2019-2020年高一英语 Unit13 Warming-up, Listening Speaking45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Unit13 Warming-up, Listening Speaking45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版基础过关.英汉互译1.一直_2.一天三次_3.将来_4.吃药_5.午饭吃面条_6.have a pain in the chest_7.be harmful to_8.give sb.some advice_答案:1.all the time2.three times a day3.in(the) future4.take the medicine5.have noodles for lunch6.胸部疼痛7.对有害8.给某人一些建议.单词拼写1.The ant has two s2.He has a fand a temperature of 38.5 degree.3.You should get rid of all the old jin the room.4.Im not hungry but Id like a(小吃).答案:1.stomachs2.fever3.junk4.snack巩固提高.单项选择1. Lets go skating, shall we?_. The ice is very thin.A.Enjoy yourselfB.Take careC.Thats fine D.Lets go now答案:B提示:根据下文“The ice is rery thin.”可知前文应为take care,意为“小心”。2.I wish to have a rest, may I?_. If you don t hurry, youll miss the train.A.OK B.I hope soC.Im afraid not D.Dont worry答案:C提示:Im afraid not意为“恐怕不行”。3.How is your mother today?_. Thank you.A.She is very well B.She is goodC.She looks good D.She went to work答案:A提示:上文问“你母亲今天怎么样”,下文答语意为“她身体不错”。well为形容词,意为“身体好”。4.Im sorry to trouble you, Mr. Green._.A.Its very kind of you B.Fine, thanksC.The same to you D.It doesnt matter答案:D提示:It doesnt matter意为“没关系”。5.My son is in trouble._A.Whats that? B.What does he do?C.What did he say? D.What happened?答案:D提示:What happened?意为“发生什么事了?”。6.Are you feeling tired after the game?_. In fact, I can join in another one. A.Not a little B.Not a bitC.Not one little D.Not one bit of答案:B提示:not a bit=not at all意为“一点也不”。7.You have to take great_to improve your writtenEnglish.A.painsB.painC.a painD.aches答案:A提示:take pains to do sth.意为“尽力做某事,费心做某事”。8.(xx北京海淀5月期末练习,22)Stick to what you think is right, _you will gain a surprisingly happy ending.A.andB.butC.beforeD.so答案:A提示:本句是“祈使句+and/but/or”的句型,上下文之间是承接关系,因此选A项。拓展应用.听力理解第一节请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项,每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man think of the soup?A.Tasty. B.Delicious. C.Healthy.2. What can we know about the woman?A.She doesnt think the chicken is good.B.She thinks the dinner was great.C.She thinks the roast beef was dry.3. What does the woman mean?A.She would like to go out for dinner.B.She does not want to go to the concert.C.She is bored with concerts.4. Where does this conversation probably take place?A.In a restaurant. B.In a post office.C.In a shop.5.How many books can Angela borrow at most today?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.第二节请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项,每段对话或读白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第67小题。6. What would the man like to drink?A.A glass of beer with ice.B.A glass of water with ice.C.A glass of beer without ice.7. What can we learn from the conversation?A.The woman dislikes surfing at all.B.The man and Jack have made up their mind to go surfing. C.The two speakers will go surfing together.听第7段材料,回答第810小题。8.What do the two speakers have in mon?A.They both study biology.B.They take the same chemistry course.C.They both went to Death Valley.9. Why didnt the woman attend the chemistry class?A.She was ill.B.She went on a holiday trip.C.She went out for a biology research.10.What does the woman say about Death Valley?A.It is nicer than expected.B.It is too hot for camping. C.It is the only place she visited this time.听第8段材料,回答第1113小题。11.Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Friends.B.Husband and wife.C.Doctor and patient.12. Whats the womans problem?A.She has trouble getting to sleep.B.She is tired of hard work.C.She dislikes her job.13. What does the man advise the woman to do before sleep?A.Drink some coffee.B.Read exciting books.C.Have a glass of milk.听第9段材料,回答第1416小题。14.Where is the man working now?A.In Maryland.B.In Harvard University.C.In the National Motors Factory.15. What does the woman probably do?A.A doctor.B.A manager.C.A teacher.16. What is NOT mentioned as the mans hobbies?A.Playing the guitar.B.Dancing.C.Travelling.听第10段材料,回答第1720小题。17.How many suspects(嫌疑犯)are mentioned in the news?A.Four.B.Two.C.Three.18. Who reported the breakin to the police?A.The customers in the shop opposite the bank.B.The workers in the shop behind the bank.C.The workers in the shop opposite the bank.19. What can we know about the woman suspect?A.She is short. B.She has long hair.C.She is well-built.20.Why are the suspects wanted by the police?A.Because they were caught stealing in a shop.B.Because they robbed a bank.C.Because they broke the windows of a shop.答案:15CABCA610CCBCA1115CACCB1620CBCABText 1M: Have you tasted this soup?W:I dont think it tastes very good.M: I agree, but it is good for us.Text 2M: You know that was a great dinner. But I dont think that her chicken is as good as my roast beef.W: To tell the truth, I thought it was dry and salty.Text 3M: How about going to the concert tonight after dinner?W: Well, Ill go along if you really like, but the truth is that Im a little tired.Text 4M: What can I do for you today, Mrs. Brown?W: I would like a dozen nice oranges to use in a fruit salad.Text 5W: May I borrow these three books, Mr. Black?M: Im afraid not, Angela. You borrowed two yesterday, and as you know, each student can only borrow four at most.W: Oh, sorry! I forgot that.Text 6W: Would you like to have anything to drink?M: Yes. Id love to have some beer.W: Do you like it with ice or without ice?M: Without ice. I dont want to spoil the taste.W: Here you are.M: Thanks. Oh, its very good beer.W: Im glad you like it. By the way, whats your plan for the summer holiday?M: Ive no idea. Maybe Ill go surfing with Jack.W: How about going surfing together?M: Thats a good idea!Text 7M: Wele back! I didnt see you in the chemistry class on Friday.W:I wasnt here on Friday. My biology class went on a field trip to look at some of the different rocks in California. Our last stop was Death Valley. In fact we camped there last night.M: Death Valley? But thats a desert, Wasnt it much too hot for camping? W: No, not really.It gets hot during the day, but it cools off very quickly at night. M: Well, did you enjoy the trip?W: It was interesting. The desert is nicer than you might think. You really should go and see it sometime.Text 8W: I cant sleep very well. Could I have some sleeping pills?M: Hm, why cant you sleep?W: I dont know really.M: Is anything worrying you?W: Well . perhaps . Im working very hard . Im very busy at the moment.M: Well, I dont really like giving patients sleeping pills. But you must rest . forget all about work. If you cant sleep, have a hot bath before you go to bed, and then read a boring book. Dont choose a book thats very exciting. Dont drink coffee.W: Oh,but I like a drink before I go to bed.M: OK, have a glass of milk. Have some fruit or bread but dont have a big meal in the evening.Text 9W: Before we finish, tell me a little more about yourself.M: All right. After I left Harvard University in 1990, I went to work as an engineer in Maryland. After that I started working in the National Motors Factory.Im married. And my wife is a worker at the same factory.We have one child. W: I see. er.where are you from?M: I m from New York.W: Do you have any special interests?M: Yes, I play the guitar and take dance lessons.W: I see. Tell me, do you have any questions for me or for my pany?M: No, I dont think so. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me.W: My pleasure. You will hear from us soon. And good luck.M: Thank you very much.Text 10Now back to the evening news. Police are looking for a man and a woman in their early twenties who broke into a bank in the early hours this morning.The break in was reported by people working in the shop opposite who heard glass breaking. Two people were seen running away. The man is very tall,wellbuilt, with long dark hair. The woman with him is small with short hair. She was wearing blue trousers and a brown jacket. Anyone who has any information should give further details to the police.

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