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2019-2020年高中英语必修8Module5TheConquestoftheUniverse-TheAnalysisoftheDifficultSentences1. Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television, their hearts in their mouths, aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was, and what risks had to be taken. 上百万的人们通过电视观看到首次登月,心悬着,意识到冒险是多么困难和危险的,也意识到我们不得不冒多少险了。(1) their hearts in their mouths采用了独立主格结构,意思是他们的心提到嗓眼里了(2) aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was, and what risks had to be taken是形容词性短语充当伴随状语,表示人们看到首次登月时的心态。be aware of / that 意识到,知道Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health.吸烟者很清楚吸烟对他们自身的健康造成的伤害。He must have been aware that my parents marriage was breaking up. 他一定已经知道我父母的婚姻正在破裂。(3) how difficult and dangerous and adventure it was, and what risks had to be taken是由疑问词how和what引导的名词性从句充当介词of的宾语2. All three astronauts made it safely back to Earth, using a spaceship puter that was less powerful than the ones used by the average school students today. 通过使用比当今普通在校学生用的电脑功能差的宇宙飞船上的电脑,所有的三名宇航员都安全返回到地球,(1)make it 规定时间;成功,做到,赶上;A: Shall we meet next week? B: Yes. Lets make it next Sunday. 甲:下星期我们碰一次头好吗? 乙:好的。让我们定在下星期日碰头吧。A: You have just 15mimutes to get you train. B: All right, I guess I can make it.甲:你只有一刻时间去赶上这班火车了。乙:没关系,我想我赶得上。You cant make it to the other shore in this weather. 天气这么恶劣,你可到不了对岸。(2)using a spaceship puter是现在分词短语作状语(3)that was less powerful than the ones是限制性的定语从句, 修饰a spaceship puter.(4)used by the average school students today是过去分词短语作定语,修饰the ones3. But this was going to be a special flight and so millions of people tuned in to witness the take-off on TV. 但是这将是一次特殊的飞行,所以成百万的人们都调电视台来亲眼观看这次起飞。tune in 1)收听,收看tune in (to) the news programme 收听新闻节目Tune in next week at the same time.下周同一时间继续收听。2)与建立无线电联系tune in a directional beacon 用无线电同定向信标台联络3)使和谐,使一致tune in the colours to each other 使颜色相互协调4. The first was to show the controls of the spacecraft and explain how gravity worked.第一堂课要展现宇宙飞机的操控装置,并且解释一下引力是如何发挥作用的。(1) 该句子用不定式来充当表语,用来表示主语名词的内容的。(2) controls 控制措施;管理办法;控制装置,操纵装置,控制器,操纵器wage controls 工资管理办法be at the controls 在操纵控制器the controls of an aircraft飞机的操纵器(3) work vi. 起作用,有效;产生影响;行得通The medicine works smoothly. 药物奏效了.The appeal worked powerfully upon him. 呼吁对他起了强烈作用.A utopian plan just wont work. 空想的计划是行不通的.5. The world was in shockmaybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane. 全世界的人都震惊了他们可能认为这次太空飞行将与登飞机一样不会有危险。(1) in shock 处于震惊状态 in + 抽象名词表示出于某种状态下(2) no more than 表示对两者都否定,意为“同一样不”He is no more a writer than a painter. 他既不是画家,也不是作家。A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 马不是鱼,鲸也不是鱼。相关链接not more than “不如”,“不及”I am not more clever than he is. 我不如他聪明。more than 与其说不如说He is more good than bad. 与其说他邪恶,不如说他善良。He is more lucky than clever. 与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。no more than “仅仅”,“只有”,“只不过”He has no more than three shirts. 他只有三件衬衫。not more than “至多”He has not more than three shirts. 他最多只有三件衬衫。6. When I heard,a few weeks later,that the bodies of the astronauts and even the teachers lesson plans had been found at the bottom of the ocean,I was not so sure it was worth it at all. 几个星期之后,当我听到宇航员的尸体,甚至是那位教师的授课计划在海底被发现时,我并不确定这次太空旅行值得他们的牺牲和飞机的爆炸。(1) at the bottom of 在的底部(2) 第一个it指的是the space travel, 第二个it指的是宇航员们的牺牲和飞机的爆炸。7. In spite of all our advanced technology, the world is still only at the very beginning of its voyage into space. 尽管我们拥有先进的科技,世界仍然仅仅处于太空旅行的初级阶段。(1) in spite of 不管In spite of poor health, he is always cheerful. 尽管身体不好,但他总是乐呵呵的。相关链接in spite of oneself 不由自主地He laughed in spite of himself. 他不禁笑起来。(2) at the very beginning of 在开始的时候相关链接in the beginning 在开始时He disliked it in the beginning. 他开始时不喜欢它。from the beginning从一开始I was opposed to the plan form the beginning. 我从一开始就反对这个计划。from beginning to end从头至尾Ive read the book from beginning to end. 我从头至尾读过这本书。


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