2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit19 The Merchant of Venice(备课资料).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit19 The Merchant of Venice(备课资料).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit19 The Merchant of Venice(备课资料).异域风情The Leaning Tower of PisaThree million people visit Pisa each year to see a tower.A look at the picture will tell you why.The tower leans.Its known as the Learning Tower of Pisa.The tower looks as if it might fall at any time.Engineers say that the visitors are safeat last for a while.But the tower does lean.It slants 14 feet 10 inches at the present time.The tower has been leaning for 800 years.And every year it leans a little bit more.If this keeps on,the tower will fall.If you look at the picture,you will see that one side of the tower is deeper in the earth than the other.Why has this happened?Pisas tower weighs 14 500 tons.A heavy tower like this must have a very strong foundation.The Leaning Towers foundation is just not deep or wide enough for the tower above it.Can anything be done about the tower?Italian engineers have special plans.They dont want to make the tower straightjust keep it from leaning any further.So all the plans for a new foundation that wont sink.But a new foundation cant be built while the tower is resting on the old one.The tower must be raised.One plan is to place 15 big jacks around the tower.They would raise the tower and hold it up while the new foundation is being built.The Italian engineers are searching for the best plan to rescue the tower.They know that any plan will take a lot of money.But many Italians refuse to believe that the old tower is in danger.“It leans and leans and leans,”they said.“But it will never fall down.”The engineers want to make sure that it wont.知识归纳1.shall作情态动词用法归纳(1)用于第一、三人称构成疑问句,征求对方的意见,表示“好吗?”“要不要?”之意。e.g.Shall I turn on the light?要不要开灯?Shall we sit here?咱们是不是坐这儿?Shall she e to see you?她来看你,好吗?(2)用于各种人称,在陈述句中表示:诺言e.g.I promise you shall see them again before long.我保证不久你就会见到他们。I dont want to be hard on them;they shant be pressed.我不会太难为他们;不会过于催逼他们。威胁e.g.They shall suffer for this;they shall pay you what they owe you.他们将没有好下场,他们欠你们的债是要还的。As a man sows,so he shall reap.善有善报,恶有恶报。(谚)决心e.g.I never shall do such a thing,never!这种事我是绝对不干的,绝对不干!They shall defend the island,whatever the lost may be.不管付出什么代价,这个岛他们一定要保卫。规定(在条约、规则中用)e.g.The Constitution stipulates that women shall have equal rights with men in voting and being elected.宪法规定妇女和男子一样,有同等的选举权和被选举权。命令e.g.Then you shall e;and you will e too,Ruth,wont you?那你得来;露丝,你也来好吗?You shall do everything as the teacher says.你必须照老师说的去做。2.promise一词用法归纳可用作名词或动词。(1)用作名词,意为“允诺,诺言”。e.g.He made a promise that he would e to see her.他许诺要来看望她。He is a man who always keeps his promise.他是一个守信用的人。Why did you break your promise?你为什么不守诺言?(2)用作及物动词或不及物动词。表示“答应,许诺”之意。接不定式(间或可接间接宾语)e.g.They promised to help us in the work.他们答应帮助我们进行这项工作。You must promise us to take a good rest before you e back to work.你一定要答应我们,要好好休息,过几天再来上班。接从句(有时可接间接引语)e.g.I promise Ill never do that again.我保证我以后再也不这样干了。You have got to promise me that you wont stop halfway.你一定要向我保证你不会半途而废。跟名词或代词(需跟有间接引语)e.g.She promised me a present for my birthday.她答应送我一件生日礼物。He who promises too much means nothing.许愿太多的人是不打算兑现的。(谚)表示“有希望,有可能”之意。接不定式e.g.It promised to be a difficult job.看来这是一项困难的任务。She promised to be a film star.她有希望成为一名电影明星。接名词或代词e.g.The clouds promise rain.这些乌云意味着要下雨。The peach trees dont promise much of a crop this year.今年桃树的收成看来不会太好。(3)“倍数”常用句型归纳A is+倍数+as big(long,wide等)as Be.g.The room is six times as big as that one.这个房间是那个房间的六倍大。The car runs three times as fast as I walk.汽车行驶的速度是我走路的三倍。A is+倍数+bigger(longer,wider等)that Be.g.The sun is a million times larger than the earth.太阳比地球大一百万倍。Our school is three times bigger than theirs.我们的学校比他们的大三倍。A is+倍数+the size(height,length,width等)of Be.g.The new building is four times the size of the old one.新房子的面积是旧房子的四倍那么大。The railway is five times the length of that one.这条铁路的总长是那条铁路的五倍。注:使用这三种句型需要注意以下两点:“倍数”一般用“基数词+times”表示,但“一倍”要用once,“两倍”用twice或double,“三倍及三倍以上”用three times,four times依此类推。这三个句型的共同考点,就是要注意表示“倍数”的词语应置于三种不同结构前,即“倍数”置于“asas”“比较级+than”“the size(height等)”前。.词语辨析1.flesh,meat这两个名词均可作“肉”解,但概念不同。(1)flesh多用来指人或动物身体的肌肉组织,是相对“皮”“骨”而言的,也可以指果肉,即水果和蔬菜的可食用部分。如:My right leg is broken and Ive suffered a flesh wound.我的右腿骨折,有些肌肉组织也受了伤。The flesh of the peach was sweet and juicy.桃子的肉甜而多汁。(2)meat是指供食用的动物肉类的总称,包括猪肉、牛肉及羊肉等,但通常不包括鱼和家禽的肉(即fish,chicken,duck等)。值得注意的是,具体指明某种肉时,不用meat表示。表示猪肉用pork,牛肉用beef,羊肉用mutton。如:We had meat and fish for supper yesterday.昨天晚餐我们吃了肉和鱼。What kind of meat do you like?你喜欢吃哪种肉?I like beef and mutton.我喜欢吃牛肉和羊肉。2.still,quiet,silent,calm这四个词均可译作“静”,但侧重点不同。(1)silent指“寂静的”“无声的”或“声音极小”,指人“沉默不语”。如:He was silent for a moment,then began his answer.他沉默了一会儿,然后开始回答。The children went out,and the room was silent.孩子们都出去了,房子里变得寂静无声。(2)quiet侧重于因无骚扰产生的“安静、无动静、无声响”,其反义词为noisy。如:Be quiet,and the class will begin.请安静,马上就要开始上课了。They lived a quiet life in the countryside.他们在乡间过着安静的生活。(3)still指“静止的、寂静的、平静的”,侧重于“一动不动”。如:Please keep/stay still while I take your photograph.我给你照相时,请不要动。(4)calm指情绪“镇静”,心情“平静”,也可指天气,海洋等的“平静”。如:We must be calm before danger.危险面前,必须镇静。The sea was calm,and the wind from the east drove the ships steadily forward.大海很平静,东风吹着船平稳地前进。3.be in love with,fall in love withbe in love with sb./sth.表示相爱的状态,可以与一段时间连用;fall in love with意思是“爱上某人”,指一时的心理活动,即从“没有爱到爱上”这一变化,不可与时间段状语连用。e.g.If you are really in love with English,you dont mind hard work.如果你真正爱上了英语,那你就不会在乎劳苦。He has been in love with her for many years.他和她相爱很多年了。Jack fell in love with Mary at the first sight.杰克和玛丽一见钟情。4.offer,supply(1)offer “向提供”,表示主动地免费给人实物或帮助,可能被人接受,也可能被人拒绝。其结构为:offer sb.sth.;sb.be offered sth.;sth.be offered to sb.。e.g.我们敬了他们每人三杯酒。We offered them each three cups of wine.=They each were offered three cups of wine by us.=Three cups of wine were offered to them by us.supply “把提供给”,可能是免费的,也可能是收费的。其结构为:supply sth.to sb.;supply sb.with sth.。e.g.政府决定给穷人提供住房。The government decided to supply houses to the poor.=The government decided to supply the poor with houses.能力训练1.单句改错(1)Dont argue to your wife about it.答案:将to改为with。表示就某事与某人争吵应该说argue with sb.about sth.。(2)The manager went out to greet to his new customer though it was raining.答案:去掉greet后的to。greet作“向打招呼”解时是及物动词,可以说greet sb.,但不能说greet to sb.。(3)It is useless to say a lot without doing it.答案:将to say改为saying。在It is no use/useless/no good后,多用动词的-ing形式,一般不用to do sth.。(4)Its a too difficult book for beginners.答案:把a移到difficult的后面。在一个带有形容词的名词词进中,不定冠词a(n)通常放在形容词的前面,如:a young woman。但是,如果形容词前面有so,too,how等副词修饰时,a(n)就该放在形容词后面,其结构是so/too/how+adj.+a(n)+n.。如:so young a woman。如果没有不定冠词,就不能用此结构。(5)Dont tell me you will work harder.You should make the deed.答案:将make改为do。表示“付诸行动”应用do the deed,而不能说make the deed。2.对比填空(1)marry/marry sb. to sb./be married/get married/be married to sb.The old professors daughter _ a Frenchman.When did they _ _?We have _ _ for ten years.He _ his daughter _ a peasant.The poet has _ _ _ an American for two years.答案:married get married been married married to been married to(2)sit/seatHe asked me to be _.The dining-room will _ 1 000 persons.The sick man is able to _ up now.He _ himself in the chair.Mary _ besides me in class.He went to the restaurant and _ down at the table.答案:seated seat sit seated sits sat.高考真题1.(xx上海)We were in _ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.A.a rush so anxious B.a such anxious rushC.so an anxious rush D.such an anxious rush简析:选D。such后接名词,正确的词序是such an anxious rush。so后接形容词,正确的词序是so anxious a rush。2.(xx全国)It is reported that the United States use _ energy as the whole of Europe.A.as twice B.twice muchC.twice much as D.twice as much简析:选D。表示倍数的名词要放在asas的前面。3.(xx上海)I had to buy _ these books because I didnt know which one was the best.A.both B.none C.neither D.all简析:选D。用排除法,both和neither都用于两个物品,而these books是多个;另外none后面跟名词应用none of。4.(xx福建)It was with great joy _ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.A.because B.which C.since D.that简析:选D。这是一个强调句,对with great joy进行强调。5.(xx广东)She doesnt know anyone here.She has got _ to talk to.A.anyone B.someone C.everyone D.no one简析:选D。根据所提供的情景“She doesnt know anyone here.”可判断出没有人和她交谈。

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