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2019-2020年高中英语第一册上Unit3GoingplacesSectionDThe main activities are 1, 2 and 5. 本课重点活动是1,2和5。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Master the new words: text, aloud2. Review the usage of “wh- o do”.3. Talk about language learning strategies. Teaching aids教具录音机/ 教学挂图/ 多媒体课件. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (让学生演练一名学生从国外归来,正与同学谈论学习英语的重要性的dialog,通过演练复习4b中有用的短语。)Suppose you came back from abroad. Talk about your trip with your classmates.S1: Hello, S2.S2: Hello. Nice to meet you again.S1: Did you have a good journey?S2: Yes, I enjoyed myself there.S1: Could you make yourself understood there?S2: Not really. Sometimes I was in trouble. They spoke too fast for me. I think learning English well is very important, especially oral English.S1: Yes, I agree with you. But I still hate to speak English in public. Im really afraid of the English tests. At times, I feel like giving it up.S2: Youd better not. We should insist on learning English all the time. You may hear of the proverb“Time and tide wait for no man.”2. (谈论同学们在学习英语中遇到的困难,遇到问题时,能主动向老师或同学请教,取得帮助。教师要鼓励学生树立学好英语的信心。)T: Its hard to learn English well. We must meet some difficulties in English study. Now I will ask two students to talk about the difficulties they meet.For example:S3: Hello, S4.S4: Hello, S3.S3: I like English, but I meet some difficulties in my English. My pronunciation is bad, so I cant understand others when talking with them.S4: Thats terrible. I forget new words easily .S3: .T: (After talking.) Of course, we may meet some difficulties in our English study. But we shouldnt give up. If you meet any difficulties, you can turn to someone for help. We should have confidence in ourselves and always remember “I can do it.”3. (谈论遇到的困难,我们就应积极探索适合自己的英语学习方法。)T: Now lets talk about some advice on how to learn English well. Ill ask some students to report the results of your discussion.For example:Hello, everyone. Im honored to talk with all of you here. I think we should.(学好英语的方法多种多样,我们应该区分方法的好坏,自然而然导入1。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (分组讨论。教师在黑板上或课件展示一些学习的策略让学生讨论这些方法的优劣。)T: Boys and girls, we have so many methods to learn English well on the blackboard. We can use one or more of them to help us. But remember to choose those that fit you best. Im sure you can make great progress. Discuss them and judge which is good or bad.(教师板书或课件展示一些学习方法,学生讨论。)Speak Chinese in English class.Write Chinese pinyin beside the English words.Check your spelling with a dictionary.Listen to English songs after class.Join an English club.Remember words in the morning.Listen to VOA and BBC for listening practice.Keep a diary.Be afraid of speaking English aloud in public.Read books, newspapers and magazines in English.Only study grammar.T: Discuss the methods and write down the results like this.Good methods: _Bad methods: _2. (小组讨论1,在每句前标上G或B。)T: Boys and girls, its time to work in groups. Discuss the ways of learning English in 1 and mark G (good)or B (bad)in front of each sentence.(尽可能多找学生发表自己的看法,全面调动学生探索适合自己的英语学习方法。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (调查活动。询问同学英语学习的方法,讨论这些方法是否足够好,如果不好,如何改进?)T: Make a survey. Ask and discuss with your classmates about their methods of learning English. If the methods arent good enough, how to improve them? You can begin like this.For example:S1: Hello, S2.S2: Hello, S1.S1: Lets talk about some methods of learning English, shall we?S2: OK. I like English. Ill look up all the new words when I read a text.S1: Its necessary to look up the new words in the dictionary, but I think you should guess the meanings of some new words from the context.S2: Thats true. It takes me too much time to do that.S1: .(根据下面的调查结果,讨论是否满意这样的学习策略,用 or 标明,对不满意的策略加以改进。并就讨论结果仿照例子进行对话表演。)Method or How to improve2. (了解英语的学习策略,选择最适合自己的方法,如何学好英语是非常重要的。除了一般知识我们还要学习英语的各个方面,今天我们要学习一些智力方面的英语知识,同学们感兴趣吗?导入3。)T: Boys and girls, we have so many good methods. Its important to choose those that fit you best. But we should learn more. Today well have a riddle guess game. Are you interested in it, class?Ss: Yes.T: Do you know why the letter“A”is like 12 oclock?Ss: Thats easy. Because it is in the middle of a day.T: Thats right.(分组竞赛,每组搜集尽可能多的谜语。教师发给每组10朵小红花,然后每两组对抗,以此类推决出最终优胜者。)T: Now lets have a petition. Ill give each group ten flowers. You can begin like this:G1: What room cant we live in?G2: Mushroom. (回答正确,1组给2组一朵红花。)G2: What letter are people most afraid of?G1: We dont know. (回答不出,1组再给2组一朵红花。)G1: .G2: .(直到其中一组输掉所有红花,对方一组即是胜利者。然后和另外两组的优胜者对抗。)3. (做3, 找学生回答。)T: Now do the exercise 3 and Ill ask some students to guess the riddles.(师生核对答案并板书。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (分组活动。两人一组对话操练,复习Topic 3 Section B 中的wh - +to do 用法。)T: Pair work. Lets go over the usage of“wh- +to do”with some pictures.For example:(展示一男孩在电脑前困惑的图片。)S1: You looks worried.S2: I dont know how to use a puter.2. (学生分组讨论所掌握的巩固中没有提到的谜语,把讨论的谜语记录下来,各组之间可以进行猜谜比赛。)T: Discuss in groups and write down the riddles as many as possible.For example:(1) What begins with “T”, ends with“T”, and is full of “T”? (Teapot)(2) If everyone loses one, what is it? (Every)(3) What man cant live in a house? (Snowman)(4) What do you call a bear with no ear? (B)(5) What letter is an insect? (B)(6) This is in front of you. But you cant see it.What is it? (Tomorrow)3. (让学生写几句鼓励自己学习的谚语。)T: Boys and girls, learning is very important. Please write down some proverbs to encourage us to work hard at our study.For example:Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success.Reading makes a full man. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:分钟)1. (让学生搜集更多的谚语。)T: Can you list some English proverbs we have learned?Try to collect more English proverbs from books or Internet.For example:An apple a day drives the doctor away.Like attracts like.2. (教师放一句英语歌曲,比如Yesterday Once More或My Heart Will Go On,一方面可以放松一下,另一方面也可以训练学生的听力。)T: Do you like English songs?Ss: Yes, very much.T: OK. Lets listen to the song My Heart Will Go On. Try to learn it as soon as possible. It can help us to learn English well.(可以找学生演唱他们会的英文歌曲,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。)3. (开一个小型的会议,讨论如何学英语,和你的同班同学分享你的学习英语策略。)T: Now, lets have a class meeting about learning English, and share your ways of learning English with your classmates.4. Homework:(1)Write some sentences with “wh- + to do”.(2)Collect some more English riddles and proverbs.

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