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2019-2020年高中英语必修4Unit3TomorrowsWorld-Wordstudy1、reality:(c./u.),常用句式:1) sth. bee a reality/ realitiese.g. I believe that one day my dreams will bee realities. If you work hard, your wish will bee a reality.2) turn sth. into a reality / realities. = sth. e true. 变成现实e.g. Study hard and turn your wishes into realities. One day our dreams will be turned into realities.in reality = in facte.g. She is not a teacher. In reality, she is a farmer.bring sb. back to reality:使-面对现实e.g. The heavy loss of money brought him back to reality.realize:vt. 实现,realize ones dream:实现梦想,realize the four modernization:实现四个现代化real:adj. 真的、真实的e.g. a real diamond necklace:一条真正的钻石项链really:adv. 真正地,not really:并非如此2、set:(set, set) vt. 1) (为故事等)设置背景,be set in:以-为背景e.g. The novel is set in 17th century Spain. The film is set in the late 19th century in France.2) 确定、制定规则(标准等) e.g. Who will set the standard?The government will set new rules for the business.3) 树立(榜样等) set sb. a good example = set a good example to sb.e.g. rade Lei Feng set us a good example.4) 拨准(钟、表等), 拨(闹钟)于指定时间e.g. Please set the alarm clock for 6 am. To avoid being late, she set the clock five minutes faster.5) 放,竖放 e.g. set a ladder against the wall* set, put, place, lay 的区别: 这四个词中put 是普通用词,其他三个词作为“放、置”时各有侧重点。set:侧重“立着放”,“竖着放”e.g. set the table for dinner, set flowers in a vase, set a ladder against the wallplace:侧重“放好”,“摆好” e.g. place the book in the right orderlay:侧重“平放”e.g. lay the book on the table/ Where shall I lay these clothes?set常用短语:set out to do sth.= set about doing sth. 开始干-set off for (out )for London = leave for Londonbe set in -以-为背景 set sb doing sth.使-处于-状态 e.g. What the teacher said set me thinking a lot.3、pass on to :vt 1) 将某物(通过别人)传(下去)给人(尤指自己收到或用过后)e.g. Pass the book on to me when you have finished with it.I passed her message on to his mother.She caught my cold and passed it on to her husband.Tom got the ball, passed it on to Jack, who kicked it directly into the gate.2) 往下谈,谈下一个问题e.g. Lets pass on to a new subject. c.f. pass to:把(直接)给某人 e.g. After you have read the book, please pass it to Kate. Would you please pass the bottle to me?4、upon / on:prep.:一就、在后立即,常用:upon (on )sth/doing sth. e.g. On/Upon arriving in Shanghai, I will phone you. On/Upon my arrival in Shanghai, I will phone you. 能表达“一就”意思的词组和短语还有: 1) as soon as / once + 从句 e.g. He came to tell me the news as soon as he heard it. Once you understand it, youll like it. 2) the moment / minute /second + 从句 e.g. I recognized him the moment I saw him. The minute I finished my work, I left for home. 3) immediately / directly / instantly + 从句 e.g. He rushed out of the classroom immediately the bell rang. She went into the waiting-room directly she got off the bus. All the people flooded into the stadium instantly the gate opened. 4) no sooner. than / hardly . when / scarcely . when e.g. No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. She had hardly finished her homework when she went back home. Scarcely had we got on the train when it started off. at + 名词,常用:at the sight / sound / idea / thought of :一看到、听到、想到 e.g. The baby smiled at the sight of its mother. All the birds flew away at the sound of the gunshot. At the thought of going home to cook supper, she stood up and left.5、give out / give off 这三个词组在解释“散发热、光、气体时可以互用,但也有细微的区别: give out:1) 意为“发出声音、热、讯号、气味”等。 e.g. The Jessamine gives out a sweet perfume. The device will give out red flashed in the fog. The boy gave out a shout of joy.2) 分发,颁发、宣布 e.g. The teacher gave out the examination papers.It was given out that the Prime Minister had died suddenly. 3) 被用完, 耗尽 (机器等)失灵, (人)体力不支 e.g. We had just reached home when the petrol gave out. The chair gave out under the fat man. give off:常指发出:液体、气体、气味等。 e.g. The wild flower gives off a nice smell. The wet firewood gave off much smoke when burned. The gas gave off an unpleasant smell.6、connect:连接,常用句式: 1) connect A with (to) B = join A to B 指两物有形的连接 2) connect with 相连接;(时间)衔接 3) A be connected with B A与B 有联系 提示:当要表达“把A与B连接起来”时, 用介词to 和with 都可以, 但要表达“A与B 有联系时,只能用with.e.g. Connect me with the post-office, please. 请接邮政局(电话用语)I was connected to the wrong number.The police thought he was connected with the murder.7、sign:vt. 签名,签字e.g. Please sign both copies of the contract. The manager signed a check and put it on the table.sign (ones name) on/to sth. 签名于e.g. He signed his name on the painting which he had just finished.sign读常用短语:sign up 签约/签名 e.g. John wants to sign up for the contest.sign away 签字放弃 e.g. She signed away all her rights.sing for 签字领取e.g. Will you please sign for the registered letter?sign out 签字/登记离开e.g. Most students signed out on Friday.vt. /vi:作手势,常用:sign (to / for) sb. to do sth. 示意干e.g. He signed (to / for) me to be quite.(c.n.) 征兆,迹象(与of 连用);标志 招牌 e.g. the barbers sign, traffic signs) Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. She showed no sign of excitement.区别:sign:“征兆、迹象”; signal “信号”; mark “记号 ”,指印在物上的痕迹,也可指留下的可看到的痕迹。8、industry:n. 1)行业(c.)e.g. practise an industry 经营一个行业the tourist industry:旅游业2)工业(u.c.),某类工业 (c.)e.g. The country is supported by industry.Both heavy and light industries are necessary for people.Tourism is a new industry.3) 勤劳、勤奋(u.c.)e.g. One cant succeed without industry. A persons success lies in his / her industry.industrial:工业的, e.g. an industrial country9、impress:vt. 给留下深刻印象(不用进行时态),常用句式: sb/sth impress sb with/as sth. e.g. She impressed me with her sense of humor. She impressed me as being very rude/ a rude girl. 常用被动结构:be impressed by / at / with e.g. I was impressed by / at / with her beautiful performance.His words were deeply/strongly impressed on my memory.sb impress sth on sb. 使铭记e.g. I will impress one thing on you.We should impress on the young people that pride goes before a fall.impression:n.,常用句式:1)sb./ sth. make / leave aimpression on sb. e.g. The headmaster made / left a bad impression on the parents. Whats your impression of Shanghai?2) get the impression that .:觉得、感到e.g. I got the impression that he was telling lies. We got the impression that the villagers were quite friendly.3) make a .impression on sb. = give sb. a . impression:给某人留下影响e.g. His politeness made a deep impression on us. Her excellent speech will make a long-lasting impression on the audience.impressive:感人的、给人深刻影响的10、-free: 无的、免除的 e.g. power-free:不用电的 a disease free old man:没有毛病的老人a worry-free child:无忧无虑的孩子This is an ice-free harbor.这是个不冻港。 free of: 没有的, e.g. free of charge / duty / rent:免费 / 免税 / 免租 free from sth:免于的(后接导致不良后果的名词) e.g. free from danger / pain / trouble / disease / difficulty This district is free from rats and harmful insects.11、set up / put up / build set up:创建、建立、设立(组织、机构),竖起(杆子等),创造(记录)e.g. Our school was set up in the late 50s of the last century. They set up a First Aid Post in the village. The government has set up a mittee to deal with the matter. Wed better set up a team to take charge of collecting money. I decide to set up a telephone pole here. He set up a new record in 200-metre race. put up:举起、建造、搭起、住宿 e.g. Please put up your hand if you want to ask questions. A new house will be put up near the river bank. Some tents were put up on the hill. Where shall we put up for the night? build:建造、建筑,建立(事业)、增进健康、锻炼(身体) e.g. They will build a new building in the centre. The newly-built bridge is over 1000 meters long. Birds like to build their nests in trees. Sports and games build (up) bodies. That man is well-built. He built up his business in his 30s.12、announce / declare announce:指正式地“公开”、“发表”、“宣布”,侧重“预告”人们所关心或感兴趣的事情。 e.g. announce a wedding in the papers Footsteps announce his return. 常用以下结构:announce (to sb) sth/ that 或 It is announced that e.g. Please announce to your class that there will be no school tomorrow. The news was announced to the public on TV. It was announced that would be a celebration on May 4.declare:指正式和明确地向公众“宣布”、“宣告”、“声明”,侧重“当众”发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判等。 e.g. The two countries declared war. They declared against / for the new policy.declare还可用:declare sb. / sth. to be 句型。 e.g. They declared him (to be) a traitor to the country. The Chairman declared the meeting closed.13、force.:u.n. 1) (物理上的)力、力量e.g. the force of wind:风力;the force of the explosion:爆炸力 The wind by this time had reached force ten.(风力达十级) The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.2) 影响力、效力e.g. the force of public opinion 舆论的压力 the force of mind 精神力量3)军队,部队 e.g. the air force:空军;the labor force 劳动力;the police force 警力 by force 靠武力,强行 e.g. He was taken away by force.force:vt. (用武力)迫使、强迫,常用句式:force sb. to do sth.e.g. The robber forced her to open the safe. I was forced to do it against my will. In those days, they were forced to work day and night. He forced the door open.14、journey / trip / travel / voyage journey:(c.n.) (长途陆路)旅行,旅程,行程 e.g. take a journey:前往make a journey around the world:作环球旅行have a good / pleasant journey:一路顺风、一路平安 I wish you a pleasant journey. I spent all the money on the journey. The young man is on his first journey to Beijing. trip:(c.n.) 时间短、距离近的旅行,来回走一次可称为“a trip”。 e.g. make a round-trip:跑个来回 a trip around the world:周游世界 make / take a trip to England:去英国旅行 I will be on a business trip to the USA. I have made three trips to the teachers office. tour:(c.n.) 周游,(以观光为目的的)旅行、游历e.g. a around-the-world tour:环球观光旅行 a guided tour:有导游带领的游览 make a tour of :游览Our American friends are making a tour of Shanghai. travel:指到国外或遥远的地方旅行1)单数时,是抽象名词,指“旅行”这一抽象概念,没有明确的目的地。 e.g. We are all fond of travel. At present, group travel is encouraged. He will set out on another air travel to Hong Kong. 2)复数时,通常指具体的旅行。 e.g. He came back from his travels to the North. She bought some valuable things on her travels.3) 可用作动词,作“旅行、传送”解 e.g. I like traveling. How about you? We travel to work every day. Light travels 300, 000kms a second. voyage:C 海上的航行、太空旅行 e.g. go on a voyage, take / make a voyage The voyage from England to India used to take over 6 months. She fell ill during the voyage and had to be sent away by a helicopter

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