D.them答案:A提示:it指代“when people talk with their mouths full.”这个句子。9.(xx高考全国卷,26 )If I can help_,I dont like woking late into the night.A.so B.thatC.it D.them 答案:C提示:本句意为“这件事我能帮上忙的话我愿意帮忙,但是我不想忙到深夜”。it用来替代这件事。10.(xx高考湖南卷,26)As the busiest woman in Norton, she made_her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.A.this B.thatC.one D.it答案:D提示:it在此做形式宾语。.完成句子1.你能叫他提到的那个人来帮我们的忙吗?Can you get the man he_ _ _help us?2.租房之前你最好跟房东签个协议。You had better_ _ _ _the landlord before renting the apartment.3.想出国的人必须通过各种考试。Those who_ _ _go abroad have to pass_ _ _tests.4.他毕业后当过教师,后来转行当司机了。After he left school he became a teacher,but later he_ _driving.5.我所从事的工作没有多大价值。The work I am doing_ _ _ _ _value.答案:1.referred to to2.sign an agreement with3.are interested to;all kinds of4.turned to 5.is not of very much拓展应用.下面句子均有一处错误,请找出并改正1.He is such a naughty boy that he beyond my control.2.Hainan Island lies on the south of Guangdong Province.3.There are many islands along the coast of China.4.The dam which is being built will be used to do electricity.答案:1.beyond前加is2.onto 3.alongoff4.domake/produce.阅读理解Nearly everyone is shy in some ways.If shyness is making you unfortable, it may be time for a few lessons in selfconfidence.You can build your confidence by following some suggestions from doctors and psychologists.Make a decision not to hold back in conversations.What you have to say is just as important as what other people say. And dont turn down party invitations just because of your shyness.Prepare yourself for being with others in groups.Make a list of the good qualities you have.Then make a list of ideas, experiences, and skills you would like to share with other people.Think about what you would like to say in advance.Then say it.If you start feeling selfconscious in a group, take a deep breath and focus your attention on other people.Remember, you are not alone.Other people are concerned about the impression they are making, too.No one ever gets over being shy pletely, but most people do learn to live with their shyness.Even entertainers admit that they often feel shy.They work at fighting their shy feelings so that they can face the cameras and the public.Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards.But perhaps the best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know more about you.1. _Where would this article probably appear? A.In a popular science magazine.B.On the front page of a newspaper.C.In a story book.D.In an eneyelopedia(百科全书).2.The main purpose of the article is to_.A.explain how shyness developsB.remend ways of dealing with shynessC.persuade readers that shyness is naturalD.prove that shyness can be overe3.Which of the following can you conclude from the article?A.Shy people never have any fun.B.Entertainers choose their work to fight shyness.C.The attempt to overe shyness is always successful.D.The attempt to overe shyness is always worthwhile.4.The suggestions for fighting shyness are from_.A.the author of the articleB.shy men and womenC.doctors and psychologistsD.popular entertainers1.答案:A提示:本文介绍如何克服害羞,建立自信,从文体可以判断这篇文章应现在科普杂志上。2.答案:B提示:由第一段第三句话可知本文介绍克服害羞的方法。3.答案:D提示:由最后一段“Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards”可知。4.答案:C提示:由文章第一段最后一句可知。


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