2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2《What is happiness to you-Reading1》教案 牛津译林版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2《What is happiness to you-Reading1》教案 牛津译林版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2《What is happiness to you-Reading1》教案 牛津译林版选修6.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2What is happiness to you-Reading1教案 牛津译林版选修6Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语injure, struggle, in hospital, apart from, devote oneself to, rush, cheer up, overe, acplish, in good spirits, adapt, inspire, across the worldb. 重点句子Now, she finds happiness, through reaching much smaller goals, and through the love of the people around her. In xx, a small accident during one of her practice vaults at the Goodwill Games could have cost her future happiness. She was rushed to a top hospital in New York and specialists from many parts of the world said that because of her severe injuries, she would never walk again. Everyone who saw her, from nurses to famous visitors like Leonardo DiCaprio from the film Tinatanic, who went to see her in the hospital to cheer her up, all said she was in good spirits. 2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about the story about Sang Lan and learn how to read an interview.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to talk about disabled people who have got great achievement and also how to read an interview.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Talk about Sang Lans story and how to read an interview.Teaching methods 教学方法Fast reading, careful reading, and discussion.Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder and a multimedia.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step Greetings and Lead-inGreet the students as usual and get them to review what they have talked about in the last period.T: Do you remember what we talked about last time?Ss: Yes. We talked about happiness and how to bee happy by discussing six pictures.T: Yes, thats it. Usually, we bee unhappy because of this or that, and can cheer up again with the help of our friends or parents. But have you ever thought about the disabled?S: They suffer a lot both physically and mentally. S: I think it is very difficult for them to do things.S: We should help them.T: Quite right! However, there are many disabled people, who defeated unexpected difficulties and succeeded finally and set good examples to us. Can you give me some examples?S: Sima Qian in western Han Dynasty posed Shih Chi.S: Sun Zi, whose feet were cut, wrote the Art of War.S: Hellen Keller, who lost eyesight and hearing, entered Harvard and Cambridge to study and became a great writer and educator.T: Well done! All these people encourage us so much. And if you suffered from what they had experienced, what would you do?S: I would push for success.S: I would do something I can to make my life colourful.S: I wanted to learn something.S: I would do something to help others. I always believe helping others can make us happy.T: Great! All of you hold positive attitudes towards this. And today we will read an interview. The main character in the interview is Sang Lan. Do you know anything about her?S: I know she was once a gymnast.T: Yes, whats more?S: She had an accident during one of her practice vaults and got injured severely.T: That is a shock to everyone. How did she overe the difficulties, and how is she now? Lets move to the text.Step Fast-readingGet the students to read the text quickly and find out the answers to the questions in Part A.T: Now go through the text quickly, and answer the questions in Part A.A few minutes later.T: Now who would like to answer the questions?S: The topic of the TV interview is about the search for happiness.T: Thats right. Next question: Whats the name of the psychologist?S: The psychologists name is Dr. Brain.T: Good. The last question: When and where was Sang Lan born?S: She was born in Ningbo, China in 1981.Step Careful-readingGet the students to read the text carefully and learn more detailed information and then do Exercise C.T: You have done a very good job in answering the three questions. And now I will give you some more minutes to read the text carefully. Then try to do True or False questions in C1 on Page 20. If the statement is wrong, please try to correct it.Several minutes later, check the answers together.T: Excellent! You have done a very good job.Step Post-readingGet the students to do Exercises C2, D, E and F.T: Now you have got a better understanding of the text. Next, lets do some exercises.First, ask the students to glance at Exercise C2 and D, the read Reading part again to finish them.Several minutes later. Check the answers together.T: Well done! Now lets look at Exercise E. This is a newspaper article about Sang Lan. I will give you several minutes to plete the article.Several minutes later.T: Shall we check the answers now? I will ask some of you to read the article first.Ask some students to read the article and check the answers together. T: Well done! Next lets talk about Exercise F in pairs, and later Ill ask some of you to show us your dialogue. Are you clear?Ss: Yes!Give the students enough time to do that. Then check the answers.Sample dialogue:A: Have you ever heard about the story of Sang Lan?B: Yes, of course! She is very famous in gymnastics, which is a dangerous sport, only top athletes should be allowed to try the most difficult moves.A: Why do you think so?B: Because these athletes, who could be chosen to take part in the international games, must be talents in this field. They are trained professionally and practice almost day and night, bearing tiredness, hardship, and other things that we have never thought about.A: I do think so. But I also think that even though we can not be the top athletes in the world, training hard at a sport can make us more hard-working in other areas of our life.B: I cant agree more. Training hard at a sport not only helps us build up our determination, challenge various difficulties bravely, and also helps us learn to collaborate with other team members.A: Yes. From the story of Sang Lan, we can find that the sport spirit can help her hold a positive attitude towards her life and the world.B: So, she keeps busy and thinks about positive things to enrich her life.A: By doing so, she will think little about herself and more about others. When she recalls all these meaningful things she has done, shell be very happy.B: Quite right!Step V DiscussionEnable the students to talk about their experiences to overe the difficulties and bee happy.T: Up to now, we have learned the story about Sang Lan and her struggle for happiness. And what can we learn from her? Next, bine your own experience and discuss the questions with your partners. I will give you some minutes to finish the task.Show the students the following questions.1. Have you ever had some painful experiences?2. If you have, how did you search for your happiness?Give the students some time to discuss the questions in groups of four.During this period, the teacher may go into the students to give them help if necessary. After several minutes, check the answers.T: Well, time is up. Have you finished the discussion?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Ill ask some of you to tell your stories.S: When I was twelve years old, I had a bad accident. I was knocked over by a car. After two months of treatment, I was nearly recovered. But I couldnt stand up easily. So I had to sit in the wheelchair. It was a shock to me. I was so afraid to bee disabled. During that period of time, I felt very frustrated. Fortunately, my parents and my friends gave me much encouragement. They spared every free minute to stay with me and help me do exercise. Because of their encouragement and help, I cheered up again. I was determined to stand up again. Now I am as healthy as the others. After that experience, I realised that be optimistic, and everything will bee better.T: Very good. You are brave. I believe in the future nothing will stop you. You will have a bright future.S2: To me, the most painful experience was the first month in the school. My home is far from here, so I had to be in residence(住校). I could meet my parents once a week. I felt so lonely. Everything was new to me. In that month, my study fell behind sharply. However, I thought, I couldnt be like that any more. My aim was to get further education, not to miss my parents. So I concentrated on study. In my spare time, I tried to talk with my classmates and made friends with them. Everything became better and better afterwards.S: The painful experience I had was my failure in one exam. I had never failed in any exams before. That time I felt frustrated and even lost heart in my study. After a talk with my teacher, I realized: No pains, no gains. I looked back upon my attitude towards study before. Even the easiest things will bee hard for you if you dont try. So now I try my best to do everything. The results turn out that my effort is not in vain. I feel satisfied and happy.T: Good! You have expressed yourselves very clearly.Step Text analysisHelp the students learn something about interview.T: The text we learned today is an interview. Can you tell me how to read an interview?S: First I will get the topic of the interview. And then I will read the questions and answers carefully.T: Good! Lets read a reading strategy to know how to read an interview. Please open your books to Page 19.After several minutes.T: Can you tell me what an interview is?S: An interview takes place when one person asks another person a series of questions on a topic.T: When reading an interview, what is important for us to do?S: It is important to carefully scan the first paragraph to find out the topic of the interview.T: What should we do after that?S: Then we should carefully read each question and try to fully understand the question before reading the interviewees response.T: If we want to get a better understanding of the topic, what should we do?S: We should pay special attention to the answer to the question.T: Thank you, very good. In this class, we learned Sang Lans search for happiness and we also learned how to read an interview. Everyone did a very good job. Class is over.Step Homework 1. Remember the new words and expressions.2. Retell the text.


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