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2019-2020年高中英语第一册上Unit11ThesoundsoftheworldPeriod3一词语填空1. Ive left _(的钥匙) the room. Now I cant go in.2. _ (在他呆在期间)in China , he went to many famous places.3. Zhang Guorongs songs are still _(非常)liked by his fans.4. He _(毕业)school when he was only 13 and worked _(作为)a porter.5. Zhou Xun gave her p _(演出)in the Capital Concert Hall yesterday .二选择题1. Hell stop showing off, if no notice _of him.A. takes B. is taken C. will be taken D. has taken2. The death of Mei Yanfang _us.A. rocked B. has rocked C. had rocked D. is rocking3. When I was in France, I _French.A. picked B. picked up C. was picking up D. was picking4. Class 10_ Class 5 at last.A. won B. defeat C. heated D. beat5. Your T-shirt is _. You should throw it away.A. in style B. out of style C. out of styles D. the Old Style6. I sent an expensive tie _ his 36th birthday.A. for B. on C. in D. during7. The cabbage didnt taste nice. They _ too long.A. cooked B. were cooked C. had been cooked D. had cooked8. Listen! The little boy is playing _ very beautifully.A. the guitar B. a guitar C. guitar D. guitars9. You students should make full use of your _age.A. gold B. golden C. good D. nice10. I _table tennis quite well, but I havent had time to play since the Spring Festival. A. will play B. have played C. played D. play11. The _ fish is very dear, and I changed my _ watch for it. A. gold, gold B. golden, golden C. gold, golden D. golden, gold12. I saw a group of children _ the street. A. walking from B. to walk from C. to walk from across D. walking from across13. The teacher explained the language points in _ language. A. mon B. general C. popular D. ordinary14. His joke made himself _ in class yesterday. A. punish B. punished C. to be punished D. to punish15.If you need help, please dont hesitate to ask. OK. If I do, Ill _ you to help me.A. turn to B. depend on C. ask for D. look for三完形填空Once there was a man who had three sons. _1_ of them were married, and their wives came to _2_ their father-in-law. After _3_ the wives said,“Please, we want to go to see our _4_ ”The rich father-in-law thought,“Now I shall _5_ how clever they are!” So he _6_ the older one,“Go and see your parents. You can _7_ until the New Moon. When you e back, please _8_ me the food I like to eat at that time and also a bit of fire inside a bit of paper. ”Then he_ _9_ the _10_ one and said,“And you can also go and stay with your parents until New Year. When you e back, please get me the food I like to eat at that time and also a bit of wind _11_a bit of paper. ”The daughters-in-law didnt know _12_. So they sat down and _13_. _14_a poor young girl who came to their home sometimes to _15_ clothes and sew. They asked her _16_ their father-in-law really wanted, and she laughed and said, “Its very easy. _17_ of you must e at the time of the New Moon. The food at that time is moon-cakes, isnt it? And a bit of fire inside a bit of paper _18_ a lantern, doesnt it?”The girl _19_ ,“Then the other one must e back at New Year, so she must bring some New Year cakes. The bit of wind on a bit of paper means a paper fan. ”The rich father-in-law was glad when he _20_ the clever girl and married his third son to her. 1. A. Both B. All C. Three D. Two2. A. live with B. stay with C. eat with D. play with3. A. some times B. a time C. sometimes D. several times4. A. parents B. friends C. children D. husbands5. A. know B. get to know C. find D. realize6. A. told to B. talked to C. asked D. said to7. A. stay B. live C. leave D. go8. A. take B. bring C. make D. give9. A. asked B. told C. turned to D. saw10. A. older B. younger C. oldest D. youngest11. A. in B. over C. on D. below12. A. how to do B. where to go C. when to leave D. what to do13. A. cried B. shouted C. looked around D. talked14. A. It was B. There was C. She was D. They have15. A. do B. keep C. make D. ask16. A. that B. what C. which D. how17. A. Both B. Two C. Neither D. One18. A. means B. is C. likes D. looks like19. A. said again B. went on C. began D. laughed20. A. listened to B. heard from C. heard of D. learned from四单句改错1. Please keep it of mind.2. Please set a good example for us.3. The book is sold well.4. Such as, air is invisible.5. The meeting was lasted 2 hours.参考答案1. the key to 2. During his stay 3. well 4. left, as 5. performance二1-5 B A B D B 6-10 A C A B D 11-15 A D C B C三1-5 D A B A C 6-10 D A B C B 11-15 C D A B C 16-20 B D A B C四1. of-in 2. for-to 3. is sold-sells4. Such as-For example 5. 去was

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