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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第一部分模块五Unit2Theenvironment课下作业牛津译林版.单项填空1There is nothing of _ importance in todays newspaper.Aparticular BpartialCpeculiar Dspecific答案Aparticular “特别”,指众多事物中的个别。句意:今天的报纸上没什么特别的。peculiar指“与众不同,独特”,强调与同类其他物品相异的特性。2Look,heavy clouds are gathering.A terrible storm is _Aunder way Bin the wayCby the way Din a way答案A句意:看,乌云在聚集。一场可怕的暴风雨就要来了。under way “正在进行,展开”;in the way “挡路”;by the way “顺便说一声”;in a way “在某种程度上”。故选A。3Dont you think it _for us to stop eating fish for fear of being choked by fish bones.Adelicious BpoisonousCridiculous Dhumorous答案C句意:你不认为对我们来说,因为害怕被鱼刺梗住就不吃鱼肉是荒唐可笑的吗?根据句意可知应选C。4Smiling,more often than not,is a good way to avoid any possible _ in our daily life.Aexplanation Bdebate Cfault Dconflict答案D句意:在我们日常生活中,微笑通常是一种能避免任何可能的冲突的好方式。explanation “解释”;debate “辩论”;fault “错误”;conflict “冲突”。conflict符合句意,故答案选D。5Recently a survey paring prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused a heated _ among citizens.Adebate BbeliefCopinion Dconsultant答案Adebate “辩论,讨论”,符合句意。6Some villagers reported a huge snake,_ over two metres long, was found dead in a nearby cave.Ameasuring Bbeing measuredCmeasured Dto be measured答案Ameasure “(指尺寸、长短、数量等)度量为”,是连系动词,所以用动词ing形式充当定语,修饰a huge snake。7The people urged their government to take measures to _ their carbon emission to reduce greenhouse effect.Acut off Bcut up Ccut out Dcut down答案D由句意“人们敦促政府采取措施减少二氧化碳排放以减少温室效应”可知,应用cut down “降低,削减”。cut off “切断”;cut up “切碎”;cut out “裁剪,(马达或发动机)突然熄火,停止运转”。8The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery _ quickly.Ashuts up Bends up Cruns out Dturns out答案C句意:这位摄影师每天都需要给数码相机充电,因为电池很快就用完了。run out “用完,用尽”。9Confidence is more than just an attitude;it es from a strong mitment to take _,rather than just let life happen.Aconsideration BeffectCresponsibility Daccount答案C句意:自信并不仅仅是态度问题。它来源于负责任的有力承诺,而不是随波逐流。consideration考虑;effect影响;responsibility责任;account解释,账户。根据句意可知选C。10I am sorry to trouble you.I forgot to bring my pen for the lecture._I have got a spare one.AGo ahead BYoure weleCNot to worry DPerfect答案C由“I have got a spare one”可知,答话人是让对方不要担心。not to worry“别担心,不必发愁”,符合语境。.阅读理解AWeather experts said this year could be one of the strongest El Nio events in recorded history.El Nio means severe weather conditions in parts of the world.In eastern Africa, for example, Kenya and Uganda are preparing for possible flooding.Yet South Africa and Malawi are already dealing with extremely dry weather.El Nio is Spanish for “the child”It usually begins in December, near the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.In fact, the weather event was named in his honor.El Nio develops when winds off the west coast of South America weaken.This permits warm water in the western Pacific to expand toward the east and the Americas.At the same time, clouds and rain over the warm water move east, too.El Nio conditions normally appear only about twice every 10 years.Usually, El Nio conditions continue for about 12 to 18 months.They bring warm weather to some areas.These areas bee wetter than normal, while others bee drier.The United Nations Childrens Fund warns that many people are at risk from hunger, disease and water shortages resulting from El Nio.In east and southern Africa up to 11 million children could be affected.East African countries usually experience heavy rainfall during the El Nio.Southern Africa usually has little rainfall, which may lead to wildfires or drought (干旱)Weather changes caused by El Nio depend on the strength of the condition.In the early 1980s, strong El Nio was linked to dry weather in Australia and Asia, rain and flooding in South America and high temperatures in many parts of the US.Ten years later, smaller El Nio caused trouble in parts of the US.It caused severe floods in the Southeast and the Middle West.Tom Di Leberto is a meteorologist (气象学家) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Washington, DC.He said this year could be the third strongest El Nio on record.But we will not know for sure until all the weather records are examined.【语篇解读】本文是说明文,题材为科普环保类。气象专家表示今年可能经历有记录以来最为强烈的厄尔尼诺之一。1The author writes the text to tell us_Amany countries are preparing for the ing floodsBAfrica will probably suffer a lot from this years El NioCthis year could be one of the strongest El Nio on recordD11 million children could be affected by this years El Nio答案C目的意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要向读者介绍气象专家表示今年可能经历有记录以来最为强烈的厄尔尼诺之一。2The second paragraph is mainly about_Awhat El Nio actually meansBhow El Nio es into beingCwhen El Nio will occur next timeDwhy El Nio causes weather changes答案B细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,本段主要向读者介绍厄尔尼诺现象是如何形成的。3Which of the following countries often suffers from flooding caused by El Nio?AKenya. BMalawi.CAustralia. DSouth Africa.答案A细节理解题。根据文章第一段In eastern Africa,for example,Kenya and Uganda are preparing for possible flooding及第三段East African countries usually experience heavy rainfall during the El Nio可知,东部非洲国家通常在厄尔尼诺期间遭受暴雨。肯尼亚和乌干达正在准备迎接可能到来的洪水。4The author mentioned the 1980s El Nio and the 1990s El Nio to_Aexplain why so many countries were affected by El NioBprove weather changes caused by El Nio depend on its strengthCargue that El Nio conditions usually appear about twice every 10 yearsDshow scientists doubt whether this year will have the strongest El Nio答案B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,厄尔尼诺导致的气候变化取决于该现象的强度。之后又举例说明了这一点,故选B。BForty years ago author Norman Mailer published an essay in which he declared the graffiti of the New York subway to be “The Great Art of the 70s”But what happened to the artists and why is there no subway graffiti any more? “It started with someone just writing his namesomeone saw that,and added on to it,” remembers New York graffiti artist Nicer.“Letters going in front of letters,ing back through a letter,behind a letter,going across a letter.the subways became our playground.”New York in 1974 was a city in crisis.The Mayor,Abe Beame,cut down the citys budget to avoid bank failures,which meant laying off school teachers,police officers and subway staff.“They were taking the money from the schools and so they took the afterschool programmes away,and there was no outlets for this.So the outlet became our city,” says Bronxborn designer Eric Orr.“It was like an explosion,the graffiti explosion.All of a sudden it took over the whole city.I dont know what happened,but overnight in the early 70s it was from no graffiti to all graffiti,” says another former artist,Flint Gennari.Eric Felisbret,author and former graffiti artist,says graffiti culture was in a way a product of the civil rights movement.“It was never political,” he says,“but many people were brought up with that,and to express themselves by breaking the law became a natural process for them.”The graffiti artists came from all races,however.“There were writers that were African American,LatinoPuerto Rico,Dominican,CubanJewish,Asian,and it became one unitone family,” says another graffiti pioneer,Roberto Gualtieri.They adopted a name,Moxie or Socono,Tang,Whirlpool,Duz,which had no relation to their product.Prof Gregory Snyder,author of Graffiti Lives,says,“For lots of people,graffiti is ugly,and destroys public property,and I dont refuse that but it can be written on a dumpster,like a garbage bin,and if someones attempting to make a garbage bin look a little prettier maybe thats not the worst thing in the world.” Although Mailer was not alone in weling the flowering of creativity,the governments hated it,so did many passengers.So when Mayor Ed Koch took office,he was determined to clean up the city and set about targeting graffiti.“I remember in 1982 he brought everyone out to a train yard and there was a single train painted white,” recalls former New York Daily News reporter Salvatore Arena.Trains were taken out of service and cleaned as soon as graffiti was spotted.Carriages were protected at night and the city agreed to ban the sale of spray cans.In 1984 80% of subway carriages contained graffiti,by May 1989,the network was graffitifree.“Graffiti has gone through an evolution,and it will continue to evolve.Its now socially accepted in places where about 30 years ago that would have been impossible.Its now showed in certain museumsand lets say in another 30 years from now it may be hanging in the White House,” says Nicer.Nowadays painted graffiti is largely gone from the New York subway trains themselves and is seen instead on the walls of the city.It has been replaced by scratchiti created on to carriage windows using keys or knives.Unlike the vivid images of 40 years ago,these ghostly patterns are somehow easy to ignore.After all,graffiti_has_faded_quietly_into_the_background【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。20世纪70年代涂鸦艺术在纽约地铁盛行一时,但是,它的出现也遭到很多乘客的反感,最后经过政府的一些举措而被取缔,与此同时它自身也在经历着演化。5Why did graffiti suddenly appear in New York?ABecause norman Mailer published an essay.BBecause New Yorkers had a sense of graffiti.CBecause graffiti was easily done on the trains.DBecause economy in New York went worse.答案D推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知,当在纽约经济出现严重问题时,市长为了避免银行倒闭而缩减财政开支,导致大量人员下岗,因而人们采取了这种涂鸦艺术来表达自己的不满。6In the 1970s,New York graffiti artists _Aoften left their own names after finishing their worksBrealized they were actually against the lawCwere organizing a political movementDwere mainly from the students答案B细节理解题。根据第五段以及第六段最后一句可知,纽约的这些涂鸦艺术家们在发动一场民权运动而不是政治运动,其实他们自己也知道他们的这种行为是违法的。7Who had the idea that graffiti was harmful in a way?ANorman Mailer. BEric Orr.CGregory Snyder. DSalvatore Arena.答案C推理判断题。根据第七段第一句可知,在Gregory Snyder看来,涂鸦艺术对社会公共财产有一定的破坏性,也就是说他认为涂鸦艺术在某种程度上是具有危害性的。8Why did Mayor Ed Koch take measures to stop the graffiti?ABecause it didnt benefit most subway passengers.BBecause it seriously destroyed New Yorks economy.CBecause it was out of date because of the scratchiti.DBecause it wasnt the art that Ed Koch was fond of.答案A细节理解题。根据第七段第一句和第八段第一句可知,这种艺术破坏公物,不符合大多数乘客的利益,因此,市政府决定对此采取措施加以取缔。9The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 9 refers to “_”Agraffiti went through an evolutionBscratchiti was displayed in museumsCgraffiti was well accepted sociallyDgraffiti appeared in subway carriages答案C词义猜测题。根据第九段最后一句可知,“that”是指该涂鸦艺术在一些地方已经被人们广泛地接受了。10By saying “graffiti has faded quietly into the background”,the author means that “_”Agraffiti wont return againBscratchiti wont last very longCgraffiti has experienced a long historyDscratchiti will be well developed in the future答案B句意理解题。根据第十段最后两句可知,胡乱刻字的行为也将很快退出历史舞台。

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