2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4《helping people around the world-word power》教案1 牛津译林版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4helping people around the world-word power教案1 牛津译林版选修6Step 1: Brainstorming1. As we all know, the United Nations plays a very important role in handling world affairs. It touches many parts of our daily lives. The UN works in agriculture, economic growth, education, health, environment, global partnerships and some other fields. The UN is connected to many different organizations that do different projects or programs.To know more about the UN organizations, we need to do some research. I suggest you look in newspapers, magazines, books in the library and perhaps on the Internet for more information about how many divisions and organizations are connected to the UN and what they are.For referenceThe UN organizationsPrograms and Funds1.UNHCR Office of the United Nations High missioner for Refugees2. WFP World Food Program3. UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East4.UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Program (UNHSP)5. UNFPA United Nations Population Fund6. UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund7. UNV United Nations Volunteers8. UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women9. UNDP United Nations Development Program10. UNICEF United Nations Childrens FundUNEP United Nations Environment Program1. UNDCP United Nations Drug Control Program2. ITC International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO)3. UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentSpecialized Agencies1. ILO International Labor Organization2. FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations3. UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization4. WHO World Health OrganizationWorld Bank Group1. IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development2. IDA International Development Association3. IFC International Finance Corporation4. MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency5. ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes6. IMF International Monetary Fund7. ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization8. IMO International Maritime Organization9. ITU International Tele-munication Union 10. UPU Universal Postal Union11. WMO World Meteorological Organization12. WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization13. IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development14. UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization15. WTO World Tourism OrganizationStep 2: Vocabulary learning1. First, Id like to ask you some questions to see whether youve got some information about the UN?Which organizations did you find are connected to the UN?Please choose one organization and tell us when it was set up. What does the organization mainly focus on?What do you think of its role in the UN or in the world?2. Lets read an article found in the library about the different organizations connected to the UN. Try to know the main functions of these organizations. After that, well have a discussion.Suppose an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean has been struck by a terrible hurricane. All the supplies have been cut off, roads have been blocked and lots of people have been blocked and lots of people have been injured. If so, what organizations or programs could they turn to for help?Which organizations contribute a lot to the equal education of children and equal treatment of women?What do the letters E, S and C in UNESCO stand for? In your opinion, what is UNESCO responsible for?3. Now weve had a better understanding of the organizations of the UN. Lets try to plete the chart on Part B.AnswersB (2) Food and Agricultural Organization (3) UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (4) World Health Organization (5) International Civil Aviation Organization (6) Universal Postal Union (7) World Bank group (8) International Monetary Fund (10) UN Environment Program (11) UN Drugs Control Program (12) UN Development Program (13) UN Development Fund for WomenStep3: Vocabulary extension1. Now lets e to part C on page 27. Read the passage and fill in the blanks correctly. AnswersC (1) International Monetary Fund (2) International Civil Aviation Organization (3) Universal Postal Union (4) UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (5) Food and Agricultural Organization (6) International Labor organization (7) World Health Organization2. Do you know what UN and NGOs stand for? Can you give the full name of them? This shortened version of the name of something is called an acronym. It consists of the first letter of each word of the name. As for the pronunciation of an acronym, it is sometimes read as individual letters and sometimes read as a new word. Now, please work out the acronyms on P55.AnswersD IMFInternational Monetary fundFAOFood and Agricultural Organization ILOInternational Labor OrganizationUNESCOUnited nations Educational, scientific and cultural organizationWHOWorld Health OrganizationUNEPUnited Nations Environment Program3. Now, Ill give you more acronyms of international organizations. Do you know their full name?WTO World Trade Organization NATO North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationADB Asian Development bankICRC International mittee of the red CrossITU International Telemunication Union4. Reading:words: 127 time: 210Origin of World Refugee DayFor years, many countries and regions have been holding their own Refugee Days and even Weeks. One of the most widespread is Africa Refugee Day, which is celebrated on 20 June in several countries. As an expression of solidarity with Africa, which hosts the most refugees, and which traditionally has shown them great generosity, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 55/76 on 4 December 2000. In this resolution, the General Assembly noted that 2001 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, and that the Organization of African Unity (OAU) had agreed to have International Refugee Day coincide with Africa Refugee Day on 20 June. The Assembly therefore decided that, from 2001, 20 June would be celebrated as World Refugee Day.Step 4: HomeworkRead the transcript in Part B on page 129 in Workbook.

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