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2019-2020年高中英语必修8Module5TheConquestoftheUniverse-Reading Goals To learn about some important space exploration To learn to read with strategies To master important words and expressions and use freely Procedures Step 1: Leading in by introducing the given pictures Before we begin the reading of Module 5, lets have a look at of several pictures and learn something about the important events in space exploration.The first picture is about Yang Liwei, the first Chinese astronaut, who was sent into space in xx. The astronaut in the second picture is Neil Armstrong, who is the first man to set foot on the moon. The old man is the first space tourist called Denis Tito, spending 8 days on board the Russian part of a joint USA-Russia space mission in xx. The young man is Yuri Gagarin, who is the first man in space. The seven American astronauts died just over a minute after taking off in Challenger in 1986. The spacecraft in this picture is the Cassini space probe, which reaches Saturn in xx and sends beautiful images of Saturns rings back to Earth. The spacecraft in this picture is the American Viking 1 mission, which lands on Mars and sends back good quality photos in 1975. Step 2: Before you readPlease introduce the words for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the words, the relationship between their pronunciation and spelling.Practice for words study:Ok, we are to have a spelling quiz. Read every sentence and fill the blanks with proper forms of the words in this module.1) He sonly became to the local food.2) Im flying to Boston on the tomorrow.3) This is a occasion.4) Millions of people in to the take-off on TV.5) We must him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.6) After three hours of waiting for the train, our was finally exhausted.7) The puters used in modern space travel are very .8) If you blow that balloon up any more, it will .Keys: 1) accustomed 2) shuttle 3) historic 4) tuned / witness 5) assume 6) patience 7) advanced 8) burstStep 3: While you read1. Type of writing and summary of Space: the Final FrontierSpace: the Final FrontierPart 1:space travels in historyPara.1The first moon landing Para.2Single spaceships and the first shuttle flight into spacePara.3-4The Challenger disasterPart 2:A description about the Challenger disaster2. A diagram of Space: the Final FrontierSpace: the Final FrontierPart 2: a discription about the Challenger disasterPart 1Para.1: the first moon landing Para.2: single spaceships and the first shuttle flightPara.3-5: the Challenger disaster3. plete the article with one word in each blank21st July, 1969 was a day for space travel: astronaut Neil Armstrong walked on the surface of the Moon and spoke to millions of TV viewer on the he had left behind. His famous words:“One more step for man, one giant leap for .” still us of the excitement of that day. Planning for the extraordinary took a long time and cost a lot of money: about two to plan it and of dollars to pay for the research. After the success of the to the Moon, many people were very about space travel; they quickly became to the idea and they that there were no more problems to overe.Keys: historic planet mankind remind travel decades billions mission enthusiastic accustomed assumed4. Answer the reading prehension questions according to the text1) How did people feel when they watched the first moon landing? A. excited B. nervous C. excited but nervous2) What was different about the space shuttle?A. It was smaller B. It was better C. It could be used several times3) What did the Challenger disaster teach the world? A. Wed better not be an astronaut B. Space flight was still dangerous.C. Space flight will be dangerous for ever.4) Why does the writer call the passage Space: the Final Frontier?A. Because there are no places on EarthB. Because he is interested in space travelC. Because there are no new places left for humans to discover and we havent exploded spaceKeys: 1) C 2) C 3) B 4) CStep 4: After you read1. Copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book and make your own sentences with them.Useful expressions of Space: the Final Frontierset foot on, bee/ be accustomed to, be aware of/ that , take a risk / take risks, the average school students, be enthusiastic about, tune in, take off, in shock, neither nor , step into, in mid-air, in the state of shock, at the bottom of the ocean, be worth sth. / be worth doing / be worthy of being done / be worthy to be done, at the beginning of, in spite of2. Read to transfer informationYou are to read the text once again to plete the table with necessary information from it.The summary of Space: the Final FrontierPara.1The first moon landing of mankindPara.2The single spaceship travels and the first shuttle flightPara.3A ordinary teacher took the Challenger with two lessons to givePara.4The Challenger flight turned to be a disaster.Para.5A detailed description about the Challenger disaster by a boyStep 5: Closing down by learning about Neil ArmstrongNeil Armstrong First Man to Walk on the Moon Born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, August 5, 1930, Neil Armstrong became a Naval Aviator(飞行员) in 1949 and flew 78 bat missions(战斗任务) in the Korean War. He received a Degree in Aeronautical(航空学的) Engineering at Purdue University in 1955. In 1955, Neil Armstrong became a research test pilot for NASA assigned to the famous x-15 program, flying this aircraft to the fringe(边缘) of space at an altitude of over xx,000 feet and 4,000 miles per hour. In 1962, he was selected as the first U.S. astronaut serving as backup pilot on the Gemini(双子星座) V fight, and as a mand Pilot on the 1966 Gemini VIII which performed the first successful docking(对接) of two spacecraft. He subsequently(后来) flew on the Gemini XI and Apollo VIII missions. As spacecraft mander for Apollo XI, the first manned lunar(月亮的) landing mission, Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. “Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” With these historic words, mans dream of the ages was fulfilled. With the exception of Charles Lindberghs epic flight in 1927, no event in history so captured the imagination of all men as they witnessed live, as the voices and ghostly figures of Apollo XI were broadcast from the moon, nearly a quarter of a million miles away. Neil Armstrong left NASA in 1971 and became Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Cincinnati.


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