高中英语 Unit1 Getting along with others Reading课件 牛津译林版必修5.ppt

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牛津高中英语,(模块五 高二上学期),Advance with English,Reading,Unit,1,Unit 1,课件描述:,在教学中,把第一篇文章作为主阅读,并把阅读策略的指导融于其中。第二篇文章,教师指导学生将所学的阅读策略运用其中,快速分析掌握第二篇文章的主旨大意及写作特点。此外,在导入部分教师引导学生以小组为单位写下自己在交友过程中碰到的问题和困惑,然后各小组交换问题,这样整堂课对友谊的探讨就不再只是纸上谈兵,而是有了真正的实际意义。,Self-reflection: Think of the most recent fight with your friend. What caused it?,Group discussion: The reasons leading to a broken friendship, Not trusting each other Misunderstanding Lacking communication There being conflicts in interest Not caring each other enough ,Group work: What puzzle do you have in getting along with you friends? Write down the puzzles on a piece of paper and then exchange the piece with another group.,Brainstorming: Who can we turn to for help when we have problems with our friends? parents teachers magazine advice columnists,Secrets and lies,Read the title of the passage and the first sentence of the first paragraph, and try to predict the main idea of the letter.,Secrets and lies,Fast reading:,Secret:_ Lie:_,Sarah got a D in a surprise Maths test.,Hannah denied having let out the secret.,Secrets and lies,Careful reading:,Questions: Why do you think Sarah and Hannah could be good friends before ? 2. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more? 3. What might have caused their friendship to break?,Why do you think Sarah and Hannah could be good friends before ? They were like each other and had much in common.,2. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more? Because she thought Hannah had told everyone how badly she had done in the Maths test.,3. What might have caused their friendship to break? Sarah didnt trust her friend. Hannah may have betrayed her friend. Sarah and Hannah lacked communication.,Secrets and lies,Reading strategy: understanding feelings,A letter to a magazine advice columnist usually includes: Descriptions of problems Descriptions of feelings While reading such a letter, its important to identify the writers feelings towards a certain problem and then think about what advice to give him/her.,Lets take Sarahs letter for example:,betrayed,upset,angry,ashamed,How Sarah felt:,Why?,She thought her best friend Hannah didnt keep her secret.,She scored the lowest mark in her class.,She found a piece of paper on her desk that said “stupid Sarah got a D”.,She thought Sarah didnt keep her word.,Game:,Can you express different emotions without actually mentioning the words?,angry proud upset excited surprised ashamed sad puzzled worried,Practice of Reading Strategy: Read A friendship in trouble, and try to find out Andrews problem and how he feels about it by filling in the blanks:,angry,guilty,awkward,in a dilemma,He made some cruel remarks.,His best friend Matthew has stopped talking to him.,Pair work: In your own words, tell each other what Andrews problem is and what caused his friendship with Matthew in trouble.,Andrew blamed the losing of the match on Matthews bad performance and they had a bitter quarrel with each other. Now they arent talking to each other any more and Matthew seems to want to make friends with another boy. Andrew really shouldnt have blamed Matthew without thinking twice.,Group work: Problem solving (1),Suppose you are the advice columnist, what advice will you give Sarah and what to Andrew? Choose one of the topics and try to think of as much advice as possible.,Finish Exercise E on page 5 and get to know what advice it is that the advice columnist actually gives to Sarah and Matthew.,Group work: Problem solving (2),Go through the puzzles your classmates have about getting on with friends and give useful advice to them by writing it down on the back of the paper. Then exchange the piece again.,Conclusion: My advice to all of you on how to mend a friendship: 1. You have to talk to your friend. When there is no one around, have an honest talk. 2. If your friend doesnt want to talk, you could write a letter. 3. Always remember there are three steps to being friends again:,Tell your friend how youre feeling; Say what your friend has done wrong, and explain why you did this or that; Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.,

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