2019-2020年高中英语下册 《Unit 11》说课稿 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语下册 Unit 11说课稿 新人教版Warming upWhich one do you think is the most significant?这些(成就),你认为哪一个是最重要的?点拨:do you think 是一个疑问式插入语,意思是“你以为”,在句子当中do you think 为疑问句形式,而主句为陈述句形式。e.g.1.Who do you think is fit for the job?你认为谁适合这项工作?e.g.2.When do you think the accident happened?你认为事故是什么时候发生的?考考你:选择正确答案:1.Why _?A.do you think did he e lateB.you think he came lateC.do you think he came lateD.you think of his ing late答案:CDo these achievements have anything in mon?这些成就有共同之处吗?点拨:have in monhave something in mon的意思是“(与)有共同处,(和)一样”。类似的词组还有:have much/a lot in mon“有许多相同之处”;相反意思的词组有:have nothing/little in mon“没有共同之处”。e.g.1.They have the same tutor,so they have many things/much in mon.他们同出一师,所以有许多共同之处。e.g.2.They are brothers,but they have nothing in mon.他们虽然是兄弟,但毫无共同之处。e.g.3.Kate and I have one thing in monwe like the movies.我和凯特有一个共同点,那就是我们都喜欢看电影。e.g.4.It is strange that they should be such good friends,especially as they have nothing in mon.真令人奇怪,他们会成为那样好的朋友,特别是他们之间毫无共同之处。in mon with意思是“和一样”e.g.5.In mon with many other people,he prefers classical music to pop music.和其他许多人一样,他喜欢古典音乐,而不喜欢流行音乐。e.g.6.In mon with her mother,she is good at singing and dancing.和她妈妈一样,她擅长唱歌和跳舞。e.g.7.Their views have much in mon with mine.他们的观点和我的有许多共同之处。in mon 还可以作“公有,共用”解e.g.8.Real friends should share everything in mon.真正的朋友应该不分彼此。e.g.9.Mr and Mrs Smith own the store in mon.史密斯夫妇共有这家商店。考考你:选上文出现过的词组(have something/much/a lot/nothing/little in mon;in mon with;in mon)填空:_ many other twins,they _.答案:In mon with;have a lot in mon该句的意思是:和其他许多双胞胎一样,他们有很多相似之处。Listeningthe first person to travel in time第一个穿越时空的人点拨:the first to do sth.表示“第一个做的人”。e.g.1.He is always the first to e to class and the last to leave.他总是晚来早走。e.g.2.It is his second time to e late.这是他第二次来晚。SpeakingYou are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars.你们正致力于向火星上发射人造宇宙飞船。点拨:send 有很多种含义,这里是“发射(子弹、球、箭等)”的意思。send a rocket to that spot 向那个点发射火箭send a blow to straight to ones chin 对准某人下巴一击send 还有“送,寄发”的意思send a message to sb.=send sb. a message 给某人送个信send 还可以表示“使陷于,使处于”的意思。send sb. mad/crazy 使某人发狂send 的意思还可以是“派遣,打发”的意思。send a delegation to the UN 派代表团到联合国去The child was tired,so I sent him to bed.孩子累了,我打发他去睡觉了。识记:send for sb.派人去叫;send out 派遣,发出;send off 寄出,派遣;send up发出,发射Pre-readingIf you wanted to do research or start a pany,what kind of ?如果你想搞研究或者准备开一家公司,什么样子的?点拨:start a pany 开办一家公司联想:本课当中出现“开办公司”意思的词组还有:open a pany;run a panyWhat is it that makes a scientific achievement important?是什么使得一项科学成就很重要?点拨:这是一个强调句型,当理解为“It is what that makes a scientific achievement important”,意思是“什么使得一项科学成就很重要?”。有些强调句型是疑问句,需要把它转换成陈述句来理解。考考你:翻译下列句子:1.Was it not until mid-night that you came back?2.Why was it that you came late?3.Who was it that knocked you down?4.Whom was it that you knocked off his bike?答案:1.难道你不是直到午夜才回来吗?2.你究竟为什么迟到了?3.究竟是谁把你撞倒了?4.你究竟把谁撞下了自行车?Readingwhatever great achievements the future may have in store for China.不管将来中国会取得多么伟大的成就点拨:whatever 是一个关系形容词,是“无论什么样的”的意思。e.g.1.You can take whatever farm tools you need.你们需要什么农具,都可以拿。e.g.2.Whatever dictionary you have,lend it to me.不管你有什么字典,借给我。点拨:in store 的意思是“必将发生的;就要到来的;注定的”。e.g.1.Who knows what the future has in store for us?谁知道我们将来注定会如何?e.g.2.Whatever the future brings in store for us,take it.不管将来会给我们什么,都要接受挑战。in store 还有“准备着,备用的,供将来用的”的意思。e.g.1.Thats a treat in store,a please still to e.那是往后还会再有的乐事。e.g.2.Keep the dry hays in store,well need them in winter.把那些干草存起来,冬天我们还需要它们呢。It is likely that many of them will be born in northwest of Beijing.这当中很多很有可能会诞生于北京的西北部。点拨:likely 是一个形容词,意思是“很可能发生的”。常构成的句型是:It is likely that sb.is likely to do sth.e.g.It is likely that he will e.他很有可能会来。可以说成:He is likely to e.他可能会来。考题:Tomorrow is Sunday and he has a day off,so he is _to attend our party.A.probableB.possibleC.likelyD.possibility答案:C辨析:这几个词都有“可能”的意思,我们可以说:its probable that,its possible that,its likely that;但只能说:sb. be likely to do sth. ,its likely for sb. to do sth. ,its possible for sb. to do sth.不能说:sb. be probable to do sth. ,sb. be possible to do sth.It is home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University.它是中国科学院和北京大学、清华大学等10多所著名大学的所在地。点拨:词组more than 加数词意思是“多于”。e.g.1.More than one million black people joined in the march.100多万黑人参加了那次“进军”。e.g.2.More than a few parents use E-mail to keep in touch.很多家长用电子邮件保持联系。more than后加名词、形容词、代词,是“有甚于,不仅仅是,极其”的意思,相当于not only。e.g.1.21st Century School Edition is more than a newspaper.It helps to improve our English.21世纪报高中生版不仅仅是一份报纸,它还有助于提高我们的英语水平。e.g.2.They were more than glad to help.= They were very glad to help.他们极其高兴给予帮助。e.g.3.If I tell your father what youve done,hell be more than a little angry.如果我把你的所作所为告诉你的父亲,他可不仅仅是生点气的事了。e.g.4.We have enough to spare,more than we need.我们不但足够,而且有余。e.g.5.You did more than carry my books.你做的不仅仅是帮我拿书。more than后加else,before等是“最”的意思。e.g.1.What do you wish to have more than anything else in the world?在这个世界上你最想要什么?e.g.2.Now,perhaps,more than ever before,people are wondering what life is all about.现在也许人们比任何时候都想知道究竟什么是生活。考考你:翻译下列句子:1.这不仅仅是一辆汽车,它甚至在水中也能开。_2.他们非常乐意帮助你。_3.有些故事简直不可相信。_4.与其说这个孩子受伤了,还不如说他被吓着了。_5.这每周只花他一块钱。_答案:1.This is more than a car.It can run even in water.2.They were more than willing to help you.3.Some of the stories were really more than could be believed.4.The child was more frightened than hurt.5.It costs him no more than one dollar a week.考题:1.He is a loose-spender,and he spends _ $10 000 a month for nothing.A.more thanB.not more than C.no more thanD.less more than 答案:A2.He is a very good money saver,even though he is a millionaire,he spends _ $10 000 a month.A.more thanB.not more than C.no more thanD.less more than 答案:C辨析:more than 的意思是“比多”;not more than的意思是“不比多”;而no more than的意思是否定的“不多于”或“和一样少”。They all share the spirit of creativity.他们都共同具备创新精神。点拨:share可以作名词,意为“分得的一份,股份”,是可数名词。e.g.1.She owns fifty shares in the business.她在这家企业中占有五十股。e.g.2.They divided the money into equal shares.他们把钱分成若干等份。share作“一份责任/功劳”解释时,是不可数名词,但可与a连用,表示具体的一种。e.g.1.What share did he have in their success?在他们的成功中他有什么贡献?e.g.2.You must take your share of the blame.你必须承担你那一份过失。share作为动词时,解释为“分给,共有,分享”。e.g.1.He would share his last penny with me.即使他只有一分钱,也会分给我用。e.g.2.He hated having to share the hotel bedroom with a stranger.他不喜欢和陌生人同住这个旅馆的房间。e.g.3.I will share (in)the cost with you.我将与你分摊费用。e.g.4.She shares (in)my troubles as well as (in)my joys.她与我同甘共苦。考考你:Oh,please,I only want to have my _of the money but nothing more.A.shareB.pieceC.barD.own答案:AZhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science.中关村对商业和科技都已经产生了积极的影响。点拨:have an effect on 意思是“对有影响,对起作用”。 effect后跟介词on或upon,effect 前也可以有形容词作定语。e.g.1.These agreements have an effect on both the buyers and the sellers.这些协议对买卖双方都起作用。e.g.2.The arrival of the European settlers had a great effect on the life of Native Americans.欧洲殖民者的到来对美洲土著人的生活有很大的影响。e.g.3.The snow in early spring usually has a good effect on the growth of plants.早春的雪通常对植物的生长很有利。e.g.4.The medicine had no side effects on you.这种药对你的身体没有副作用。e.g.5.Sunspots also have an effect on the earths magnetic field.太阳耀斑对于地球磁场也有作用。辨析:effect 是名词,意思是“影响,作用”;而affect是动词,意思是“影响”。e.g.1.These agreements have affected both the buyers and the sellers.这些协议对买卖双方都起作用。e.g.2.The arrival of the European settlers affected the life of Native Americans.欧洲殖民者的到来对美洲土著人的生活有很大的影响。It is located in Haidian District,它位于海淀区点拨:locate是一个及物动词,意思是“在某一地点设置”。e.g.1.A new school will be located in the suburbs.一所新学校将在郊区设立。e.g.2.Where is the new factory to be located?新工厂将设于何处?e.g.3.They can also locate places where you might not want your kids to go.他们也有可能找到你不想让你孩子去的地方。Integrating skillsa new kind of rice which allows farmers to increase production.一种新的,能够使农民提高产量的水稻。点拨:allow在此处是“允许,可能”的意思。比较:permit 与 allow都有“允许”的意思;permit与allow不同的是,它强调“得到上级或文件正式认可的允许”,意为“正式批准、许可”,比allow正式;allow所表示的允许,含有“听任、默许”之意。但在实际语言运用中的区别并不那么严格,在很多情况下可以交换使用。e.g.1.Ill visit him tomorrow if weather permits. = Ill visit him tomorrow weather permitting.如果天气条件许可,明天我要去拜访他。e.g.2.Each student was allowed five minutes for free talk.每个学生被允许有五分钟的自由谈话。e.g.3.Smoking is not permitted in this cinema.本电影院不许吸烟。Writing要求:“现代科学”杂志让你帮他们选择最伟大的科学成就。写一篇议论文说明你选的伟大成就。给出至少两个原因解释为什么它最重要,你既可以选择本单元所给出的成就也可以使用其他资源。写作提示:当你想说服你的读者的时候,你必须把你的观点陈述清楚,使你的文章有说服力。你应该告诉读者为什么你的观点是正确的,并且给出理由来支持你的观点。找出两三个理由并用事实和例子来帮助读者理解你的观点。下面的提示会帮助你完成此文a wonderful machine store information take out make puter smaller work faster dobusiness work in scientific research work in science of medicine bee popularGrammar“构词法”()构词法,简而言之,就是指英语词汇构成的方法和规则。大体上来分,主要有两种:派生和合成。本单元主要涉及到的是词的合成,即有两个或更多的单词合成一个词。e.g.man+kind=mankind(人类)broad+band=boardband(宽带)super+market=supermarket(超市)学好构词法的基本规律,是语言运用的基本要求。在词语辨析的综合运用中,对词汇掌握的要求越来越高。对于生词,学生应该先看其词根是否熟悉,再加上前缀或后缀进行理解,或者看其是否是合成词。Unit 12 细说教材ListeningFill in the chart on the text page and make a sketch of the animal as they saw.填写下页图表并描述一下他们所看到的动物。 点拨:sketch用法小结n. 草图;素描;大意,纲领;简单描述,要点sketch map 略图、示意图character sketch 人物素描,人物简评give a sketch of ones plan 概述一项计划vt. & vi. (给)绘草图;(给)速写;写生;草拟,简述e.g.1.The art students sketched the people in the parade as it passed.那些学美术的学生在游行队伍经过时画了速写。e.g.2.Sketch out what you intend to do.把你要做的事概括地叙述一下。SpeakingScience fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future,like a hundred years later.科幻小说经常是关于将来可能会发生的事情,比方说一百年以后的事。点拨:这是一个定语从句,先行词为things。关系代词that在定语从句中充当宾语成分,所以that可以省去。1.fiction n. 集合称 (文学的)创作;(尤指)小说works of fiction小说类detective fiction侦探(推理)小说2.in the far future 意思是“在遥远的将来”。in the near future 意思是“在不远的将来”。And talk more about what you believe may e true in the future.并且谈论一下你所认为的将来会实现的东西。点拨:e true(预言、梦想等)成为事实,实现e.g.1.Her dream came true.她的梦想实现了。e.g.2.His words came true.他的话应验了。联想:e around来访,前来;苏醒,复原 e on 请,来吧,快点,来临;出场,上演e out 出版,刊出;出现,显露,长出;结果是,结局是 e to 总计,达到;苏醒,复原e to the point说 到要点,扼要地说 e up 走近,上来;发生,被提出e up to达 到,符合e up with 提出,提供e/go into effect 生效,实施e/go into force 生效,实施e/go into operation 开始运转,开工ReadingTo make a living,Verne had to write and sell stories.为了谋生,凡而纳不得不从事写作并卖掉他编的故事。点拨:make a living谋生earn ones living谋生e.g.In order to make a living,he had to work at night.为了谋生,他不得不晚上工作。Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying geology,physics and many other subjects.儒勒花了好几年的时间在巴黎的图书馆中研究地质学、物理学和其他学科。点拨:spent vt.用钱;花费;花(时间);使用(力气);度过;过日子e.g.1.The government spent a lot of money helping make this land better.政府花了大量资金帮助改良这片土地。e.g.2.She spent the afternoon in washing the windows and the floors.她花了一下午的时间擦窗子、拖地板。e.g.3.He spent all his life in the same town.他在一个城市里过了一辈子。e.g.4.Each person spent about 12yuan a day on food.每个人一天在伙食上大约要花十二块钱。Many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr.Benjamin Franklins experiments with electricity.他小说中出现的好多工具都会使读者想起本杰明富兰克林,用电做的实验。 点拨:remind vt.提醒;使记起e.g.1.You remind me of your brother.你使我想起你的哥哥。e.g.2.He reminded me that I had done it before.他使我想起我以前已做过了它。e.g.3.Please remind him to start earlier.请提醒他早点动身。e.g.4.In case I forget,please remind me about it.我要是忘了,请提醒我。By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further,Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction.通过把他那个年代的科学发展再往前推一步,儒勒凡尔纳奠定了现代科幻小说的基础。点拨:lay vt.放置,铺设,产卵,提出,平息,布置(laying,laid,laid)e.g.1.Dont lay your coat on the bed.不要把你的外套放在床上。e.g.2.Will you please lay the table for dinner?请你摆好餐具准备吃饭好吗?e.g.3.The hen laid three eggs.母鸡下了三个蛋。联想:lie(1)躺,平放,展现,展开,位于(lying,lay,lain)e.g.I was feeling ill,so I lay down on the bed for a while.我身体不舒服,所以在床上躺了一会儿。(2)说谎(lying,lied,lied)e.g.He lied about his age to join the army.他为了参军谎报了年龄。点拨:foundation n.基础,根本,建立,创立,地基,基金,基金会e.g.1.Slavery provided the foundation for many ancient types of society.奴隶制为古代社会提供了基础。e.g.2.He laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work.他以读书和勤劳奠定了成功的基础。联想:found vt.建设,创建;建立(founded,founded)e.g.This settlement was founded in 1592.该居民点建立于1592年。Founder n. 建立者;缔造者e.g.He is the founder of the pany.他是这家公司的创始人。Jules Verne died in 1905,long before any of his dream came true.儒勒凡尔纳死于1905年,远远早于他任何一个梦想的实现。点拨:long before很久以前(=a long time earlier)e.g.1.We saw that film long before我们早已看过那部电影了。e.g.2.Mark learned to read long before he started school.马克上学之前很早就学会了看书。联想:before long 不久(very)soone.g.I hope to see you before long.我盼望不久就能见到你。Dr. Aronax,his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster.艾瑞纳克斯博士,他的仆人以及一位加拿大的捕鲸者开始去寻找那个怪物。点拨:set out 启程;出发;开始(=begin a journey;start)e.g.1.We set out for the Western Hills at 10:30.我们十点半出发去西山。e.g.2.This is what he set out to say.这就是他要说的话。联想:1.set off 启程;出发;点燃;使爆炸;发射;使开始;使行动e.g.1.We set off at dawn.我们黎明时动身了。e.g.2.Its time to set off (leave).该动身了。e.g.3.The fire in the engine sets off a series of explosions.引擎中的火花引起一连串的爆炸。e.g.4.His advice set me off doing morning exercises every day.他的劝告使我开始每天做早操了。2.set about 着手;开始(=to begin to do;start)e.g.1.The young workers set about their work with great enthusiasm.青年工人们怀着极大的热情开始工作。e.g.2.They set about making preparations for spring sowing.他们开始进行春播的准备工作。In their efforts to survive,they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself,which turns out to be a submarine.在他们挣扎求生当中,他们发现自己在一个怪物的表面上,那怪物其实是一艘潜水艇。点拨:文中find结构总结find+n./pron.+n./adj./adv./prep./v.-ing/v.-ed/to bee.g.1.I find it a difficult book.我发现这本书很难。e.g.2.I find the book really difficult.我发现这本书真的很难。e.g.3.He hurried home only to find his father out.他急急忙忙回到家却发现他父亲出去了。e.g.4.I found her in better spirits.我发现她情绪好多了。e.g.5.I found her waiting for Xiao Ming.我发现她正在等小明。e.g.6.He went to his hometown and found it greatly changed.他回到了故乡发现它发生了巨大的变化。e.g.7.The teacher found him to be honest.老师发现他是诚实的。Effort n. 努力e.g.1.The workers are making efforts to overfulfil this years plan.工人们正在努力超额完成今年的计划。e.g.2.All his efforts were fruitless.他的一切努力都白费了。e.g.3.He lifted the big stone without effort.他不费力地举起了那块大石头。All that is needed for life on board es from the ocean.船上所需要的一切都来自于海洋。点拨:这是一个定语从句,先行词为all。整个句子可换为一个名词性从句:What is needed for life on board es from the ocean.在考试中经常考到只能用that作定语从句的关系代词的情况:1.在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which。 2.在不定代词如:anything,nothing,the one,all,much,few,any,little等作先行词时,只用that,不用which。 3.先行词有the only,the very修饰时,只用that。4.先行词为序数词、数词、形容词最高级时,只用that。5.先行词既有人,又有物时,只用that。e.g.1.All that is needed is a supply of oil.所需的只是供油问题。 e.g.2.Finally,the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.那贼最终把偷的全部东西交给了警察。Dressed in diving suits,they walk around in this magic world,lighted by the lamps of the ship.身穿潜水衣,被船的灯光照明,他们行走在这个魔幻世界里。点拨:dressed in diving suits和lighted by the lamps of the ship是过去分词短语作状语。1.作原因状语相当于as,since,because引导的从句,这类状语多放在句子的前半部分。e.g.1.Given advice by the famous detective,the young lady was no longer afraid.(Since/As she was given by the famous detective)有了著名的侦探的指点,姑娘不再害怕了。e.g.2.Frightened by the noise in the night,the girl didnt dare to sleep in her room.(Because she was frightened by the noise)姑娘被夜里的响声吓坏了,不敢在自己的屋里睡觉了。e.g.3.Written very well,the novel is worth reading.书写工整的小说值得一看。e.g.4.Done in a hurry,his homework was full of mistakes.他匆忙做的作业错误百出。2.作时间状语相当于when引导的状语从句。如果两个动作同时发生,可在分词前用when,while等使其时间意义更明确。e.g.1.When heated,water can be changed into steam.水加热后可以变成蒸汽。e.g.2.Discussed(Having been discussed)many times,the problems were settled at last.在讨论了多次之后,问题终于解决了。(过去分词既表被动又表完成)e.g.3.Seen from the hill,the park looks very beautiful.从山上看这个公园非常漂亮。(过去分词只表被动)3.作条件和假设状语相当于if,unless引导的从句。e.g.1.Given more attention(If they had been given more attention),the cabbages could have grown better.如果施以更细心的照料,这些大白菜还可以长得更好。e.g.2pared with you,we still have a long way to go.和你相比,我们还有很大的差距。4.作方式或伴随情况状语e.g.1.The hunter left his house,followed by his dog.猎人离开了屋子,后面跟着他的狗。e.g.2She sat by the window,lost in thought.她坐在窗前,陷入沉思。5.用分词短语作状语时,逻辑上的主语要与句子的主语保持一致,否则分词短语就要有自己的逻辑主语(用名词或代词的主格来表示),这种结构称为独立主格结构。e.g.1.All our savings gone,we started looking for jobs.积蓄全部用完了,我们就开始找工作。(All our savings gone是过去分词的独立主格结构)e.g.2.He rushed into the room,his face covered with sweat.他满脸是汗冲进屋内。(his face covered with sweat是过去分词的独立主格结构)Readers have wondered about the character of Captain Nemo ever since the book was published.自从这本书一出版,读者们就对尼莫船长的性格感到扑朔迷离。点拨:wonder v.对感到惊讶,想知道e.g.1.He was so ill.I wonder he didnt die.他病得那么厉害,但没有死,我感到奇怪。e.g.2.They wondered to see him looking so cheerful.看他这么高兴的样子,他们很奇怪。e.g.3.I wonder whether you would mind helping me for a few minutes.不知你是否能帮我一会儿忙。e.g.4.I wonder what you call these flowers.不知这种花你们叫什么。e.g.5.I was wondering how to get there quickly.我想知道怎么去最快。The story begins with the discovery of an ancient document in an old book.这个故事是以一本古书上所记载的古文献的发现而开始的。点拨:begin with 以为起点;开始(做)(=start with)e.g.1.Knowledge begins with practice.知识从实践开始。e.g.2.The ocean began with little drops of water.海洋是由小水珠组成的(起源于水珠)。联想:begin by 先(做某事)e.g.1.I must begin by telling you about the factory itself.我先给你们谈谈工厂本身。e.g.2.He began (his talk)by saying that he would not speak very long.他开始讲话时就说,他不会说得太长。The guide leads them through a narrow passage deep into the earth.导游带领他们通过一个狭小的隧道走进地球的深处。点拨:lead vt.指引;引导vi. 领路;导致;领先e.g.1.The guide led us through the forest.导游带领我们穿过森林。e.g.2. She led the boy into the large building.她把孩子领进了大楼。e.g.3.The dog led the blind man across the road.狗领着盲人过了马路。e.g.4.Where does this road lead to?这条路通向哪里?e.g.5.Whos leading in the race?谁在赛跑中领先?Passing through layers of coal and marble they go deeper and deeper.经过煤层和大理石层,他们走得越来越深。点拨:分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随等。分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。作状语的分词相当于一个状语从句。e.g.1.Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.听到消息后,他们高兴得跳了起来。e.g.2.Using what you know of word stems and word formations,you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word.运用你对词干和构词法的认识,你可以猜一下生词的含义。e.g.3.The students went out of the classroom,laughing and talking.学生们有说有笑地走出教室。注:分词在句子中作状语,使用何种分词,要取决于分词与句子主语的关系:主谓关系用现在分词,动宾或被动关系用过去分词。e.g.1.Not having enough hands,we turned to them for help.由于没有足够的人手,我们向他们寻求帮助。e.g.2.Taught by their teacher,they had made great progress.在他们的老师的教育下,他们取得了很大的进步。In the end,their raft is drawn into a fast stream and with ever increasing speed and temperatures they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy.最后,他们的小筏子被卷入了急流中。随着速度的加快和温度的升高,他们被位于意大利南部的火山口中喷出。点拨:draw vt.画;拖;取出;推断出;吸引;移动;平局e.g.1.Ill draw two lines across each other at an angle of 60.我要画两条线相交成六十度角。e.g.2.He drew me aside to tell me what he had heard.他把我拉到一边,给我讲了他听到的情况。e.g.3.The diver first drew a deep breath.跳水员先深深地吸了一口气。e.g.4.We hope it will draw the attention of all rades.我们希望这能引起所有同志的注意。e.g.5.The end of the holidays is drawing near.假期结束的日子就要来临了。2.with用法总结with+n./pron.+v.-ing/v.-ed/to do/prep./adj./adv./n.e.g.1.With the dog leading the way,we found the thief soon.有这条狗带路,我们很快找到了那个小偷。e.g.2. He stood there wit

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