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2019-2020年高中英语选修9Unit4Exploringplants-section1-2Part Two: Teaching ResourcesSection 1: Discourse studies of PLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES1. Type of writing and summary of PLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIESTitle of textPLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIESType of writingExposition2. A diagram of PLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIESdating back to the earliest times Para 1not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Para 2in China by the middle of the 18th century Para 3voyage from England to Oceania Para 4an enormous challenge Para 5The second half of the nineteenth century Para 8not enough material for growing particular species Para. 9Robert Fortune to use Wardian cases Para 7a tightly sealed portable glass container Para 6Section 2: Background information for Unit 4 Exploring plantsImportance of PlantsPlants form the basic food staple for all life forms. They are the major source of food and oxygen on earth, since no animal can supply these necessary ponents without plants. The cattle we eat as beef, feed on grasses and the fish we eat, consume algae and are therefore dependent on plants for well being. Other important uses of plants include, providing shelter for animals, providing materials for clothing (cotton fibers), paper products, medicines and other chemicals, producing coal from once living plant material, reducing wind speed and noise levels, and reducing soil erosion and water runoff.There are many different types of cash crops that produce money for farmers. Olive oil es from olives, corn oil es from corn, and peanut oil es from peanuts. Typical agricultural products like corn, wheat, rye, and rice are all considered cash crops. Coffee plants produce beans that are used to make coffee; coca plants give us chocolate; vanilla plants grow long thin beans that are used to produce vanilla flavoring. Many drinks and beverages, like cola and tea, e from plants. Rubber from trees is also a cash crop, as is lumber, fruit, vegetables, and cotton.Plants are also used in agriculture to help reduce wind speed. Planting trees in a row prevents the wind from blowing away the valuable topsoil. In the forest, trees act as shelter for many organisms.Plants are also important for the overall ecology of an area. Roots help to stabilize soil and prevent erosion by water run off (soil conservation). Plants are also important in our atmosphere because they use carbon dioxide and give off oxygen while they undergo photosynthesis.Plants are also used in the urban setting to reduce noise, produce shade, and to beautify an area. Trees add value to homes and munities. Plants are essential to the balance of nature and in peoples lives. Green plants, i.e., those possessing chlorophyll, manufacture their own food and give off oxygen in the process called photosynthesis, in which water and carbon dioxide are bined by the energy of light. Plants are the ultimate source of food and metabolic energy for nearly all animals, which cannot manufacture their own food. Besides foods (e.g., grains, fruits, and vegetables), plant products vital to humans include wood and wood products, fibers, drugs, oils, latex, pigments, and resins. Coal and petroleum are fossil substances of plant origin. Thus plants provide people not only sustenance but shelter, clothing, medicines, fuels, and the raw materials from which innumerable other products are made.2. The life cycle of a plantThe life cycle of a plant varies depending on the individual species. There are, however, certain requirements for life that most plants need. The growth of a plant is dependent upon light, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, minerals in the soil, temperature and microbes in the soil. Light, water, and carbon dioxide are needed for photosynthesis which produces food for the plant. Oxygen is needed when it is dark, because the plant then needs oxygen to maintain itself. The correct temperature, soil, and minerals are all needed when the plant first germinates and subsequently grows. Soil helps bind the roots so the plant can anchor itself. Microbes in the soil include a number that are beneficial to plants. Microbial activity helps bring about the decay of organic material (dead plant material and animals) necessary for the production of soil. Temperature or light intensity varies for each type of plant, and this helps explain global plant distribution; light intensity or temperature also effects the rate of photosynthesis in plants; the time at which a plant flowers and the rate at which water loss occurs in a plant (transpiration.)When these requirements are static for a seed, it will begin to grow or germinate. Sufficient food and minerals are stored in almost all seeds, so that these factors do not limit germination. As water is absorbed by a seed, the inner tissue swells more rapidly than the seed coat. The penetration of water allows the tissues to bee hydrated and enzyme activity increases. The food that is stored in the cotyledons or the endosperms are now digested and used.3.The growth requirements of plantsAll plants need light, water, air, moderate temperatures and most need soil. Some plants, such as mistletoe and duckweed, do not require soil for growth and life but they do not constitute the majority of plants. There are wide variations in the amount of light and water that plants require. A mature Joshua tree, for example can store enough water to last three years or until another rainy season.Most plants, however, need water on a more regular schedule. Some plants require a full days hot sun, and others cannot be taken out of deep shade. Temperature tolerance also varies tremendously. Tundra and lichens can survive near the Arctic, but many tropical plants cannot survive being carried from the store to a car when it is near freezing.4. Growing plants from cuttingsMany plants can reproduce either sexually (seeds) or vegetatively (asexual), utilizing other plant parts. Whole plants can be grown from stems, leaves or roots, if the right plant is chosen. The following are some suggestions that can be used to illustrate vegetative reproduction.Stems: Ivy, potato tubers, bamboo and iris rhizome, bulbs of various kinds (bulbs are actually modified shoots), crocus or gladiolus, corn, Philodendron, Monstera (split-leaf philodendron), strawberry and spider plant offsets. (Many others will grow, even hardwoods, but they take a lot of time and effort.)Roots: Japanese anemone, Oriental poppy, trumpet creeper, blackberry, raspberry, lily of the Nile, and any other plant that produces sprouts from roots. (The roots you plant will show no visible growth buds, the buds develop after the root cutting is planted.)Leaves: Begonias, African violets, various succulents, sansevieria, piggy back plant (if leaf has plantlet), and Bryophyllum.


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