2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea 第2课时同步检测 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea 第2课时同步检测 新人教版选修7.单项填空1He would like to learn art, but under the pressure of his parents, he had to_his art and study law.Aremove BabandonCcancel Dpolish答案:B本题题意:他想学艺术,但在他父母的压力下,他不得不放弃艺术去学习法律。abandon“放弃;遗弃”,符合题意;remove“去除,消除;移动”;cancel“取消”;polish“擦亮;磨光”。2Ill see you again next month but_lets keep in touch.Ain the meantime Bin the same timeCin a while Dback and forth答案:A本题题意:下个月再见,不过在此期间让我们保持联系。in the meantime“与此同时”,相当于at the same time。in a while“一会儿”;back and forth“来来回来”。3When the woman awoke, she found herself in_of a moonless and starless night.Adepths Ba depthCthe depths Ddepth答案:Cin the depth(s)of“在最深处”,为固定词组。4A person who has been someone or something can bear_to the fact.Awitness BevidenceCpromise Dappearance答案:A本题题意:曾看到某人或某事的人能够对事实充当证人。bear witness to“做证人/证据”,为固定词组,符合题意。evidence“根据;证据”;promise“承诺”;appearance“出现;露面”。5They urged that the library_open during the holiday.Akept Bwas keptCkeep Dbe kept答案:Durge“极力主张;驱策”,后接宾语从句时从句应用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“(should)动词原形”;keep与the library之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动形式。6The children will_in their fathers shop when things are busy.Afind out Bhelp outCcarry out Dmake out答案:B本题题意:孩子们在父亲生意忙时就去他店里帮忙。help out“帮助摆脱困境”,符合题意。find out“找到;找出”;carry out“执行;实施”;make out“起草;辨别;理解”。7When most of his family, including his brothers,_from their homeland to Mexico or the US after 1949, he stayed.Aflowed BfliedCfled Dfollowed答案:C本题题意:1949年之后,当他大部分家人,包括他的兄弟,逃往墨西哥或美国之时,他留了下来。flee from.to.“从逃到”,符合题意。flow“流动”;fly“飞;飞翔”;follow“跟随”。8There was_time_I thought you were the love of my life.Aa; that Ba; whenCthe; that Dthe; when答案:B本题题意:曾经有一刻,我认为你是我今生的挚爱。a time表示“一段时间”;when引导定语从句,修饰a time。9“You cant catch me!”Janet shouted, _away.Arun BrunningCto run Dran答案:B本题题意:“你抓不住我!”珍妮喊着跑开了。分析句子可知,所填的词在句中作伴随状语,而动词原形不可作状语,故排除A项和D项;C项不定式不作伴随状语。10Its too late. Im afraid we cant catch the bus._! We still have 5 minutes left.AThis way, please BGood ideaCe on DThis is my treat答案:C本题题意:“太迟了,恐怕我们赶不上公交车了。”“加把劲,我们还有五分钟呢。”e on“加油”,符合语境。This way,please“请这边走”;Good idea“好主意”;This is my treat“我请客”。.课文概述根据课文内容进行填空,每空限填一词。I had heard of the killers that helped whalers catch huge whales. When I worked at a whaling station, I_1_it many times. One afternoon, I heard a loud noise ing from the bay. We ran down to the shore_2_time to see an enormous animal throwing itself out of the water. George, one of the whales, told me that it was Old Tom, the killer, who was telling us theres a whale. Another whaler_3_out to_4_a whale hunt. We immediately handed out into the bay, with Old Tom_5_us the way. Using a telescope we saw that several killers_6_the whale were throwing themselves on top of the whales blowhole to stop it_7_, while others were stopping it diving or_8_out to sea. Then the man in the bow of the boat aimed at the whale and killed it. These killers_9_harmed or attacked people. Once when we were in the bay, the sea was_10_, for which James was carried away by waves. Worse still, there was a shark. Fortunately, Old Tom rescued James.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案:1.witnessed2.in3.yelled4.announce5showing6.over7.breathing8.fleeing9.never10.rough.每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同或相近。1Did anyone see the traffic accident that happened near the school yesterday?Did anyone_the traffic accident happening near the school yesterday?2Luckily the truck in front of us turned to our left, but it was a very near miss.Fortunately the truck_ _us turned to our left, but it was a very near miss.3The enemy had run away from the village when we arrived.The enemy had_ _the village when we arrived.4No one knows how deep the lake is.No one knows_ _of the lake.5Father was painting the walls and at the same time little Mike was watching TV.Father was painting the walls and_ _ _little Mike was watching TV.6With his help I worked out the difficult physics problem.He_me_with the difficult physics problem.答案:(1)witness(2)ahead of(3)fled from(4)the depth(5)in the meantime(6)helped; out.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。You can tell a lot about a person from the clothes they wear, but you can also tell a lot about a person simply from the handbags they carry. Its hard to believe, but you can find out a number of things about a womans personality just by looking at the type of handbag she sports.Styles:Under the ShoulderHandbags which are smaller and fit tightly underneath the shoulder indicate class and sophistication(老练). A woman working in an upscale office or someone of high stature would choose this form of handbag.Big and BulkyBig, bulky and oversized bags are casual and are often associated with younger individuals. These are used for individuals who carry a number of things(binders, books etc.)and require a lot of space. Downtoearth, lowermaintenance women would carry this type of handbag.Cigar Box PursesA woman who carries a cigar box purse likes to be unique and standout from the crowd. These women have minds of their own and cannot be told what to do.Leather with Buckles and ZippersWomen who choose leather purses with lots of buckles and zippers are showing their wild sides. These women tend to act before they think and are always ready for a good time. The extra buckles and zippers tend to signify a “bad girl”image.Colors:Bright ColorsBright colored handbags like pink, purple, bright blue and green indicate that the woman is fun, friendly and approachable. Women who are outgoing and sociable will tend to choose these colors.Black and BrownWomen who choose black or brown handbags tend to be more reserved and are often mistaken as being snobby or restricted. These types of handbags are often associated with downtoearth women, who are shy at first, but open up after a while.文章大意:本文是说明文。通过观察一位女士所用的手提包,我们就可以判断她具有什么样的性格。1Who is most likely to start a conversation with a stranger?AA woman with her handbag carried underneath the shoulder.BA woman carrying an oversized handbag.CA woman carrying a bright colored handbag.DA woman who chooses a black or brown handbag.答案:C推理判断题。文章倒数第二段说明,如果一个女士拥有色彩亮丽的包,说明她性格开朗,善于交际,因此她最有可能跟一个陌生人搭话。2An “Under the Shoulder”bag shows the woman_.Ahas a high social positionBis probably a small clerkCis downtoearthDworks in a high building答案:A细节理解题。从Under the Shoulder的描述可知,拥有这样的女包的女士往往社会地位高。3Women who choose leather purses with lots of buckles and zippers tend to_.Amake careful decisionBact in bad mannersCenjoy having funDbee bad girls答案:C细节理解题。从Leather with Buckles and Zippers的描述可知,这种女性性格鲁莽,喜欢玩乐。4Which of the following can be best used to describe the women who choose black or brown handbags?AReserved. BFriendly.CSnobby. DRestricted.答案:A细节理解题。从最后一段的描述可知,喜欢黑色或棕色女包的女士性格矜持(reserved),往往被误认为“势利”或“保守”,因此选A项。5A woman who carries a cigar box purse likes to_.Afollow others stepsBbe a leaderCact to their own mindsDcooperate with others答案:C细节理解题。从Cigar Box Purses的描述可知,这种女性喜欢独特,性格独立,不会听从别人的建议,故答案为C。

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