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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习层级化晋级写作层级三文顺形范夺满分二词顺意畅的衔接讲义衔接与过渡性词语的使用是语言连贯性得以实现的最常用手段。在句与句之间,段与段之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的过渡(连接)性词语是非常必要的。高中阶段应该掌握的过渡(连接)性词语归纳如下:一、表示起始关系的过渡性词语above all, to begin/start with, today, now, nowadays, at present, currently, recently, generally speaking, according to, with the development of等。To begin with, the final exam of this term is around the corner, so I am busy preparing for it.(xx天津高考书面表达)首先,本学期的期末考试就要到了,因此我正忙于准备考试。Recently, the Ministry of Education has issued a requirement that students should be given labor education while at school, which arouses a heated debate.近来,教育部要求上学期间加强学生劳动教育,这引起了激烈的讨论。即时演练补全句子1(xx湖南高考满分作文)现在,我想与你们分享一下我的经历。Now,_Id like to share my experience with you.2随着互联网的发展,电脑在人们的生活中起着重要作用。With_the_development_of_the_Internet,_puters play an important role in peoples life.二、表示时间顺序的过渡性词语firstly, first of all, then, later, in the end, finally, at last, after that, afterwards, since then, meanwhile, at the same time, soon, next, all of a sudden, at the weekend, in the meantime等。Several days later, when the video was played on the graduation ceremony, it was well received.(xx北京高考书面表达)几天后,当视频在毕业典礼上播放时,它受到了好评。Firstly, I am expected to know about the polite language related to my service. Secondly, I am trying to acquire the essential knowledge and skills concerning my position.(xx天津高考书面表达)首先,我希望知道有关服务的礼貌用语。其次,我想获得关于我的职位的基本知识和技能。即时演练完成片段(xx陕西高考书面表达)首先,我把所有的书籍、报纸和其他散落在屋子里的东西收集起来放好,然后我扫去所有家具上的灰尘,之后我扫地、拖地。Firstly,_I collected all the books, newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and put them in place. Then I wiped the dust off all the furniture. After_that,_I swept and mopped the floors.三、表示并列关系的过渡性词语and, or, also, as well as, both .and, neither . nor ., not only . but (also) ., either . or ., not . but .等。Every day I spend some time taking exercise, learning order keeping as well as emergency solving so as to get ready for the uping event.(xx天津高考书面表达)每天我花一些时间锻炼,学习遵守秩序以及紧急解决办法,以便为即将到来的赛事做好准备。Cinemas have gradually given way to the rise of the Internet and cellphones, and the ticket price is on the increase.(xx江苏高考书面表达)电影院逐渐让位于互联网和手机的崛起,票价也在上涨。即时演练补全句子1(xx全国卷书面表达)参观这次展览,我们将不仅享受民间艺术作品,而且将会学到很多东西。Visiting this exhibition, we will not_only enjoy the folk art works, but_also learn a lot.2(xx广东高考满分作文)她最后赢得了他们的尊重,他们最终变得自信,表现也不错。She finally earned respect of them, who eventually became confident as well as wellbehaved.3观光最好要么乘坐观光巴士,要么骑自行车。Sightseeing is best done either_by_tour_buses_or_by_bicycles.四、表示转折关系的过渡性词语but, yet, however, while, otherwise, on the contrary, though, although, even if/though, despite, in spite of, regardless of, on the other hand, except (for), instead, contrary to等。Some promises were unavoidable, but the video turned out perfect.(xx北京高考书面表达)有些妥协是不可避免的,但视频结果是完美的。However, it can be harmful to our friendship.然而,这对我们的友情是有害的。即时演练补全句子1(xx重庆高考写作)相反,智能手机不仅占用我们宝贵的时间,而且对我们的健康造成极大的危害。On_the_contrary,_smartphones not only take up our valuable time, but also do great harm to our health.2另一方面,网上购物也有许多缺点。On_the_other_hand,_online shopping also has many disadvantages.五、表示因果关系的过渡性词语because, as, since, for, thanks to, due to, as a result of, so, therefore, as a result/consequence等。Therefore, please spend some time taking a brief look at the history of the Tang Dynasty.(xx全国卷书面表达)因此,请花些时间简单地看看唐朝的历史。即时演练补全句子1(xx广东高考满分作文)多亏当地媒体的协助,他在13个国家找到了32名同年同月同日出生的人,其中17名男性,15名女性。Thanks_to_the_assistance_of_the_local_media,_he has found 32 time twins from 13 countries, of whom there are 17 males and 15 females.2由于他的粗心大意,整个工程被迫推迟至少一个月。As_a_result_of his carelessness, the whole project had to be put off at least one month.六、表示递进关系的过渡性词语whats more, furthermore, moreover, besides, whats worse, still less, to make matters worse, worse still, on the one hand . on the other hand ., for one thing . for another (thing) .等。Moreover, the scenery along the river is amazing, with many wellknown sightseeing spots.(xx北京高考书面表达)此外,沿江的风景是令人惊异的,有许多著名的观光景点。Whats worse, I dont municate well with my parents and my friends.(xx天津高考书面表达)更糟糕的是,我经常和父母、朋友交流不好。即时演练补全句子1(xx江苏高考书面表达)此外,拍摄技术已经进步,更多优质影片也在提供。Besides,_filming technology has advanced and more quality films are on offer.2(xx重庆高考满分作文)更糟的是,如果我们在电话上花费过多的时间,我们会失去将来需要的交际技能。Worse_still/To_make_matters_worse,_if we spend too much time on phones, we will lose the munication skills we need in the future.七、表示列举事实的过渡性词语such as, for example/instance, take . for example, that is to say, namely, as follows, in other words等。Firstly, there are all kinds of activities in the team, such as learning the basic skills and speaking about experience.(xx全国卷书面表达)首先,团队中有各种各样的活动,比如学习基本技能和谈论经验。The plan for the day is as follows: Firstly, its a custom to have dumplings on that day, so well make delicious dumplings with our own hands rather than buy some for them.(xx全国卷满分作文)这一天的计划如下:首先,在那天吃饺子是一项风俗,因此我们会亲手为他们做美味的饺子而不是去买。即时演练补全句子1(xx天津高考满分作文)我们有很多学科,例如语文、数学、英语、音乐、艺术等。We have many subjects, such_as Chinese, math, English, music, art and so on.2以北京为例,它是世界上最古老的城市之一。Take_Beijing_for_example,_it is one of the oldest cities in the world.八、表示观点的过渡性词语in my opinion, in my view, from my point of view, as far as I am concerned, as for me, personally等。Personally, I prefer the tour along the Yangtze River, the longest river in China and one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization.(xx北京高考书面表达)就我个人而言,我更喜欢一起游长江,中国最长的河流和中华文明的一条母亲河。As far as Im concerned, all our classmates have learned a lot from our munication and the various activities.(xx天津高考书面表达)就我个人而言,我的所有同学从交流和各种各样的活动中学到很多东西。即时演练补全句子1(xx四川高考书面表达)就我个人而言,每年夏天我待在乡下叔叔家三周,在那里享受美好生活。As_far_as_Im_concerned,_every summer I stay at my uncles house in the country for three weeks and enjoy a wonderful life there.2(xx重庆高考满分作文)对我来说,我曾经收到的最珍贵的礼物是一本相册。As_for_me,_the most valuable gift Ive ever received is a photo album.九、表示总结的过渡性词语in short, in brief, in conclusion, in a/one word, to sum up, in summary, all in all, on the whole, in general等。In a/one word you will surely benefit a lot from your careful preparation.(xx全国卷书面表达)总之,你一定会从精心准备中受益匪浅。In short, playing basketball enriches my life and makes me more confident.总之,打篮球丰富我的生活,使我更加自信。即时演练补全句子1总之,环境保护很重要,它能使我们生活得更加舒服、更加健康。In_a_word/In_conclusion/In_short/In_brief/To_sum_up,_environmental protection is of great importance, which can make us live more fortably and healthily.2总的来说,我发现自行车比摩托车更令人喜欢。On_the_whole/In_general,_I find a bike more enjoyable than a motorcycle.


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