高中英语 6.1 The Tang Poems课件 外研版选修8.ppt

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Readers of many different periods have considered Du Fu to be the greatest poet of the Chinese tradition.Such general agreement can partially be explained by the immense variety of his work,which holds up quite well to different tastes and historical changes in fashion.,Module 6 The Tang Poems,Chinese critics from the Song Dynasty referred to Du Fu as the “poethistorian”Both before and after the An Lushan Revolt,Du Fu witnessed a typical political and social situation;the common people still lived in poverty while the emperor and his top officials enjoyed a foolishly luxurious life.He composed many poems such as “Three Officials ”and “Three Departures”His poems expressed his dissatisfaction with the government and his great pity for the common people.Du Fu used his poems to comment on current events and historical images.Du Fu became the historian by creating his responses to particular situations.,Du Fu was talented.When he was young,he wanted to get a good job in the government.Unfortunately,Du Fu was refused several times.He was in his fifties when he began to serve as a minor official in Changan (Xian)Gongbu was his official title and probably he was in charge of the local industry. Du Fu soon gave up his minor post and set off with his family to Qinzhou in the Northwest.After a short stay he moved on again and in 759 he arrived in Chengdu.,Du Fu left Chengdu after 762 and wandered in the southern provinces and eventually died of illness in 770.After his death,the people of Chengdu built a shrine to honour him.Since then,it became the custom to visit the shrine on the seventh day of the lunar month (around the middle of February),佳句仿写一二三 被邀请来参加这次聚会我深感荣幸。 I consider it a great honor to be invited to this party. 我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。 I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 杨同志将暂时负责那项工作。 Comrade Yang will be in charge of that work for the time being.,1,翻译佳句,放眼高考 After his death,the people of Chengdu built a shrine to honour him.Since then,it became the custom to visit the shrine on the seventh day of the lunar month (around the middle of February) 杜甫死后,成都人建造了一座寺庙来纪念他。从那以后,每年二月的第七天去参观寺庙就成为一种习俗。,2,.单词识记 1_na person that you know but who is not a close friend 2_v(people) leave each other 3_na series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family 4_nan act of increasing or making something increase in size,amount or importance,Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary,5_adj.able to accept what other people say or do even if you do not agree with it 6_adj.containing people of different types or from different countries,and influenced by their culture 7_nthe scientific study of the sun,moon, stars,planets,etc. 8_nthe dark shape that somebody/somethings form makes on a surface 答案 1.acquaintance 2.part 3.dynasty 4.expansion 5tolerant 6.cosmopolitan 7.astronomy 8.shadow,.短语天地 1_令人激动的文化 2_唐诗 3_诗的主题 4_作为出名 5_丝绸之路 6have power over sth_ 7physical or mental pain_ 8a time of expansion_ 答案 1.an exciting culture 2.Tang poetry 3.the subject of the poem 4.be known as. 5.the Silk Road 6.对某事有权力 7.身体或精神上的痛苦 8.疆域扩张的时期,.语境助记 The Tang Dynasty is a time of expansion.And it is a cosmopolitan dynasty.It is famous for its literature and scientific knowledge,such as Tang poetry,astronomy,the Silk Road and so on.It has many famous poets.Though Li Bai and Du Fu are known as famous poets,the subject of their poems is different.Li Bai is romantic while Du Fu is a realist.In all,the Tang Dynasty has an exciting culture.,.句型搜索 They were allowed to live in communities governed by their own laws. 信息提取 governed by their own laws是过去分词短语作定语。 例句仿写 该交响乐团举行的音乐会大为成功。 The concert_the symphony was a great success.,1,But during his lifetime he never became famous;in fact,he thought of himself as a failure. 信息提取 think of .as.认为是 例句仿写 物质被认为存在有三态。 Matter is _existing in three states. It was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognized. 信息提取 it was .that 是强调结构。 例句仿写 直到12点他的爸爸才下班回家。 It was _that his father came home from work.,2,3,As he was not so successful as some of the other young men of his time in the Civil Service Examination to become a government official,he began a life of travel and poetry,writing more than a thousand poems. 信息提取 as引导一个原因状语从句。 例句仿写 由于天气糟糕,我们不得不推迟了旅游。 _,we have to delay our journey.,4,It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the moon. 信息提取 it is said that.是一个固定句型结构。 例句仿写 据说那里发生了一次大地震。 _there has been a serious earthquake there. 答案 1.given by 2.thought of as 3.not until 12 oclock 4As the weather is so bad 5.It is said that,5,.预读理解 AMatch the paragraphs with these titles a.An exciting culture bDu Fu cLi Bai dTang poetry eA great dynasty fTechnology and progress,BTrue or false questions 1Tang culture is tolerant and cosmopolitan. ( ) 2Tang culture greatly influenced many European countries. ( ) 3Thanks to the invention of printing in the Tang Dynasty,scientific knowledge reached a wider audience. ( ) 4In the Tang Dynasty a large number of people were fond of poetry only because they enjoyed reading and writing poems. ( ),5Du Fus poems were very popular among government officials and he was considered to be a talented poet before he died. ( ) 6Du Fu and Li Bai shared the same style of writing poetry. ( ),CRead carefully and answer the questions 1How long did the Tang Dynasty last? _ 2What were the benefits of trade with foreign countries? _ 3Name three advances in science and technology at this time. _ 4Why was Tang poetry so great? _ 5What was the difference between Du Fu and Li Bais poetry? _,答案 A 1.e 2.a 3.f 4.d 5.b 6.c B 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F C 1.Around 300 years. 2It made Chinese culture cosmopolitan and tolerant. 3a.Medical schools were opened; bPrinting began; cSeng Yixing measured the suns shadow and the altitude of the North Pole. 4Because of the beauty of its images and the range of its topics. 5Du Fu painted a realistic picture of the society,while Li Bais poems were romantic.,acquaintance nC 相识,熟人;U认识,相识 I made an acquaintance of Jenny through his introduction. 通过他的介绍,我认识了詹妮。 I only have a nodding acquaintance with Jack. 我和杰克只是点头之交。 have (no) acquaintance with(不)熟悉,(不)了解 make an acquaintance of sb make sbs acquaintance 结识某人;接近某人(指短暂动作,是非延续性动词),1,have a passing/ nodding acquaintance with.与某人有点头之交;对某事略知一二 of ones acquaintance所认识的,所了解的 be acquainted with与相识;了解 acquaint vt.使(人)知道 acquaint oneself with 通晓;熟悉 注意:know “认识”,是延续性动词。 【判断正误】 我是3年前认识他的。 I knew him three years ago. ( ) I made his acquaintance three years ago. ( ) I have known him for three years. ( ),【完成句子】 他懂一点法语。 He _French. 我不熟悉这本书。 I _this book. 我与他素昧平生。 I have never _ 答案 has some acquaintance with have no acquaintance with made his acquaintance,part vi.分手,分离;vt.使分开;断绝(关系、联系) I hope we can part as friends. 希望我们能像朋友般和气分手。 The children were parted from their father. 孩子们和父亲分开了。 part from 离开 part.with 和分别;放弃 part with sth放弃某物 take part in 参加,参入 play a part in 参与;在方面起作用 for the most part 多半,通常,2,【完成句子】 他尽管贫穷,却不肯变卖家中的珠宝。 Despite his poverty,he refused to _the family jewels. 我和他在学校大门口分开。 I_him at the school gate. 答案 part with parted from,Of all the boys he is the most tolerant. 所有的男孩子中,他是最宽容的。 A tolerant person usually has breadth of mind. 有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。 be tolerant of / towards/ to 容忍, 对宽容 tolerate vt.忍受、容忍:tolerate sth/doing sth tolerable adj.可容忍的;尚好的,3tolerant adj.宽容的,容忍的,【完成句子】 他宽容小错。 He_small errors. 他不能容忍再次犯同样的错误。 He cant tolerate_again. 答案 is tolerant of making the same mistake,The tall oak projected a long shadow on the ground. 那棵高大的橡树在地上投下长影。 The shadows of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on.随着下午时光的延续,树影会越来越长。 under the shadow of 在的庇护下,因的影响 catch at shadows 捕风捉影,4shadow nC,U 影子,阴影,【辨析】 shade/ shadow/ reflection,【单项填空】 The_of the trees in the water was very clear. Amirror Breflection Cshadow Dsight 答案 B,The plane flew at an altitude of 10,000 meters. 飞机在10 000米高空飞行。 What is the altitude of this village? 这个村子海拔多少? at an/the altitude of .在高度上 at the height of.在高度上 at the depth of.在深度上 attitude nC 态度,看法 to/towards.对的态度,5altitude nC 高度;海拔;(常pl.)高地,【完成句子】 他问了问我的年龄、身高和体重,又打量了我一番。 He asked my age,_,and weight and looked me over. 你知道子午线高度吗? Do you know the meridian_? 答案 height altitude,(1)n.一份;份儿;股份;一部分 We still have the largest market share,but the competition is growing fast. 我们仍然占有最大一部分市场份额,但是竞争在加剧。 (2)v.均分;被分配;分摊 He shared the cake with his brother. 他把这块蛋糕和他弟弟分着吃了。 There isnt an empty table.Would you mind sharing? 没有空桌子了。你愿不愿意和别人合坐?,6share,share sth with sb与某人分享某物;和别人合用 share sth between/among sb在某人之间分配某物 share (in)sth 分享某物 share (in) trouble and joys同甘共苦,苦乐与共,think of .as.把看成,认为是 Susan and her fiance think of their letters as cords of love. 苏珊和她未婚夫把他俩的来往书信看作爱情的纽带。 She didnt think much of him as a painter. 她对他作为一位画家评价不高。 think of想起;考虑;想出 think well/ill of.认为好/不好 think highly of.对高度评价;看重 regard.as.把当作 consider.as.把当作 look on.as.把看作 treat.as.把当对待,1,【完成句子】 她真想拿教书作正式的职业吗? Does she really _teaching_a profession? 千万别自认为是天下最有智慧的人。 Never think of _the wisest person in the world. 答案 think of;as yourself as take hold of抓住,握住 He took hold of the rope tightly.他紧紧抓住绳子。 Take hold of the stick,and Ill pull you out of the well. 抓住棍子,我把你从井里拉出来。,2,take sbs hand/take sb by the hand握住某人的手 take sbs arm 挽住某人的胳膊 take sb in the act当场逮捕某人 take sb/sth by surprise突然接近,冷不防出现 take/follow ones advice听从某人劝告 take ones chance碰运气 take ones time不匆忙,慢慢来 take measures/steps采取措施 take it easy别担心;放轻松 take office就职,lose(ones)hold of松手 hold sb/sth back阻止;阻挡;抑制 hold on等一下;不挂断;稍等 hold out维持;保持;守住 hold up延误;耽搁;阻拦 【完成句子】 第三个瞎子刚好捉住了象的鼻子。 The third blind happened to_the elephants trunk. 他没有抓住绳子,摔到地上。 He _the rope and fell to the ground. 答案 take hold of lost hold of,Industrial progress should go hand in hand with the development of agriculture. 工业的发展同农业的发展密切相关。 Economic growth and political democracy can develop hand in hand. 经济增长和民主政治是可以齐头并进的。 by hand 用手,亲手 in hand 在手里,在控制下 at hand 在近处,即将到来 hand_on 传递 hand over移交,让与 hand in 上交,3hand in hand 关系密切地,手拉着手地,【完成句子】 有三个人手挽着手跑在一起。 Three men ran together,_. 要经常把参考书摆在手边。 Always have your reference books near_ 答案 hand in hand at hand,As far as I am concerned,your paper is fine as it is. 对我来说,你的文章(论文)这样写就可以了。 Broad prairies stretch out as far as the eye can see. 辽阔的草原一望无边。,4as far as 远到;到为止;就而言,至,so far 迄今为止(until now),主句谓语动词通常用现在完成时。 as far as the eye can/could see极目所至 as far as I know就我所知 as far as I can remember尽我所记得的 as far as I can see依我看 as far as I am concerned就我而言 as far as possible尽可能地,【完成句子】 据我所知,他将外出三个月。 _,hell be away for three months. 我在这些会议中尽可能地不突出自己。 During these conferences,I remained in the background _ 这个信息至今未被辨认出来。 _,the message has not been read. 答案 As far as I know as far as possible So far,They were allowed to live in communities governed by their own laws,.which influenced the development of Tang culture.他们可以居住在由他们自己的法律管辖的区域,这对唐朝文化产生了影响。 governed by their own laws是过去分词短语作定语。which引导非限制性定语从句。关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句,可以指主句中提到的事物,也可以指主句的全句内容。关系代词位于句首,常用as;若位于句中,则用as 或which。关系代词若在句中,且是从句中的动词的动因,则用which。,1,He came back safely,which made his family happy. 他安全地回来了,这让全家人都很高兴。 The professor invited to the party came by car. 被邀请参加聚会的教授乘车来了。 【单项填空】 _is reported in the newspaper,talks between the two countries are making progress. AIt BAs CThat DWhat All things_,I think we ought to give the job to Mike. Aconsidered Bconsidering Cto consider Dare considered 答案 B A,It was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognized.直到11世纪他在诗歌创作上的天赋才被认可。 这是一个强调句,强调部分是only in the 11th century。其基本结构:it is/was被强调部分that.。此句式通常可强调句子的主语、宾语、状语等。强调的主语如果是人,that可由who来替代。如果把这种句型结构去掉后,应该是一个完整无缺的句子。这也是区别强调句型与其他从句的方法。 It was only in the Tang Dynasty that poetry could develop so much.只有在唐朝诗歌才能发展得这么快。,2,(1)此强调句结构不能用来强调谓语动词。 (2)疑问句式是:特殊疑问词is/wasitthat其他成分? It was he that/ who met his friend in the park yesterday.(强调主语) It was in the park that he met his friend yesterday.(强调地点状语) It was his friend who/ that he met in the park yesterday.(强调宾语) Who was it that he met in the park yesterday? (疑问语序),【单项填空】 It_ we got in touch with him_I found he had gone abroad. Awasnt until;that Bwas until;that Cwasnt until;when Dwas until;when Was it in front of the market _was rebuilt two years ago_the road accident happened yesterday? Awhere;that Bthat;that Cthat;which Dwhich;where 答案 A B,The two men met in 744,and although very different,they became friends.杜甫和李白于744年相识,尽管风格各异,两人仍然成了好朋友。 本句中,and although very different是省略句,全句为:and although they were very different。英语中有时为了避免重复,使语言简练紧凑,在不损害句子结构和不引起误会的前提下,往往省略一个或多个句子成分或单词。在以when,while,if,as if,(even) though/ although,as,whether,once等连词引导的时间、原因、条件、方式、让步等状语从句中,常常省略相同的主语或作主语的代词,3,it以及be 动词,而保留现在分词、过去分词、介词短语、不定式等。 When in trouble,please turn to me. 在有困难时,请求助我。 I wont go to the party even though invited. 即使受到邀请,我也不去参加聚会。,【完成句子】 每次有机会,他都要谈论他过去的经历。 Every time _,he would talk about his past experiences. 来不来,都给我们来个电话。 _,please give us a call. 答案 having a chance Whether coming or not,

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