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2019-2020年高中英语必修2Unit5Lesson2BeijingOpera7Task 1 Assignment- Internet Reading (课前完成)How well you use internet to search information?Beijing opera is considered as a national treasure in China, and dates back to(goes back to) long time ago. In the 55th year of the reign of Emperor(皇帝) Qianlong of Qing Dynasty(1790), the four big Huiban opera Troupes (徽班) entered the capital. Gradually, through a period of more than half a century of bination of various kinds of opera, there came out the present Peking Opera. Today, Beijing Opera is the largest and most influential kind of opera in China and its richness, great number of artists, avid audience, and profound influence are inparable in China.Since Mei Lanfang, the grand master of Peking opera, visited Japan in 1919, Peking opera has bee more and more popular with people all over the world, and it has made an excellent contribution to cultural exchange between China and the West. Peking Opera house of Beijing has been invited to perform in U.S.A., England, France, Germany, Italy (three times), Australia, Japan( four times), Brazil, Turkey, Singapore, South korea and Hongkong (five times). The performances have made an outstanding contribution to Sino-foreign cultural exchange and to the promotion of friendly association of peoples in the world, and were highly appreciated by foreign audiences. In 1993 Peking Opera House of Beijing as a big Peking opera troupe made a performance visit to Taiwan, pushing the cultural exchange to a new height.Peking opera is a bination of action, singing, dialogue and mime, acrobatic fighting and dancing to represent a story or different characters and their feelings of gladness, anger, sorrow, happiness, surprise, fear and sadness. In Peking opera there are four types of roles: sheng , dan, jing, and chou. The characters may be loyal or treacherous, beautiful or ugly, good or bad, their images being vividly manifested. Peking opera is mainly engaged in fairy tales of preceding dynasties, important historical events, emperors, ministers and generals, geniuses and great beauties, from the ancient times to Yao, Shun, Yu, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period and the dynasties of Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing. The melody of Peking opera, with harmonious(和谐的) rhythms is graceful and pleasing to the ears. The melody may be classified into(分类) two groups: Xipi and erhong. The chief musical instruments is jinghu (a two-stringed bowed instrument with a high register). The costumes in Peking opera are graceful, magnificent, elegant and brilliant, most of which are made in handicraft embroidery(刺绣).The types of facial make-ups in Peking opera are rich and various, depicting different characters and remarkable images, therefore they are highly appreciated.Task 2 plete the fact-file according to the information you get.Beijing Opera Fact-filemain roles roleskills historyBeijing Opera costumeinstrumentspainted faceSearch the internet and find out the highlight information about Beijing Opera. See what information interest you most.Beijing OperaHistoryMain Roles主要的角色Master 京剧大师&Famous artistsSkills need Instruments乐器Melody 音律Types of story Facial-make-ups脸谱CostumesPeking Opera HouseInfluence at home and abroad影响Lesson 18 Beijing OperaType of this class: LISTEN & SPEAKING 听说课Objectives 教学目标l To practise using Internet to search information of Beijing Opera -Background Knowledgel To practise using listening strategies.(get the general idea-key words)l To practise talking about Beijing Opera-National Treasure in English.Difficult points: 教学难点l Students may be unfamiliar with the topic Beijing Opera and find it hard to understand the TV programme.l Some students might feel less confident in talking about Beijing Opera in English.Teaching Aids 教学辅助l Internetl Multi-mediaTeaching method 教学方法l Task-basedl InteractionStudying Strategy (Listening & Speaking) 学习策略l Before listening, read the questionsl Use your general knowledge to think of possible answersl The first time you listen, try to get the general idea and take notesl Dont translate everything you want to say into English when you are speakingl Avoid talking about things that are difficult to express in Englishl When you speak in English, simplify what you want to say.l Put the useful words and phrases into use.Task 3: Listening“Watch live TV programme “Chinese CultureBeijing Opera”(Let the students play parts in the TV programme and show it live in class instead of listening to the recorder) Listening Tips: guess the possible answer , listen for key words, make notes when necessarySection I-1. What is not mentioned about Beijing Opera?a. history b. main roles c. instrument d. costume e. skills f.painted face2. When did Beijing Opera start?a. the late 17th centuryb. the late 18th centuryc. the late 19h century3. What is the origin of Beijing Opera?a. Beijing b. Anhui c. Hunan d. Anhui and Hunan4. Beijing Opera is a bination of _?a. acting b. talking c. singing d. dancing e. acrobatics f. music5. Match the main roles with their namesshengmale roles with brightly painted facesdanfemale rolesjingclown roleschoumale roles 6. Which of the following sentence is true.a. It is hard to tell the different roles in Beijing Opera.b. Meilanfang has visited Japan in 1918.c. The music in Beijing Opera is loud in order to be heard clearly.7. What are the features of the Beijing Opera?a._b._c._Listening material of the TV programme” Chinese CultureBeijing OperaRoles: Professor Lei , TV hostess W , Artist M A foreigner -PW: Wele to Chinese Culture. In todays programme were going to discuss the features of Beijing Opera. But first, Let me introduce three guests today. We have Professor Lei-an expert on Beijing Opera, Miss Man-a famous artist and Mr. Panda from America-a Beijing Opera fan. We also have class 1 students from Guizhou Middle School here in the studio. Wele you all.W: Professor Lei, could you tell us when Beijing Opera started?Lei: As we all know, Bei is a national treasure of China. The art dates back to the late 18th century. You know, at that time, four Huiban Opera Troupes(徽班) entered the capital to celebrate Qianlongs birthday.W: That is to say, Beijing Opera starts more than 200 years ago in Qing Dynasty.Lei: Yes, exactly. Although it is called Beijing Opera, its origins are not in Beijing but in Anhui and Hubei province.W: That sounds new to me. We know there are many roles in Bei, but how many main roles are there in Bei.?Lei: There are four main roles: sheng, dan, jing, chou. Sheng is the male roles, dan is the female roles, chou is clown roles and jing is roles with brightly-painted face masks.W: But would it be hard to tell the roles?Lei: Actually not, the moment the performers get on stage, you can tell their roles. As the different color of the faces represent different characters and personality and also each role has its fixed singing and acting stylesW: So that is why we say the painted face is the distinctive feature of Beijing Opera. Then, Miss Man, I know it is not easy to be an excellent artist of Beijing Opera. What skills should an artist has?M: Beijing Opera is a bination of acting, talking, singing, dancing, music and acrobatics.W: So, As a Beijing Opera artist, you need to be multi-talented. M: Absolutely!W: I know Meilanfang is a famous Chinese name in the world of Beijing Opera. Could you tell us something about him?M: Yes, we call Meilanfang- the master of Beijing Opera who has made an excellent contribution to cultural exchange between China and Western. Since he visited Japan in 1919, Peking Opera has bee more and more popular with people all over the world.W: Mr. Panda, I know you show great interest in Beijing Opera. What is your impression on Beijing Opera?P: The painted face impress me most! I found it fascinating! But I wonder why music is very loud and the performers usually sing in a piercing style And I also find the costumes are often in bright color, why is that? But I really want to know the reason.W: That sounds very questionsAsk the audience-W: Lei: That is because in the early days, Beijing Opera was performed mostly on open-air stages in markets, streets, teahouses or courtyard. It was quite noisy outside. So they played loudly so that the crowds can hear clearly. M: And as Beijing Opera was performed mostly on open-air stages and there was no lights at that time. The stage was lit by oil lamps only. If the costumes werent in bright colors, the crowds wouldnt be able to see them clearly.W: Oh, I see. So gradually the loud music and bright color costumes became special features of Beijing Opera. By the way, Mr. Panda, When did you begin to know Beijing opera?P: My mother is a Chinese. She is Beijing Opera lover. I got to know Beijing Opera since I was a child though I grew up in America. I can say there are dedicated fans all over the world. You know, now some universities in America and Japan has a special course for the Beijing Opera. Most of my friends show great interest in Beijing Opera as well. We also want to play Beijing Opera in English.W: That sounds interesting! We are really proud of it. That is the end of the show. Thank you for listening.Task 4 . Speaking You serve as a volunteer guide in a foreign tour group during the Beijing xx Olympic Games . Your foreign tourists show great interest in Beijing Opera. Tell them about Beijing Opera according to what youve learned about. You can give a brief introduction or say what impress/interest you most about Beijing Opera national treasure date back to bination include various represent costume popular with exchange play an important part in Beijing Opera is considered to be a _of China. It _the late 18th century. It is a _of fixed action, singing, dancing, talking, music and acrobatics to tell a story. Beijing Opera _four main types of roles: sheng, dan, jing, chou. Each roles has its fixed acting style. In Beijing Opera there are _painted faces which _different characters and personality. The _in Beijing Opera are always very bright and graceful. Symbolism _carrying a plex plots.Since Mei Lanfang, the great master of Beijing Opera visited Japan in 1919, Beijng Opera has bee more and more _ people all over the world. It has made an excellent contribution to cultural _ between China and the West.Task 4 Voice your opinion wBeijing Opera as a national treasure, however, is not so popular with young generation. What do you think should be done to help develop Beijing Opera?


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