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2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习第一部分重点全程攻略Unit2Robots限时规范特训新人教版选修.完形填空(建议用时17)If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is that life in this world is bittersweet. It has been and it _1_ will be.I realized this early and every day I see further _2_ of it.It is something that we all just have to _3_.When I was a boy, I cherished my books and toys, but then I _4_ them all when our house was _5_ in the middle of one night. When growing up, I loved the isolated (孤立的) woodlands and meadows that were my _6_, but often I found myself playing _7_. At school, I found learning fun and _8_, but I was never as popular as I wanted to be. In college, I enjoyed the excitement of being out on my own, yet I still missed the love and _9_ of home.As I grew into adulthood I fell in love and had my heart _10_. I graduated from college, but I never _11_ the success I thought I would get. I had three beautiful _12_ that taught me so much about love, yet I watched my two sons _13_ daily with Autism (孤独症). I cherished the love that my Mom and Dad gave me, and then I _14_ them die before I was 50.Life is bittersweet which is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, successes and _15_. Whether life makes us bitter or sweet, _16_, is up to us. Anyhow, we could _17_ something from it. It is during the _18_ times that we grow the strongest and our goodness is most _19_. Stay strong. Love much. Live well. Please _20_ your goodness and make this world a sweeter place for all.篇章导读:本文是一篇议论文。人生喜忧参半,作者用自己的酸甜苦辣尽有的经历来证实这一点。1Ararely B.forever C.almost D.always答案:D根据下文作者讲述的自己的经历可知,人生的状况是酸甜都有,不仅现在如此,将来亦是如此。2Ainformation B.actionCexperience D.evidence答案:D通过下文可知,这样的生活证据(evidence)很多,每天皆是。3Arespect B.accept C.decline D.fight答案:B根据语境可知,这是我们所有人都必须接受的事情,故填accept。4Aborrowed B.picked C.lost D.destroyed答案:C根据上文“.cherished my books and toys, but.”中but表转折及下文中半夜火灾的发生,可知此处用lost。5Aburned down B.built up C. let out D.torn apart答案:A根据下文中的“in the middle of one night”以及上题中的讲述可知,此处表示某天半夜,“我们”的房子被烧毁。6Alaboratory B.library C.study D.playground答案:D根据第7题前“found myself playing”可知,此处指林地和草地是我的游乐场。7Afairly B.badly C.alone D.well答案:C根据上文提到的“isolated”可知,作者发现自己独自(alone)一人在玩。8Aeasy B.rapid CformalD.boring答案:A根据上文“found learning fun”可知,此处填与fun性质相同的答案。9Aconditions Bforts C.reliefs Daids答案:B此处讲作者享受独自离开家的兴奋的同时,也怀念家的爱与舒适(forts)。10Awon B.stolen C.broken D.failed答案:C此处讲作者成人后恋爱了,心受伤害了。11Ajudged B.enjoyed C.gained D.proved答案:Cgain success“获得成功”。句意:我从来未取得我曾经觉得我会取得的成功。12Achildren B.teachers C.relatives D.friends答案:A根据下文中的“watched my two sons”可知,答案是children。13Amit B.undertake C.operateD.struggle答案:Dstruggle with“与抗争”。此处指作者的两个儿子与孤独症抗争。14Awatched B.sensed Cheard D.noticed答案:A根据语境可知,此处表示作者目睹着父母去世。15Adifficulties B.failures C.hardships D.diseases答案:B根据上文中的“ups and downs, twists and turns”可知,该空填failures对应successes。16Ahowever B.therefore C.though D.otherwise答案:A根据上下文的语境可知,此处与上文是转折关系。17Aconclude B.benefit C.realizeD.learn答案:D根据首段内容可知,我们应从这些经历中学会一些东西。18Aperfect B.sweet C.tough D.suitable答案:C根据下文中的“grow the strongest”可知,我们在困境中才会变得最强大,此时,我们的善良也是最被需要的。tough times“艰难时期,困境”。19Aneeded B.showed C.found D.kept答案:A解析见上题。20Adivide B.repay C.receive D.share答案:D根据下文中的“make this world a sweeter place for all”可知,此处指应分享你的善良。.阅读理解(建议用时16)Axx宜宾模拟Getting more followers is something we usually associate with social media or micro messaging apps, but soon we could all have a new type of followera robotic one.Dozens of robots and technology fans gathered in Boston, US, earlier this month for the RoboBusiness conference. The latest developments in the world of robotics were shown to the public and this time the trend was robots following people.Perhaps the most exciting development on show was the ability of drones (无人机) to follow you from the air, acting as your own personal cameraman or photographer. One example is 3D Robotics Iris drone, developed by a USbased pany.The drone is fitted with cameras and has a “follow me” function. It connects with your GPSenabled Android device (设备), like a mobile phone. Then it flies and follows you around, shooting action footage (影片) of you from above. The software in the drone makes sure that youre always in the center of the frame.It can keep working for 15 minutes, as long as there arent too many trees for it to crash into. This could be exciting for anyone who loves action sports or wants to be the star of their own short film.But what if you want to be one of those celebrities who have helpers carrying all their bags and doing all their chores? A robot called Budgee can help.Budgee, made by 5 Elements Robotics is literally a basket on wheels. It is mainly designed to help elderly and disabled people. It is also a good choice for anyone who doesnt have enough arms for grocery bag, Wired magazine reported. It can carry up to 22.7 kg of items.To make Budgee follow them, its owner will have to wear a small device and use an app to set the distance between themselves and the robot. Budgee even sends a text message when it cant keep up with its owner.“I want you to look at the robot like hes your buddy, hes your friend. Theres a relationship you develop with the robot,” Wendy Roberts, CEO of 5 Elements Robotics, told gigaom. .It might not be quite the same as robotic assistants weve seen in movies such as Disneys WallE, where robots cater for (满足) our every need, but that idea doesnt seem quite so farfetched(不着边际的) now.篇章导读:文章主要介绍了两种最新发明的机器人的相关情况。1The drone developed by a USbased pany can_.Adecide who to put in the center of the frameBfly around you and take videos from aboveCbe used to take pictures and make phone callsDkeep working for 15 minutes in any conditions答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段中的第一句“Perhaps the most exciting development on show was the ability of drones (无人机) to follow you from the air, acting as your own personal cameraman or photographer.”可知,B选项的内容与之相符。故应选B。2According to the article, Budgee is most likely to be targeted at _.Astaff in supermarketsBelderly and disabled peopleCthose who love action sportsDcelebrities who need a close buddy答案:A细节理解题。根据第七段所讲的内容可知,这种机器人能帮人们提食品杂货袋,甚至能搬运重达22.7 公斤的东西。由此可知,它对于超市职员有利。故选A。本题易误选B,文中提到Budgee实际上是装在轮椅上的篮子,主要为帮助老人和残疾人而设计的,这是事实,而本题问的是最有可能的服务对象是谁。3The main purpose of the article is to _.Aurge people to buy the drone and BudgeeBtell the reader about two new types of robotsCcall on people to develop relationships with robotsDanalyze why the two types of robots can lead a trend答案:B推理判断题。纵观全文,文章主要讲述的是两种最新发明的机器人的相关情况。故选B正确。1latest adj. 最近的;最新的 2.trend n. 趋势;趋向3shoot v. 拍摄;摄影;射击 4.frame n. 框架;支架5device n. 装置;设备1associate with 联想;联系2keep up with 跟上;与齐头并进BFor many years, machines have been doing work that people once did, including some difficult jobs. Search and rescue operations in dangerous environments are often seen as the first areas that will employ high technology robots. But there is another area where they may soon take jobs traditionally held by human beings: the restaurant industry.Teams from around the world peted in early June at the DARPA Robotic Challenge Finals in California. A team from South Korea and its robot, called DRCHubo, won the first place in the petition. The second and third place winners were from the United States. The robots were required to drive a vehicle, climb up stTIF and do mechanical work. Such activities are easy for humans to perform, but more difficult for machines. Not all of the petitors were successful. The failures showed how difficult it is to design effective walking machines.Akihiro Suzuki works at Yaskawa Electric, a pany that develops robots. He says robots cannot do everything a human can, but they are able to work without being tired. He says robots cannot taste food, change heating levels or seasonings to get the best flavor (风味). But he says if a food can be easily prepared, a robot can repeat the same movement to reproduce the same meal.One Japanese woman who saw the robots working wanted to bring them home. Masayo Mori says she would like to have a husband who could work like a robot. Suzumo Machinery showed its sushi (寿司) maker robot. It performs the often difficult work of wrapping the popular Japanese food. Hiroshi Monden is an official with the pany. He says people all over the world now eat sushi, but there are not enough skilled workers to prepare it. He says his machine can help anyone make sushi.篇章导读:机器人已能够做很多人类可以做的事情,包括一些很难的工作。本文主要介绍了可以在餐饮业中应用的机器人。4In Paragraph 1, the author tells us _.Arobots just do difficult jobsBrobots are sometimes dangerousCrobots are widely used in our lifeDrobots are gradually replacing humans答案:C推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句“For many years, machines have been doing work that people once did, including some difficult jobs.”及最后一句“.the restaurant industry.”可知,机器人正在做着以前由人类做的工作,包括一些困难的工作,且机器人还被应用于餐饮业。由此可知,机器人正被广泛应用于我们的生活中。故选C项。5Why did some teams fail at the DARPA Robotic Challenge Finals?ATheir robots cannot be applied at home.BPreparing food is really difficult for robots.CThey failed to design effective walking robots.DTheir robots can just repeat the same movement.答案:C细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“The failures showed how difficult it is to design effective walking machines.”可知,有些参赛者的失败表明设计会走路的机器人有多难。故选C项。6We can infer from the last paragraph that _.AJapanese men are lazyBrobots are popular in JapanCJapan has advanced high technologyDrobots usually take the job of making sushi in Japan答案:B推理判断题。文章最后一段举了两个事例,一是一位看到机器人工作的日本女士想要把它们带回家,二是日本人用机器人做寿司,这两个例子都表明机器人在日本是很受欢迎的。故选B项。7In which column can we probably see the text?AScience.BCulture.CHealth.DEducation.答案:A推理判断题。本文主要介绍机器人在餐饮业中的应用,属于科技类,有可能来自于科学栏目。故选A项。1employ vt. 雇用 2.vehicle n. 交通工具;车辆3mechanical adj. 机动的 4.wrap vt. 包;裹(衣物等)5official n/adj. 官员/公务的1would like 愿意;想要2all over the world 遍及全世界.短文改错(建议用时8)In modern society, petition is everywhere. No wonder a English philosopher considers petition the source of a series of problem such as frustration and anxiety. Therefore, if we stress cooperation too much, there would be no progress. In my opinion, all are important and necessary.Lets take the petition at school for example. Even a gifted student wont make a remarkable progress if he is in a class without petition. Thats because petition, and rather, challenge is a driving force made him go forward. On the other hand, if we dont cooperate with each other, its impossible for us learn from each other. And thats why most of the great discoveries or inventions in the modern world are the result of cooperation.To conclude, those who laugh last are the people who can successful cope with the relationship between petition and cooperation.答案:In modern society, petition is everywhere. No wonder English philosopher considers petition the source of a series of such as frustration and anxiety. , if we cooperation too much, there be no progress. In my opinion, are important and necessary.Lets take the petition at school for example. Even a gifted student wont make remarkable progress if he is in a class without petition. Thats because petition, rather, challenge is a driving force him go forward. On the other hand, if we dont cooperate with each other, its impossible for us learn from each other. And thats why most of the great discoveries or inventions in the modern world are the result of cooperation.To conclude, those who laugh last are the people who can cope with the relationship between petition and cooperation.第一处:English前的aanEnglish的发音第一个音是元音,因此用an。第二处:problemproblemsa series of problems“一系列的问题”。第三处:ThereforeHowever由上下文的意思可知,此处表转折“然而”。第四处:stressstressed或would改为will考查if引导的非真实条件句或“主将从现”原则。第五处:allboth由上下文可知,用both表示两者cooperation和petition。第六处:去掉make之后的aprogress为不可数名词,不用不定冠词。第七处:andoror rather固定搭配,意为“更确切地说”。第八处:mademaking考查现在分词作后置定语。a driving force和make之间是主动关系,故用making。第九处:learn前加toIts impossible for sb. to do sth. 为固定句式,意为“某人不可能做某事”。第十处:successfulsuccessfully此处副词successfully修饰动词cope。

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